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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Request: Randomize button in Create Table
« on: November 27, 2018, 07:41:54 pm »
The way I create kingdoms IRL is to start with a randomizer, then tweak the random board (optionally change one or two cards). I'd like the tools to do the same online.

My pipe dream: getting automatched opponents for kingdoms made this way. If I could do that, I'd start paying for expansions again.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Frozen Rats
« on: July 21, 2018, 07:11:20 pm »
"Waiting for Lord Rattington." Game 16587615. Never saw it stop to think before.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Feature Request: Mute the chat
« on: April 23, 2018, 02:50:42 am »
I wanna be able to turn this shit off...

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Idea: Add a card to a rated game
« on: February 11, 2018, 05:49:38 pm »
Kind of the converse of a ban list (which I also hope we're getting soon). Where ban list addresses all those games where you think, "This would be so much more fun if it didn't have (card x)," with this I'm looking to address the games where I've said, "This would be so much more fun if it had a (card type x, like splitter, trasher, etc)."

The idea is that you see 8 random cards instead of 10 (for 2-player games, 7 for 3, etc), and finish setup by each player picking one card to add. If players pick the same card either add another random card or choose one of them at random to re-select.

What do folks think, would you use a feature like this?

Goko Dominion Online / Anyone else using the Linux client?
« on: December 21, 2015, 12:48:08 am »
Latest client.  Initial splash screen, no loading bar or anything, no change from there, ever.  Console spits out this much and then also stops dead.  No logs that I can find.  Anyone got a hack for me?

$ ./Dominion.x86_64
Set current directory to /home/blank/Downloads/Dominion
Found path: /home/blank/Downloads/Dominion/Dominion.x86_64
Mono path[0] = '/home/blank/Downloads/Dominion/Dominion_Data/Managed'
Mono path[1] = '/home/blank/Downloads/Dominion/Dominion_Data/Mono'
Mono config path = '/home/blank/Downloads/Dominion/Dominion_Data/Mono/etc'
displaymanager : xrandr version warning. 1.4
client has 3 screens
displaymanager screen (0)(eDP1): 1366 x 768
displaymanager screen (1)(VGA1): 1024 x 768
Using libudev for joystick management

Importing game controller configs

Game Reports / Combo: Develop/Doctor?
« on: June 27, 2015, 02:46:32 pm »

theblankman   plays Develop
theblankman   trashes Tactician
theblankman   gains Death Cart
theblankman   gains Hunting Grounds
theblankman   plays Doctor
theblankman   names Hunting Grounds
theblankman   reveals: Hunting Grounds, Death Cart, Silver
theblankman   trashes Hunting Grounds
theblankman   gains Estate
theblankman   gains Estate
theblankman   gains Estate

From there I piled estates for the win. 

Goko Dominion Online / A trick for when goko won't load a game...
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:38:09 pm »
Ever been waiting for your opponent to take their turn 1, wondering if they're there, and try to chat with them to ask?  I've been on both sides of this, and realized that if you're stuck on the goko game-loading screen, you can still chat with your opponent via Salvager!  You just have to be slightly comfortable with javascript, and have the Salvager side-log turned on.

Open your js console.  When Salvager diverts your opponent's messages to its sidebar, it also logs them to the console, so you can see what your opponent says there.  To talk back, use Salvager's function for sending automatic chats like "#vpon", like so...
GS.sendRoomChat("sorry, stuck on loading screen, yay goko");

Note: Only tested on Chrome on Linux.  And I know this isn't all that helpful most of the time.  I just thought it was neat to still be finding new things that Salvager can do, it's almost like a feature added by accident :) 

Dominion General Discussion / Best Dominion Moments 2015
« on: April 11, 2015, 12:34:17 am »
New thread for the new year, even though we're pretty far into said year already...

And starting off with a game where in the end my opponent had all 10 Cultists... and all 10 Ruins.  Don't see that every day...

Game Reports / Candlestick Maker a good opener?
« on: April 06, 2015, 02:41:56 pm »

I'm really getting to like opening CSM on 3/4 in a lot of games where it appears.  Early tempo suffers a little compared to Silver, but coin tokens help smooth out your next few shuffles, non-terminal +buy is pretty great, and overpaying for it by $1 on your first shuffle feels a lot less bad than overpaying by a ton later on (which I sometimes myself doing when I have plenty of economy but am desperate for buys).  What do you guys think, how often do you take CSM over Silver for an opening $3? 

Game Reports / Maybe the longest game I've played...
« on: April 02, 2015, 02:26:06 pm »

Code: [Select]
Hamlet, Smugglers, Bishop, Envoy, Rats, Thief, Band of Misfits, Counterfeit, Harvest, Mystic

Not longest in terms of turns, but we both took a LOT of time thinking about our turns, counting possible points, figuring out what the other could do, tracking our decks and watching for pile endings.  Marin said it was probably the longest s/he has played also.  We chatted a lot during, and both decided we had probably made many mistakes and wanted to post for the experts...

I think the optimal strategy here involves Rats and Bishop in a big way, but beyond that I'm not at all sure if I bought components in the right order or played the endgame ideally.  I know that we both let our decks lose too much economy in the middle (buying coppers, yuck!).  I think getting Mystic was a good choice in a thin deck like this, because I would almost always guess right and it provided much needed money.  But I also like my opponent's Band of Misfits for its flexibility. 

Great game, lots of tension, and neither of us was sure we played it right at all :) 

Help! / How early to resign?
« on: March 28, 2015, 06:33:58 pm »

Code: [Select]
Candlestick Maker, Fortune Teller, Alchemist, Coppersmith, Scavenger, Duke, Governor, Junk Dealer, Laboratory, Hoard

Is there any response to missing $5 early on a board like this?  Could I have done something with Alchemist if I pick up a Potion instead of the second Scavenger?  Try to get Duchies and Dukes before my opponent empties the Provinces?  Or was this game just hopeless on turn 5?

Goko Dominion Online / Another New Goko Feature!
« on: March 28, 2015, 03:35:34 pm »
Okay, I have no idea if this is actually new, just putting it out there as an FYI for anyone else... resigning during a possessed turn can apparently cause your opponent's browser to freeze.  In this game, MicQ resigned as I was playing his Possession turn.  In the Salvager sidebar, I saw his gg comment, and that he left the game.  Meanwhile the main interface shifted from his hand back to mine, and just stayed there.  I had to check the log on just to see if I was even credited with a win. 

To be clear, not at all MicQ's fault, this is totally on Goko.  And once I knew the game was really over, I just had to refresh the browser.  But now I know that if someone's possessing me and I'm gonna lose, I will at least wait until they're done with the possession turn(s) to resign. 

Dominion General Discussion / More Kingdom Design: Very Fast Kingdom
« on: January 15, 2015, 11:41:50 am »

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Lookout, Philosopher's Stone, Band of Misfits, Highway, Jester, Market, Rabble, Rogue, Peddler

Been toying with this one since a league match way back in season one... there's really fast pile-ending possibilities with Highway, Market, Peddler and Lookout for thinning.  The board is interesting enough already, as you have to carefully control piles and track your opponent's deck in a mirror to make sure they won't pile out and beat you.  But that's only four relevant kingdom cards.  I'd like to see if I can add another viable strategy to the board, but if NOT contested, the Highway/Market stack can get all 8 Provinces really fast (~14 turns), so it's tough.  This is the original random kingdom from my league match, not any variant I've tried.  I'm thinking strong alt-VP (Vineyard?) or a really fast Money-support card (Wharf? Jack?) might work.  Other ideas? 

So flies and I played this game in which we both tried a library engine with Upgrades, me using Graverobber as the main payload and him running money with a little GR help.  Afterwards we got to talking about making the Library engine a little better, and also letting Moneylender shine a little more, and wound up with this kingdom:

Code: [Select]
Oasis, Mining Village, Moneylender, Sea Hag, Trader, Worker's Village, Graverobber, Library, Market, Upgrade
Thoughts?  Would you have fun playing it?  Suggest any other cards to work in? 

Dominion General Discussion / Yet Another Veto Thread
« on: October 30, 2014, 12:41:43 pm »
So I suggested this to MF here:

There have been lots of arguments about specific-card veto on these forums, and my general issue with iso-style veto and its variants, as well as DXV's hate-list idea, is that I think they'll lead to de-facto banning of a few widely disliked cards, when really, like everything else, the degree to which a card makes the game less fun depends on the rest of the kingdom.  So my suggestion is rather than specific card hate, you can only veto a whole kingdom.  So in Pro games, one player can offer "Let's play a different kingdom" on their first turn, and if all opponents accept, a new kingdom is generated and we act like the vetoed game never happened. 

Sorry if this has been suggested before, but I'm curious what people think of it. 

Dominion General Discussion / So many choices... what to do?
« on: September 17, 2014, 10:04:25 pm »

Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Hamlet, Pawn, Squire, Doctor, Fishing Village, Spice Merchant, Mystic, Venture, Wharf
Sadly my opponent lost connection and we didn't get to play this one out.  I feel like it would have been a hell of a game.  Do you rush Vineyards with those cheap piles of +Buy actions, ignoring cards as strong as Fishing Village and Wharf?  If so, which two of Hamlet, Pawn and Squire do you choose to empty?  Or do you build the Wharf engine and play for Provinces and/or huge Vineyards?  If you play the engine, do you thin with Spice Merchant, Doctor, both or neither?  Does Mystic ever become relevant for more money?  I feel like Venture is the only card I definitely don't want here.  Really fun-looking board.  Too bad we didn't get to play it :( 

Game Reports / Build order for Minion engine?
« on: August 09, 2014, 02:39:41 am »

Code: [Select]
Candlestick Maker, Advisor, Feodum, Thief, Counterfeit, Graverobber, Haggler, Minion, Stash, Upgrade

Andrew and I went for fairly similar Minion engines here, but neither of us was quite sure what order to build and which complementary pieces to take.  We both got Counterfeit as the first $5, Upgrade later, and Graverobber in the late game.  He took a Haggler and more Advisors, while I went for a few more Candlestick Makers.  In chat we weren't really sure which were the better choices, let alone what order to buy them.


Not sure if there's any article covering this already, but...

I can't put my finger on where, but I've read somewhere that if there's a dominant $5 card, and you want to the best possible chance to get it on turn 3 or 4 after a 3/4 opening, that opening should just be Silver/Silver on most boards, or Silver/virtual-Silver (e.g. Militia). 

What I'm wondering about is: what if that key card costs $6, but you're still looking to buy one or two ASAP?  Turn 3/4 is less realistic for $6, but does anyone have words of wisdom for increasing your chance of getting $6 on the second reshuffle, i.e. turn 5/6? 

Example strategies where this might come up include BM + Hoard, BM + Goons, Border Village + Cultist/Torturer/Rabble/etc (in that last one, I've noticed that if both players get their first attack on the same shuffle, but one buys it at 5 and the other gets the free village, the player with the village usually wins, especially if the attack is Torturer). 

I guess if there's some consensus out there about how to do this, I'll compile it into a real article.  After we get there, it might also be worth considering other spending points.  Like what kind of openings lead quickest into decks built around King's Court?  Or how do you build an engine where all the pieces cost $4 or less, so you're not immediately worried about hitting $5? 

Rules Questions / Procession -> Coppersmith
« on: April 12, 2014, 05:37:45 am »
If I play Procession targeting Coppersmith, do coppers produce +2 or +0 as a result?  The online game behaved oddly when I tried it tonight.  Normally when Coppersmith is played, the number on copper cards in hand increases immediately.  But when I processed the Coppersmith, it stayed at 1.  I played another Coppersmith (just normal, no Procession) the same turn and the numbers still didn't change.  But then when I hit my buy phase and played all those coppers, they were worth $4 at that point.  So is that just a display bug, and the coppers ultimately had the correct value of $4; or an actual gameplay bug, i.e. the coppers should've been worth only $2 because the double-played Coppersmith was trashed? 

Dominion General Discussion / More Dominion Poetry
« on: April 10, 2014, 11:15:07 am »
It began at, and escalated to the point of deserving its own thread imho, so this is that thread, and here is my next contribution...

Ambassador fights hurt my head
Of their strategy much has been said
Send back and forth copper
Wish for a real chopper
Why can't we have Steward instead?

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