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Dominion General Discussion / Calculating probabilites of hands
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:49:33 pm »
I played this game with Wandering Winder:
and we talked about how unlikely my turn 9 hand was. He said it more than 5% chance it would happen during the game. I didn't think so. We didn't really define what we meant though. I had thought more about the first half of the game, before greening let's say. And he hadn't meant that exact hand of course, which would be a lot less likely.

For drawing a hand with no Treasure on turn 9, my chances were 2.17% (on that turn). For drawing it on any turn from 1 to 10, it's 8.72% I think (given my deck buildup).

But the point was drawing the Stables dead. Let's say at least 2 dead Stables.

Calculating the probability of drawing 5 non-Treasures is pretty easy: [total-cards choose 5] / [non-treasure-cards choose 5]

But how do I calculate a more complex hand like at least two Stables and the rest non-Treasure? On turn 9 I have: 4 Stables (S), 9 Treasures (T), and 6 other, (O). I guess it's 3 possibilites: SSOOO, SSSOO, SSSSO.

I hope you mathheads can help.

Rules Questions / "Your" Inherited Fortress
« on: June 01, 2015, 04:23:36 pm »
I just discovered that if you trash an Estate-Fortress, it comes into your hand, but is no longer "yours" per the rules, so it's just a plain old Estate.

Of course it's just an oversight in the rules:

Quote from: Adventures rulebook
An Estate is yours if either it started in your deck, or you gained it or bought it, or you were passed it with Masquerade. An Estate stops being yours if you trash it, return it to the Supply, pass it with Masquerade, or are stopped from gaining it due to Possession or Trader.

Rules Questions / Mission, Outpost
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:20:50 pm »
It seems clear that Mission's if the previous turn wasn't yours is similar to Outpost's this can't cause you to take more than two consecutive turns.
The result of both is that you can't get the card to give you two turns in a row.

It got me thinking, why couldn't Outpost have this wording too? And the answer is that it wouldn't work the same. Since if the previous turn wasn't yours is evaluated on-play, it would give you an extra turn per Outpost you play in the same turn. Only Outpost-on-an-Outpost-turn would fail as before.

The reason it works on Mission is because it's restricted to one buy per turn.

So would there be any way to avoid all this Duration confusion, and have a "failed" Outpost (or Throne Room etc) get discarded just like a "failed" Tactician?
How about a wording like on Fool's Gold or Crossroads: If this is the first time you played an Outpost this turn: Take an extra turn after this one.

But wait. Now Outpost-on-an-Outpost-turn actually works. :(
So I guess: If the previous turn wasn't yours and this is the first time you played an Outpost this turn: Take an extra turn after this one.

Could it be improved on?

Rules Questions / Caravan card cleanup
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:13:06 pm »
If I play Caravan Guard on another player's turn, when does it get discarded? In the Cleanup of that turn, or not until Cleanup in my own turn?

I see in the rule book that Duplicate is discarding in the turn you call it, even if it's another player's turn.

Rules Questions / A timing question
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:52:21 pm »
I realized that I'm still a little confused about resolving effects that happen at the same time.

In this post, which was thumbed by Donald, it's said that if my Prince plays my Throne Room, and I choose to TR a Guide, then after playing and resolving it twice, I can call it from the Tavern mat afterwards. So the Guide was placed on the Tavern mat in the beginning of my turn, and since it's still the beginning of my turn, I can call it right away. It was of course not on the Tavern mat when I started resolving effects that happen in the beginning of my turn.

A comparison is made with the age-old Moat and Secret Chamber. The Moat was not in my hand when I started resolving effects that happen when the other player played an Attack. The comparison seems reasonable.

However, in some ways this seems to contradict the rule that says that when several effects happen at the same time, you resolve all of them even if the conditions changed. See this thread. I buy a Mandarin with Royal Seal in play. I resolve Mandarin's when-gain first, putting all Treasures on top of my deck. I can then resolve Royal Seal's when-gain even though it's no longer in play. (Procession playing a Band of Misfits-as-Fortress also seems to be a version of this.)

So if several effects trigger at a certain time, I even resolve an effect that had the triggering condition changed before I could resolve it. But I also resolve an effect that had the triggering condition change the other way: the condition didn't allow resolving it at first, but changed in the meantime. It's not exactly a contradiction I guess, but it's damn close. Or am I thinking about this wrong?

Dominion General Discussion / Male and female cards (again)
« on: April 10, 2015, 12:26:28 pm »
I made a thread about this before, but unfortunately it turned into a discussion which was moved to RSP. There had already been some threads about it before that, which were not moved, so I think it's okay to have a thread about it in the general discussion. Just don't turn it into a... discussion, I guess - unless it's general?

Anyway, I just want to note the current statistics, and do a tentative one for what has been revealed from Adventures. If you think the distribution of male and female cards in Dominion is super-lame, or super-cool, or you are super-indifferent to it, and you want to argue why, go to the other thread. I'll allow myself to note that I think it's cool that for Adventures, "they" (I assume Donald, Jay and their cohorts) for the first time specifically asked the artists for some wimmin. That the fans are talking about it online (even giving many different opinions about it) must have contributed somehow to that decision.

I made a couple of updates on the previous list. (I changed Wishing Well, Shanty Town and Herbalist from Unknown to Both [either 1/3 male 2/3 female or vice versa], Forager from Male to Unknown, and Band of Misfits from Male to Both.) UPDATE 2015-05-04: I added Expand as a female card.
As before I only include cards with people who are clearly displayed.

UPDATE 2016-07-07: New complete list including Empires is here:
UPDATE 2017-11-28: New complete list including Nocturne is here:
UPDATE 2019-04-02: New complete list including Renaissance is here:

Male: Bureaucrat, Chancellor, Laboratoty, Militia, Mine, Moneylender, Smithy, Spy, Thief, Woodcutter (Spy and Thief look very male to me)
Female: Witch
Both: Feast, Festival, Market(?)
Unknown: Adventurer, Library

Male: Baron, Conspirator, Coppersmith, Duke, Ironworks, Minion, Nobels, Pawn, Saboteur, Scout, Steward, Swindler, Torturer, Tribute
Female: Courtyard, Harem
Both: Shanty Town (both are men, or one of each), Wishing Well (both are female, or one of each)
Unknown: -

Male: Ambassador, Bazaar, Cutpurse, Embargo, Fishing Village, Haven, Lookout, Merchant Ship, Navigator, Pearl Diver, Salvager, Smugglers, Tactician, Wharf
Female: Explorer, Sea Hag
Both: Native Village
Unknown: -

Male: Alchemist, Apothecary, Golem, Transmute
Female: Scrying Pool, Possession
Both: Herbalist (either the man is the herbalist or both are)
Unknown: Apprentice, Familiar

Male: Bank, Bishop, Counting House, Goons, Loan, Mint, Mountebank, Venture
Female: Expand, Forge, Peddler
Both: Grand Market, King's Court, Rabble (there are two women in the back, right?)
Unknown: -

Male: Horse Traders, Hunting Party, Tournament
Female: Fairgrounds, Farming Village, Fortune Teller, Harvest, Princess, Young Witch
Both: Followers, Menagerie
Unknown: Jester

Male: Cartographer, Develop, Haggler, Jack of All Trades, Mandarin, Margrave, Noble Brigand, Nomad Camp, Scheme, Spice Merchant, Stables
Female: Duchess, Oracle, Trader
Both: Embassy
Unknown: -

Male: Armory, Bandit Camp, Beggar, Count, Graverobber, Hermit, Hunting Grounds, Ironmonger, Junk Dealer, Madman, Marauder, Mercenary, Necropolis, Pillage, Procession, Rogue, Sage, Scavenger, Squire, Urchin, Vagrant, Wandering Minstrel
Female: Market Square, Mystic
Both: Band of Misfits, Survivors, Knights
Unknown: Death Cart, Cultist, Forager

Male: Advisor, Butcher, Candlestick Maker, Doctor, Herald, Journeyman, Merchant Guild, Stonemason, Taxman
Female: Baker, Soothsayer
Both: Plaza
Unknown: -

Male: Black Market, Envoy, Governor, Prince
Female: -
Both: -
Unknown: -

Totals (with "Both" included):
MALE: 107.1 = 78.2%
FEMALE: 29.9 = 21.8%


Breakdown for each set, percentage of female cards:
BASE: 17.9%
SEASIDE: 14.7%
ALCHEMY: 33.3%
DARK AGES: 12.4%
GUILDS: 20.8%
PROMOS: 0.0%

Dominion General Discussion / Probabilities of a hand
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:02:33 pm »
In a recent game I opened Spice Merchant + Silver, and then I drew SM + Silver + 3 Estates. I wondered about the odds of that.
I don't know a lot about calculating probabilities, but I tried to figure it out. Maybe someone here can correct me if I'm wrong.

Odds of getting it on turn 3: 0.13 %.
Odds of getting it on turn 4: 0.13 %.
Odds of getting it on turn 3 or 4: 0.25 %
Odds of getting it on turn 3, 4 or 5 (assuming two more buys on turn 3 and 4): 0.32 %


Turn 3: 1/(12 choose 5) = 1/792 = 0.13 %

Turn 4:
Odds of coppers only turn 3: (7 choose 5)/(12 choose 5) = 21/792
If so: Odds of drawing SM+S+3E on turn 4: 1/(7 choose 5) = 1/21
Total odds of this happening turn 4: 21/792 * 1/21 = 1/792 = 0.13 %

(Are the odds of drawing a specific hand, for instance 5 coppers, always the same for turn 3 and 4?)

Turn 5:
Odds of drawing two of the needed cards at the bottom: (5 choose 2)/(12 choose 2) = 10/66
If so: Odds of drawing the last three needed cards from the next shuffle: 1/(12 choose 3) = 1/220
Total odds of this happening turn 5: 10/66 * 1/220 = 1/1452 = 0.07 %

Game Reports / Hermit board?
« on: March 12, 2015, 04:32:05 pm »

Code: [Select]
Chancellor, Hermit, Oracle, Wishing Well, Coppersmith, Butcher, Rogue, Stables, Tribute, Altar

Obviously I totally blew it here. But is this a Hermit board if done properly or not?
If I had more actions (like villages) I could use Altar and Butchers, Hermits to gain more Madmen, and even Rogue to pick up more Hermits. As it is only Madman provides actions. So maybe it's not possible.

Goko Dominion Online / Is playing with bots broken?
« on: October 08, 2014, 03:46:29 pm »
I'm trying to play a game with a bot, but I'm not able to add the bot. When I click "Add bot" I get a popup with the caption "Find:" and an input box, but whatever I write there, nothing happens. The only other option is the "X" for closing the popup.
Am I doing something wrong? Did Goko change something? I haven't played with a bot in a long time, but I just wanted to test something.

Variants and Fan Cards / Missing vanilla
« on: July 06, 2013, 10:31:38 pm »
I just played a game with Throne Room and no card giving +action. The other guy tried making a TR+Masq engine (with Witch). It didn't work, but I thought maybe it could have if one of the drawers gave +coins so you wouldn't have to gum it up with Silver and Gold.

Then I realized that there are no terminal drawers that give +coins. There's Vault, but it draws and then discards for the coins. Also there's Trusty Steed, which can be used that way (but most often isn't), but it doesn't count, since you can't build a strategy around a card that you might get one copy of well into the game.

There aren't even any non-terminal cards that give +coins and draws more than one card. (+1 card +coins: Peddler, Market, Grand Market, Bazaar, Treasury, activated Conspirator, level 3 City).

Anyway, I think Dominion is really missing this vanilla card:

+3 Cards

It might be too good for a $5 cost. Maybe either make it cost $6, or just +2 Cards, whichever would be more balanced. Haven't playtestet obviously. (Also, I suspect this has already been suggested as a fan card. I just can't be bothered to look through everywhere.)

Game Reports / How..?!
« on: May 27, 2013, 08:02:15 pm »
This is one of those games that I really don't understand.

How did I lose like this? To me it really really looks like horrible luck for me ALL THE TIME and great luck for him ALL THE TIME. To the tune of a 62-18 score.
I always have more Watchtowers than him, but he hits me almost every time. I hit him once, and then two times late game for Coppers. He buys a Moat and a SC, that I would never want to touch here. He keeps drawing Inn + Watchtower even late game, getting Province after Province. I keep getting them in the wrong order.
Am I missing something or is this really shuffle luck from hell?

Dominion General Discussion / My Stupider Project: Dominicon
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:30:01 pm »
I made a previous post about rewording all Dominion cards so they're non-ambiguous and complete, like program instructions.

I've now defined a set of symbols/icons to cover pretty much everything the cards make you do. So: Dominicon. As you can imagine it's quite a lot and doesn't exactly make the game easier to play. But the cards are kind of pretty, except when they get too cluttered, which they quickly do. So far I've only finished the 25 cards from the base game. I've also made an eight page rulebook, of which more than five pages cover the symbols.

Here's the rulebook in PDF (690 KB)  (It's missing most of the special symbols on page 5-6 because I'll make those when (if) I get to those cards.)

I especially like the Witch since it has an apple, a basket and a skull on it. Other cards have those symbols too, but it was especially fitting here.

I'll post the other cards below.

For some reason I've been working on re-doing all Dominion card texts into sort of non-ambiguous little program instructions. The idea was to create card texts that don't care about space restrictions (yet are as concise as possible) and don't need the FAQ in addition; where all language is consistent, and most importantly timing is clearly defined.

I know this is a lot of text and also very strange and most people won't bother reading it. I'm hoping maybe someone will, so I can get some feedback, especially about the mistakes I've made. I keep catching mistakes myself, so I assume there are more.

In order to make it work, I needed some basic codes/symbols, mainly for event ability triggers and state ongoing ability timers (more on that below). But I also needed to clearly define the rules that aren't on the cards. So I ended up writing all the basic rules too. I wrote the set-up mainly to have a place to put the Duchess and Trade Route set-up rules, which were very problematic to keep on the cards. As it is I think I've covered all Dominion rules, except card costs and what is open information.

So the first post below will be the rules. The next one will be the cards themselves.

More about events abilities:

I defined events triggered abilities as something that happens at a certain time (triggered by an event ability trigger), and states ongoing abilities as something that's true under certain conditions (for the duration set by an state ongoing ability timer). Some event ability triggers are always in effect, like "when you play This" on almost all cards or "when you gain This" on certains cards. That means that from the start of the game, these events abilities can be triggered. Similarly some state ongoing ability timers are always in effect, like "when This is in play" on certain cards. Others are only in effect when an event ability is resolved, like next-turn events abilities on Durations (which need to be played) and on Horse Traders (which needs to be set aside); or cost reduction states ongoing abilities like on Bridge. Others are only in effect during an state ongoing ability, like the when-gain event ability on Royal Seal (which needs to be in play).

The next step I'm thinking about is redesigning the cards graphically (not the art, the text part) and making symbols out of almost everything. I think it will be almost unplayable that way, but fun to make (maybe).

UPDATE 2015-05-02: As Event is now a thing in Adventures, I changed it to ability here.
UPDATE 2015-05-07: Everything is up to date including Adventures.
UPDATE 2016-01-26: Included Summon (promo).
UPDATE 2017-09-19: Included Empires, and did a major update of ability triggers and state ongoing ability timers.
UPDATE 2017-11-10: Included Dismantle (promo), changed state to ongoing ability since State is now a thing in Nocturne, and some other fixes.
UPDATE 2017-11-25: Included Nocturne
UPDATE 2019-04-02: Included Renaissance and made several fixes
UPDATE 2020-02-20: Added Captain and Church, changed rules and cards according to the 2019 card errata and rules changes
UPDATE 2020-08-20: Included Menagerie, and Trader errata

Rules Questions / Mistake on Beggar
« on: March 10, 2013, 10:01:59 pm »
Not really a rules question, but this seemed like the best place.

Donald, Beggar might be the one card you want to change in future editions. It doesn't say "you may discard this from your hand". Strictly speaking that's a mistake, and you've taken care to have "from your hand" everywhere else, but of course in practice nobody will misunderstand how to use it. So it wouldn't really be a rules change, just a correction.

Just want to tell you guys doing the wiki that you might want to check out
I scoured every post by Donald on BGG and this forum to compile this FAQ with all rulings, so that stuff should be added in a Dominion wiki. Just by quickly checking a few things, it seems like it probably wasn't considered.

Dominion General Discussion / Ruins/Shelters vs. Curses/Estates
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:14:52 am »
I've played about 15 or 20 games with Dark Ages now (always 5 DA and 5 others, random), and so far it has seemed like it's added less new stuff than other sets. The combos and interaction with trash has usually been weak, i.e. the wrong way to go in a particular kingdom. Could be coincidence of course.

Ruins and Shelters. To me they seem too similar to Curses and Estates to warrant their existence. Certainly there are subtle differences here and there, for instance some cards get a little weaker, some cards get a little stronger. And once in a blue moon they will make a huge difference (like Ruins in a Vineyard game). But mostly they feel almost exactly like what they "replace". Certainly nothing game changing like Plats/Colonies, or even VP tokens, Potions or Durations. Thoughts?

(To not give the wrong impression, of course I think there are some very cool new cards in DA too.)

Goko Dominion Online / Am I in the correct place?
« on: September 12, 2012, 09:40:03 am »
I got into the beta yesterday. But when I go there, it's totally empty of players.

When I go to the feedback forums, there is just one forum there ("Board Games") and I can't access it. Yes, I have registered on the forums. Is this the correct URL?:

Is this the right URL for the game site?:

Dominion Isotropic / Advice on what I'm doing wrong
« on: May 05, 2012, 01:15:00 am »
Here's one of these "how can I improve" threads from a fairly highly ranked player. I've hit level 41 once, and almost 41 a couple of times, but every time I quickly drop like a wet, moldy, disgusting bag of potatoes. I'm more focused on my skill though. Since my last peak a couple of weeks ago, it's dropped from almost 50 til 46.5.

So I have these strings of losses. It seems it almost doesn't matter if I play someone of level 25 or 47. I mostly lose. The times I do win it seems the other guy's level doesn't matter either. This compounds the impression (irrational or not) in my mind that I'm cursed (as it were) with bad luck during these horrible periods.

So here's some games where I lose to players significantly lower ranked than me. The reason these hurt more is because it's these losses that really make my level plummet. That's the only criteria I used to pick them. I lost, and the players were signifacntly lower ranked than me.

1) Against Soupaman91:
Here's me trying to implement the oft-spoken truism that Chapel doesn't help a non-engine deck. I go BM with two Smithies and a Vault. I didn't plan to have two Smithies, but on turn 10 I buy a second one instead of a Silver. I think the terminal crashes I had were pretty spectacular (I see all my terminals every turn except possibly turn 6). Even so I don't think I'll ignore Chapel in a Colony game like this again.

2) Against gorgonstar:
What the hell happened here? With our first $6, he buys Gold while I buy Witch. Then he gets a surreal amount of early Province buying turns, and I end up with more Curses anyway.

3) Against justbegladnow:
I get unlucky twice and have to either trash estate+copper or buy Alchemist. I buy Alchemist both times, while he both trashes and buys Alchemist. I don't know if this was what decided the game.

4) Against Trinket Mage:
I have a 2+potion turn. I still end up with 6 of the Alchemists, but I don't get an early Upgrade, which probably kills me.

5) Against bluntthurdy:
I do suck at Governor games. But I can't see that I played any worse than him, since we did pretty much the same thing. I could have bought a Farmland my last turn, but it would only have given me 2 more points.

6) Against qwert:
I avoided filling my deck with Fool's Gold, since I figured it would be in the way of rolling through my deck, playing Witch and and Ambassador. I did give him 9 Curses, but he still managed to get one more Province than me and a couple of Nobles, and end the game on piles.

7) Against Manu:
Scrying Pool game. We did the same ting. My Scrying Pools didn't kick in as much I guess. But why is he a level 24 if he can play as well or better than me? If we were at the same level and we both do the same thing, then of course one will win because of luck. Grumble. Or did I do something wrong here?

Thank you to anyone who can tell me anything about why this is happening to an upstanding citizen such as myself.

Council Room Feedback / Stylesheet missing from logs (i.e. no color!)
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:43:59 am »
As far as I can tell every game log for me is missing the style sheet, starting with this one from April 23:

That's when it first happened, and those games (and every game since) are still missing the style sheet, while older ones are okay, like this one:

The ones that work link to: /client.css
The ones that don't link to: /semistatic/log.css. Going to that file gives this funny little piece of info: "This page is not found.  Blame it on rrenaud." :)

Is this something most users aren't affected by? I couldn't find any thread about it...

Rules Questions / General timing rule (Mandarin + Royal Seal)
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:03:06 pm »
I'm hoping someone can help me out here. In compiling the complete rules for Dominion, I've written down the following rule.

A) When several abilities happen at the same time, after determining the order of the abilities, resolve all of them, even if the condition that triggered an ability changes before that ability is resolved.

There's also a second part:

B) However, if an ability refers to a card which is no longer defined (for instance a "gained card" that wasn't gained after all), then that ability can't be carried out.

But it's the first part (A) I'm concerned with now, and specifically the bolded part. It's a rule I've been having in my head, but I can't source it to anything official. I know of several posts by forum members where it's mentioned. But what I'm after is a post where Donald refers to the rule, or any place in any rulebook where it's implicit (since I doubt that it's explicitly stated anywhere), or any ruling by Donald where it's implicit.

I'm even having a hard time thinking of examples where it would apply. But I managed to come up with one: I buy a Mandarin with Royal Seal in play. Royal Seal's when-gain triggers because it's in play. I elect to resolve the Mandarin's when-gain first, putting all Treasures on top of my deck. Then I resolve Royal Seal's when-gain even though it's no longer in play, and put the Mandarin on the deck. According to this rule, this is allowed. On isotropic it also works.

So I want to confirm that the above is correct, and that the rule is correct. And any other examples where it would apply would be greatly appreciated.

Dominion Isotropic / Bug with Scheme and with Inn
« on: November 11, 2011, 09:19:28 am »
A couple of minor bugs, or at least wrongly implemented actions.

Inn has the wrong card text on isotropic. It doesn't say to reveal the cards you want to shuffle in, only to look at them. Isotropic follows this, and doesn't reveal them. The actual card text tells you to reveal the cards.

Ok, I just discovered the following wasn't a bug, just very misleading in the user interface. Played a game where I played Lighthouse and Scheme in the same turn. Now you won't be able to top-deck a newly played duration with Scheme. Isotropic says: "optionally return an action card to your deck> Scheme, Lighthouse (new), none".
If I choose "Lighthouse (new)", nothing happens, which is actually correct. The card does say to choose an action card in play, so it's technically correct that you can choose a newly played duration. But I can't see any situation why you would, it would be the same as choosing "none". Also the isotropic instruction doesn't say "choose a card", but rather "return a card", so this seems very misleading to me. Even if you're aware of this "trick" you have to be careful to never click any duration with "(new)" next to it.

Btw, does anyone have the impression that bugs on isotropic get corrected as a result of these threads?

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