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Game Reports / Having my cake and eating it too
« on: April 08, 2014, 10:04:59 am »

So...Fishing Village/Jack or Rebuild? Both strategies are lightning fast, netting 25+ points in 12-14 turns. After thinking for a while, I decide why not both? My opponent goes for some strange Duchy denial strategy that doesn't really pan out, but even if he didn't I felt like my strategy is faster than either FV/Jack or Rebuild by itself. Also I found Turn 14 funny; manually buying double Province is not something I'd expect to happen on a Rebuild board OR a Jack board.

P.S. Does the log prettifier not know how to handle names that start with $? That seems easy to fix.

Game Reports / Being "safe" doesn't mean you should stop greening...
« on: October 22, 2012, 11:20:47 am »
...because you don't know what kind of shenanigans your opponent might pull, especially when they start with a 9-card hand.


Epic fail on my part on the last turn, where I count 9 different cards and buy a Woodcutter instead of the winning Estate. And yes, I know that Fairgrounds counts itself; I just skipped over it for some reason, even after double-checking.

Game Reports / Piledriving Peddlers in one turn
« on: August 27, 2012, 06:25:51 pm »

Pretty cool game. I made a few mistakes (buying Tactician over Library and Gardens over Vineyard; triggering reshuffles when I shouldn't), but Turn 7 sealed the win for me.

Game Reports / Is Big Money-Oracle/Library really that fast?
« on: July 17, 2012, 05:43:12 pm »

My opponent got 8 Provinces and a Duchy in 22 turns despite being constantly under (weak) attack and having a very high green density. Meanwhile, I kept on getting $4 (probably not that unlucky given my strategy) and ended up losing by 14 points.

Game Reports / Did Embargoing Gardens help me here?
« on: July 15, 2012, 05:52:48 pm »

Goons/Gardens grind vs what looked like an aborted Crossroads/Gardens rush. I Embargoed Gardens because Crossroads doesn't like Curses. I'm not sure whether the Embargo won it for me or whether my opponent's strategy is doomed to failure.

EDIT: Actually, I think Goons won it for me. Not the greatest card to buy Crossroads against.


Not sure how I won this. My opponent looked like he had an easy win, with an early 2-Province lead in a game with Tournament and Salvager. Then he managed to fizzle despite getting all of the prizes (due to bad Salvager decisions maybe?)

Game Reports / Lose the Curse split 1-9, DM;WG
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:38:23 pm »

My opponent was about to set up this insane Venture engine that would get 2 Provinces a turn, but I recovered and ran out the piles before it could happen.

Game Reports / Highest mistake/turn rate in any game I've ever played
« on: June 18, 2012, 04:32:34 pm »

I'm winning the Ambassador war until I Embargo Lab, which is the one card I really need to keep on winning the war. Then I proceed to make some very questionable Farmland purchases which end up destroying my economy. I get bailed out by hitting Farmland+$6 twice.

Meanwhile, my opponent buys Embargoed Labs and Embargoed Cities, and in his rush for Level 3 Cities he doesn't pay attention to the piles, allowing me to win on a three-pile ending.

Game Reports / Double Embargo all the way across the sky
« on: June 15, 2012, 04:05:33 am »

My opponent opens Trading Post with $5, and I look down at $3, so I figure my best chance is to make a fat deck and Embargo the Provinces multiple times so that I can win by attrition and/or my opponent being thrust into an unfamiliar situation. Luckily this manages to work out, although on Turn 9 I think I should Embargo the Estates and buy a Province.

Game Reports / How do I FG?
« on: June 13, 2012, 04:12:58 am »

So I'm relatively new to playing Fool's Gold strategies, and it kinda shows in this game. Also, I'm not sure that Mine/FG is the best opening here (Tournament/Pawn into mass Conspirators/Grand Markets?), but I went for it because I wanted the experience/was unsure of the power level. I admit that some of my midgame buys might have been done out of unfamiliarity with the strategy and/or panic. Any comments or suggestions?

I just noticed that my opponent could have won by Expanding the Province on Turn 18. Also, opening Lookout/Tournament and buying Gold on Turn 4 is just being a lucksack. Then again, so is winning the first prize on my part.  :P

Council Room Feedback / No PrizeFighter?
« on: June 12, 2012, 04:33:34 pm »

Hi, new member/frequent lurker here. In this game I got all five prizes from Tournament but didn't get the PrizeFighter achievement. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that I bought Tournament from the Black Market?

Edit: On second thought, I guess it's not much of a fight if the opponent doesn't have their own Tournament.  :P

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