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Topics - ehunt

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Innovation Game Reports / win on turn 7
« on: September 10, 2014, 09:31:34 am »

Rules Questions / secret chamber + market square
« on: August 16, 2014, 05:11:59 am »
Sorry, this is probably answered somewhere in the "playing multiple reactions" thread on BGG, but that's long and a little polemical, so I thought I'd ask here.

Sarah has one card left in her deck, and five in her hand. Let's say the deck card is a silver. She has secret chamber and market square in her hand. Her opponent plays a knight, trashing the silver and leaving Sarah with an empty deck. Can Sarah: reveal market square, discard it, gaining a gold, reveal secret chamber, necessarily drawing market square and gold, putting some combination of two cards on top of her deck, reveal market square, discard it, gain a second gold?)

(I think the answer is, surely yes; also, we can think of less contrived, but luckier, situations, where Sarah shuffles and happens to draw a market square, and then how can you know if it's "the same one" she already discarded or not?)

Rules Questions / ironworks/trader
« on: July 30, 2014, 11:21:58 am »
This is several years old, but possibly very slight rewording. (There is no question in here. Just trying to word the rule for myself in light of other discussions on the board about the moving rules).

Trader is different from, say, watchtower, in that trader cancels gaining events. No other card works in this way.

Ironworks says "Gain a card... If it is...." If Ironworks is played on great hall, and trader is revealed, there is no gaining event. The "it" in Ironworks has no antecedent, because the gaining event triggered by Ironworks has been canceled. As a result, we have done as much of Ironworks as we can, and we ignore the rest.

Please no blue dog jokes.


i thought i had a winning move on the last turn. i activated a crown dogma, then returned a card for mohammad yunus, thinking this would stop my opponent from sharing the crown dogma. however, my opponent was able to share. is this a bug? if not, what does mohammad yunus do? thanks!

Dominion Isotropic / are old iso logs accessible?
« on: May 02, 2014, 01:14:44 pm »
I am getting errors when I click on old links in the Game reports section.

Dominion General Discussion / another soothsayer thought experiment
« on: May 02, 2014, 01:12:38 pm »
This thought experiment has the opposite conclusion as the other one.

Claim: either we should be buying Horse Traders for the reaction much more often than I thought, or Soothsayer is better than I thought.

Dominion General Discussion / soothsayer thought experiment
« on: April 24, 2014, 01:52:03 pm »
Consider the following card:

Terminal Gold Gainer - 5
(Type: Action)
Gain a gold.

Let's imagine a game between Sarah and Laura, where Sarah opens Soothsayer/- and Laura opens TGG/-, and they purchase nothing but money thereafter.

After opening: Laura's shuffle should go substantially better than Sarah's thanks to the extra card in one hand. Laura also cycles slightly faster.
After second shuffle: Laura's shuffle and Sarah's should go equally well; both have a gold in the deck. Laura has one extra card, but is still (very slightly) ahead in the cycling.
After third and subsequent shuffles:  Sarah's shuffle is expected to be better than Laura's on average, with the advantage compounding with each shuffle; moreover, Sarah cycles more.

We expect Sarah to cruise to victory.

Now allow Laura to pick up a terrible trasher, e.g. trade route, on the second shuffle. Who do we expect to win? I think it is not so obvious. Laura's cycling is better, and she is limiting the damage to her deck to one junk card (as opposed to one junk card per shuffle) which is negated by one extra card per shuffle. However, there is the risk of terminal collision or drawing trade route without a curse or estate, and there is a risk of losing on points from the curses or the missing estates.

At any rate, it's close.

Allow Laura to pick up forager on the second shuffle and I would guess her win percentage is over 50%; with junk dealer I'd push it to very high.

So, the natural question is, granting that Soothsayer is usually but not always a little better than it, how good is TGG?  My inclination is to believe that TGG is terrible, e.g. in the bottom half of 5 cost cards for sure.

Game Reports / challenge
« on: March 19, 2014, 06:19:52 pm »
Post a log that you won on 2 or fewer points, with Dame Josephine in your deck.

Goko Dominion Online / executive summary of recent developments
« on: March 18, 2014, 06:07:52 pm »
Is Making Fun different from Goko? Did they buy the whole game?

Goko Dominion Online / extension undercounting bishop points by 1 ?
« on: March 16, 2014, 04:14:37 am »
I just noticed the problem in this link.

Goko Dominion Online / can't log in at all
« on: March 01, 2014, 10:12:46 am »
Anyone else having this problem ? I can't even play as a guest. Chrome on a tablet.

Mafia Game Threads / french mafia ?
« on: February 15, 2014, 06:06:22 pm »
Does anyone want to play a game in French only ? How can that go wrong ??

Goko Dominion Online / games loading slowly
« on: February 04, 2014, 03:12:38 pm »
Anyone else have this problem or is it my tablet?

Game Reports / whoa
« on: December 28, 2013, 12:55:55 pm »
i was going to brag about this game because on turn 15 i made 5 wishing wells go off in a row guessing for a different thing each time (i knew my deck composition, dammit!) but then it became even more remarkable when it ended in a 3-way tie

Game Reports / no +actions, lots of good terminals
« on: December 27, 2013, 02:29:59 pm »
I never know what to do on a board like this. I was fairly sure that the goal would be to play goons bunches, and that Soothsayer would be a mistake, since a handsize boost really helps the opponent when the only way to see new cards is with warehouse. I just sort of dithered around on those two principles without any strategy until the game ended.

Supply cards: Urchin, Warehouse, Ironworks, Remake, Trader, Highway, Soothsayer, Farmland, Goons, Expand, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Colony, Platinum

But in the end: ironworks/highway and colony are completely ignored. What would yall do here?

Introductions / hi
« on: November 23, 2013, 08:25:07 pm »
Im ehunt. Im a mathematician. I am from america but recently moved to the French-speaking part of Switzerland.  Sup.

Dominion General Discussion / herald is so good
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:18:00 pm »
I love herald. I would overpay for it even if there was no benefit.

For example, Minion seems quite a bit weaker, although I can't put my finger on why.

Also, moat has improved quite a bit from base alone, or even base + intrigue

Game Reports / as lucky as a celestial chameleon puzzle
« on: September 04, 2013, 11:20:14 pm »
on turn 3 i gained a king's court and a grand market
by the end of turn 5 i had trashed all my estates and 5/7 coppers

(edit: i can't spell chameleon)

Dominion General Discussion / the i'll use a coin token joke
« on: September 04, 2013, 10:34:58 pm »
say your opponent splits 5/2 and there is witch on the board.

you can make a hilarious joke if you split 4/3. When you play your 4, say "now i'll use my coin token" and pretend that there is baker. you don't have to give me credit.

Dominion General Discussion / familiar, or lab into forge?
« on: September 03, 2013, 07:37:56 pm »
what do the sims say? my gut is familiar but a game ago i opened trader/silver and crossed my fingers (it was a multiplayer game so cursing was less important). i ended up getting super lucky, picking up a semi-lucky lab on the first shuffle, blocking the first two curses, and then getting to seven reasonably early.

this is a funny decision, because with both strategies, when they work, they dominate completely. (because if i have two labs and a forge familiar is pretty bad, and if you have two curses in my deck i am never going to hit seven in time.)

Goko Dominion Online / goko rankings in multiplayer
« on: September 03, 2013, 03:37:28 pm »
i was busy buying goons in a multiplayer game while my opponents bought provinces. anyway, an opponent resigned and I heard the loss music (usually you hear the win music when a player resigns) and it told me i was in third place of the remaining three players. Does Goko really give you a loss for having a lower score in a multiplayer game when someone resigns? (I don't remember my ranking prior to the game, or my win-loss record.)

Dominion General Discussion / defn of "card x is better than card y"
« on: August 24, 2013, 03:38:56 pm »
1. Sarah and Laura are equally skilled, very good Dominion players. They play 2 million games of Dominion. Sarah is never allowed to buy "x" and Laura is never allowed to buy "y." Of course, on most boards, neither x nor y appears. x is better than y iff Laura's win percentage is better.

2. Same, except S. and L. restrict to boards with both "x" and "y."

I prefer (1).

Dominion General Discussion / is merchant guild terrible?
« on: August 17, 2013, 06:55:46 pm »
I have recently gotten back into Dominion and can't find a use for merchant guild. Can someone convince me that I am wrong? The way I see it, it is worse than bridge in the following ways:
--> it costs five
--> you can't use the "cost reduction" until next turn. in particular, bridge in a dud-hand is a terminal silver; MG is a terminal copper with a coin token you can't use.
--> it's unthroneable
--> it costs five!

it is better than bridge in the following, admittedly important way:
--> coin tokens are a lot better than money this turn

not that bridge is bad, but it's often ignorable, and it's especially a true powerhouse with throners or gainers (which are harder to get for fives).

i can construct edge cases where i'd throw one of these into my deck -- university + watchtower, maybe, if there were already buckets of actions lurking. but i just can't picture realistically building the dream deck where i'm buying a bunch of engine pieces with MG while gaining tons of coins, then getting a giant payload. How do I afford to buy cards that aren't junk (and thus reap the benefit of the MG) without some other source of $$? And once my deck is that explodey, can I really get the buying power I need out of coin tokens for merchant guilds for a megaturn (in a kingdom where i couldn't get it faster in another way)?

still, given the unthroneability nerf there must be some use. (although i vaguely remember DXV saying he wished he had made coppersmith unthroneable not for balance reasons but for that's-how-the-card-should-be reasons). i see MG is low in the WW power rankings, but in my mind it is somewhere with transmute and thief. can someone shed some light?

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