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Variants and Fan Cards / Sasha's Cards (2018 revision)
« on: February 06, 2018, 03:07:40 am »
Revisiting my cards from past years. Haven't had the time to make these into images myself, and only 2 already had them (set-design contest cards). Hoping that as I've gotten to be a better player (currently level 55 on my cards have also improved.Let me know what you think! Cards will have a score /10, but this is to indicate how much testing they have gotten, not how strong they are.

Panacea - Action - $3+P
+1 Card
+1 Action
Choose one: +1 Card;
OR +1 Buy, +$1;
OR trash a card from your hand.

This was the only Potion-costing card I've designed that's ever survived. As the name implies, it's a cure-all. The card fits in every deck, which alone is pretty boring, but it's mainly for the purpose of giving a board that has difficult engine potential a strong fixer. Trash early, Lab midgame, Market when you start to cash out. 10/10 playtesting, this card is locked in.

Missionary - Action/Reaction - $2
Trash up to 2 cards from your hand.
When you would gain a card, you may discard this. If you do, instead gain a card costing exactly $1 more.

Yes, this is supposed to say "would gain". This is to make its interactions as understandable as possible (on-gain effects don't happen if you replace the card using missionary, because you never gained the card, you only would have gained it. Unlike the stupid Skulk/Changeling interaction on Dominion online). Anyways, this card feels pretty nice. It's a worse chapel that isn't nearly as dead as chapel later in the game. You can also use it as a pseudo-moat against some cursers/junkers, or a way to smooth out your trash-for-benefits/gainers. 7/10, seems like the final version, but hasn't been played enough to see if it's fun.

Merchant Village - Action/Reaction - $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
When any player gains a victory, you may set this aside. If you do, gain a Silver, putting it into your hand. At the start of your next turn, return this to your hand.

Originally named "Abandoned Village", the name changed to be more thematic. It seems counterintuitive, since villages are usually engine parts, and you don't want too much treasure cluttering yours up. Typically, you want to use this reaction waaay later in the game. It says ANY player, so if you draw it dead, you can use the reaction to get a sweet setup for next turn. It's a Horse Traders+Village baby was had in the Hinterlands. 6/10, the reaction wording and conditions may change slightly, but it overall feels like a good $4 Village.

Assassin - Action/Attack - $5
You may put your deck into your discard pile.
Each other player gains a curse.

Simple formula of "$2-3 cost terminal effect + cursing attack = $5 cost" works here. Chancellor was slightly weak at $3, but this works a little bit better in that you get a higher reward for cycling your deck often because the card itself is also a payoff for constantly reshuffling. Cursing attacks can make for some painful games though, but it seems like the "power" creep of trashing is keeping them in check, so I'm not too worried about this card being unfun (Mountebank is the king there). 6/10, this is probably the final iteration, but it's hard to get people to test with cursers.

Bath House - Action - $4
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash 1 or 3 cards from your hand.

One of the first cards I designed. I wanted to make a $4 cost trasher, and a nonterminal trasher, but I felt like a cantrip trasher would be uninteresting without something else (Panacea), so I combined the two ideas and this card hasn't changed at all. The "1 or 3" condition is something I'm rather proud of, since it tends to matter a reasonable amount of the time, and is honestly just rather fun to play with. 8/10, probably locked in besides maybe the name.

Prospector - $5
Trash a card from your hand.
Choose one: +$2;
OR Draw up to 5 cards in hand.

Draw up to X was something I was trying to solve for a while, and I seem to really like trashing and choices. I feel like those both add another amount of skill to Dominion as opposed to just draw luck. This card is a very powerful engine piece, but on par with other $5 cost cards. Individually, its two modes are slightly weaker, but in combination with other cards, and the fact that it gives you a choice, this card feels very correctly costed. 7/10.

Castle Archer - $4
+1 Buy
You may discard a card. If you do, draw 2 cards. If the discarded card was a Treasure, +1 (vp)

The current iteration of "Archer" from my first few versions. Originally it was draw 2 discard 1 with no (vp) bonus. The draw was moved to be after an optional discard, but the card felt too weak for $4 and too strong for $3. The (vp) clause rewards you for discarding treasure (basically, if you discard copper it negates the +$1, and that otherwise felt pretty terrible). It's worth noting that this doesn't increase your hand size at all, so engine-ing with this requires a bit of finesse. 2/10, current version is mostly untested.

Collector - $3
+1 Buy
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it does not share a type with any other card revealed this way, set it aside and repeat this process. Otherwise, discard it.
Put the set aside cards into your hand.

First new card here, this was my attempt at a Cornucopia-style card. It's worth noting that with night cards, it can potentially draw up to 5 cards (I believe, unless you count weird things like Hovel). 1/10, untested.

Gambler - $3
+3 Cards
When you discard this from play, take 2(debt), then you may pay off (debt).

Wanted to make a card called Gambler without actually making rng any worse. This is my first attempt at a solution. 2/10.

Fact or Fiction - $4
Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. The player to your left separates those cards into 2 piles. Put one pile into your hand and discard the rest.
You may trash this. If you do, +2 Actions.

These last few cards are just ports of MtG cards. I added the little clause at the end to make it feel less weak, however it could be completely unnecessary. 1/10.

Brainstorm - $4
+3 Cards
+1 Action
Put 2 cards from your hand on top of your deck.

Just like the MtG version, the first one is extremely strong, the next ones give you way less to work with (unless you shuffle). Does not increase hand size. 1/10.

I'm open to hear any suggestions! Does a card need better wording, or does it just suck?

Dominion Articles / Turbo-Treasure-Map Combo: Plan+Engineer
« on: January 30, 2018, 01:48:36 am »
Open Plan, naming Engineer.
Buy Engineers, trashing coppers and estates.
Trash Engineers when you play them for 2x Treasure Maps.

This combo is super smooth because you can put 6x Treasure Maps in your deck by the third shuffle, and Engineer allows you to have really smooth early buys, While Plan simply enables incredible consistency to land the Treasure Maps together.

I found out this combo/engine for the first time today, and I'm wondering if anyone else here has tried it as well. This is my first time posting to the forums in a VERY long time, I'm trying to climb back to top 100 again.

So the premise of this engine is that you can use sacrifice early to eat all your estates and copper, and then start cannibalizing your deck to rush provinces (I was able to get 5 by turn 14 when I tried).

So, how do you actually do this without running out of things to trash-for-benefit? Stonemason. Think of stonemason as simply adding 3 cards to eat to your deck with one buy. It almost doesn't matter what they are, but having simple cantrips are probably the best, because they allow you to draw the right cards more often.

The execution is roughly as follows: open Sacrifice/Silver, get a second sacrifice, then start buying up a ton of stonemason overpay actions as soon as you're down to only 2-4 cards left from your starting deck. The only real important part is to make sure you have enough $ in your deck to hit province if you draw your whole deck. You don't need more, so prioritize getting the engine to run smoothly.

I'm unsure how well this combo will work with which cantrips, but Chariot Race seems like the best option, followed by stuff like hamlet, market square, and possibly even oasis.

General Discussion / Magic: the Gathering
« on: August 07, 2015, 11:39:18 am »
Just curious, does anyone here play MtG (more than just kitchen table magic though). Ultimately Magic is what ended up ending my time playing Dominion as often as I did. I got into Standard right when Theros came out and fell in love with Gx stompy midrange decks.

Please, feel free to tell stories, or just tell me what your favorite deck/format is.

Variants and Fan Cards / Gray's Cards revisited.
« on: August 01, 2015, 11:13:42 am »
After having neglected Dominion for nearly 18 months to play MtG, I've decided to brush up on my skills, and work on my fan set, which still hasn't been completed. These are the cards so far:

Abandoned Village
Action-Reaction: $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
When a player gains a victory card, you may
set this aside from your hand. If you do, gain
a Silver, putting it into your hand. Return this
to your hand at the start of your next turn.

Bath House
Action: $4
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash 1 or 3 cards from your hand

Action: $4
+1 Buy
You may discard a card. If you do, +2 cards.
(A suggestion made by LibraryAdventurer. The old version feels farily similar, but I've liked playing with this version as well.)

Action-Reaction: $2
Trash 2 cards from your hand.
When you would gain a card, you may discard
this from your hand. If you do, instead gain a
card costing exactly $1 more.

Action: $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Name a card. While this is in
play, when you gain the named card, put it on
top of your deck.

Action: $3p
+1 Card
+1 Action
Choose one: +1 Card; or +$1, +1 Buy; or trash
a card from your hand.

Action-Attack: $5
You may put your deck into your discard pile.
Each other player gains a curse.

Action: $2
+2 Cards
When you gain or play this, you may put a card
from your discard pile on the bottom of your deck.

Action: $5
Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: +$2; or draw
until you have 5 cards in hand.

Action: $2P
+1 Action
Return the top card of your deck to the supply. Gain a card
with the same cost as the returned card, putting it into your hand.

Not much has changed since that 2014 expansion, but this will act as the official thread for my set from this point on. Feel free to make suggestions, test the cards and tell me what you found, etc.

Variants and Fan Cards / Graystripe77's Fan Expansion v2.1
« on: February 01, 2014, 03:39:41 pm »
After extensive testing, then completely forgetting about it, then more ideas, then being lazy, I've expanded on my set of fan cards.

Completely tested cards:

Abandoned Village
Action-Reaction: $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
When a player gains a victory card, you may
set this aside from your hand. If you do, gain
a Silver, putting it into your hand. Return this
to your hand at the start of your next turn.

Bath House
Action: $4
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash 1 or 3 cards from your hand

Action: $4
+2 Cards
+1 Buy
Discard a card.

Action-Reaction: $2
Trash 2 cards from your hand.
When you would gain a card, you may discard
this from your hand. If you do, instead gain a
card costing exactly $1 more.

Action: $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Name a card costing $5 or less. While this is in
play, when you gain the named card, put it on
top of your deck.

Action: $3p
+1 Card
+1 Action
Choose one: +1 Card; or +$1, +1 Buy; or trash
a card from your hand.

Partially tested cards:

Action-Attack: $5
Put your deck into your discard pile.
Each other player gains a curse.

Action: $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may discard a card costing $4 or less that
is not a victory card. If you do, gain a copy of it.

Victory: $3+
When you buy this, you may overpay for it.
When you buy this, gain a card costing up to
$2 less than you paid for this.

Action: $3
+2 Actions
Each other player reveals their hand. If and cards
costing $6 or more were revealed this way, +$1, +1 Buy

Action: $5
Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: +$2; or draw
until you have 5 cards in hand.

Untested Cards:

Action: $2
+2 Cards
When you gain or play this, you may shuffle a card
from your discard pile into your deck.

Action-Attack-Reaction: $5
Gain a coin token.
You may pay a coin token. If you do, each other player
gains a curse.
When another player plays an attack card, you may discard
this. If you do, take 2 coin tokens.

Old Archives
Action-Duration: $2
+1 Action
Set aside the top 4 cards of your deck.
At the start of your next turn, return the set aside cards
to your hand, then discard 4 cards, then trash this card.

About the cards:

Abandoned Village: I wanted a village that was a reaction, and I wanted more cards that gain silver to be in Dominion. I decided to combine the ideas, making a village that can be used to generate money lategame, when your engine begins to stall out.

Bath House: Trash 1 or 3? Originally, the card said 'up to 3' but that was too lenient. A basic trasher that has been tweaked over time. Since often people like to trash 2 cards, the 1 or 3 mechanic makes this an interesting card to play.

Archer: I really, really, really like vanilla cards, and I knew there was still room for some in Dominion. Hence this card. The 'discard a card' was added after it was found to be too powerful for $4 but too weak for $5.

Missionary: Some of you might know this from the fan cards set contest. I wanted a weak trasher that could turn into a treasure later game, and after a while, I turned the 'treasure' part of it into a reaction.

Scribe: Well, not all $2 cards are amazing. This one stays because it has potential use in speeding up engine/combo decks.

Panacea: Another one of my cards that placed in the fan card set contest. I wanted versatility, but little complexity. Kind of has an intrigue-esque flavor to it.

Assassin: I wanted a curser that could be played often, but offered little benefit to the person playing it. It's fairly strong in engine decks, hurting the other players and marginally accelerating your own deck.

Canal: My friend's creation, this card can sacrifice being able to play something from your hand on the current turn, for a later game benefit.

Cathedral: Designed before Guilds came out. I wanted a new mechanic to use in a few cards for the set. This is the only one that has stuck

Sneak: Designed to be slightly more powerful in 3-4 player games, it's a weak +Action card that can act as a cheap festival lategame.

Prospector: This card was designed to counter Assassin, and functions fairly nicely as a trasher.

Tailor: A recent idea. No clue how it should work.

Untitled1: A recent idea, inspired by guilds.

Old Archives: A one-shot better-than-Warehouse duration. Basically.

Please make suggestions, ask questions, and tell me what you think!

Dominion General Discussion / Have I gotten worse?
« on: January 18, 2014, 11:50:55 am »
I've recently started playing Dominion again, after just ignoring it for a few months (thanks to Magic the Gathering), playing maybe 1 or 2 games in that time. Now I've decided to start playing it on Goko, despite how much I didn't like it.

After over 300 games, some against people and some against bots, I'm fairly high in the casual leaderboard, but I'm struggling to increase my rank (4424 currently) in pro. On isotropic, I peaked in the top 100, but now I feel I've gotten worse, but I'm not sure why.

Is there any way for me to re-improve my skill, without reading EVERY article again?

Puzzles and Challenges / Most points in 1 buy
« on: February 03, 2013, 04:36:32 pm »

1) 4 turn limit.
2) Solo game
3) Perfect shuffle luck

Hardmode: No Colony/Platinum

Try to get the most points you can with one buy. I got 11 in Hardmode.

Puzzles and Challenges / Play actions a lot.
« on: January 20, 2013, 01:50:42 pm »
Play as many times as you can, action cards that share the same name.

1)Single player
2)Assume perfect Shuffle Luck
3)BoM's name counts as the card it was played as.
4)By the end of Turn 10

Puzzles and Challenges / Most Cards in deck, No +Buy
« on: January 10, 2013, 02:03:40 pm »
By the end of turn 5, in a Kingdom with no +Buy (Or Black Market), obtain the largest deck possible in 5 turns.

Assume perfect shuffle luck.
You are the only player.

I got 36

Puzzles and Challenges / Most Reshuffles by the end of turn 6
« on: December 30, 2012, 04:52:45 pm »
1)Assume perfect shuffle luck (as always)
2)Shuffling an Inn into your deck counts as reshuffling your deck
3)No 2nd player- you are the only person.

I got 10 without Chancellor. Good luck.

Game Reports / Would this happen more than once, or was it shuffle luck?
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:16:00 pm »

We both went for the same strategy here, the exception being my opponent's Envoys. Without buying a single treasure and only 2 coin generating actions, I managed 5 Provinces in 10 turns. I'm curious, is this something that could be easily replicated by playing this board again, or was it just insane shuffle luck?

Dominion Isotropic / Ah, wth?
« on: November 27, 2012, 10:56:41 pm »
Slyfox plays a Copper.
Slyfox plays a Quarry.
Slyfox buys a Grand Market

I'm wondering how this happened. Is there a bug?

Simulation / Why does my Apprentice strategy suck?
« on: November 20, 2012, 11:55:17 am »
Code: [Select]
<player name="Apprentice"
 description="Trashing is fun. Apprentice is probably the best trasher in the game, after Chapel.">
 <type name="BigMoney"/>
 <type name="Bot"/>
 <type name="TwoPlayer"/>
 <type name="SingleCard"/>
 <type name="UserCreated"/>
 <type name="Province"/>
   <buy name="Province">
         <left type="gainsNeededToEndGame"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
   <buy name="Province">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Apprentice"/>
         <operator type="greaterThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Gold"/>
         <operator type="greaterThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
   <buy name="Province">
         <left type="getTotalMoney"/>
         <operator type="greaterThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="12.0"/>
   <buy name="Duchy">
         <left type="countCardsInSupply" attribute="Province"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="5.0"/>
   <buy name="Estate">
         <left type="countCardsInSupply" attribute="Province"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
   <buy name="Gold">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Apprentice"/>
         <operator type="greaterThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
   <buy name="Apprentice"/>
   <buy name="Silver"/>

For some reason, this is CRUSHED by the BMU bot. Help?

Variants and Fan Cards / Self-gaining Silver solution.
« on: November 18, 2012, 12:54:54 pm »
(Try saying that 5 times fast)

Action: $4
Choose one:
+1 Action, OR
Gain a <Cardname>

(There are 20 of these in the supply)

Would this card work as a self-gaining card? Is it too strong, weak?

Game Reports / JoaT/Goons Engine that you thought not possible
« on: October 24, 2012, 08:09:33 pm »

I thought JoaT/Inn would be a nice simple deck that could beat Goons. I decided to grab my own as well, and I guess just decided to commit to an engine instead of money-ish. Surprisingly, the mass of silver in my deck was not a problem, due to my cycling with Inns. Was it a good strategy, though? I feel like a regular engine might have been better. Thoughts?

Variants and Fan Cards / Another attempt at a Potion cost Card
« on: September 22, 2012, 01:27:07 pm »
Storyteller: 2p or 3p
+1 Buy
Trash any number of cards with the same name from your hand. For each card trashed, if it is a(n):
Action, +2 Actions.
Treasure, +$2.
Victory, +2 Cards.

This card is really fun, but even though I've played with it a bit now, I still don't know what to think of it. I don't have much experience making Potion-cost cards, and I'd appreciate some feedback from those who play with them more often.

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Expansion: Control Freak (1st Half)
« on: September 08, 2012, 02:21:43 pm »
This is the first half of cards in my expansion. All have been tested a bit, and they seem to work so far.

Facade: $1
+1 Card
+1 Action
Place this on top of any supply pile.
When you buy this, +1 Buy

-A combination of my previous card, and the idea of making cards cost $1 more. It works really well.

Smuggled Goods: $4
+1 Buy
Play a treasure from the trash or supply other than Smuggled Goods. Trash it or return it to the supply. Trash this.

-A one-shot better-than-Gold-or-Platinum. So far, seems appropriately costed.

Treaty: $3
+2 Actions
+1 Buy
At the start of your next turn, +1 Action, +1 Buy. While this is in play, when another player plays an attack card, it doesn't affect you.

-A villagey Lighthouse. Works pretty well.

Tailor: $2
+2 Cards
When you gain or play this, shuffle a card from your discard pile into your deck.

-Weak, but not all $2's are strong. (See Moat)

Panacea: $3p
+1 Card
+1 Action
Choose one: +1 Card, OR +1 Buy, +$1, OR trash a card from your hand.

-This was in rinkworks' contest, so it may not actually end up in this expansion. Very versatile, and a very fun card.

Prospector: $5
Trash a card from your hand.
Draw up to 5 cards in hand.

-Contrary to the response this got on another topic, it's actually pretty powerful.

Cathedral: $3*
You may pay any amount for this, so long as you pay at least $3. When you buy this, gain a card costing at most $2 less than you paid.

-Fun tricks with this card.

Professor: $3
+2 Cards
Put any number of cards from your hand on top of your deck.

-Never draw dead.

Canal: $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
Reveal your hand. Discard a card costing $4 or less that is not a Victory card, and gain a copy of it.

-I love this card. It's great with engines that use less expensive components.

Scribe: $2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Name a card costing $5 or less. While this is in play, when you gain the named card, put it on top of your deck.

-So many cantrips. This one is real fun.

Merchant Banker: $4
At the start of your next turn, discard a card.

-This card seems to be the opposite of Envoy. It hates BM decks. For some reason, it keeps hitting $7 in those games.

Missionary: $2
Trash two cards from your hand.
When you would gain a card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, gain a card costing $1 more instead.

-Silverless Trader variant, that after tweaking, became nothing like Trader.

Assassin: $5
Put your deck into your discard pile. Each other player gains a curse.

-The fact that this card reshuffles your deck after each turn it's played makes it easier to play more often.

Archer: $4
+2 Cards
+1 Buy

-The vanilla card. This one is powerful, but not strong enough for $5

Bath House: $4
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash one or three cards from your hand.

-A real fun trasher. Not sure if it's still too powerful.

Abandoned Village: $4
+1 Card
+2 Actions
When any player gains a Victory card, you may set this aside. If you do, gain a Silver in hand. At the start of your turn, return this to your hand.

-A Village variant with an endgame use. A weaker Village, but still a fun card.

Sneak: $3
+2 Actions
Each other player reveals their hand. +$1 if any cards costing $6 or more were revealed this way.

-Village that gets better late-game.


Edit: Fixed SG and Missionary.

Variants and Fan Cards / Treasure Idea for my Expansion
« on: September 06, 2012, 07:34:24 pm »
... Since it lacks a Treasure.

Beneficiary: $4
+1 Buy
Gain a Treasure card from the trash, putting it into your hand. You may trash this. If you do, trash a Treasure card from the supply.

Too strong? Too weak? I really like this idea, so if any nerfs or buffs would make it better, awesome. I want to keep this concept.

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Expansion Card too strong with DA?
« on: August 17, 2012, 03:50:39 pm »
Bath House: $4
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash up to 3 Cards from your hand. +$1 if any cards were trashed this way.

I had playtested this card a LOT before DA, and it seemed perfectly balanced at it's cost. But now with DA out, I feel it may be too strong, especially with Cultist. Should I raise the cost? Nerf it? Leave it as-is?

Mini-Set Design Contest / Renaming Kingslayer? (Resolved)
« on: August 16, 2012, 04:44:39 pm »
My card, which recently tied for 1st in the Potion cost Design Challenge (Yay!):

Kingslayer: $3p
+1 Card
+1 Action
Choose one: +1 Card, OR Trash a card from your hand, OR +1 Buy, +$1

The name doesn't feel right to me. What do you guys think?

Note: Feel free to discuss the card itself as well.

General Discussion / Music
« on: August 15, 2012, 09:13:50 pm »
Since I looked and did not find such a topic, I made it.

What's everyone's favorite/least favorite Music genre/artist/song?

My personal favorite artist is Two Steps From Hell, they are just awesome. The genre is an awesome genre called Epic music, that is getting fairly popular. As for what I don't like, I absolutely despise Pop, Rap, Hip-Hop, Country Rock, and Dubstep. Everything else, I just tend not to listen to.

Variants and Fan Cards / My Random card Ideas Dump
« on: August 15, 2012, 07:08:40 pm »
I'm going to post all the card Ideas I get in the next hour, unedited. most of them will probably suck, but if you think one of them is good or workable, comment on it, I may keep the idea for my expansion. Here goes:

Puzzles and Challenges / A sort-of-Puzzle/design thingy
« on: August 15, 2012, 06:40:22 pm »
Yes, I am awesome with topic titles.

The challenge:
Design 2 seperate kingdom cards that specifically name each other in their text, but would still be balanced without the other one in the supply.

Yea, that's it. Keep in mind there is no specific solution, nor clear winner. I just want to see if anyone can make such a concept work. Enjoy!

Alright, here's the Kingdom, along with card text for the fan cards (these fancards are not mine):

Quest - +1 Action, +$1. Name an action or victory card. At the start of your next turn, reveal your hand. If it contains the named card, +1 Card, +1 Action, +$1
Silk Road
Worker's Village
City Planner - +2 Cards, +1 Action, Discard a card. When you buy this, you may pay an additional $2. If you do, set aside a victory card from your hand, returning it to your deck at the end of the game.
Merchant Ship
Archivist (I think most of us remember this card)

So, I decided to use my blank cards to play some games with fan cards, since I never bothered to get the actual fan cards themselves (PM me if you can help with that - I have no clue how to get them). Anyways, I chose some cards that I thought were pretty interesting, and put them in with a few randomized other cards. I got this. What do I do here? It looks like there are a lot of viable strategies, but I feel like I don't know some of the cards well enough. What would you do?

Also, If you have any Ideas for fun kingdoms using some fan cards, please post it here, I love testing and playing with other people's ideas.

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