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Topics - Hydrad

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Rules Questions / Royal carriage and "in play cards"
« on: September 29, 2015, 04:10:42 pm »
So I know with throne room and cards like king court if you have a goons or highway you don't get the in play bonus many times since only one is in play.

My question is does royal carriage work like that also? I feel like It should as other wise it makes some games super broken. (Example I just had a goons game where I bought one goons and just waited to draw it then used all my carriages on it for like a easy 60+ point hand)

So obviously I think it shouldn't do that but since it say replay the card I'm wondering if the Royal carriage kinda becomes the card like band of misfits. Of if the goons just gets played twice like other doublers.

Goko Dominion Online / How to "Name" Necropolis
« on: April 13, 2015, 11:24:51 am »
I havn't had this issue arise yet but I'm wondering in a shelters game with something like wishing well or mystic lets say you know one of the shelters is going to appear. How do you name it on goko? You should be allowed to call these cards IRL right? Is there a option I'm missing or does goko not have this feature.

Sorry if this has been posted before I looked a few pages back and didn't find anything.

Rules Questions / Basic Colony question
« on: April 13, 2015, 06:38:24 am »
In a colony game there are a few ways to end the game right? 3 pile or if the colony pile is empty.

I'm wondering if the game also ends if the provinces are empty.

Variants and Fan Cards / -1 action card
« on: November 21, 2014, 04:16:06 pm »
Just an idea I thought of. How do you think a card would work if it was something like

- 1 action
+ 4 cards

I came up with that card really fast so I havn't thought of balance at all but do you think it would be interesting if there were really strong action cards but they use 2 actions when you play it?

Also I think this card would let you play it if you have only 1 action available and would act as a terminal there?

It probably would be anti fun for people as most times its hard to build up that many extra actions but was interested in what you guys thought

Rules Questions / Kings courting a card that gets trashed
« on: October 31, 2014, 02:43:23 am »
So basically I'm wondering how do you know which cards you can kings court or procession or that style when it says trash this card.

I know things like pillage will get played all 3 times. Do things like kings courting a knight that hits their knight after the first 2 cards still keep going? I think madman can't get doubled? Or maybe I'm wrong there also.

On the note of madman it says return it to supply. Does that happen immediatly or does madmen count for things like peddler still in lowering the cost.

is there a small list or something I can memorize that will let me know what cards can't be tripled?

Introductions / hihi!
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:40:40 pm »
Hey I just realized I haven't properly introduced myself.

I'm Hydrad. I recently found out about this dominion game in spring and before my first game even finished I knew that this was going to be my favorite board game for a long time (and still is). I've been lurking mostly in the forums for a bit reading all the strategy guides and trying to improve my game. I'm hoping to have all the sets really soon.

A few of you may know me from playing some of the mafia games on this forum as I've been sucked in there. But I don't think I've really been active at all in other parts of the forum.

I'm always willing to learn and enjoy talking about the game and what could of been done better to try and improve myself. I'm really trying to work my way up to becoming one of the better players but never realized how high the skillcap could be in this game. I've just hit the level 20 mark on goko so progress is slowly coming and I'm catching up!

So I guess thats pretty much me. If your ever wanting a match in dominion I'm willing to play pretty much anyone especially if I get advice after the games!

Goko Dominion Online / My pro rating just went up 1000 randomly?
« on: August 28, 2014, 03:12:11 pm »
So I was around 4400 pro rating and have never even gotten close to 5000 before.

I end up losing a game and it says something like -100 rating. But then I notice that my rating is suddenly 5400. I've tried relogging and looking on the leaderboards and it looks like it really thinks my rating is at 5400. Is this a known bug or does anyone know why it might of happened?

Dominion General Discussion / Someone want to help me learn?
« on: August 24, 2014, 06:14:42 pm »
So I'm really interested in this game and have been trying to get good at it for a while. I've played about 3 games in RL and just broke 100 on goko. Still I feel like there are so many things I still need to learn.

Would anyone be willing to play with me on goko and help me out as I go along? I sometimes see players choose a card and I want to ask them why they would pick it as it doesn't make sense to me but most people in goko don't really answer. Even if you don't want to help I would love to just play against some higher rated people to see if I would choose the same as them.

I have read many articles and watched previous streams from people like wanderingwinder but I guess I would just enjoy some place where I can ask real time questions as they appear.

My goko username is Hydrad and I will pretty much be on for a while today I think. Just send me a PM or something and I would love to play. We also can just do casual if you don't want your pro rating to be affected, doesn't matter to me.

Rules Questions / Question about look through your deck for X
« on: June 15, 2014, 03:19:57 pm »
I have a question about cards like lets say golem. It says you look through your deck until you find 2 action cards right? My question is will this trigger a shuffle if you don't find enough in your deck? If i only have 2 cards in my deck and 20 in discard will it allow my to shuffle my discard pile into my deck?

Rules Questions / Rules question with more players
« on: June 13, 2014, 03:09:54 am »
So this is a pretty basic question but I can't seem to find an actual answer for it. for 2-3 players I believe it takes 3 piles to empty for the game to end. My question is how many does it take for 4 players? I'm pretty sure players 5-6 is 4 piles out will end the game but I don't know how many for 4.

My issue is that searching online for a bit I for places that said with 4 players it takes 4 piles to empty. The problem is in the rules that we got from the game it says 4 players is 3 pile outs. So I'm slightly confused.

Rules Questions / Scheme with a duration card
« on: June 12, 2014, 01:34:30 am »
If you Scheme a duration card that you just played would it still gain the effects next turn? or would you cancel it out and end up drawing it.

Also can you Scheme a duration card that you played last turn to get a combo like tactician going really easily?

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