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Messages - BJ Penn

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Goko Dominion Online / Re: Bonfire
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:21:13 pm »
I was really hoping that they were just going to essentially commercialize isotropic and class it up a bit.....

So I come back to dominion after some time away and I'm directed to a new site and see this:

(Shamelessly stolen from another thread)

I come here and realize they've decided to make everything much worse and charge absurd prices for expansions that I've owned IRL for years.

Seriously, it's like they are trying to make this as unappealing to the hardcore players as possible. I'll probably play a little if they include a point tracker (and laugh at them for being so fail if they don't), but I can't pretend that I like anything going on here.

Another vote for Oracle being ridiculously out of place. I don't have a simulator or anything, but I'd imagine it is similar to courtyard and Smithy in effectiveness in BM games.

Can somebody explain the logic of Steward at 4?

Menagerie, Swindler, and Scheme completely out-class it in my opinion.


He could still win if it was a decent KC/Goons game...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Alternate First Game Kingdom
« on: May 25, 2012, 08:56:41 pm »
I too take it upon myself to share Dominion with as many people who I think would like it as possible. Since the game doesn't take very long to play, and almost everyone wants to play several times I sort of introduce the game's simpler concepts over the coarse of 3 games.

Game 1: Mostly random Base cards. Never with Witch or Chapel, always with Militia and Moat. I try to encourage buying currency, because people tend to see all these neat actions cards and end up with a pile of terminal actions and 7 coppers if I just let them play.

Game 2: Introduce Curses. Sea Hag/Witch/Young Witch whatever. I always make sure some reaction card or decent trasher is there to help them along. Depending on how much they seem to be "getting it" I may choose to introduce some duration or choice cards.

Game 3: Chapel game. After playing nice the first two games and trying my best to let them win I blow their doors off with a simple Chapel -> BM strategy. It may sound sinister, but it teaches them a valuable lesson and really helps them graduate from noob to beginner.

If they want to keep going I'll start to slowly introduce some more complex cards, and perhaps try to demonstrate the value of a solid engine if they get all "If you just buy silver, then gold, then provinces you win" on me.

I think the most important thing is to bring people along slowly and give them tips along the way without being overbearing. The best way to learn dominion is to play it over and over again.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Overrated and Underrated
« on: May 23, 2012, 12:16:41 am »
It's hard for me to say, because I'm not too familiar with where the competitive community rates every card, but here are some cards that I think are over/under bought in certain situations:


- Market when buys can be found elsewhere
- Steward with no village support
- Young Witch with a cantrip for a bane
- Black Market when there is no trick to it (HOP, Tactician, Fairgrounds etc.)
- Scout for doing anything at all really
- Scrying Pool in games with no trash support
- Festival if there are cheaper villages out there


- Trader in garbage games for silver flooding
- Expand in games that aren't super powered
- Good KC chains with Saboteur
- Scheme as an opener with lots of things
- Moat is just overlooked too often
- Most of the variety-based cornucopia cards (HOP, Menagerie, Harvest, Fairgrounds) in general, but especially when they're together
- Festival/Hamlet/Lighthouse/Fishing Village/Pawn etc. -> Draw up to X cards combinations

GokoDom / Re: PLEASE READ: Deadline is Sunday 20 May at 11:59 PDT
« on: May 20, 2012, 04:55:17 pm »
So, ebEliminator has disappeared off the face of the earth.

I have  looked at the rankings in my group (Central US), and if I'm not mistaken, I need win 7-0 just to tie NinjaBus for first place, and go 2-5 or better to take second. I think it's pretty fair to assume I'd win more than 1, but less than 7 games. If it's OK with everyone I could just bow out with silver. NinjaBus is clearly the better player anyway.

It is a bit of a shame. It would have been fun to go for the 7-0 win to tie for first.

GokoDom / Re: PLEASE READ: Deadline is Sunday 20 May at 11:59 PDT
« on: May 18, 2012, 11:25:26 pm »
I missed our first agreed upon time, and now I can't get ebeliminator to respond to my messages. I'll try again.

GokoDom / Re: Kirian's Bracket, Week 6
« on: May 07, 2012, 11:56:02 pm »
I beat CarpeDeezNuts 5-2 last night.

He was supposed to be saving logs, but I can dig them up if he doesn't post them in the next few days.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Ridiculous Dominion House Rules
« on: April 28, 2012, 11:25:22 pm »
I play base Dominion sometimes at family gatherings at my uncle's house (the place I was introduced to Dominion).

We all sit around and choose the ten cards we want to play with every time.... Nobody else wants to play with any attack card of any kind ever.  ???  Some big money variant almost always is the best strategy.

I really need to find some better people to play with IRL.  :P

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Possession, a poll!
« on: April 28, 2012, 11:20:24 pm »
Masquerade/Ambassador interaction is really the only thing about it I don't like, and even those games can be fun and skill intensive once you learn how to play it.

It probably isn't even in my top 5 for cards that can ruin a nice game. (IGG and tournament come to mind immediately)

GokoDom / Re: Kirian's Bracket Week One
« on: March 25, 2012, 04:02:14 pm »
NinjaBus wins 5-2 against me. (10-4 in points)

I just typed up a long review of each game, but I wasn't logged in and I lost it all  :-[.

I'll put the game logs up tomorrow.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom: Challenge General Discussion
« on: March 24, 2012, 05:49:10 pm »
^ NinjaBus contacted me via personal message. We're set to go tomorrow afternoon.

GokoDom / Re: Kirian's Bracket Week One
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:50:34 pm »
I don't know if any of my messages to Ninjabus went through, because they aren't showing up in my "sent messages". If not, tonight at 9 pm works fine.

GokoDom / Re: IsoDom Challenge Sign-up
« on: March 20, 2012, 08:17:05 pm »
BJ Penn

US Central Time

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Isotropic down?
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:25:44 pm »
Yep. Cut me off in the middle of an epic conspirator chain...   :'(

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Official replacement for Isotropic
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:24:35 pm »
Tournaments (not the card), contests, player tiers, some type of online community system would be great.   ;D

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