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Topics - Thisisnotasmile

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Other Games / Donald X.'s new game Nefarious
« on: September 15, 2011, 08:45:08 am »

Donald, slow down I am not made of money but you will be getting all of it that I do have.

Was a bit worried about this until I read the last line of the description:

There is a twist to the game, though – actually, two twists! At the beginning of the game, you randomly draw two Twist cards, which change the environment so that the game plays differently each time. This means that in order to win, the players will have to revise their strategies each time they play Nefarious.

That's better.

Other Games / Donald X.'s new game Kingdom Builder
« on: September 06, 2011, 07:44:22 am »

Feedback / Game log links!
« on: August 30, 2011, 06:11:06 am »
It has been mentioned a few times that for certain people, after a certain amount of time, links to Isotropic game logs stop working. This topic is a place to note down where you have encountered such links, and if possible, the associated links from The hope is that theory or rrenaud will keep an eye on this topic and edit these places with the CR links so that other people don't encounter the same problems in the future! So I'll start us off with one that I've noticed (and found the CR link for):

contains a link to a game which for myself and some others leads to a "403 Forbidden" page. The associated CR log is:

Game Reports / Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:59:40 am »
Okay, this is a thread to post games where you did something that made you actually feel sorry for your opponent. Post the game, explain why you are sorry, and let discussion ensue. Here's one to get the ball rolling:

The score graph says it all. I build a Scrying Pool deck that can comfortably draw itself every single turn, with King's Courts thrown in for good measure. I then pull the only Possession out of the Black Market and proceed to play 4 times as many turns as my opponent does for the rest of the game. Rubric3, I am sorry. Thanks for sticking it out until the end though!

Feedback / Isotropic username links
« on: June 17, 2011, 01:24:47 pm »
Brilliant addition to the forum, just one problem though

* Thisisnotasmile points to own link.

Anything that can be done? A few suggestions, if they're possible:

- Allow us to fill in multiple isotropic username fields.
- Somehow make it recognise 2 different names and split it into 2 links.
- Tell me to only use my primary username in my profile (I only have a second username for when I am too lazy to sign in when I'm using someone else's computer).

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