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Game Reports / Hermit + Goons megaturn. It is possible (?).
« on: March 31, 2014, 07:59:32 pm »

Has anyone tried this before?

I 've always had in mind that such a megaturn could somehow be possible, but never actually thought it could be pulled off, primarily because the Goons' discard attack would prevent that. But on this board, the only Village was Madman, so the attack wouldn't happen very often.

Now, in this case, my opponent tried to mirror "whatever weird thing" i was doing on the early turns (with the difference that i had an actual plan). When he realised what i was trying to do, he tried to 3-pile before i could pull off my megaturn, but, fortunately enough, i succeeded just in time. Now, i'm not really sure how this would 've gone against a big money+goons strategy (where i would probably get attacked more often and also a Province-pile ending would probably be more threatening).

Game Reports / A funny incident in a Possession game
« on: March 14, 2014, 09:42:59 pm »
So, i played this Possession game:

Nothing very interesting about it, but there was a funny incident:

On turn 17, my opponent accidentally trashed a Province with his Hermit. I felt this was very unfortunate for him, so i thought i should make this even. On my next turn, i trashed a Province with my Hermit too, on purpose (just, so that it was as if he had never done that mistake).

The funny thing is that i started to do better after that. Makes me think that the absence of a Province in my deck made it less likely for my opponent to get a good benefit via my Apprentices. And i start to wonder: Is there a chance this could have been a right play??? I mean, definitely trashing a Province with Hermit is a suicide, but maybe i could 've Apprenticed it at some point? I'm not sure about that though... Just a thought.

Game Reports / An interesting use for Philosopher's Stone (In my opinion)
« on: February 28, 2014, 02:23:04 pm »
So, i play this game:

Duchess, Moat, Native Village, Loan, Philosopher's Stone, Scavenger, Silk Road, Treasure Map, Mint, Pillage, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Potion

I look at the board. There is Silk Road. I like alt-VP cards and tend to want to go for them whenever i can. I see no engine potential here, so maybe i can get there somehow. Then, there is also Philosopher's Stone. I also tend to want to play with cards like Phil. Stone (that don't appear very often and even if they do, there is usually a more viable strategy to go with). So, i try to figure out: Can Phil Stone work here? No, +buy, no gainers, but there's Duchess. Then i think: "Hmm... i could bloat-up my Deck through Duchy-Duchess. And the Silk Road can be supported by the Duchies i want to buy in the first place! That could work."

So, i set out to bloat-up my Deck through Duchy-Duchess, thinking like this: "I don't know if i'll be able to grab enough Provinces via Phil. Stone, but even if i don't, i will get enough VPs from Duchies and then Silk Roads will be viable."

I think my opponent misplayed a lot in this game; he tried to go for some engine-hybrid thing that proved to be fail on this board. No card could support this at all and it was clear win for me in the end:

But i have a few questions:

1) If i was playing with a higher-skilled player that would go for a decent big-money strategy, with Treasure Maps/Pillages + Scavenger for example, would my strategy still be viable? I think that Pillaging a lot would kill my Phil-Stone strategy, or at least slow me down enough.

2) I think, on turn 11, i should 've bought a second Scavenger over 4th Phil.Stone. Because Scavenger was really bolstering this strategy a lot. But i was afraid of terminal collision, so i didn't. Although i'm pretty sure i should.

As an aside, during this game, i actually found out that Scavenger is REALLY good with Phil. Stone: It helps find the Phil. Stone more often and it ensures it gets its maximum value (by top-decking it on discarded Deck). Both of these effects are of great importance in P.Stone decks.

3) I opened Potion. For Phil. Stone. This is usually not correct. But the way i wanted to play this, i think it was correct. I wanted to grab some P.Stones at first and then power them up through Duchy-Duchess. Early on, they were worth $1-2, but that was enough to get me to Duchy.

4) Would this strategy still be viable if Silk Road was not on the board? I mean, i hit the Duchies hard. That's serious VP amassing. And i do that while still being able to grab Provinces.

I did go for this strategy under the safety belt of Silk Road existance, but the way it played out makes me think that maybe i didn't even need Silk Roads at all. Or maybe, it's just because my opponent played this badly.

Goko Dominion Online / Goko bug, or what?
« on: February 28, 2014, 12:53:59 pm »
Is Goko up yet? Because it seems to be so, but i can't log in and i also can't enter any modes (Multiplayer, Play Bots, etc.), not even as guest. Or is it something else that is going on?

Variants and Fan Cards / An Alt-VP card Idea
« on: January 21, 2014, 07:19:19 am »

Cost: $6 (Type: Victory)

Worth (1) VP for every 5 different cards in your Deck that have the same name.



If you have 5 Coppers, it's worth 1 VP.
If you have 10 Coppers, it's worth 2 VPs.
If you have 10 Coppers and 5 Silvers, it's worth 3 VPs.
If you have 10 Coppers, 10 Silvers and 10 Villages, it's worth 6 VPs.

I think $6 is the appropriate price. I couldn't have it cost less, because you could easily buy it just by stacking lots of Coppers and Silvers and rack up tons of points. At this price, at least, you 'll have to build a more decent economy in order to make it work. You can still stack lots of Coppers an Silvers, but when you start greening it will be harder to hit $6.

I think it's an interesting Alt-VP idea, because it contains elements from other existing Alt-VP concepts and also gives some new interesting ones.

Every card on the board can be worth VPs. You can add in Coppers, Silvers, various spammable Action cards of any cost; Gold gainers get an extra credit here; Junking attacks will probably not hurt you as much (which is not true for Looters); and you got another reason to grab some Estates and hunt down the Duchies.

While the "5" number may need a tweak, it happens to be the appropriate number when this Alt-VP card is contested in a 2-player game. Winning the Platoons split (and to lesser extend the Duchy split) is of great importance, as it will let you reach the "5-same-named-cards" threshold. In the same manner, when a Kingdom pile is contested, if none wins the split both players get to reach that threshold, and if someone loses it he gets denied the opportunity to do so.

What actually concerns me, is that this card may be too powerful if left uncontested in a fair amount of cases. I'm not sure about that though.

Anyway, I hope you like the idea.  ;D

Dominion General Discussion / Masterpiece - Watchtower
« on: January 20, 2014, 02:07:16 pm »
Yesterday, i played a non-engine game where i opened Masquerade and Watchtower (Shelters game). I was lucky enough to trash 5 Coppers through Mint early on, and soon after that, i happened to hit $7 with Watchtower in my hand, and out of coincidence, i decided to buy a Masterpiece. The Watchtower-reaction window popped-up, and then i realised how cool what i just did was!  ;D

Revealing Watchtower to Masterpiece and trashing it.

Revealing Watchtower to the 4 Silvers gained, putting them on top of my Deck.

And my next turn was a Province.

Now, i'm kinda sure that i'm not the 1st one who notices this wonderful interaction, but not everyone would think of it just like that, so i felt like i wanted to share it.  ;D

Variants and Fan Cards / Variant: Player Abilities
« on: January 14, 2014, 09:53:14 am »
I generally like board games where every player has some sort of personality and a special unique ability that can use throughout the game. Examples include Bang!, Android Netrunner, Lords of Waterdeep and others, but this is not the subject.

My point is, why not allow for such a behavior in Dominion as well??!!! :D

I've thought of some unique abilities that players can have that could perhaps be represented by some special cards that will describe what the ability does and include an artwork relevant to the ability's name.

Each player, at the start of the game will be able to choose one of these abilities (with some randomizing method i suppose -otherwise they could possibly be too strong) and will have that ability for the whole duration of the game. In other words, they will have a character that can perform some special actions, described in the corresponding character's card, that will be in front of them and visible to everyone else throughout the whole game.

For ability-using reasons, i have created a new kind of Token, the Counter Token. Some abilities will have you take one or more of these Tokens at the start of the game, and their purpose will be to keep track of how many times you can use the corresponding ability throughout the game. Counter Tokens cannot be recovered and you cannot take more Counter Tokens than it is allowed.

So, on to the abilities:

Duke's Minion

Setup: Take 3 Counter Tokens.

Once per turn, you may spend an Action to use a Counter Token. If you do, gain a Duchy.

Summital Trader

Once per turn, during your Buy phase, you may pay $1 to get +1 Buy.

Fund Saver

At the end of your Buy phase, if you have any unspent Coins, take a Coin Token.


When you buy a Card that is not an Action or Treasure, take a Victory Token.

Clairvoyant Cleanser

Setup: Take 1 Counter Token.

You may look through your discard pile any time. During your Action phase, you may use a Counter Token. If you do, trash up to 2 Cards from your hand or your discard pile.

Resource Manager

Setup: Take 3 Counter Tokens.

At the start of your Clean-up phase, you may use a Counter Token. If you do, choose a card you have in play and put it on top of your Deck.


Setup: Take 1 Counter Token.

When you are about to shuffle your deck, you may use a Counter Token. If you do, look through your Deck and take up to 4 Cards from it. After shuffling, put these Cards anywhere you want in your Deck.


Setup: Take 1 Counter Token.

As long as you have a Counter Token, when one or more of your Cards are trashed as a result of a  Card effect, +1 Card.
You may spend an Action to use a Counter Token. If you do, trash up to 3 Cards from your hand; +1 Card, per card trashed.


Ok, Junk-Liver may be too good, but i just liked the idea. Anyway, i think they are all rather interesting concepts. Maybe some of them need some tweaks, but i want to know if you guys generally like the concept.

Some clarifications:

 -  "Spend an Action" means that you have to use one of your available Actions. So, if you opt to use an ability that requires an Action to be spent before playing any other Actions, you won't be able to play any Actions this turn.

 - Fund Saver: If you buy a Silver for $4 or more, you have unspent Coins, so you're getting a Coin Token. If you buy a Silver for $3, you 're not.

 - Clairvoyant Cleanser: You can use this ability at the start of your turn, or after playing an Action Card.

 - Resource Manager: You opt to do that, before any other card effects can take place (like Herbalist, or Scheme).

 - Strategist: Right before you shuffle, you choose and take 4 cards from your Deck. Then, after shuffling, place each of them in any position you want (with the Randomizer side face-up) as you would do with Stash.

 - Junk Liver: You 're getting +1 Card after the full effect of the Card that trashed one or more of your cards has completely resolved.

A tempting idea for me would be to try to create a character with the name "Destroyer" and one with the name "Defender". The first one will probably perform some kind of trashing attack, while the second one will have some sort of mechanisms that will counter various Attack cards, along with giving some other utility.
I haven't thought anything good about that yet.

Any comments, suggestions, or even your own character ideas would be welcome!!!  ;D

I hope you liked my idea!!!

Hermit - Market Square... I love it! Especially with Scheme on the board!  :) :) :)

It took me a while... But i was not in a hurry anyway. I wanted to grab some Golds before pulling the trigger to make sure i can buy all 8 Provinces. Then, my opponent eventually bought one and then i just waited until i get 2 Madmen in hand...

Curses vs. Ruins.

Everyone who has played the base set of Dominion knows that Curses are bad cards. They are good to screw up your oppenent's deck and they also give negative points. Someone will probably like attacks that give Curses and they will try to get rid of these awful purple cards as fast as possible when they happen to be in their deck.
Moving through the expansions, someone meets new awsome Cursers and new ways to get rid of Curses, or live with them. But when they reach Dark Ages, they will have a pause on Ruins. They will wonder. What are the Ruins? They will experiment with them. And after getting the experience, they will see that Ruins are pretty similar to Curses: Their purpose is to screw up someone else's deck, but they have some obvious differences with Curses: While Curses are totally useless cards and give negative points, Ruins don't give any negative points and they are actually Action cards that can be played and even give you some minor benefit.

Looking through the games being played in Goko, most games include random cards from various sets and that means that the Ruins may sometimes inflitrate a game where you have gotten used to seeing Curses instead. And this way, you start noticing that some cards interact with Ruins in a different way than they would interact with Curses.

There are a bunch of cards that behave differently with Curses and differently with Ruins and some players are probably not aware of that, simple because they haven't noticed or haven't thought of it yet.

I am now going to display a full list of these cards, because i believe that it's good for everyone to keep in mind these various interactions and have knowledge of them before going into a game, because some strategies can be totally altered by the presence of Ruins (instead of Curses, maybe).

  • Shanty Town
Curses: It's draw can be triggered with Curses in hand.
Ruins: It's draw cannot be triggered with Ruins in hand.

  • Tribute
Curses: Cannot get benefit by hitting Curses.
Ruins: Can get up to +4 Actions by hitting Ruins.

  • Ironworks
Curses: Will gain Curses while not giving any benefit.
Ruins: Will gain Ruins while giving +1 Action.

(That's probably useless unless you 're playing with Vineyards or trying to 3-pile, but i had to point it out).

  • Golem
Curses: It will skip them.
Ruins: It will stop on them and play them.

  • Transmute
Curses: It will trash them into nothing.
Ruins: It will trash them into Duchies.

  • Scrying Pool
Curses: It will stop drawing upon revealing a Curse.
Ruins: It will not stop drawing upon revealing a Ruins.

  • Vineyard
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: They will make Vineyards go up in VPs.

  • University
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: It can gain Ruins.

  • Farming Village
Curses: It will skip the Curses.
Ruins: It will not skip the Ruins.

  • Fortune Teller
Curses: It will top-deck the Curses.
Ruins: It will not top-deck the Ruins.

  • Harvest
Curses: Will give +$1 by hitting 2+ Curses.
Ruins: Can give more than +$1 by hitting 2+ Ruins.

  • Menagerie
Curses: It's draw cannot be triggered with 2+ Curses in hand.
Ruins: It's draw may be triggered with 2+ Ruins in hand.

  • Hunting Party
Curses: Having a Curse in hand will cause other Curses to be skipped.
Ruins: Having a Ruins in hand will probably not cause other Ruins to be skipped.

  • Horn Of Plenty
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: They can be played and act as additional unique cards in play.

  • Fairgrounds
Curses: Curses count as 1 additional unique card in deck.
Ruins: Ruins can count as up to 5 additional unique cards in deck.

  • Jester
Curses: Revealing a Curse will cause another Curse to be gained.
Ruins: Revealing a Ruins will probably not cause another Ruins to be gained.

  • Inn
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: Can shuffle into deck Ruins when you gain it.

  • Scheme
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: Can top-deck Ruins.

  • Peddler
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: They can count as additional Action cards in play.

  • Rabble
Curses: It will leave Curses on top of deck.
Ruins: It will discard the Ruins.

  • Ambassador
Curses: It will give a Curse to each other player when revealed.
Ruins: It will probably give Ruins only to the player to your left when revealed, and only if you return it to the pile.

  • Wandering Minstrel
Curses: It will discard them.
Ruins: It will leave them on top of your deck.

  • Ironmonger
Curses: It will not give any benefit by revealing a Curse.
Ruins: It will give +1 Action by revealing a Ruins.

  • Death Cart
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: It can target Ruins.

(An obvious one, here.)

  • Graverobber
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: It can trash them into a card costing up to $3.

  • Procession
Curses: No interaction
Ruins: It can target ruins and trash them (if Poor House is not in the game).

  • Herald
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: It will play them upon revealing them.


  • Library
Curses: No interaction.
Ruins: It can skip the Ruins as it draws them and discard them after drawing.

  • Doctor:
Curses: By naming Curse, it can trash more than 1 Curse.
Ruins: By naming a Ruins, it will probably not trash more than 1 Ruins.

  • Journeyman
Curses: By naming Curse, it can skip more than 1 Curse.
Ruins: By naming a Ruins, it will probably not skip more than 1 Ruins.

[End Edit]

Now, i'm not exactly pointing whether the outcome is good or bad in each case, but i'm pretty sure you can all understand which one it is. For example, Golem and Hunting Party stopping on Ruins is definitely a bad thing, as is Shanty Town not triggering it's draw. Menagerie being able to trigger its draw with many Ruins in hand is definitely a good thing, as is for Fairgrounds to have more unique cards available. It seems that Scrying Pool can live with Ruins, while Curses stop it dead, and it could be interesting to target Ruins with Transmute or Graverobber. A Herald deck is in a somewhat better situation with Ruins than it would be with Curses and, with Procession, 99% of the times you will want to target Ruins particularly to trash them, but who knows? Someday, someone may even kick off their engine by processing a Ruined Village! :P

Now there might be a few more minor interactions that i haven't thought of yet, but i'm pretty sure that I have covered the most important parts of this aspect. If i'm missing something i'll be happy to be informed.


How could i forget about these three cards? Especially Library! Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I just added the cards now.

[End Edit]

Dominion General Discussion / Emergency(?) problem in Goko!!!
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:03:40 pm »
I am trying to play a game in Goko right now, but i have this problem: I can join a game normally, but when the game starts i'm still in the lobby and i can see the game in which i am supposed to be playing as if it is someone else playing in this game. Some discussion in the chat showed that a lot of users seem to have the same problem.

Can anyone do anything about this, or inform those who can?

This goko.... so many issues it has....

Dominion General Discussion / How do you deal with Possession?
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:52:07 am »
How do you deal with Possession?

I just played a game where i got my engine running and i thought i was gonna win because i would play Possession more often. But My opponent used my deck totally against me! He bought Possessions via my cards and even though he was playing Possession less often than i was, his Posssession benefited him way more than my Possession was benefiting me. He double-Provinced twice via my deck, while i was only able to pick up components via my Possession, just because my deck was better! Components that HE used eventually.

So, how do you deal with Possession? You don't play engine maybe? You try to create a deck that perhaps won't benefit the enemy too much?? What can i say?? It totally turned the game upside down and i became really frustrated!

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: "Large" Mode
« on: December 09, 2013, 07:12:01 pm »
Alright... Now this is a variant that can be played with real cards and requires you to just have the two stand-alone games Dominion, and Dominion: Intrigue.

The rules:

15 Kingdom cards, instead of 10.

50 Coppers.
50 Silvers.
40 Golds.

16 Provinces.

If Colonies are included, there 2 scenarios:
1) If you have the base-cards set, there will be 16 Colonies.
2) If not, there will be 12 Colonies and 20 Provinces (because of lacking Colony cards).

End-game Conditions:

- If 4 piles are emptied.
- If the Provinces are emptied.
- In Colony games (respectively to the scenarios above):
1) If Colonies or Provinces are piled out.
2) If Provinces are piled out, or if Colonies and half of the Provinces are piled out. (You can make 2 Province piles, each containing 10 Provinces. So, that way, the game ends either when both of the Province piles are emptied, or when the Colony pile and one of the Province piles are emptied.)

Yes i know that this way it will be harder to rush the Provinces when Colonies are on the board, but it's just a thought. I didn't know what else to think of in order to make up for the lack of Colony cards. I guess that, in that case, the Colonies should be avoided if the players don't intend to go for them.

I always like variants. This is why i think of them. :D

I'm waiting your thoughts about this. Thanks for reading.

Variants and Fan Cards / New Dominion Cards by... Me!!!! :D
« on: November 27, 2013, 08:49:45 am »
 Okay, guys... I've given some thought on these cards, i haven't concluded on how exactly some of them should be, i wanted to think of some more before actually making this post ...but i'll just throw them into publicity... I really love the idea behind some of them... :D

Okay, so here we go:

Engineer (Action, Cost:5)

+3 Cards

You may put a card on top of your Deck. If you do, +1 Action and discard a card.

Sweeper (Action, Cost:3)

+1 Card
+1 Action

Choose a card in your hand. Discard it, or trash it.

Street Market (Action, Cost:4)

+2 Buys
+(1) Coin

Choose a card from a supply pile that costs up to (5). Cards from that supply cost (1) less, but not less than (0).

Iron-Processor (Action, Cost:2)

+2 Cards

Discard a card. If it's an... Action card, +1 Action... Treasure card, +(1) Coin... Victory card, +1 Card.

Avalanche (Action, Cost:3)

+1 Card

Name a card. Reveal cards from the top of your Deck until you reveal a card that is not the named card. Put the revealed cards into your hand.

Diplomat-Smithy (Action, Cost:4)

+3 Cards

The player to your left may draw a card. If he does, you do as well.

 - For the following card, i have 2 versions of it:

Version 1:
Invention (Action, Cost: 6)

Gain an Action or Treasure Card costing less than this card. Put it in your hand.

Version 2:
Mach-Generator (Victory-Reaction, Cost: 6)

 - Worth (2) VPs

When you gain an Action or Treasure Card costing less than this card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, gain a copy of that card. If the gained card was not put in your discard pile, you may do likewise with its copy.

But i have also thought of another third version, which makes it a lot different:

Duplicate-Jester (Action-Reaction, Cost: 3)

Reveal a card from your hand that costs up to (4). Gain a copy of that card.

When any player gains a card costing up to (4), you may discard this from your hand. If you do, choose any player to gain a copy of that card.

My key thoughts for each of the cards above:

Engineer: Very convenient tool for almost any engine. It's the kind of card that i always wanted to exist in this game and i also wanted another card to be able to work as a Courtyard. Engineer, as its name implies, will fix an engine when it's not working...  ;)

Sweeper: Very convenient trasher. Cheap. Handy. As a little draw-back, it has to not be able to played whenever it comes into somebody's hand without consequences (mid-late game).

Street Market: Taking into account the existance of Squire, i thought why not create a card that gives more than 1 +Buy? So i thought of this: A card that can use the +buys nicely on components and also gives a unique effect: It reduces the cost of cards of 1 supply pile, making possible to get special benefits from Band of Misfits, Catacombs -when you trash it- and (combined with other cost-reducers) even Border Village.

Iron-Processor: An "Iron"-variant with some convenient utility, i believe. Maybe too cheap. Perhaps it should cost $3, instead of $2.

Avalanche: This - is - my glorious - "invention"   ;D. The card that will make the BIG plays. Let's have a look at it. On first glimpse, it's very inconsistent. Maybe you should build your deck around it a little bit and some lucky draws can make big difference in mirror matches (and this is in fact a factor that i don't like about this card). It can be very strong early game (drawing a bunch of Coppers all at once) and it will not be entirely useless to you when you guess wrong, because it will draw you at least 2 cards.
But the big plays are elsewhere: Assume you are playing an engine and you have already drawn your whole deck, you got plenty of actions to spend, some Traders in your hand and an Avalanche. What can u do with that? Trader into tons of Silvers and... kaboom! Your single Avalanche will draw all of the Silvers you just gained at once and "gg"...

Diplomat-Smithy: There are huge differences between using cards that draw 3 Cards and ones that draw 4 Cards. With this card, the decision is up to your opponent. Does he want to draw a "free" card in exchange for letting you achieve the "+4 Cards"-threshold, or not? Someone could say, it's like a mini-Council-Room, but in reality, it's very different. Good and bad uses of this card, as well as good and bad decisions from your opponent can make a big difference.

 - Tired of writing...  ;D
I'm not gonna talk about the remaining cards now... maybe i'll update my post later on...
I'll be waiting for comments anyway...
Thanks for reading...  ;D

Game Reports / A Stonemason experience (Repost)
« on: November 05, 2013, 10:31:10 am »
Well, guys...  I 'd like to tell you that i don't have very much experience with Guilds cards yet. I played a game a few days ago that included stonemason and a very good board to support it. It was the very 1st time i used stonemason effectively and i really liked it. I'm pretty sure that some of you would 've done better than me, but my object is to show you how well i handled the stonemason in this game, regardless if i could ve achieved more VPs. I know i could have. I gave it some thought after finishing the game. In the last turn, i could 've done a couple of things that would 've given me more Vps. But i was already winning, so it didn't even matter to me. What really surprised me, is that my opponent chose to go for a rather weak strategy comparing to the other cards existing...

Anyway, the game log is here:

I just wanted to share it with you guys...

The only mistake i think i did is that on turn 7, i played Stonemason, trashing a Copper and bought a Margrave, while i could've saved it to buy a Nobles, which my Deck needed pretty much at that moment...
All i can say is that "Deck-thinning" is sometimes addicting... :P

Note: This is a repost from the General Discussion sub-forum. I was informed that the topic shouldn't exist there, so i reposted it here. Thanks for understanding.

Game Reports / A Stonemason experience
« on: November 05, 2013, 10:04:07 am »
Well, guys...  I 'd like to tell you that i don't have very much experience with Guilds cards yet. I played a game a few days ago that included stonemason and a very good board to support it. It was the very 1st time i used stonemason effectively and i really liked it. I'm pretty sure that some of you would 've done better than me, but my object is to show you how well i handled the stonemason in this game, regardless if i could ve achieved more VPs. I know i could have. I gave it some thought after finishing the game. In the last turn, i could 've done a couple of things that would 've given me more Vps. But i was already winning, so it didn't even matter to me. What really surprised me, is that my opponent chose to go for a rather weak strategy comparing to the other cards existing...

Anyway, the game log is here:

I just wanted to share it with you guys...

The only mistake i think i did is that on turn 7, i played Stonemason, trashing a Copper and bought a Margrave, while i could've saved it to buy a Nobles, which my Deck needed pretty much at that moment...
All i can say is that "Deck-thinning" is sometimes addicting... :P

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Endless Mode
« on: November 02, 2013, 10:13:58 pm »
I have thought of this Variant a long time ago and i didn't really think that it would make an impact if posted it, until i actually saw this section on the Forum...

So, my Variant is, as i call it, the Endless Mode.

In this mode, all supply piles are countless. You can buy/gain as many cards as you want from a supply pile, without it ever ending. There will be neither Province/Colony ending, nor three-pile ending. The game will only end after a specific amount of turns that will be specified by the creator of the game, before it begins.

This mode, of course, can only exist in Virtual Dominion and cannot be played with real cards.

I would like to state that i would be very happy to see variants like this one in Goko...

- Why would i want such a game mode to exist?

1) Because, in a given kingdom, you can take your time to set up the best strategy (that you believe it is) without being afraid that the cards you want will be piled out.

2) It gives a better chance for "late-game" decks to shine.

3) Alt-VP cards can rack-up TONS of points.

4) New factors will be needed to be taken into account (which can make the game more fun):
   a) Now you can clog your Deck too much because of the Provinces/Colonies.
   b) Cursing attacks will never stop attacking.
   c) New levels will be brought to mega-turn strategies: You will now probably have to buy 20-30 Provinces/Colonies within a few turns.

... and there probably a lot more things that change the game in this mode, but these are a few i can easily think of...

Hope you liked it guys... :D

Rules Questions / Questions on technical matters
« on: October 25, 2013, 07:10:11 am »
Got some questions on technical matters. Here we go:

- If I Throne Room / King's Court a duration card, will the Throne Room / King's Court remain in play until the end of my next clean-up phase?
- What happens if i Procession the duration card?

- If I Procession a Band of Misfits played as a card that does something when it is trashed, will the "when you trash this" part trigger?

- When a card that is played gets trashed afterwards, it's not in play anymore. So, if i Counterfeit a treasure, then play Bank, what's gonna happen? Will the double treasure played by Counterfeit count as 2 treasures in play, or as none?

Dominion General Discussion / No new articles in main site. Why?
« on: October 23, 2013, 05:43:44 am »
Why are articles not posted in the main Dominionstrategy site anymore??? The last article was posted in June, when the Guilds expansion came out. I do see new articles, here, in the forum, but why are they not transferred to the main site as well, like they used to?

Makes me feel the site starts to become neglected... Could this be true???...

Dominion General Discussion / Combos
« on: March 02, 2013, 09:13:09 am »
I have read some of the combos existing in the main dominionstrategy site and i have thought some more on my own that i would like to display here in the forum. Maybe they cannot really be categorized as "combos", but it's all about a few cards working well together and, in my opinion, they are the most suitable for the intended use.

So, here we go:

Hamlet / Poor House

Buy as many Hamlets and Poor Houses as you can. Use your Hamlets to draw 2 Poor Houses and discard all of your Coppers you have in your hand for +1 Action (at least) and play 2 Poor Houses to hit $8.
The extra buys provided by the Hamlets are also of critical use early on, since they will allow you to buy multiple components in one turn.

Counting House / Loan

Buy lots of Counting Houses and Loans, and suggestively at least 1 copper. Opening with 1-2 silvers is a must here, since you need to reach $5 at some point fairly fast and you can't really rely on coppers for that. Once you buy your first Counting House, the other components should be easy to get.
So, what you do here is that you use your Loans to discard your Coppers for your next-turn Counting Houses to draw (until you reshuffle your deck). Once you stack some Counting Houses/Loans (at least 3-4 of each) it will start working nicely and will give you 1 Province every 2-3 turns, and when you can't afford to buy a Province, you just buy another component.

The nice thing here is that your deck will cycle very quickly due to your loans searching for treasures and gradually putting your deck into discard pile.

The reason why you should buy at least one copper is, other than the fact that u should probably (but not necessarily) have a somewhat higher percentage of Coppers than Loans as regarding in total-treasures-count, it is very likely that at some point during late game you can happen having a hand of Counting House(s) and Victory cards, while your deck is close to reshuffling. At this point, most of your treasures will be in your discard pile and your Counting House will probably draw 8 or more Coppers for you.

The concept behind this combo is pretty similar to the Counting House/Golem combo, with a few differences though: The Counting House/Golem is harder to set-up, but once it takes place it will buy Provinces non-stop. The Counting House/Loan is easier to set-up but less reliable on buying Provinces. And the main functionality difference, is that in the Counting House/Golem you discard Coppers to immediately draw them, while in the Counting House/Loan you discard your Coppers to draw them in a future turn.

EDIT: 6/3/2013

Counterfeit / Haven / Treasure Map / Mandarin

Ok, now this is a multi-card combo, i'm not really sure if it can really be categorized as combo, but i'm pretty sure it works like one.

So, what you do here is this: Buy a lot of Havens (at least 5-6), some Counterfeits (about 4-5), 1-2 Silvers as opening (to help afford the early Counterfeits) and a few Treasure Maps later on (Mandarins will be mentioned later).
Use your Counterfeits to trash your Coppers at any given chance, and maybe your Silvers as well later on, in order to afford buying some more things.
Start buying Treasure Maps after having trashed most of your initial Coppers and use your Havens to line them up. Your goal, now, is to have a hand of 2 Treasure Maps, a Haven and a Counterfeit. Keep buying more Treasure Maps and Havens while you try to reach this point.
When you do it, play your Haven, setting aside a Counterfeit, then play a Treasure Map, putting 4 Golds on top of your Deck (-note that during this turn you can buy any Victory card(s) you can afford to).
On your next turn, play 4 Golds and a Counterfeit, hitting $13 for 2 buys, and buy a Province and a Mandarin, putting these 5 treasures on top of your Deck. Repeat every turn, until all Provinces or Mandarins are gone (probably the Provinces), using your Counterfeit to duplicate a Gold on your last turn and buy 2 Provinces.

Dominion General Discussion / Any "Spice Merchant" ideas??? :)
« on: January 19, 2013, 06:18:40 pm »
Hey guys! I'm new to Dominion, i'm new to this site, i'm new to your philosphy generally!!!  :)

I have only played the basic Dominion in real life, but i have got the Androminion application on my cellphone and i have played all of the expansions, so i can say i am familiar with most of the cards existing.

So, i would like to ask a question. It's a specific card that makes me think: What would the best use of it be? and on what deck would it fit well??

The card is the "Spice Merchant". I like the way it works, but i just think it can't always be trustworthy, cause you have to trash a treasure every time you use it.

I've been thinking that it should be working somehow well with cards that feed you with treasures, like Cache, Trader, or Beggar. In fact i think it would work very well with Beggar, but you just have to take care of how many coppers you have in your deck.

Whatever, i would like to hear some suggestion from you guys, that you are far more experienced than me... xD

Oh, and don't talk very much about Dark Ages, because i am not very well familiar with it yet... i haven't tried out all cards from it yet...

Well, thx in advance!!! :)

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