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Rules Questions / Mint a Spoils?
« on: June 08, 2013, 06:26:43 pm »
I just tried to mint a spoils but Goko would not permit it. Is this accurate? The wording on Mint does not say anything about it having to be a treasure from the supply, but I'm guessing that's the reason? Thanks!

Goko Dominion Online / Victory Tokens for Tutorial?
« on: May 02, 2013, 11:12:59 am »
Did anyone try the tutorial ever? In an effort to get enough victory tokens so I can afford Black Market and Stash when(if) they are released, I suppose I'd sit through it if it gave me more than just coins...


Goko Dominion Online / Goko Not Loading For Me?
« on: April 03, 2013, 07:49:53 am »
Is anyone else experiencing problems loading Goko Dominion? For the last three days I can't get in from my regular laptop (although my work laptop did let it load). When I click on it it just goes to a black screen like it's thinking but it never gets any farther. I can log in and play the other Goko games like Forbidden City.

I'm fairly computer-illiterate but I'm guessing there's something simple I need to do, so if anyone has a suggestion, I'd appreciate it so that I can maybe try to play some games this evening.

So I'm not sure if there really is a correct answer for this one, but in the case where you want to increase deck size or buying power, is it important to start taking the extra coppers with your +buys immediately? This is primarily for those slog type games - I'm thinking specifically gardens and duke games. Personally if I'm thinking about pursuing one of these, I typically do not take the coppers until I've committed to "going green" because I feel like it broadcasts to my opponent what my strategy is, but I'm not sure that I'm correct in this. I'm sure it depends on a lot of factors, but I'm just curious to see how other people approach this.

General Discussion / FDS March Madness
« on: March 20, 2013, 01:42:25 pm »
Not sure how many people do March Madness on here, but I was filling out my multiple brackets and figured it might be fun to have a forum-based group. Feel free to join, obviously the more the merrier. No sports knowledge actually needed - if it was I'd certainly do a lot better on these things. And this isn't for money, just bragging rights.

The link below should take you there. Password is "dominion" if needed. You'll need a CBS Sports login to do it. Bracket name is FDS March Madness. Deadline for submission is Thursday, March 21st at 11 AM EDT.

Please let me know if you have trouble accessing and you'd like to join.

Good luck!

So I played this game yesterday and my initial thought was that Moneylender is a better approach, but I barely played it and eventually just remodeled it into a Duchy, while my Cutpurse (and my opponent's) seemed to have much more success. Too many hands where the Moneylender showed up without copper in it really. So maybe this is an obvious answer, but just wanted to see what others thought. Thanks!

Help! / Double Tactician
« on: January 30, 2013, 09:54:10 am »
I just played this board that looked perfect for Double Tactician since there were Festivals, Highway, Lab, Market, Smugglers, and Fortune Teller. I narrowly escaped with a win thanks to some late game luck as my opponent built mainly for Labs and perhaps stalled just enough. I'm fairly certain this is a perfect board for Double Tactician, but I'm not sure that I went about it the right way. I had a hard time prioritizing cards really. Smugglers almost hurt me a bit in the beginning I feel like, because he kept buying Labs and I really didn't need card draw yet, just virtual coin. I bought the second Tactician on turn 9, which I think was the correct move, but maybe even earlier would've been better.

Looking back, I shouldn't have bothered with Shanty Town I think, because most of the times it came up with one of my Tacticians. I wanted to open Fortune Teller/Smugglers but was worried about terminal collision, but maybe I should've chanced it.

Anyway, just looking for thoughts and/or suggestions on how people would approach this - thanks!

By and large, the artwork on individual cards in Dominion is nothing short of incredible. Some cards are better than others, but some of that is due to the card itself and what type of scene it can inspire the artist to complete. So as I was playing with the randomizer cards last night, I tried to decide what artwork I liked best. For me, there are no bad sets as a whole, but Hinterlands is my favorite. I really like the vibrant greens and blues used on some of the cards like Highway, Farmland, and Oasis.

Oddly enough though, my least favorite card (based on artwork) is from this set, in Mandarin.

I have no idea what's going on with his head and the odd contours/bumps, plus the background plants are just an outline...

So which expansions do you like, and why? Is it purely the artistic touch of individual cards? The unified theme of the entire expansion? I certainly play this game a ton online but the artwork itself will always provide a good reason to pull out the cards for an IRL game.

Rules Questions / Throne Room/Island?
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:47:50 am »
I'm assuming Isotropic did this correctly but it doesn't make sense to me. On this game turn 18 after the two highways were played I had throne room, 2 islands, 2 provinces. I throne roomed an Island and it set aside an island with it first and then a province, when I would've preferred to have set two provinces aside. Is there a reason that it didn't give me a choice and forced an Island to be set aside?


Dominion General Discussion / Open With Estate in Apprentice Game?
« on: October 18, 2012, 08:20:26 am »
Just wanted to see if people agreed with what I did on this game. Opened 5/2 on an Apprentice board with no 2's but I figured since I want the estates somewhat for trashing ability it might be a good plan over no purchase. Ignoring my opponent's strategy (think they were newish - 8 terminal actions...), do people think that's a waste, good decision, or doesn't matter? I figured Apprentice was probably the quickest way to victory over Haggler, as long as I got a quick lead and could afford to trash provinces or better cards if need be.

Game Reports / Soooo Lucky on the Last Turn
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:40:53 pm »
I thought my opponent actually outplayed me in this game - I spent way too much time buying unnecessary cards because I like them or I came up with too many strategies and didn't really stick to one. He had the lead pretty much the entire game and I had to play catch-up at the end by buying as much VP as possible. I was definitely helped out by his inability to buy anything on turn 23, but even on my draw on turn 24 I thought I was dead.

But turn 24...

Started with:
(D Bo draws: a Great Hall, a Farmland, an Ironworks, a Silver, and a Copper.)

— D Bo's turn 24 —
D Bo plays a Great Hall.
... drawing 1 card and getting +1 action. (Drew gold)
D Bo plays an Ironworks.
... gaining a Tunnel.
... drawing 1 card. (Drew Grand Market)
D Bo plays a Gold, a Silver, and a Copper.
D Bo buys a Farmland.
... trashing a Grand Market.
... gaining a Province.

I had first player advantage and was prepared to just buy the Farmland and turn it into the last province and give him the "tie goes to him" win when that Grand Market saved my day. So if SeaEclipse is reading this, this should be your win - well-played.

Council Room Feedback / OneTrickPony
« on: August 02, 2012, 11:40:33 am »
In order to get this achievement do you have to purchase multiple copies of that same action, or will just one work? I played a game the other day where I only purchased one Chapel and then just went BM-Venture and it didn't show up on councilroom. Just curious.

Hey everyone, been playing for a couple months now after a friend got me and my wife hooked on it. Definitely enjoy playing online but I was curious if there is any published list of places to play in person. I see mention of gaming clubs and such throughout the forum but didn't see any structured post about this on the FAQs.

Figured I would plan ahead in case I don't really like the new online platform or in case I'm too cheap to pay.

And specifically I'm looking for people in the Philadelphia metro area. Thanks!

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