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Topics - XerxesPraelor

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Variants and Fan Cards / Xerxes's cards
« on: January 18, 2018, 05:17:38 pm »
Hello everyone, I'm back!

I went through my old cards, found major problems with most of them, mocked up all the ones I didn't. Here they are. I might try to make it into a set some time, though I'm not sure.

Like Conclave or Imp, it's a fun way to do extra actions, and this is different from either of those.

A simple Peddler-, which works well with +buy.

Exchange makes this simpler, the cantrip makes it okay to buy late in the game, Reformer makes for some fun turns.

Unlike Harbinger, this is a terminal action, so you can play another terminal if the timing is bad. Good for reliability, perhaps a little weak.

One of my favorite cards in the set, surprisingly difficult to word optimally. You don't want to allow for end-of-game province gaining, but it might be too weak if only allowing kingdom cards. That's an option, though.

The last one, a little random, but the unreliability allows for its effect to be stronger which makes for a more fun experience.

Variants and Fan Cards / Bomb - the one shot trasher!
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:37:26 pm »
So, I thought the idea of a one-shot trasher that takes time to get at the beginning was interesting, and so I've come up with this variant of bomb. I tried to fit it in my expansion, but the super-trashing space was already taken up, so here it is by itself. Any comments?

Bomb - $3
Action - Tech
+3 Cards.
Trash any number of cards from your hand.
Trash this.
You cannot buy this unless you have a Gunpowder in play.

Gunpowder - $2
+1 Action
At the end of your buy phase, return this to the Gunpowder pile.
The first time you buy this per turn, +1 Buy.

Setup: if there is a Tech card in play, put the Gunpowder pile into the supply.

Help! / Help getting better?
« on: October 19, 2015, 10:10:44 pm »
Hi, I'm Xerxes Praelor. I've been on this forum for a while, and I'm just now trying to become acceptably good at playing Dominion. Online I'm beaten in virtually every game with an experienced player (or even one who bought any sets).

I decided to post the first game I lost, and after a funny winning streak, got this:

Can anyone help explain what I did wrong here? (except for the misclick forgetting to play festival, I see that  :))

General Discussion / Coincidences
« on: September 18, 2015, 09:51:54 am »
I was having fun looking at auto-generated Computer Science papers, and then re-discovered the "Chicken Chicken Chicken: Chicken Chicken" paper, and then discovered the person who wrote the paper also runs isotropic.

Just recently, someone, also completely unrelated to f.ds, pointed out "" as being a high quality name-generator (which it is), and I recognized the beginning address immediately.

I just think it's cool how small the world is here.

Variants and Fan Cards / Less Ruined Ruins
« on: July 08, 2015, 01:13:58 pm »
I've often the Ruins to be not dissimilar enough from Confusions to really show off their bad-actionness. Here's a few changes to make them feel more like actions instead of plain junk.

Ruined Village - Action/Ruins - $1
+2 Actions

Ruined Library - Action/Ruins - $1
Draw to 5 cards in hand.

Ruined Mine - Action/Ruins - $1
Gain a silver.

Ruined Market - Action/Ruins - $1
+1 Buy

Survivors - Action/Ruins - $1
Trash a card from your hand.

Cultist should still be okay.
Death Cart should still be fine.
Marauder can give them the ruins on top of their deck.

Mafia Game Threads / RMM 24 - Dominion: Adventures Mafia (Mafia wins!)
« on: March 10, 2015, 02:04:16 pm »
Welcome to RMM 24 - Dominion: Adventures Mafia!

Mod: XerxesPraelor



1. Hydrad
2. Faust
3. Silverspawn
4. GreyICE
5. xpittip
6. Seprix
7. Jimmmm
8. witherweaver
9. LibraryAdventurer
10. Awalcus
11. Ichimaru Gin




The Golden Rule:

Please remember that this is a game and your main objective is to have fun!  Be considerate of each other, don’t get personal, and enjoy the game.

Please read The Civility Pledge before signing up for any mafia game on this site.  If you have not /pledged there, you cannot play.

Excessive personal attacks or uncivil behavior may be dealt with by modifiers or modkills.

1. General Gameplay and Etiquette:

1. You may not quote private Moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind.  Paraphrasing (for role claims, etc.) is acceptable.
2. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings unless specifically allowed.  Mafia members may communicate at night and during the confirmation stage.
3. As a general rule you should aim for one post every 24 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.
4. All players are required to confirm that they are still playing to the moderator each night through a personal message. Night will not end until all players have confirmed that they are still playing.

2. Voting, Deadlines, and Player Death:

1. A simple majority (rounded up) of all living members must agree on one person for a lynch to occur prior to deadline.
2. Once a simple majority has been reached no further unvoting will change someone’s fate.  Further votes will also be ignored.
3. Once a player is lynched the game enters twilight until the mods lock the thread; all players including the one who was lynched may continue to post during twilight. When a lynch occurs, their alignment and dominion card are revealed and the game will proceed to the night phase.
4. Days will last 9 days and Nights will last 2 days.
5. If the day deadline has been reached without a lynch the day will proceed immediately to night with no lynch occuring.
6. Please submit votes as: Vote: PlayerName.  Votes will NOT be counted if they are not bold or do not follow this syntax! Obvious abbreviations or nicknames will be counted so long as they are unambiguous.
7. Please submit vote revocations as either Unvote: PlayerName or Unvote. Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes.
8. You may Vote: No Lynch - a simple majority of these vote types are required to send the game to Night phase without a lynch.
9. Once you are killed (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post in the game. This means that you do not even get a “Bah” post. The dead in this game are silent.
10. If the thread is locked, you may not post.  Threads can be locked for various reasons, but no matter what the reason, you may not post.  The mod may forget to lock the thread, but if they say it is locked, it is still locked.
11. Do not edit or delete posts.  We don't want some players having more information than others.  If you want to clarify posts, feel free to double post. Mods will not edit posts for you.

3. Miscellaneous/Mechanics:

1. Bold, colored text is reserved for the Mods.  No invisible/small text is allowed, nor is cryptography. [/color]
2. If you have an issue/problem with the game, please PM the Mods privately.  Do not post issues/complaints in the game thread.
3. The Mods may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently.  Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed.  These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. Please bold all requests to the Mods so that they don’t get missed.
5. Prods of missing players will be issued upon request after 48 hours of no activity or upon request after 24 hours of no activity.  A prodded player has 48 hours to respond or risks replacement.  A player who has been prodded 2 times is subject to replacement without further notice.
6. Please do not discuss ongoing games, it can unintentionally affect the other game.
7. Rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, which may include modkill(s) if needed.
8. If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period please post a notice to that effect in the thread.  Treat this game as a commitment.  Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.
9. Subsitutions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the moderator. If you do not wish to continue playing the game, do not post this in thread, instead send a personal message to the moderator.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Progress (Alpha) (updated July 6th!)
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:11:13 pm »
Themes: Adjustment to opponent, bottom-of-deck, mass effects

Flavor of the themes: Knowledge, social change, technology

Dominion: Progress

Stamp Collector – Action -
+1 Buy
Set aside any number of differently named action cards. Play them in any order.

Populist – Action/Attack -
Gain 2 coppers. Each other player gains an estate and a curse.

Farmer – Action -
+1 Card
You may play a Farmer from your hand.

Monk – Action/Reaction -
+1 Card
+1 Action
When another player buys a treasure, you may reveal this card from your hand and trash it. If you do, gain a Reformer from the Reformer pile.

Reformer – Action -
Return this card to the Reformer pile.
Trash your hand. For each card you trashed, you may gain a card costing up to more.
This card is not in the supply.

Economist – Action/Reaction -
Choose 1: Gain two cards costing up to each; +1 Action and all cards in the supply cost $1 less until your buy phase.

Secret Council – Action -
The player to your left names a card costing at least $3. Reveal your hand. If the card named is not in your hand, +2 Cards.

Superstitious Village – Action/Attack –
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Each other player may trash a card from his hand. If he doesn't, he gains a curse.

Discovery – Action/Duration -
Gain an action card and set it aside. At the start of your next turn: Play it.
While this is in play, at the start of his turn each other player may play an action card from his hand as if it was the card you set aside with this. If they do, it is that card until it leaves play.

Playwright – Action -
+1 Card
+1 Action
Name a price. Reveal the bottom card of your deck. If the card costs the price you named, put it into your hand.

Innovator – Action –
Each other player draws two cards and puts a card from his hand on the bottom of their deck.

Censor – Action/Attack -
+3 Cards
Each other player with 5 or more cards reveals his hand and discards a card you choose, then places the rest on the bottom of his deck in any order. He may then draw 4 or 6 cards.

Congress – Action -
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Do this twice: Look at the bottom card of your deck, then discard it or put it on top of your deck.

Revolution – Action/Attack -
Name a non-victory card in the supply. Each other player gains a copy of it. You gain a non-victory card costing up to more.

Groundskeeper – Action -
+1 Card
+1 Action
Choose one: set aside a card from your discard pile, discarding it after you next re-shuffle your deck, or shuffle your discard pile and put it on the bottom of your deck.
Printing Press – Action -
+4 Cards
Reveal the bottom card of your deck. If it is an action card, gain a copy of it. Put a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.

Caravel – Action/Duration -
This turn and next turn: +1 Buy and +
Next turn: put a card from your discard pile into your hand.

Anatomist - Action -
+1 Action
Trash the top card of your deck. Gain a card costing up to more than the trashed card.

Royal Society – Victory/Reaction -
Worth 1 VP per 3 Science chips you have.
When you buy a card with this in your hand, you may discard this and a treasure card. If you do, gain a science chip.

Innovator image:
Revolution image:
Congress image:
Anatomist image:

Variants and Fan Cards / Some French Vanilla Cards
« on: October 24, 2014, 09:01:00 pm »
What simple cards do you think are left that haven't yet been done? Here's some I have.

Viking Village - $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Gain a silver.

Although simple, I think Viking Village is interesting in that the engine that you can make with it gets clogged up with silvers, which can be good if the engine is strong enough to draw your deck, but also has the potential to make your engine very hard to start.

Farmer - $2
+1 Card
You may play a Farmer from your hand.

This is a simple peddler variant that's good to get in multiples. The variation part makes it worse in engines, and peddlers aren't that good in big money, so it's an interesting decision about when to buy.

Variants and Fan Cards / Are these broken?
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:36:27 pm »
Discovery – Action/Duration - $4
Gain an action card, putting it on top of your deck. Place a copy of it on the Discovery mat.
Next turn: Discard the copy from the Discovery mat.
While this is in play, at the beginning of his turn, each other player may play a card from his hand as if it were a card from the Discovery mat until it leaves play.

Printing Press – Action - $5
+6 Cards
Discard 5 cards.
Reveal the bottom card of your deck. If it's an action card, gain a copy of it. You may put a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.

Thinker – Action - $6
+6 Cards
+1 Action
Put a card from your hand on the bottom of your deck. The player to your left looks at your hand and places a card from it onto your taboo mat.
In games using this, when you buy a card costing less than $3, you may discard a card from your taboo mat. Return all cards on the taboo mats to their owner's deck at the end of the game.

These are the three most volatile cards in my fan expansion Dominion:Progress. I find them particularly hard to cost, because the effects are so large-scale. Any opinions?

Variants and Fan Cards / Improved Dominion : Gunpowder
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:57:28 pm »
First, this isn't a joke. The other person made the core concepts of his cards clear, and some of them are good, so I came up with better versions. Criticism is welcome.

 Dominion Gunpowder

Gunpowder - cost 2
Trash this card.
The first time you gain Gunpowder per turn, +1 Buy

Bomb - cost $1G
+3 Cards
Trash any number of cards from your hand. Trash this.

Soldier - $G
+2 Action
Each opponent with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card.
When you discard this from play, each player may reveal an attack card from their hand. If anyone does, trash this and gain a Gunpowder.

Musketeer - $2G
Each other player reveals a card from his hand; you may have him trash it. If you don't, +1 Action and he discards it. He then draws a card.
When you discard this from play, each other player may reveal an attack card from their hands. If nobody does, put it on the bottom of your deck.

Grenadier - $4G
Each player discards his hand and draws one card per card he discarded. You may play an attack card from your hand.
When you discard this from play, you may gain one silver per attack card in play.

Cannon - $3G
+2 Cards
You may make each other player with at least 4 cards discard one card at random from his hand. If you don't, each other player reveals and discards the top two cards of his deck and puts two Coppers on top of his deck if a victory card was revealed.

+1 Card
Look at the top card of your deck. You may discard it. If you do, set aside any number of actions from your hand. Play them in any order.

+1 Action
Reveal the top card of your deck. Choose 1: gain a copy of it if it doesn't cost more than $6; +$1, +1 Buy, Discard it

Mafia Game Threads / RMM 17: Kanto (Pokemon) Mafia - Town Wins!
« on: July 09, 2014, 04:06:08 am »
Welcome to RMM17 - Kanto Mafia!

Mod: XerxesPraelor

Co-mod: e


1. Jimmmmm
2. Chairs
3. EgorK
4. Witherweaver
5. Hydrad
6. A Drowned Kernel
7. Mail-mi
8. AndrewFTTW
9. Axxle
10. Lekkit
11. Eevee
12. Ashersky




The Golden Rule:

Please remember that this is a game and your main objective is to have fun!  Be considerate of each other, don’t get personal, and enjoy the game.

Please read The Civility Pledge before signing up for any mafia game on this site.  If you have not /pledged there, you cannot play.

Excessive personal attacks or uncivil behavior may be dealt with by modifiers or modkills.

1. General Gameplay and Etiquette:

1. You may not quote private Moderator-supplied information (either real or fabricated) of any kind.  Paraphrasing (for role claims, etc.) is acceptable.
2. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings unless specifically allowed.  Mafia members may communicate at night and during the confirmation stage.
3. As a general rule you should aim for one post every 24 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.
4. All players are required to confirm that they are still playing to the moderator each night through a personal message. Night will not end until all players have confirmed that they are still playing.

2. Voting, Deadlines, and Player Death:

1. A simple majority (rounded up) of all living members must agree on one person for a lynch to occur prior to deadline.
2. Once a simple majority has been reached no further unvoting will change someone’s fate.  Further votes will also be ignored.
3. Once a player is lynched the game enters twilight until the mods lock the thread; all players including the one who was lynched may continue to post during twilight. When a lynch occurs, their alignment and dominion card are revealed and the game will proceed to the night phase.
4. Days will last 9 days and Nights will last 2 days.
5. If the day deadline has been reached without a lynch the day will proceed immediately to night with no lynch occuring.
6. Please submit votes as: Vote: PlayerName.  Votes will NOT be counted if they are not bold or do not follow this syntax! Obvious abbreviations or nicknames will be counted so long as they are unambiguous.
7. Please submit vote revocations as either Unvote: PlayerName or Unvote. Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes.
8. You may Vote: No Lynch - a simple majority of these vote types are required to send the game to Night phase without a lynch.
9. Once you are killed (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post in the game. This means that you do not even get a “Bah” post. The dead in this game are silent.
10. If the thread is locked, you may not post.  Threads can be locked for various reasons, but no matter what the reason, you may not post.  The mod may forget to lock the thread, but if they say it is locked, it is still locked.
11. Do not edit or delete posts.  We don't want some players having more information than others.  If you want to clarify posts, feel free to double post. Mods will not edit posts for you.

3. Miscellaneous/Mechanics:

1. Bold, colored text is reserved for the Mods.  No invisible/small text is allowed, nor is cryptography. [/color]
2. If you have an issue/problem with the game, please PM the Mods privately.  Do not post issues/complaints in the game thread.
3. The Mods may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently.  Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed.  These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. Please bold all requests to the Mods so that they don’t get missed.
5. Prods of missing players will be issued upon request after 48 hours of no activity or upon request after 24 hours of no activity.  A prodded player has 48 hours to respond or risks replacement.  A player who has been prodded 2 times is subject to replacement without further notice.
6. Please do not discuss ongoing games, it can unintentionally affect the other game.
7. Rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, which may include modkill(s) if needed.
8. If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period please post a notice to that effect in the thread.  Treat this game as a commitment.  Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging.
9. Subsitutions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the moderator. If you do not wish to continue playing the game, do not post this in thread, instead send a personal message to the moderator.

LCG General Discussion / Quantifying the power of ICE
« on: April 28, 2014, 03:52:07 am »
I've been working on trying to create a formula that determines how good ICE is, but keep on running into problems.

I've managed to create a system that determines in a way that makes sense how taxing ICE is in relation to its cost, how scary it is, and how easy it is to get through, which I think together account for almost all of the attributes of ICE. But I can't get the different attributes to combine in a way that makes sense.

Anyone have any ideas? Most of the time either Paper Wall is called overpowered, Wotan is overpowered, Janus is overpowered, or Wraparound is underpowered. Luckily, absolutely none of the things I've tried have ever made Salvage look even remotely useful. :)

LCG General Discussion / Balance Sink Cards in Netrunner
« on: April 23, 2014, 02:08:34 pm »
I've been noticing a technique that the designers of Android: Netrunner seem to use quite often: namely, that of creating fallback cards that act as a silver bullet to certain strategies. Feedback Filter is a good example of this: if decks revolving around a killshot with net damage made possible by brain damage lowering the runner's hand become popular, feedback filter would be a perfect counter to them. This doesn't mean those archetypes can't become good; just that they can't get too good.

Plascrete Carapace is an example of a balance sink card that ends up being used. For a while, while Tag and Bag was one of the absolute best archetypes, Plascrete Carapace was needed three times in every runner deck. It is still common to have even in a non-tag me deck, but is nowhere near as necessary as before. And yet the relative power of T&B is still around the same; it's lost prominence due to the rise of NBN FA, but the fact that Plascrete Carapace does not always go up first turn against Weyland makes it better again.

Balance sink cards like Plascrete Carapace act like a chemical buffer: inside a certain range, the power of an archetype increases by much less than it would if its silver bullet did not exist. One possible reason for the designers to include this sort of card is to make the meta much more stable: if NBN fast advance became the only viable corp deck, The Source would make it still within range of the other corps. This sort of cards also acts as a way of forcefully introducing variety into the metagame, because the chosen archetype of a meta without variance quickly stabilizes back as soon as the runner decks begin to include the silver bullets.

What this looks like from the standpoint of a player is that many times, a card introduced in a datapack seems useless, and is in fact useless. Like reaction cards in dominion that hurt the attacker1, they will probably never be used, but, and this is on purpose in Netrunner, will decrease the effectiveness of their chosen target or at least give it a boundary over which it cannot pass but slowly. So don't be disappointed when you crack open the new data-pack and find a Restoring Face: it's doing its job in the backround, unseen yet efficient.

1 See for why there aren't reactions that hurt the attacker in Dominion.

Mafia Game Threads / What?
« on: March 13, 2014, 03:42:28 am »
Can someone delete this?

First of all, I really need a name for this. Maybe someone can think of something? It probably won't be permanent, but I hate to call this just "Card Game".

I have sent out all the PMs, which should include the character, their base boosts, their special ability, and the player's starting hand.

The order of play will be:

First off:
Once everyone has posted, I'll PM those who have positive intelligence their extra cards, and then we can begin Round 1.


Forum Games / New Card Game Playtesting
« on: November 08, 2013, 02:57:53 pm »

Other Games / Board Game Playtesting
« on: November 08, 2013, 02:56:58 pm »
Okay, I've been working on a card game for quite a while, and am running out on people to test it on. (I pretty much only have my immediate family) It just happens to work well on a forum, so I'm wondering if anyone is willing to play a few games to try it out. The basic idea of it is like a simple fighting game: you have a character with Life and Strength and you're trying to bring the opponent down to 0 of either. If at least two people are interested, I'll post the full rules here. Thanks!

Variants and Fan Cards / Top 4 Common Archetypes
« on: October 23, 2013, 06:55:14 am »
Okay, this might belong in the general dominion section, but I think it's pretty useful to think about these when designing cards, whether you want to follow them or not.

Number 4: +2 Cards +1 Action. Laboratory is the simplest version of this card, but many other cards, such as Advisor, Warehouse, and Hunting Party fit into it as well. Most cards based on this have good self-synergy and can cost a lot. The effect has a cost of $5, as Laboratory shows.

Number 3: +$2, +1 Buy. Again, woodcutter is the simplest form of this, but other cards like Nomad Camp, Bridge, Merchant Guild, and even Festival can fit in. It's worth $3.

Number 2: +1 Card, +1 Action, +$1. This is the only of the top 4 without something exactly it. There are surprisingly many versions of this card, including Market, Peddler, Highway, Baker, Tournament, Treasury, Grand Market and probably more that I forgot.

Number 1: +1 Card, +2 Actions. This is by far the most common of the archetypes, even having a name all to itself for the effect. Versions of it include Village, Mining Village, Worker's Village, Fishing Village, Native Village, Border Village, Bazaar, City, Farming Village, Bandit Camp, Fortress, Wandering Minstrel, Plaza, Hamlet, Shanty Town, and Walled Village. That's 16 cards that do almost the same thing! I guess they are so common because the effect is useful and enjoyable to have in many different types of games.

Okay, looking back at the 4 archtypes, each of them is primarily responsible for one of the vanilla actions. Only the +Buy one does not have the cantrip effect, and that is because in order to use buys well, you need to have money to buy things with. That is why it has money, I believe. Number 2, the money cantrip, is interesting because its worth is somewhere between 4 and 5, and so it cannot be priced as a normal card. I think number 2 is probably the archetype most open for new cards in, because its position allows complications to bring it to a whole number, and because there is not vanilla card for it, it cannot be strictly better than another card.

Whether you want to create wholly new cards or to stick to something tried-and-true, it's important to know the common archetypes either to create new versions of them, or to make sure your card does not fall into any of them.

Dominion General Discussion / Edge-cases
« on: October 17, 2013, 12:35:53 pm »
I need help finding edge-cases for my simulator and figured you guys could help.

When would you not want to top-deck an alchemist?

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Expansion Preview
« on: October 16, 2013, 01:57:28 pm »
Okay, since I am still going to submit quite a few of my cards to the treasure chest expansion, I can't post my entire fan expansion. (it's a small one, coming in at 25 cards) But I still want to have some feedback on my cards. So I'll follow what showdown is doing and post three of my cards at a time.

Stamp Collector – Action - $2
+1 Card
Reveal your hand. +1 action per differently named action you revealed.

I was trying to find something simple (as DXV said, the complexity of expansions goes up and up) and this was the best thing I could come up with. I was also running short of villages in the set, so it worked really well.

Almanac – Reaction - $3
When you reshuffle your deck, you may reveal this from the discard pile and return it to the almanac pile. If you do, +2 VP and gain a card costing up to $3, putting it on the bottom of your deck.
When you gain this card, put it at the bottom of your deck.

I've really wanted to create a pure reaction for a while, and this is my third shot. Partially I made it as a cool combo with scavenger/chancellor and cycling in general, but I think it should work pretty well. Putting the gained card at the bottom of the deck means that you can't just spam almanacs with itself, because they'll miss the reshuffle and be a wasted card for two whole shuffles before you can remove it.

Enlightenment – Action/Attack - $4
Each other player with 4 or more cards reveals his hand and places a card costing no less than any card in his hand on the bottom of his deck.

Okay, I needed a few attack cards in the expansion, and have had the idea of a cost-based discard attack in the back of my head for quite some time, and this is how I got it to work.

Any opinions or suggestions?

Simulation / Dominion Fan Card Simulator - Still in progress
« on: October 08, 2013, 06:47:52 am »
Okay, since all the simulators I can find either require you to set up your system in difficult ways I can't do or don't let you edit them to create fan cards, 2 days ago I decided to create my own simulator on inform7, since that's the only programming language I have very much expertise in.
Its only pros are that it's easy to create fan cards and doesn't require lots of downloads, but I guess not many other people are in my curious situation and so I doubt anybody wants it, but I thought I might as well post here about it.

A link for those interested:

The link is to the program with which to run the file.

10/15: Added Coin tokens, baker, and plaza
10/14: Added durations, fixed Militia and Bureaucrat.
10/12: Giant overhaul, destroyed the ability for humans to play in the name of compactness
10/11: Added gardens and auto-scoring, fool's gold as well.
10/9: Added chapel, fixed throne room and adventurer.
10/8: Added the vanilla cards and witch. Made some strategies.
10/7: Created the base of the simulator.

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Card Simulation
« on: September 24, 2013, 11:58:26 am »
How helpful would it be for me to make a program with input something like:

Action, Reaction;
+2 Cards;
React to: another player plays attack card:

And output the coffeescript for it for using in dominate?

I'm not sure I can do this, but it's worth a shot. Would it be useful?

Mini-Set Design Contest / Tweaking Indulgence
« on: September 10, 2013, 01:56:49 pm »
Types: Treasure
Cost: $5
Worth $2. +1 Buy. When you play this, the player to your left chooses a card in the Supply costing between $3 and $6. When you buy a copy of that card this turn, +2VP.

The winning card may (and likely will) be revised, so I encourage you vote for a card if you think it could be great with a different cost or some slight tweaking.

Let's get to it.

Variants and Fan Cards / How to fix Submissions that fail
« on: September 10, 2013, 12:59:35 pm »
Okay, I've set this up as a place people can refine their non-first submissions to the mini-set.

I'll begin with my card Relic. If I was to submit it now I'd have

Treasure - $6
Worth $1.
You may trash any number of action cards from play. +$2 and +1 VP per card you trash this way.

How can it be improved?

Variants and Fan Cards / Giant Card Compendium!
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:29:37 pm »
Dominion Card Compendium

Cards costing $0P:

Homunkulus - Asper
Action-Attack - $0P
Each other player gains a Curse.
Each player (including you) may put a card from his hand back in the supply and gain a card costing exactly 0$. If you gain a card this way, put it in your hand.

Cards costing $1:

Squatter – Saucery
Action - $1
+1 action
Return this card to the supply.
When you buy this card, you may return it to the supply immediately. If you do, each other player gains a Squatter.

Blueprints – Wrclass
Action - $1
+2 Actions
+1 Buy
In games using this, when you gain an action card costing $4 or more, you may gain this.

Cards costing $2:

Artefact - Asper
Treasure-Reaction - $2
When you just resolved an Action Card and have 0 Actions, you may discard this. If you do: +1 Action.

Ranger - Asper
Action - $2
+1 Action
Look at the top two cards of your deck. Put one of them in your hand and discard the other one.

Wagon Train – Wrclass
Action-Reaction - $2
Gain an action card costing up to $4
When another player plays an attack card, you may reveal this and another action card from your hand. If you do, you are unaffected by that attack.

Scientist – Wrclass
Action - $2
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Each other player gains an invention (from the invention pile), putting it on top of their deck.

Invention – Wrclass
Action - $4
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Return this to the invention pile.
When you trash this, put it in your hand.
(This is not in the supply)

Almoner – Schneau – winner
Action - $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may gain a Copper, putting it into your hand.

Mage's Study – Spell Cards – jamespotter
Action-Reaction - $2
Do this twice: Choose one: +1 card, discard a card; or +$1
When you discard this card except during your cleanup phase, you may reveal it and gain a Spell card from a Spell Pile.

Fool – NoMoreFun
Action-Single - $2
+2 Cards
Put this on top of any Kingdom supply pile.

Commune - NoMoreFun
Action-Duration-Single - $2
Now, and the start of every turn this is in play: Draw until you have 6 cards in hand.
While this card is in play, it is also in the Supply.

Trashman – NoMoreFun
Action-Single - $2+
When you would gain this, instead, gain a card from the Trash
When you buy this you may overpay for it. If you did, trash a Treasure from your hand, and gain a card costing up to the amount you overpaid more than it.

Benefactor - NoMoreFun
Action - $2
Name a treasure card. Gain a copy in your hand. Each other player gains a copy, and puts it on top of his deck if it's a copper, in his discard pile if it's a Silver, and in his hand otherwise.

Excavation – GeronimoRex
Action-Looter - $2
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Choose one: Gain a Ruins into your hand and place any number of Ruins from your hand face up on your Excavation mat; or play all the Ruins from your Excavation mat in any order.
During discard, any Ruins played by Excavation are shuffled back into the Supply.

Scrounger – GeronimoRex
Action - $2
+1 Card
If this is the first time you played a Scrounger this turn, +1 Action, +1 Buy.
If any kingdom piles have two or less cards remaining, you may gain a card from one of these piles, your choice.

Freeloader – GeronimoRex
Action - $2
+1 Card
If this is the first time you played a Freeloader this turn, +1 Action, +1 Buy.
In any kingdom piles have 9 or more cards remaining, you may gain a card from one of these piles, your choice.

Dark Arts – BMan
Action/Reaction - $2
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Reveal your hand and discard all revealed Curses. +1 Card per Curse revealed. Play each Ruin that is revealed. If you do not reveal a Curse or a Ruins, +$1.
When you gain a card, you may reveal this and gain the card into your hand.

Acolyte – Davio
Action - $2
+1 Action
Put a token on your Acolyte mat.
If you have at least:
2 Tokens: +1 Card
3 Tokens: +1 Buy
4 Tokens: +$1
6 Tokens: +1 Coin
9 Tokens: 1 VP for every 3 tokens on your Acolyte map, rounded down.

Laborer – Saucery
Action - $2
+1 action, +$1
If you have two or more Laborers in play (including this): +1 card.

Boycott - LastFootnote
Action - $2
+$2. You may move the Boycott marker to nonempty Kingdom card pile.
Setup: Put the Boycott marker on the Province pile. The pile with the Boycott marker is not in the Supply. Cards in that pile cannot be bought or gained.

Mad Scientist – Eistee
Action - $2
+1 Card
Trash a card from your hand. It it was...
an Action card: +2 Actions, +1 Buy
a Treasure card: +  1
a Victory card: +1 Card
When you play an Attack card with this in play, you
may trash this. If you do, choose one: Gain a Gold;
or each other player gains a Curse.

Mountain Pass – eHalcyon – winner
Action - $2
Trash this and another card from your hand.  All cards cost $2 less this turn, but not less than $0.

Missionary – Graystripe77 – winner
Action-Reaction - $2
Trash two cards from your hand.
When you would gain a card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, instead gain a card costing exactly $1 more.

Cards costing 2P:

Elixir – Aiden Millow
Treasure - $2P
When you play this you may play an action card from your hand.

Wizard - Asper
Action - $2P
+3 Cards
Discard any number of Action cards and Potions from your hand. +2$ per card discarded this way.
When you gain this, gain a Potion.

Cards costing $3:

Baroness - Asper
Action - $3
+1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck. You may trash it. If you do: +1 VP

Soup Kitchen - Apser
Action-Attack - $3
+1 Card
Each other player gains a Copper, putting it in his hand if he has less than 6 cards in hand.

Sunken City - Asper
Action-Duration - $3
+2 Actions
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is an Action card, put it in your hand. If it is not, discard it.
At the start of your next turn: +2 Actions

Pawn Shop – blueblimp – winner
Action - $3
Choose one: trash a card from your hand, gaining a number of Coppers equal to its cost in coins, putting them into your hand; or trash any number of Coppers from your hand, gaining a card with cost exactly equal to the number of Coppers you trashed.

Historian – Wrclass
Victory-Reaction - $3
At the end of the game, count the cards on your historian mat. This is worth 1 VP for every 3 cards set aside there. Then return the set aside cards to your deck.
_______________________________________________________________________________  When you gain a card, you may reveal and then discard this from your hand. If you do, set aside that card on your historian mat.

Ballista – Wrclass
Action-Attack - $3
+2 Actions
Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card.

Mill Town – LastFootnote
Action - $3
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Discard a card. You may reveal 3 or more Coppers from your hand.
If you do, gain a card costing up to $1 per Copper revealed.

Gambler – LastFootnote
Action - $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck and choose one: Trash that card; or put that card into your hand and trash this.

Redistrict – LastFootnote
Action - $3
Trash a card from your hand then discard any number of cards. Gain a card with cost exactly equal to the cost of the trashed card plus $1 per card discarded.

Carpenter – Nicrosil - winner
Action - $3
You may trash this card. If you do, gain a card costing up to $4.

Musketeers – NoMoreFun
Action-Duration - $3
At the start of your next turn, +1 Action
When you discard this from play, draw an extra card at the end of that turn's clean up phase.

Scholar – NoMoreFun
Action - $3
You may discard any number of cards from your hand. Count the number of treasures you discarded this way, and draw until you have twice that many cards in hand.

Capital – NoMoreFun
Action - $3
+1 Action
You may play an action card from your hand.
Draw until you have 5 cards in hand.

Blockade – NoMoreFun
Action-Duration - $3
Trash a card from your hand. Set aside a number of cards from the top of your deck equal to its cost in coins. At the start of your next turn, put the set aside cards in your hand
While this is in play, cards cost $1 more. Apply this after all other cost modifiers.

Opportunist – Events – NoMoreFun
Reaction - $3
When any player gains a Treasure card, you may reveal and discard this. If you do, resolve an Event.
When you reveal this, +1 card

Observatory - Eistee
Action - $3
+1 Action
Reveal the top three cards of your deck.
If you reveal at least one Victory
card this way: Put all the revealed cards
into your hand. Otherwise: Discard all
the revealed cards.

Trainee – Saucery
Action - $3
Return this and one other card from your hand to the supply. Gain an action card costing up to the total value of those two cards.

Orchard – Saucery
Victory - $3
2 VP
When you buy this card, you may overpay for it. If you overpaid by $2 or more, gain 2 coin tokens.

Redo – Wrclass
Action - $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card with the same or lesser cost, putting it your hand.
When you trash this, +1 Card

Derelict - RTT
Action-Looter - $3
Each other player gains a Ruins.
Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal 2 Ruins. Discard the other cards and play each Ruins card twice, in either order.

Boost – GeronimoRex
Action - $3
Gain two copper cards; put them into your hand. Trash a card from your hand.
When you gain this, set it aside; at the start of your next turn, +1 Action, +1 Buy and put this card into your hand.

Landfall - eHalcyon
Action-Reaction - $3
+2 Cards
+1 Buy
When another player gains a Victory card, you may set this aside from your hand.  If you do, then at the start of your next turn, +2 Cards, +1 Buy, and discard this.

Silver Smelter – jamespotter - winner
Action-Reaction - $3
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Discard 2 cards.
When you discard this from your hand other than during a Clean-up phase, you may reveal it. If you do, +2 Cards.

Cards costing $3P:

Panacea – Graystripe77 - winner
Action - $3P
+1 Card
+1 Action
Choose one: +1 Card; OR trash a card from your hand; OR +$1, +1 Buy.

Cards costing $4:

Wizard – Spell Cards – jamespotter
Action - $4
Gain a Spell card from a Spell pile.

Clerk - LastFootnote
Action-Reaction - $4
Look at the top 2 cards of your deck and draw any number of them. +$1 for each card you put back.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, trash any number of cards from your hand.

Soothsayer – LastFootnote - winner
Action-Attack - $4
+2 Cards
Each other player gains a Curse, setting it aside on his Soothsayer mat.
In games using this, at the start of your Buy phase you may discard a Treasure from your hand. If you don't, discard all cards on your mat. Trash the set aside cards at the end of the game.

Enforcer – LastFootnote
Action-Attack - $4
+2 Cards
+1 Action
You may discard a Treasure card from your hand. If you don't, trash this.
Each other player reveals the top 2 cards of his deck and discards one of them that you choose.

Surveyor – LastFootnote
Action - $4
+2 Cards.
You may discard a card that is not a Victory card. Gain a copy of it.

Floodgate – LastFootnote
Victory - $4
2 VP
When you gain this, set it aside along with up to 4 cards from your hand. At the start of your next turn, put all the set-aside cards into your hand.

Inventor – Wrclass
Action - $4
+1 Card
+1 Action
Gain an Invention from the Invention pile.

Invention – Wrclass
Action - $4
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Return this to the invention pile.
When you trash this, put it in your hand.
(This is not in the supply)

Tea House – shark bait - winner
Victory - $4
2 VP
At the start of Clean-up on the turn you buy this, you may choose a card you have in play. If you discard it from play this turn, put it on your deck.

Production Village – WanderingWinder – winner
Action - $4
+2 Actions
Draw until you have 5 cards in your hand.

Salesman – dnkywin – winner
Action - $4
All cards cost $1 less this turn, but not less than $0.
You may gain a card costing up to $3.

Astrolabe – popsofctown – winner
Treasure - $4
While this is in play, when you gain a card, you may set that card aside.  Return it to your deck at the end of the game.

Flea Market – Polk5440 – winner
Action - $4
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Discard a card.
When you gain this, if at least one supply pile is empty, you may put this on your deck.

Surveyor – Just a Rube
Action - $4
+$2, +1 Buy
When you gain this, reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. You may put any revealed Victory cards into your hand. Put the other cards on top of your deck in any order.

Freebooter – Asper
Action-Attack - 4$
+2 Cards
Each other player with 5 or more cards in hand puts a card from it aside face-down.
At his next clean-up phase, he discards it. If he does and would draw 5 cards for his next turn, he instead only draws 4.

Amazon Village - Asper
Action-Duration - $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
At the start of your next turn: +1 Action
While this is in play, if another player plays an Attack Card, you may immediately gain a copy of the played Attack Card.

Assassin - Asper
Action-Attack - $4
+1 Action
Discard a card. Each other player reveals the top two cards of his deck. You may choose one for him to discard. He puts the other cards back on his deck in the order he chooses.

Troll - Asper
Action-Duration - $4
At the start of your clean-up phase, put four Embargo Tokens on any piles in the supply. Every time a player buys a card, he gains one Curse per Embargo Token on that pile.
At the start of your next turn: Remove four Embargo Tokens from any piles in the supply.

Archive - Asper
Action - $4
+1 Action
Draw until you have 6 cards in hand. Gain a Cryptograph from the Cryptograph pile.
Each other player may reveal and discard his hand. If he does, he draws one card per card discarded.

Cryptograph - Asper
Treasure – Victory - $0
When you reveal this during another players turn, he decides whether you must return it to the Cryptograph pile.
(This is not in the supply)

Parliament - Asper
Action - $4
You may choose an action card from your hand. If the cost printed on it is...
...4$: Play it twice.
...3$: Play it three times.
...2$: Play it four times.

Philanthropist – NoMoreFun
Action - $4
+1 Card
+1 Action
Name a treasure card. Gain a copy, putting it in your hand if it's a copper, on top of your deck if it's a silver, and on the bottom otherwise. Each other player also gains a copy.

Scribe – Events – NoMoreFun
Action - $4
Set aside an event face down onto your Scribe Mat
In games using this, at the start of your turn, you may resolve an Event from your Scribe mat. You may look at the cards on your mat at any time.

Revolutionary – NoMoreFun
Action - $4
Reveal your hand. The player to your left may select any number of the cards for you to discard.
Draw until you have 8 cards in hand.

Beauty – NoMoreFun
Action - $4
Discard any number of cards from your hand. Reveal that many cards from the top of your deck, and either trash them or put them back.
When you reveal this, gain a Silver
(Note: Same rules as opportunist)

Rear Admiral – NoMoreFun
Action/Attack - $4
+3 Cards
Each player (including you) with 5 or more cards in hand puts a card from his hand anywhere in his deck.

Repair – NoMoreFun
Action/Reaction - $4
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card that shares a type costing up to $5 more.
When you would gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, instead, gain a cheaper card.

Barge – NoMoreFun – winner
Action/Duration - $4
Put your deck in your discard pile
Now and at the start of your next turn:
+$1, +2 Buys
While this is in play, when you gain a card, you may trash a card from your hand.

Serf – NoMoreFun
Action/Victory - $4
Worth 1VP
+1 Action, +$1
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a victory card. Put it in your hand, and discard the other revealed cards.

Tower – NoMoreFun
Victory/Single - $4
When you would gain this, instead, move a Tower token to any Kingdom supply pile. Cards are worth 1VP per Tower token on the supply pile
Setup: Place all 3 Tower Tokens on the Tower card.

Oppressor – NoMoreFun
Action/Attack - $4
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck. Put one in your hand, and discard the others.
Each other player reveals the top card of his deck, and gains a Cell from the Cell pile if it is any other card, putting it on top of his deck.

Action - $0*
Discard any number of cards from your hand. +1 Action for each card you discard this way. Trash this.
When you trash this, return it to the Cell Pile
(This card is not in the supply)

Remake – Eistee
Action - $4
Trash a card from your Hand. If you do, choose one:
Gain an Action card costing exactly (1)
more than it, putting it on top of your
deck; or gain a Silver.

Coven – Eistee
Action-Attack - $4
+3 Cards
Reveal and discard three cards from
your hand. If you discarded three
differently named cards this way: Each
other player gains a Curse.

Rival Village – Wrclass
Action - $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Each other player may reveal a Rival Village from their hand. If no one did, +$1.

Extend – Wrclass
Action - $4+
+2 Cards
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing exactly $1 more.
When you buy this, you may overpay for it. If you do, trash a card from your hand. Gain a card with a cost equal to that of the trashed card plus the amount you overpaid.

Hooligans – Saucery
Action-Attack - $4
Each other player reveals a card from their hand (unless they have 4 or less cards). Choose whether they place it on top of their deck or discard it.

Goodwill – Saucery
Treasure - $4
While this is in play, when you buy a Card, gain a coin token.

Fruit Merchant – Saucery
Action - $4
Gain a coin token. You may discard up to two cards. +1 Coin Token per card discarded.

City Planner – Saucery
Action - $4
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Discard a card.
When you buy this card, you may overpay for it. If you overpaid by $2 or more, set aside a Victory card from your hand, returning it to your deck at the end of the game.

Mulching Machine – Saucery
Action-Reaction - $4
+1 card
Choose one: +1 action, or trash a card from your hand and gain a coin token.
When you gain a card, you may discard this card. If you do, trash the gained card and gain a coin token.
When you buy this card, you may overpay for it. If you overpaid by $3 or more, trash any number of cards from your hand. Gain coin tokens equal to the number of cards trashed.

Opera House - sylas
Action - $4
+2 Cards
Each player (including you) may trash a Treasure from his hand. If he does, he draws a card.
If another player trashes a card this way, +$2.

Uptown – Geronimo Rex
Action - $4
+2 Action
Trash a card from your hand.
While in play, the cost of any card being trashed is increased by $1; +1 card when a card is trashed.

Artisans Guild – eHalcyon
Action - $4
+1 Buy
Move your Artisan token to any other Supply pile.
Setup: At the beginning of the game, each player places their Artisan token on the Curse pile.  When a card is bought, any player with their Artisan token on that pile takes a coin token.

Cards costing $4P:

Aqua Vitae – eHalcyon - winner
Action - $4P
+1 Card
+1 Action
Copper and Potion each produce an extra $1 this turn.

Retort – Kirian - winner
Action - $4P
+3 Cards
+1 Action
Discard a card.  If it is a Potion, +1 Action.

Cards costing $5:

Barracks – LastFootnote
Action - $5
+1 Action.
Choose one: gain 2 Conscripts from the Conscripts pile; or reveal cards from your deck until you reveal an Attack card, put that Attack card into your hand, and discard the other revealed cards.

Conscripts – LastFootnote
Action-Attack - $0*
Return this to the Conscripts pile. Gain a Gold. Each other player gains a Curse. You may play an Attack card from your hand.
This card is not in the supply.

Exchange – LastFootnote
Action - $5
+2 Actions.
Trash this.
Trash 2 cards from your hand; for each one, gain a card costing exactly $2 more than it, putting the gained card into your hand.

Inventor – LastFootnote
Action - $5
Choose one:
+3 Cards and +1 Buy;
or +1 Action and put this anywhere in your deck.

Tax Collector – LastFootnote
Action-Attack - $5
Each other player with at least 5 cards in hand reveals a card from his hand other than a Copper (or reveals a hand of all Copper). He discards it or puts it onto his deck, your choice.

Fund – LastFootnote
Treasure - $5
When you play this, you may trash it. If you do, +1 Buy and gain a Silver, putting it into your hand.

Museum – Captain Frisk – winner
Victory - $5
Worth 1 VP for each set of Copper, Silver, and Gold in your deck.

Gatherer – andwilk – winner
Action - $5
Name two cards.  Reveal cards from your deck until you have revealed two cards that you did not name.  Place those two cards into your hand and discard the rest.

Garrison – Drab Emordnilap – winner
Action-Attack - $5
+3 Cards
Each player (including you) with 4 or more cards in hand puts a card from his hand on top of his deck.

Town Crier – Events – NoMoreFun
Action - $5
Resolve an Event

Rival Markets – NoMoreFun
Action - $5
+2 Cards
+2 Actions
+2 Buys
Return this to the supply

Vendor – NoMoreFun
Single - $5
When you would gain this, instead, gain 3 cards other than Singles with a total cost of up to $7.

Patrol – NoMoreFun
Single - $5
When you would gain this, instead, gain a cheaper card, and each other player reveals the bottom card of his deck, gaining a Cell from the Cell pile if it is any other card. Each player puts any cards gained this way on the bottom of his deck.

Action - $0*
Discard any number of cards from your hand. +1 Action for each card you discard this way. Trash this.
When you trash this, return it to the Cell Pile
(This card is not in the supply)

Recruiter – NoMoreFun
Single - $5
When you would gain this, instead, gain 2 cheaper Action cards, setting them aside on your Recruiter mat.
During your turn, you may play cards from your Recruiter mat instead of from your hand. If you do, trash the card.

Enchanter – NoMoreFun
Single - $5
When you would gain this, instead, move the Hex token to any Action card’s supply pile.
When you play a card, if you have no actions remaining, each other player gains a Curse per Hex token on the pile.

Cargo – NoMoreFun
Treasure - $5
Worth $1
When you play this, trash a card you have in play. Gain a card costing exactly $1 more than it.
When you trash this, gain a Coppers, putting it in your hand.

Escape Artist – NoMoreFun
Action/Attack - $5
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Each player (including you) may reveal a Cell from his hand. If he doesn’t, he gains a Cell from the Cell pile, putting it in his hand.

Action - $0*
Discard any number of cards from your hand. +1 Action for each card you discard this way. Trash this.
When you trash this, return it to the Cell Pile
(This card is not in the supply)

Conqueror – NoMoreFun
Action - $5
Gain 2 cards with a total cost of up to $7
Each player (including you) looks through his discard pile and reveals a card. He either trashes it or puts it on top of his deck.

Debasement – Diving Pikachu
Action-Attack - $5
Each other player reveals a treasure from his hand costing from $2 to $5, and puts it on his deck (or reveals a hand with no such cards).
Each other player gains a Copper. If he has no more then 5 cards in hand, he puts it in his hand.

Amulet – Kirian – winner
Treasure - $5
When you play this, each other player may trash a card from his hand.

Windmill – Wrclass
Treasure - $5
Trash a card you have in play other than this. Gain a card costing exactly $1 more.

Harbour – Wrclass
Action-Duration - $5
Now and at the start of your next turn: Choose two: +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy or +$1. (the choices must be different)

Junkyard – Wrclass
Action - $5
+3 Cards
+1 Buy
Each player may trash a card from his hand.

Crystal Ball – eHalcyon – winner
Treasure-Reaction - $5
When you play this, reveal the top card of your deck and either discard it or put it back.
When you discard this other than from play, you may reveal it and set it aside. At the start of your next Buy phase, play this card.

Harbinger – eHalcyon – winner
Action - $5
+1 Action
Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck.  The player to your left separates them into two piles.  Choose one pile to discard and draw the rest.

Recruiter – yuma – winner
Action-Attack - $5
Choose one: +1 Action and gain an Attack card from the supply; or all other players gain a Curse card.
If you have played 2 or more Attack cards this turn (counting this): +$1.

Thanksgiving – Tdog – winner
Action - $5
Trash this card.
Gain two cards costing up to a total of 7. Put the cards on your deck.

Archivist – rinkworks – winner
Action - $5
+1 Action
Choose one:  Draw up to 6 cards in hand; or +$1 and discard one or more cards from your hand.

Molecule Splitter - mail-mi
Action - $5
+1 action
You may trash a card costing $4 or more from your hand. If you do, gain a Positive Ion and a Negative Ion, putting them into your hand.

Positive Ion $0*
Reveal your hand. Discard all Positive Ion cards from your hand.
+2 cards
+1 action
You may play a Negative Ion from your hand.
This is not in the supply.

Negative Ion $0*
Reveal your hand. Discard all Negative Ion cards from your hand.
+2 cards
+1 action
You may play a Positive Ion from your hand.
This is not in the supply.

Philosophers – Eistee
Action - $5
+2 Cards
Gain a card costing less than this.
If it was a Curse: +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy, + $1.

Ghost Town – Eistee
Action - $5
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Trash a card from your hand.
If it was a card costing 3 or more: +1 Card, +1 Action.

Sacred Cavern – Eistee
Action - $5
Trash a card from your Hand.
If you do: +4 Cards, +1 Buy.
Each other player may trash a card
from his hand.

Golden Touch – eHalcyon / jackelfrink
Action - $5
Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck.  If you reveal a Golden Touch, trash it and gain a Prize (from the Prize pile) or a Duchy, putting it on top of your deck.
Otherwise, the player to your left chooses one of the revealed cards for you to trash and you gain a Gold, putting it and the remaining card on top of your deck in an order you choose.

Hunter – eHalcyon / RTT
Action - $5
+4 cards
Reveal 2 cards.  The player to your left chooses 1 that you put on top of your deck.  Discard the other one.

Toll Bridge - eHalcyon
Action - $5
+2 Buys
All cards cost $1 more this turn.

Plantation – Saucery
Action - $5
+1 card, +1 action
Gain 1 coin token. For every coin token played this turn, Plantation costs $1 less.

Charter – Asper
Treasure-Attack-Looter - $5
When you play this, each other player takes a Ruins, putting it in his hand.

Dragon – Asper
Action – Attack - $5
+3 Cards
Each other player reveals his hand and either discards one card of his choice or his entire hand, your choice. He then draws the same number of cards he discarded.

Town Hall - Asper
Action-Victory - $5+
+1 Card
+1 Action
1 VP
When you buy this, you may overpay. +1 VP per 1$ you overpaid.

Temple - Asper
Action-Victory - $5
Trash up to three cards from your hand. +1 Card per card trashed this way.
Value 1 VP per 5 cards in the trash per player at the end of the game (rounded down).

Haunted Village - Gary55
Action-Attack - $5
+1 Card
+2 Actions
If this is the first time you played a Haunted Village this turn, each other player gains a Curse card.

Cards costing $6:

Industry – NoMoreFun
Action - $6
+4 cards
Discard any number of cards. Gain a card that isn’t a Victory card costing up to a cost equal to the number of cards you discarded this way.

Whittler – NoMoreFun
Action - $6
+1 Card
+1 Action
Trash a card from your hand. If you did, repeat the following steps until you fail to gain a card:
Gain an action card costing less than the card you just trashed with Whittler. Play it. Trash it.

Foundry - Jeebus
Action - $6
+3 Cards
Each other player may discard a card. If he does, he draws a card.

Vampire - Asper
Action - $6
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Each other player may reveal a Silver from his hand. If any player does, gain a Curse.

Clearance - Asper
Action - $6
+1 Buy
When you buy this, gain a Duchy and an Estate and trash a Province from the supply.

Farmers Market – Jack Rudd – winner
Action - $6
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal an Action or Treasure card.  Put that card into your hand. Discard the other revealed cards.

Canal – Polk5440 – winner
Victory - $6
If the Province or Colony supply pile is empty (if it was available), then this is worth 4 VP. Otherwise, this is worth 2 VP.
During your Buy phase, if two supply piles are empty, then this costs $3 less (but not less than $0).

Supremacy – Eistee
Victory - $6+
4 VP
When you buy this, you may overpay for it. If you do, gain an Estate for every $1 you overpaid.

Commander – Eistee
Victory - $6
2 VP
When you buy this: Gain a Reinforcement card, putting it on top of your deck.
Setup: Add an extra Kingdom card pile to the supply costing $5. Cards from that pile are Reinforcement cards. Reinforcement cards cannot be bought.

Botanical Gardens – Saucery
Victory - $6
4 VP
When you buy this card, you may overpay for it. Gain another Botanical Gardens per $3 you overpaid.

Enchanted Forest - Asper
Victory - $7
4 VP
In games using this, you may reveal your hand at the start of your buy phase. During that buy phase, this costs $2 less per Curse revealed this way, but never less than $0.

Rental - Asper
Victory - $7
Worth 1 VP per VP Token on your Rental Mat at the end of the game.
When you gain this, set it aside. Gain two Coppers and shuffle them and this into your deck.
Setup: Each player puts 7 VP Tokens on his Rental Mat. Whenever a player trashes a card, remove a VP Token from his Rental Mat.

Cattle Tokens – Saucery
Token Rules:
- 2 Cattle tokens may be cashed in during your action phase for +1 card, +1 action.
- Tokens last until cashed in, and are worth nothing if the game ends.
- Tokens cannot be played while actions or other effects are resolving.

Shepherd – Cattle Tokens – Saucery
Action - $4
+2 Cards
Gain a Cattle token.
When you buy this card, you may overpay for it. If you overpaid by $2 or more, gain 2 Cattle tokens.

Cattle Farm – Cattle Tokens – Saucery
Action - $5
Gain 3 Cattle tokens. Look at the top card of your deck. Discard it or put it back.

Rancher – Cattle Tokens – Saucery
Action - $6
+3 cards
You may reveal a victory card from your hand. If you do, either gain a cattle token or +1 buy.
When you buy this card, gain an action card costing up to twice the number of cards in your hand.

Neutral Cards – Saucery
Neutral Card Rules:
- Neutral Cards are unique cards which remain in the supply permanently and affect all players. In games where Neutral cards are enabled, randomly select one of them and add it to the supply.
- 'Neutral - Active' means the card's ability can be activated by any player once per turn (during their action phase).
- Activating a neutral card is similar to playing an action, but does not count as an action played and doesn't require actions to be used.

Fertile Ground - Neutral
If this card is in the game, Victory cards are worth 1 more VP but cost $1 more.

Environmental Degradation - Neutral
If there is 1 empty supply pile, Cards with the same name can only be played 3 times per turn.
If there are 2 empty supply piles, Cards with the same name can only be played 2 times per turn.

Out of Season - Neutral
At the start of the game, each player (in turn order) places an Out of Season marker on top of any supply pile.
Cards from those supply piles cost $1 more for the remainder of the game (effect stacks).

Archipelago - Neutral
When a player plays an attack card, he may discard a card. If he does not, other players are unaffected by the attack.

Prismatic Jewel – Neutral
Worth 4 VP
At the end of the game, the player with the highest number of different card types in their deck gains the Prismatic Jewel. If more than one player satisfies this condition, no player gains it.

Pawn Shop – Neutral
You may return a card from your hand to the supply. If you do, gain a card costing up to the same value which shares a card type with it. Put it in your hand.

Wandering Merchant – Neutral
Discard two action or treasure cards. Choose one: Gain an action card costing up to $4, OR trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing up to $1 more, OR +1 buy.

Mercenary – Neutral
Trash a treasure other than Copper. Choose one: Look at each player's hand and choose a card. They discard that card (unless they have four or less cards in hand) OR Each other player gains a curse, putting it into their hand.

Travelling Circus – Neutral
Choose one: All players pass a card to the player on their left, OR All players may discard a card and draw a card, OR All players may look at the bottom card of their deck and can discard it or put it back.

Spell Cards - jamespotter

Growth Spell 0*
+1 action
Gain a card costing up to $6
Return this card to the bottom of the Spell pile.

Reduction Spell 0*
+1 action
All cards cost $2 less this turn, but not less than $0
Return this card to the bottom of the Spell pile.

Transformation Spell 0*
+1 card
+2 actions
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card of the same cost, putting it into your hand.
Return this card to the bottom of the Spell pile.

Levitation Spell 0*
+3 cards
Set aside any number of cards from your hand.
At the start of your next turn, +1 action, put all cards set aside this way into your hand, and return this card to the bottom of the Spell pile.

Invisibility Spell 0*
+1 card
+1 action
Trash up to 3 cards from your hand. +1 card per card you trashed.
Return this card to the bottom of the Spell pile.

Events: (look here if the card has the tag “events”) - NoMoreFun

Bring Out Your Dead!:
Each player may trash a card from his hand.

Each player draws a card

Silver Rush!:
Each player gains a Silver

Each player may discard any number of cards from his hand. +1 card for each card he discarded this way.

Each player may look through his discard pile, and put a card from it on top of his deck.

Each player looks at the top 5 cards of his deck, and either discards them all or puts them back.

Each player gains a copper, putting it in his hand.

Each player reveals the top 3 cards of his deck, discards the actions and treasures and puts the other cards back in any order

Each player may discard 2 cards from his hand. If he doesn't, he gains a Curse, putting it in his hand

Each player puts a Victory or Curse card on top of his deck (or reveals a hand with no such cards).

Trinkets: - NoMoreFun
Trinkets: Pick a random card from the 10 Kingdoms you picked. If it is from this expansion, replace one of your starting coppers with one Trinket. You get to choose which Trinket you get in reverse player order.

Action/Trinket - $0*
+2 Actions

Treasure/Trinket - $0*
Worth $0
While this is in play, cards cost $1 less (to a minimum of $0)

Treasure/Reaction/Trinket - $0*
Worth $1
When another player plays an attack card, you may trash this from your hand. If you do, you are unaffected by the attack.

Treasure/Victory/Trinket - $0*
Worth 1VP for each name of a treasure you have in your deck other than Gold, Silver or Copper.
Worth $1

Rare Coin
Treasure/Trinket – $4*
Worth $1

Treasure/Victory/Trinket - $0*
Worth $1, +$2 for each empty supply pile

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