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Goko Dominion Online / Re: Do we know when exactly it's going up?
« on: August 20, 2012, 11:52:12 am »
As far as I understand it the following are concerns:

1. [...]
3. the game server doesn't validate messages from the client - so you can do things like play bridges from the supply that you don't own - or just buy colonies without enough money for them.

Just to put things into perspective, here is a post from dougz from april 2012, proving that isotropic (even recently!) had also quite severe bugs (similar to 3. above):

Turns out that (until last night) the server didn't actually check to see if you had enough money to buy the card you asked to buy.  Normally it's not a problem because the interface only makes cards clickable if you can afford them, but if you hack the javascript, or insert a proxy that modifies the request on the way to the server (as bdhcompany did) it would happily sell you any card in the supply whether you had the money for it or not.  Whoops!

Game Reports / Golem + Scheme + Tunnel
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:37:31 am »
Here is a nice combo a friend of mine found by chance. It starts at turn 5 (because he was lucky on his first turns...)

The combo is easy and unbreakable
The problem is that the combo is so nice that at some point you're just watching the combo and you stop thinking how to win the game.

Ruined Navigator:

Look at the top 4 Ruinses on the Ruins pile.
Either put all of them to the bottom of the pile in any order, or put them back on top of the pile in any order.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Fun with Hinterlands
« on: October 17, 2011, 06:30:01 am »
I assumed 50.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Fun with Hinterlands
« on: October 17, 2011, 06:09:52 am »
This also solves the following puzzle: In a 6-handed game, as first player, deplete the curse deck by the end of your fifth-turn. You may suppose your opponents are only buying coppers on their turns.

Dominion General Discussion / Fun with Hinterlands
« on: October 17, 2011, 04:54:56 am »

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Optimizing your level
« on: September 02, 2011, 04:55:09 am »
Easy. You can do the exact same strategy 79 times out of 84 games to become level 40+

Basically, what I want to know is if we can use some advanced strategy about shuffling (force reshuffle, knowing what is in your deck) to have better strategies for an AI in a basic scenario.

As an exemple, BMU + Chancellor, when you reshuffle every time the average money in your deck is less than your total average money is way better that BMU (59/34). (BTW,question for Geronimoo: the Single Chancellor strategy in your simulator is worse than this, what is the strategy you used to play it ?)

For rinkworks: BMU, as far as Geronimoo's simulator is concerned, does not use Smithy, and does not use any action cards at all, hence its strategy cannot be sophisticated.

Actually, I think the problem would be better suited with a $2 cantrip, the big problem with buying a village being that you didn't buy a silver. So you can try the same reasoning with, e.g., the Pearl Diver. So now, I think BMU + pearl diver is strictly better than BMU, but how to play it ?


I am trying to come up with a strategy for Big Money + (one) Village.
The idea is that the Village gives you the possibility not to draw the next card, which in some circonstances is actually the good play.
Can you think of any good strategy that will work ?
I tried something like this:
  - Wait until you have (say) 5 silver/golds before buying the village
  - Each time you get the village, compute the exact probability to draw each card (this information you can have easily), then
      - If you have a large probability to have a VP card, draw it (better for it to hurt you this hand rather than the next)
      - If you don't have 8 but have a large probability of getting 8 drawing the next card, then draw it. Otherwise, don't.
      - If you have 5 and you have a high probability to get 8 in your next hand, then don't draw (this is an example, I didn't code this actually)

You can find the exact details in attachment. This strategy did not work (it loses 35%/58% to BMU), and I can't think of clever rules (or good thresholds for the probabilties) that would make it better. Can you ?

A few notes:
- You cannot choose how to play village in Geronimoo's simulator, so I wrote my own. It is very raw and a bit^W^Wcompletely broken, but if you really want to play with it, it's in attachment (launch python, linux guy here)
- I don't have that much time to code strategies, so don't expect me to test them daily.

i don't think you can do way better than BMU with one village, but I hope it's possible not to do worse.
It is quite possible, especially given the strategy, that it would work way better with Walled Village. Maybe it's something interesting to try.

Dominion General Discussion / or reveals a hand with no...
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:54:12 pm »
There are a few cards (Cutpurse, Bureaucrat) that may require your opponent to show his hand. In a heavy trashing game, cutpurse will of course never hit copper. Do you know of any situation where you might want to buy cutpurse just to know what your opponent has in hand ? More specifically, do you have any example of an isotropic game where you saw the hand of your opponent and that did change your strategy ? Just curious.

Rules Questions / Re: Revealing Provinces for Tournament
« on: July 08, 2011, 04:14:38 pm »
I'm pretty sure at one time I didn't know my opponent revealed a Province until after I choose the prize. However, I just tried a game with myself and this situation didn't happen, so I'll just consider this to be early senility from my part. Sorry for the post, then.

Rules Questions / Revealing Provinces for Tournament
« on: July 08, 2011, 03:36:20 pm »
The rule book say: "First you get +1 Action. Then each player, including
you, may reveal a Province card from his hand. Then, ..."

This does not seem to be implemented this way in isotropic. When I reveal my Province, I have to choose the prize before knowing if one of my opponents has revealed a Province or not.

The difference between the two is quite important. Which one is right ?

Puzzles and Challenges / Worst kingdom deck
« on: June 25, 2011, 05:02:10 am »
An easy question. Playing solo and trying to buy all provinces, what is the worst kingdom deck ? All 10 cards must be action cards. As it is quite clear some of the action-attack cards are not that good if you don't have an opponent, try to minimize the number of attack cards

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:20:22 am »
For me civility means acknowledging you're defeated before you resign (you don't *have* to ask if you can resign, though), and apologizing if you were slow for some reason (problem with your internet connection, a phone call, etc). If you don't want  to say "hi/gg" that's ok, but you're being rude.

For me, "hi/gg" is all about acknowledging you and your opponents are human beings. Anything is ok, really, the whole point is just to say something, anything, during the entire game so that your opponent doesn't feel like he is playing against an emotionless computer.

I hate torturer. When my opponent opens 5/2 and there is a native village/hamlet, I'm ready to quit.
Black Market is either fun or a game-breaker, depending on the cards in it. In a recent game, my opponent bought a ghost ship from the BM (with no attacks on the board) and then a King's Court for the BM. Talk about being lucky...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Make up your own card?
« on: June 18, 2011, 03:18:00 am »
I had an idea similar to the Shapeshifter above.

$4 (?)
Choose one of the following:
- Name a card. While Illusion is in play, this card behaves like a 0* copper.
- Name a card. While Illusion is in play, this card behaves like a 0* estate.
- Name a card. While Illusion is in play, this card behaves like a 0* action card (that does nothing when you play it)
So that you can trash your estates/curses with mine/mint, or make your scrying pool more efficient. The 0* price is so you cannot use this to buy provinces at the price of a copper.
(maybe you should change the 0* copper to a 0*, 0$ treasure card, and the 0* estate to a 0*, 0 VP victory card, but I wanted to be able to play Baron or Moneylender with this card)

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Potential Puzzle: Buying every card
« on: June 15, 2011, 03:38:25 am »
It feels good to have all these red crosses... (I did this a long time ago and didn't try to optimize it, you can do way better)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: First player advantage
« on: June 14, 2011, 02:26:20 am »
I did some statistics a few month ago based on one week of games in isotropic. This was before councilroom, so maybe you can do better statistics now.
(ties refer of course to players having the same number of VPs AND having played the same number of turns)

2 player games:
 21147 for player 1 (50.7%)
 19854 for player 2 (47.6%)
 701 ties ( 1.7%)

3 player games:
 1149 for player 1 (34.8%)
 1041 for player 2 (31.6%)
 1016 for player 3 (30.8%)
 91 ties ( 2.8%)
 (of the 91 ties:
32 ties between 1 & 2
 19 ties between 1 & 3
 37 ties between 2 & 3
 3 ties between all players)

4 player games:
 93 for player 1 (25.6%)
 102 for player 2 (28.1%)
 80 for player 3 (22.0%)
 74 for player 4 (20.4%)
 14 ties ( 3.9%)
 (of the 14 ties:
2 ties between 1 & 3
 2 ties between 1 & 4
 1 tie between 2 & 4
 4 ties between 2 & 3
 4 ties between 1 & 2
 1 tie between 1 & 3 & 4)

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