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Innovation General Discussion / Brag thread
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:35:45 am »
I haven't seen one. If so, please merge this in.

I went down very quickly 5 achievements. I used fermenting to get some draw into the higher ages. I found mass media to keep my opponents score pile away from 30 since there was no way I was going to be able to build mine up that quickly.

I then found socialism to tuck my entire hand (10 cards) to get empire and monument (through icons). This brought up empiricism and my 20 lightbulbs win the game.

I wish I could say that I really had any idea of what I was doing. However, I think this and other games like this show that you can't give up at any point in this game. There's always a chance of things turning around.

Game Reports / Pulled off a -Stef- (not really!)
« on: February 15, 2013, 11:28:29 pm »
I bought a Nomad Camp with $9 to make sure I got a +buy to maximize my double digit cash hands. This was a fun and interesting board. I trashed down fairly quickly with steward and made sure to buy cards that were going to minimize my hand size (inn, lighthouse) so that I could maximize the effect of Library. I bought my first inn with $6 to take advantage of the on-buy "deck sifting." (I'm sure there's a better term for this, but I'm not sure what it is.)

The early work with steward probably won this one for me, but I was still proud of my overpaying for Nomad Camp. (Yes, I probably should have bought Nomad Camp when I actually had $4 earlier, but I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I'll get there eventually.)

Other Games / iOS board games to try out
« on: July 22, 2012, 08:25:49 pm »
I know about the various websites devoted to iPhone and iPad board games, but I was wondering, what are YOUR favorite board games on iOS and why?

I really like Ticket to Ride and Carcassone. What others do you guys like?

Introductions / Howdy from Texas!
« on: June 18, 2012, 12:35:35 pm »
I'm not really a cowboy. I just greet people as one. :)

I got hooked into dominion about 2-3 months ago when a tournament started on another message board. I lurked the tournament, started an iso account and proceeded to get crushed. (I think I literally lost 30 games in a row to start my time on iso.)

I've read some of the basic articles and picked up the base set game on iOS. It helped to a certain extent, but not much on iso since there's all of the other cards in there.

I really enjoy playing, even when I'm getting crushed. I feel like I'm learning something new that I can use in the future.

I'm a little concerned about the future of dominion online, but I can only hope that the powers that be will make it accessible to as many players as possible.

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