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Topics - Sten-Åke

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Game Reports / Where the protagonist chooses not to win
« on: May 01, 2015, 03:59:55 am »
This is a 3p colony game where we all use Rebuilds. None of us are any good players, so mistakes happen and there are also a certain "follow John" mentality.

I could have posted this in the help subforum. Then again, this is not so much about the sub-optimal strategy, but rather being stuck in auto-pilot.

In my last turn I get lucky and get three rebuilds into my hand. Since I counted the victory points in this game, I know that I will win if I take at least 7 points and end the game. Not too hard since only one province is left. This is not what happens though. I play it on auto-pilot; Colony > Province obviously and even Colony -> Colony must be better, and so I'm not able to end the game. That didn't play out as I wanted. :o

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