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Topics - RichardNixon

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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Structured Board Generation
« on: January 14, 2017, 08:35:43 pm »
Is there a way to make a randomly generated board but with certain parameters, even what sets? When I "select kingdom cards," the checkboxes next to sets don't seem to do anything. I can either let the game be completely random, or fix individual cards, is there something I'm missing to do in between, e.g., give me 10 cards from Adventures and Empires?

Introductions / Hello There
« on: August 28, 2012, 01:50:36 pm »
I'm RichardNixon, not to be confused with former President Richard Nixon.

I used to play a lot, got  burnt out around cornucopia, and now I'm back.
I own the base game and prosperity, and I try to make obnoxious King's Court/Grand Market chains whenever (even sort of) feasible.
I also really like Mac Gerdts' games.

Game Reports / My Luckiest Game Ever
« on: August 28, 2012, 11:45:00 am »

I started off frustrated because I planned to get double FG gains via buying and remodeling copper, but my remodels all showed up with only two copper, so I hit my estates instead.

Turned out fine in the end. I got all eight provinces on turn 17 via Fool's Gold, Warehouse, and a Library, aided in large part by my opponent's King'd Pirate Ships stripping out all my copper. Out of my 6 FG and 7 copper, he hit 2 FG and 5 copper.   ;D
I tried to do it again solitaire - not even close.

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