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Rules Questions / Can Rewards be returned to their pile?
« on: April 07, 2024, 02:48:32 pm »
The rules don't talk about a Reward pile. (They did talk about a Prize pile.)
What happens if you play a Reward using Way of the Horse?

Rules Questions / 3 turns in a row with Possession
« on: February 09, 2024, 07:42:15 am »
It seems that even with the errata to Possession and Outpost, etc., it's possible to get 3 turns in a row like this:

* Alice regular turn, Alice plays Possession.
* Bob Possession turn, Bob plays Outpost.
(Outpost checks that it would be Bob's 2nd turn in a row, so the extra turn is given.)
* Bob Outpost turn (2nd turn in a row)
* Bob regular turn (3rd turn in a row)

Does this check out?

Game Reports / Epic handicap against the Temple Gates Hard AI
« on: April 18, 2023, 09:35:05 am »
I usually play the "daily challenge" against the Hard AI, and I win about 70% of the games. The AI has gotten better with time, and it excels at a certain strategy, which is kind of "good cards" + money, start hammering Provinces early and then Duchies. Surprisingly often this is a good strategy. There really has to be a very strong attack and/or strong alt-vp to beat it. The AI recently beat me by avoiding Cultists and just going for 1 Maroon and 1 Margrave, no village. This is its own topic, but it's actually changing how I view the 2-player game. It seems money is the best option much more than good players think. Sure, there are better players than me, I hear that good players beat it 80% of the time. But I'm convinced that good players play engine too often, it's just this meta where both good players and decent players play engine when it seems at all viable, so there is never a good player playing non-engine to show them wrong. I assume this has been discussed in other places, Discord or something.

Anyway, on to the actual topic!

Today I gave myself a huge handicap. I started with 5 coppers. I wanted to right-click on Annex, but misclicked and bought it before having played any Treasure! After the first shuffle, I had my opening cards plus a Duchy and was $6 in debt! In the meantime the AI was buying Sacrifice, Archives and Treasure. But by luck, this was an extremely engine-friendly kingdom, with Sacrifice, Temple, Crown, Charm, Wild Hunt, City Quarter, Overlord, Legionary and Labyrinth. Lots of alt-VP and a strong attack. I was not attacking until way into the game though, and by that time it had 5 Provinces already. It started to stall a little then, even before I started attacking (almost) every turn. When it bought the penultimate Province, I was still behind on points, but could easily score enough on my last turn to also buy the last Province for the win (and of course another Annex in the end!).

So the AI still doesn't know how to play engines... almost at all.

Rules Questions / Old Salvager and Capitalism
« on: April 10, 2023, 08:33:33 am »

On Capitalism, what does "+ amounts" mean? Does it only include coin symbols with actual numbers in it or also empty coin symbols? This is only relevant if you play with first-edition Salvager - does Capitalism affect it?
We could also imagine a card similar to Harbor Village that said "if it gave you +, +1 Card". This card would not itself give you any coins; would it be affected by Capitalism?

Rules Questions / Invasion
« on: March 25, 2023, 02:13:52 pm »
"Gain a Loot; play it."

I assume this is like Replace and Summon, that it gains the card and then moves it. But the semicolon made me wonder.
So can you move the gained Loot with Watchtower, making Invasion lose track of it?

Dominion General Discussion / Printings of recent (2022) errata
« on: March 25, 2023, 11:33:28 am »
Donald X. mentioned last year that Adventures would be the first set to reprinted with the new errata'ed cards. Did it get printed last year?

Donald X. or anyone who knows: Have other sets been reprinted, or are there news of when it will happen?

The sets with errata seem to be:
Cornucopia and Guilds
Dark Ages

Rules Questions / Friendly Village Green and Villa
« on: March 08, 2023, 04:44:33 pm »
So I guess this should work. Village Green is Friendly. Discarding Village Green for Friendly normally doesn't let you play it, since it's your Clean-up phase.
Start of Clean-up, Friendly and Improve trigger. You have a Village Green in hand, but you first Improve a card into a Villa, returning you to your Action phase. Now you resolve Friendly even though you're in your Action phase. You play the Village Green, then gain another one.

It could be Faithful Hound, Trail, Tunnel or Weaver instead of Village Green; Cavalry instead of Villa.

Rules Questions / New Plan
« on: February 18, 2023, 06:17:02 am »
Now that the trashing token is when-gain, I have this question: Let's say I put the token on Village, and then I gain a Village from trash, does the token trigger?

I think it should. It says "when you gain a card from that pile", but the other tokens are "when you play a card from that pile" and of course you play them from your hand (normally).

Rules Questions / Rulebook note on Cutthroat
« on: January 31, 2023, 08:03:45 am »
"Loot itself is a Treasure costing $5 or more, so a player gaining one will trigger Cutthroats."

I assume the implication of "Loot itself" is the Loot gained by triggering a Cutthroat. But is this actually possible? If someone gains a Gold, my Cutthroat triggers, gaining me a Loot. But all Cutthroats already triggered from the Gold gain, so how can my Loot gain trigger any Cutthroats?

Thinking about it, I think the only way is if someone played a Cutthroat from gaining the Gold or the Loot, before I gained my Loot. Let's say my left-hand player gained a Loot from their Cutthroat, reacted with a Sheepdog using Way of the Mouse playing Vassal, and Vassal hitting Cutthroat. Then I gain my Loot, triggering their new Cuttroat. So I guess we need Way of the Mouse and Vassal?

EDIT: No, also if the player gaining the Gold (the player in turn, let's say) gained Cutthroat from Haggler or Architects' Guild, they could play it with Innovation or similar.

Rules Questions / Taskmaster and Improve
« on: January 28, 2023, 07:48:39 am »

Taskmaster seems to be like Garrison and Cargo Ship: If it hasn't triggered yet at the start of Clean-up, it can be trashed with Improve, making it trigger. Except the cost of Taskmaster is $3, so it can't be Improved into a $5 cost card. But let's say we played Improve twice, and we first trash Taskmaster with Improve, and then Improve another card into a $5 cost - then Taskmaster should trigger. And it should keep working every turn even though it's trashed. Am I thinking about it correctly?

Rules Questions / Harbor Village and Inspiring
« on: January 27, 2023, 08:19:10 am »
Oh no, more Harbor Village stuff.

From the wiki:
Normally, playing 2 consecutive Harbor Villages won't give +$. However, if your 2nd Harbor Village causes you play an Action giving +$ (e.g. the Harbor Village is Inspired), then the 2nd Harbor Village will give +$, which will cause the 1st Harbor Village to give +$1.

No source is given. I don't see how this can be correct. Inspiring says you play another card afterwards, which must be the same timing as Royal Carriage and League of Shopkeepers. None of those cause Harbor Village to give +$1. And you can of course choose in which order to resolve Inspiring, Royal Carriage and League of Shopkeepers. A Throne Room playing a Market also does not cause Harbor Village to give +$1.

Rules Questions / Lantern, Elder, Harbor Village, Moat
« on: December 29, 2022, 06:41:39 am »

Hoping that Donald can reply to this.

With Enchantress, Highwayman and Ways, and the second iteration from Reckless, you're not following the on-play instructions of the played card.

Donald has ruled that Lantern and Elder care about the on-play instructions of the played card: If you don't follow those instructions, Lantern and Elder do nothing.

According to the Plunder rulebook, Harbor Village is different somehow. It works even when you don't follow the on-play instructions of the played card. If you followed some other instructions instead of the card's on-play instructions, Harbor Village cares about those instructions.

There has been no ruling on Moat (and Lighthouse, Champion, Guardian). I assume that the general assumption has been that it's like Harbor Village.

What is the difference between Lantern and Elder, and Harbor Village and Moat? None of them refer to the played card's instructions. They all refer to the played card doing something or having some effect. It absolutely seems to me like they should all work the same.

Rules Questions / Search - when does a pile empty?
« on: December 19, 2022, 07:12:45 am »
When exactly does Search trigger? When someone gains the last card, does Search trigger before or after when-gain abilities?
I guess Search itself can't be a when-gain ability, because it's also possible to empty a pile without gaining the last card, and Search would also trigger then.

Rules Questions / Throne Room + Quartermaster
« on: December 19, 2022, 07:08:29 am »
I found it strange that Throning Quartermaster would not be like Throning Archive, keeping two sets of cards. Each play of Quartermaster is resolved as a separate ability that doesn't know anything about the other. Cards that are set aside are only known to the ability that set them aside. I guess that the explanation is that the Quartermaster card itself creates a zone, like a mat - very similar to the Native Village mat?

Then this must be different from all other cards that say to set aside "on this" or "under this"?

It also makes it seem like the cards on Quartermaster are actually in play, but of course the card text makes it clear that they are "set aside". It's just weird that they are set aside at the same time as they are literally placed in a zone that is in the "in play" zone.

Rules Questions / Harbor Village and Ways
« on: December 19, 2022, 06:59:48 am »
I don't get why Harbor Village gives you the bonus when you use Way of the Sheep. It's been established that you resolve the Way instead of resolving the played card, and that this does NOT mean that the played card now did the Way ability. It works the same as Enchantress, which means that you can't choose to get "+1 Card and +1 Action" from an Enchantress attack and then also apply Way of the Chameleon to get "+$1 and +1 Action" instead. It would seem that Harbor Village similarly would not see the +$ from Way of the Sheep as something the card gave you.

Rules Questions / Flagship timing
« on: December 19, 2022, 06:50:47 am »
Flagship doesn't say "afterwards" like Citadels and Landing Party. Does it have the same timing as those and Royal Carriage, Fellowship of Scribes etc?

Rules Questions / Traits + Young Witch
« on: December 19, 2022, 06:46:12 am »
Can the Bane pile be chosen for a Trait?

Rules Questions / Urchin "while in play"?
« on: July 17, 2022, 05:35:07 am »

An old question that I suddenly realized could be relevant in a corner-case. Is Urchin equivalent to "while you have this in play, when you play another Attack"?

If you play an Attack, and gain a copy via Kiln "first", and play Urchin then (via Sheepdog>Mouse>Vassal), does Urchin trigger?

Rules Questions / Witch's Hut - discard or reveal first?
« on: July 16, 2022, 01:22:52 pm »
Do you first reveal the cards and then discard them, or reveal them from the discard pile like Tunnel?

The rulebook says "You reveal the discarded cards even if they aren't both Actions," which makes it sound like you discard them first, then reveal them.

But if so, it seems like you would have to play a discarded Trail before revealing.

I play Witch's Hut and discard a Trail and a Smithy. I play the Trail. Can I reveal it now from play (while revealing the Smithy from discard) in order to Curse the other players?
If playing the Trail causes the Smithy to get shuffled in, I'm screwed in any case.

Rules Questions / Wiki - Storyteller
« on: July 14, 2022, 08:29:26 am »
The Wiki says: "With the new rules to Coffers, you can spend Coffers at any time during your turn. This means that after you get the +1 Card from playing the Treasures, you may spend extra Coffers to draw more cards."

Can this really be correct? After you have drawn cards, you are already done paying your $ so how does it help to get more $ at that point?

Rules Questions / Elder on original Oracle
« on: July 14, 2022, 08:05:12 am »
I just noticed that original Oracle says "you choose one: either he discards them or he puts them back on top in an order he chooses."
I guess if I play with that card and Elder, it would let me discard Tunnels and then topdeck (and draw) them.

Rules Questions / Gaining bought card or overpaid-for card
« on: July 08, 2022, 05:25:45 am »
This is how I'm interpreting the new cards with errata, hoping it's correct.

Haunted Woods, Swamp Hag, Haggler: If you are Possessed and buy a card, neither you nor the Possessor gets the when-gain ability.

Messenger, Defiled Shrine (gaining Curse), Tax: If you are Possessed and would gain the card in your Buy phase, neither you nor the Possessor gets the when-gain ability.

Overpay cards: Both Ingix and Donald have said that you do the overpaying when you pay for the card, so it seems to not be timed as when-buy (which happens after you bought the card), but rather before that. So if you play with old Charm and buy a Herald, you can't gain a Silk Merchant or Nomads before overpaying in order to have more $ to overpay with.

Overpay is: you get the when-gain ability based on the amount you overpaid. If you are Possessed and buy an overpay card, neither you nor the Possessor gets the when-gain ability.

(Using Trader v.1 would of course work the same as being Possessed.)

Dominion General Discussion / Questions about some printed cards
« on: July 05, 2022, 05:31:18 am »
Donald, I wonder if you could answer some questions about printings, if you know:

Has Hinterlands been printed with the new "exchange" version of Trader, before the 2nd edition coming out now?

Has Menagerie been printed with the "reveal it to play it" version of Village Green? I guess when Menagerie is next reprinted, you'll remove that clause since it's not needed anymore?

Rules Questions / Emissary and Order of Masons
« on: June 04, 2022, 07:51:36 am »

The wiki says:
If you shuffle from the +3 Cards, and use Order of Masons to make Emissary draw 0 cards, you'll still get +1 Action and +2 Favors.

Is this accurate? Order of Masons has to trigger before you actually shuffle (when you would shuffle) because that's when you actually pick out cards. The shuffling comes after. If you are left with 0 cards to shuffle, then by the definition on Emissary, you didn't shuffle.

Rules Questions / Embargo the pile you bought from
« on: May 31, 2022, 06:33:46 am »
I know Embargo is out, but this is an explanation from my rules document.

I buy a Village, then I gain an Embargo because of Haggler, and I play that Embargo with Innovation, choosing the Village pile. I'm still doing when-buy stuff for Village. Do I have to gain a Curse?

With the current Embargo version, I assume yes. I create a new when-buy, I have to resolve it now.
With the original Embargo version, I assume no. It's a global rule that you gain 1 Curse per token, and I could choose to resolve that rule first, before gaining the Embargo.

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