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Dominion General Discussion / Best strategy in this kingdom?
« on: August 02, 2013, 05:45:52 pm »
I'm new to prosperity and tonight me and my friends played two of the recommended sets.
All the matches became really slow and particularly the "Friendly Interactive" ( Bishop, City, Contraband, Forge, Hoard, Peddler, Royal Seal, Trade Route, Vault, Worker's Village )
We took around 25 turns to end the colony game, so my question is: which is, in this case, the best strategy to apply?

Thanks, and sorry for my bad english!  :)

Dominion General Discussion / Elucidation about Bishop/Peddler
« on: August 01, 2013, 07:35:39 am »
From the Bishop's wiki:

Bridge / Peddler / Quarry, because of the cost differential (buy a Peddler for 0 , trash it for +5 vp tokens )

The Peddler price is 8 so should not be +4 vp tokens?
thanks, and sorry for my bad english

Dominion General Discussion / How to play these cards?
« on: July 11, 2011, 07:34:12 am »
There are some cards in Dominion that i really don't know how to play!
here there are the most difficult for me to play:

-Minion (it seems to me useless and expensive)
-Shanty town

In wich kind of deck i can use them?
Wich is the best strategy with these cards and their useful?
Thank you again!

Dominion General Discussion / Beat Big Money
« on: July 05, 2011, 11:50:08 am »
hi to everyone i'm new. i write from italy and i play Dominion from one month ago with my friends.
last night a friend played only with Big Money and he won 3/3 games!
so i start posting on this forum with a simple question that is: big money is the best strategy ever?
how could players beat it?

i know that the basically strategies are often:
+actions --> +cards/+buy
+cards -->money

but unfortunally big money works always better...
thank you!

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