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Simulation / Yet another Simulator release
« on: August 24, 2011, 05:59:28 pm »
Here’s another small release to quickly fix a few bugs and add some cool things:

   - the copy/paste bug that occured after deleting a bot is gone
    - the temporary files of the game logs will be deleted when you close the simulator (you might want to check your default temporary directory because it’s probably filled up with a bunch of game logs)
    - added some heuristics for Shanty Town
    - improved Courtyard a little by letting it put useless terminal actions back on the deck
    - modified Bishop and Chapel slightly to enable “the Golden Deck” (NGN – The Golden Deck)
    - and finally I added a cute bot that gains 1000 VP in 13 turns (it’s HUMONGOUS)

Download it here

Simulation / Simulator minor fixes
« on: August 21, 2011, 09:01:00 am »
I released a new version with some minor fixes Download it here.

Also I added a new bot (NGN - Plenty Horny) that can be used on the board of WanderingWinder's latest article. It will crush the Duchy/Duke strategy (COMBO - Duchy/Duke/HT).

Dominion General Discussion / The quest for a Nash Equilibrium
« on: August 19, 2011, 06:31:19 am »
Just now I was messing around with my Simulator and the 3- and 4-player strategies. I thought I had found a Nash equilibrium for the 4-player game where players can only buy Witches, Moats and the common cards (Silver, Gold, Province, Duchy and Estates).

When I chose 3 players playing the built-in 3/4P - BM - Witch/Moat, the fourth player would always lose more if he played a different strategy. So I figured I had found the Nash Equilibrium for that game, but then I created the following bot that broke the equilibrium:

Code: [Select]
<player name="3/4P - BM - Moat/Moat/Witch/Witch">
   <buy name="Province">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Gold"/>
         <operator type="greaterThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
   <buy name="Duchy">
         <left type="countCardsInSupply" attribute="Province"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="7.0"/>
   <buy name="Estate">
         <left type="countCardsInSupply" attribute="Province"/>
         <operator type="smallerOrEqualThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="3.0"/>
   <buy name="Gold"/>
   <buy name="Witch">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Witch"/>
         <operator type="smallerThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
   <buy name="Silver">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Silver"/>
         <operator type="equalTo" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="0.0"/>
   <buy name="Moat">
         <left type="countCardsInDeck" attribute="Moat"/>
         <operator type="smallerThan" />
         <right type="constant" attribute="2.0"/>
   <buy name="Silver"/>

I toyed around a bit more but wasn't able to make a bot that would create a Nash Equilibrium for the specified game.

Can you??? (If you don't know what a Nash Equilibrium is :

Simulation / Dominion Simulator new version released!!!
« on: August 12, 2011, 07:26:36 pm »
My simulator has gotten even more powerful. Here are the new features in this release (v1.1.0):

-Walled Village
-a much improved layout for the sample games (hint: isotropic)
-a new button which will transform your Puny Province Playing bots directly into Colossal Colony Catching monsters
-and finally a whole slew of new buy conditions to tune your bots to infinity (count buys left, count cards in opponent’s decks, count empty piles,…)

Download it here. Enjoy!

Simulation / Simulator update request
« on: August 08, 2011, 07:51:44 am »
I'm working on a new release of my simulator. It will include this:

  • Walled Village
  • more than 20 number options (up to 100 and 0.5 included)
  • extra buy conditions (count all cards in deck, count buys left)
  • Colony game check box

If you are desperate for a feature, let me know now and I might still include it. Also I would like everyone to send me their own created bots so I might add them in the main program provided they are:

  • significant improvement of an existing bot
  • a competitive new bot
  • a wacky strategy

Please add a small description of what your bot is trying to do (so I don't need to dissect the buy rules)

Puzzles and Challenges / A drunken affair
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:30:50 am »
Puzzling is all the rage these days, so here’s one more. It’s fiendishly difficult, but should be a doozy if you’re smart, eager and young, which is likely because you’re reading this forum!

Here’s the situation: Ken0 (good friend of mine and a level 10-ish) and I have started a 2-player game on isotropic using the default card selection. The game is very friendly and we engage in some inane chatter.

Ken0: I just beat theory two games in a row
Geronimoo: wow, good job!
Geronimoo: he must have been pissed
Ken0: yeah, I’m too now
Ken0: cebelerating with my good fiernd Jack Daniesl
Geronimoo: :)
Ken0: stupid kebyaord

Amazingly Ken won against the bane of 5000 players, but I doubt he’ll be able to beat me in his current state. I manage to accumulate 5 Provinces and feeling pretty good about myself. Ken’s only green in sight is the little goblin dancing in front of his eyes, but he’s still able to win this game.

Here ‘s what’s left of the board at the start of my turn:

10 kingdoms:
1 City, 9 Bridge, 8 Gardens, 10 Ironworks, 9 Woodcutter, 9 Fishing Village, 8 Wharves, 9 Laboratory, 7 Pawns, 10 King’s Court

The other cards:
3 Provinces, 8 Duchies, 8 Estates, 10 Curses, 6 Golds are gone, 10 Silvers are gone, some Coppers are gone (Ken0 bought a few due to misclicks)

I buy the last City with my $5. The puzzle starts at Ken0’s turn. You wouldn’t believe it , but Ken0 (curse him!) will still win. However, he needs your help!

Make Ken win before he passes out, so be quick! Really, really quick! No, actually much quicker than that! Use as few turns as possible!

Apart from the 5 Provinces I’m not going to tell you the rest of my deck’s contents, nor Ken’s. You can figure that out for yourselves.

You may assume perfect shuffle luck for Ken0 and awful luck for Geronimoo…

No spoilers, there are hints built into the puzzle

Puzzles and Challenges / The fatal buy
« on: June 26, 2011, 06:40:50 am »
In a 2-player game Geronimoo has built a very strong deck and is now able to buy a Province every turn (100% certain he'll get 4 Provinces in a row, although it's very likely he'll get more consecutive Province buys). However, Geronimoo decides to improve his deck a little more before buying his first Province, but misclicks and buys the wrong card. This completely destroys his chance of buying a Province next turn despite perfect play and perfect shuffle luck.

At the time he buys the fatal card, his discard is empty. The fatal buy doesn't empty a third pile and isn't a Colony. Geronimoo's opponent is only buying Silvers, Golds and Provinces and there are still 8 Provinces left in the supply and plenty Golds and Silvers.

What was that fatal buy? And what was Geronimoo's strategy?

There are probably several solutions to this puzzle, but mine is actually likely to happen in a real game and doesn't involve Mint

Want to find out how fast your nifty Envoy/Village gets 4 Provinces and sick of trying out your strategy on solitaire isotropic?

Just simulate it!

More info can be found here:

This is very much a work in progress, so your input is greatly appreciated (both in finding bugs and suggesting features)

Puzzles and Challenges / Going infinite
« on: June 22, 2011, 03:52:45 am »
Here's a simple puzzle:
Find a way to gain infinite points in a solitaire game. Use as few buys as possible. You get infinite turns to do it of course.

And a more difficult extension of this puzzle:
Find a way to gain infinite points in a 2-player game. Use as few buys as possible. You get infinite turns to do it. Your opponent will try to end the game (even if this means he loses!)

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