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Dominion General Discussion / Buying Adventures- not in the States
« on: April 28, 2015, 05:20:20 pm »
So yeah, I knew Adventures was coming out, and I figured, like Guilds, it wouldn't be too hard to get hold of if I wanted it, and after the previews I was thinking this was a decent physical set to add to my selection.
Then... apparently I can't.
I've heard Europe is not getting published until September? OK that might be reasonable for translations, but why has the UK been forsaken?
And the US international postage rates are insane- given I assume- the giant box. Some enterprising guys need to start offering just the packs of cards and tokens and stuff on Amazon with respectable postage!

Anyone had any luck, or say, were there some if you preordered? That would at least let me be annoyed at myself rather than Rio Grande.

Other Games / Heroes of the Storm
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:24:46 am »
I know there are some LoL and Dota2 players here, I used to play LoL a couple years back but just stopped.
Been playing Hearthstone intermittently and just got into the Heroes of the Storm (HotS?) closed beta and played just AI games, not yet dived in against humans.
Seems like will reward team play over individual skill even more than the other Mobas. I do like that is will probably play quicker, though I've heard that in closer games against humans, the game time will be over half hour, this is still shorter than LoL time (one of the barriers from just loading up for a "quick game" is the time commitment.
The pricing seems far too high for me, the real world prices that is. I would have thought that lowered prices would encourage more sales- there's no way I'm paying £5 for one hero.
Am getting a bit bored playing against the basic AI- it is really stupid and you can't really lose, so will probably dive in against humans soon, but would prefer to play with another (probably wait for my brother to play) the games rewards this with XP boost as well.

So there are a few very brief thoughts. What are other people's thoughts?

Also it is funny to see Raynor on a horse next to Illidan and Diablo.

Other Games / Splendor
« on: May 22, 2014, 05:14:38 pm »
Got this game a week or so ago, and played it a couple of times. It's had some very favourable reviews and sounded like a nice fairly theme neutral game that I could play 2-4 players quite simply but with some depth.

To summarise the game it's about collecting "Prestige points" by buying cards with gems. Some cards give you more buying power. There are a bunch of different colours of gems and limited quantities of them so you do have to develop your way up from cheaper cards towards the very expensive cards. The gems are poker chips and make lovely noises when you chink them together.

The game is relatively short and easy to pick up but with a reasonable amount of different conditions from game to game (much from the "nobles" - additional points that are available to the first player to collect certain combos of cards) There are some simple interactions with others by trying to second guess what cards they are aiming for.

I'll need to play it more, but it certainly is fun and gone down well with the three others I played with- it will get more plays for sure. It is worth at least some of the positivity it has been receiving (potential SdJ winner? I think it is on the shortlist now)

Introductions / Hi everybody
« on: June 17, 2013, 06:00:11 pm »
Long time lurker I'll admit, but for whatever reason, decided to commit to the fold. Enjoying Guilds on Goko, play in real life a reasonable amount with others (including at work!)
Hoping to have a look in some of the secret sub-forums shortly.

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