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Solo Challenges / Minimum Possible Points (without Wall)
« on: July 30, 2018, 02:14:56 pm »
Edited based off of comments

What's the least number of points you can get in a game without Wall?
  • Let's not have Black Market as it would make Wolf Den overpower everything.
  • Tiebreaker will be number of turns needed.

For example, if Wolf Den and Bandit Fort are the two Landmarks and you buy all of the Knights, Silver, and Gold to three pile, you'll have 7 Copper, 40 Silver, 30 Gold, 10 Knights, and 3 Estates , so 3 + 2 + -30 + -140 = -165 VP, which is far from the smallest you can get.

Bonus Challenge: What's the least amount of points you can get and win?

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