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Dominion FAQ / Viewing as a spectator on online client
« on: March 13, 2018, 11:31:38 am »

I can't figure out how to view a 3rd party game when I join a table at  It let's me "join table", but then all I see is the set-up screen showing options and chat.  I don't see how to actually go to the table to view the game?  Can someone help me with that?


Dominion FAQ / Ratings for new Dominion Online?
« on: February 24, 2018, 12:28:07 pm »
Can someone tell me where there is a more comprehensive way to look at ratings ratings for the new dominion online (  I can see on the leaderboard the position I'm in, but I'm looking for a more comprehensive website that I can browse, see how many total ratings there are, where I fit among them, find other players, etc.?  Thanks. 


I consider myself a novice to intermediate at most at Dominion strategy so go easy on me.  My ISO rating is 13.  Was wondering everyone's thoughts on when is it a good idea to NOT go for familiar, witch, or sea hag.  Probably not a black and white answer, but hoping for some feedback.  For example, if there is any trashing at all do you just ignore them go that route, loading deck w/ better cards knowing you'll be able to trash the curses that come your way and pull out a head.  Probably depends on the strength of the rest of the cards but curious on your thoughts. 

On a side note, I really hate familiar because every time it comes up I feel compelled to go after it at the expense of what I hope would be a better strategy.  The reason I feel compelled to go after familiar every time is because almost every time I try not to I get wiped out.

Tournaments and Events / Bracket tourney
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:15:01 am »
Wondering if anyone has ever tried a bracket tourney march madness style for a dominion league.  Would also be cool to have each division leader in the dominion league do a playoff. 

Goko Dominion Online / ISO level has "?" on dominion game w/ Salvager
« on: September 18, 2014, 12:56:45 pm »

I have GOKO Salvager.  Usually it shows the ISO level under your pro rating when you have Salvager installed.  Lately the ISO level has a "?" in it.  Is anyone else seeing the "?" as well or is this just an issue for me?  Any ideas on what caused this?  For some background, recently after the update at the end of August they kicked me from my username of "XD9".  After many emails back and forth with GOKO help they finally gave me back the username of XD9, but in the meantime I had been playing with the username "XD9-2-" that they gave me.  As soon as they gave me back my username of "XD9" I noticed the "?" started showing up while I play.  Any ideas on how to fix?


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