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Messages - Doctor_J

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Rules Questions / Re: Reveal question
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:33:15 pm »
Thanks again. The question only came up after a couple of hand where the person playing the Thief card would have gotten another player's gold card had the effect occurred prior to dealing the new hand.


Rules Questions / Reveal question
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:02:34 pm »
With cards that cause other players to reveal cards, such as Thief or Spy, does that occur before or after the other players deal their new hands?

In the normal flow of play, I play an action, do my buy phase, then clean up. If the next player then plays Thief, does their effect occur before or after I get my new hand. If it occurs before I get my new hand, then how does that apply to cards like Militia which by necessity must occur after I get my new hand.

So far we have played the effect after the effected player drew their new hand.


Thanks again!

Rules Questions / Re: Remodel question
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:51:23 pm »
Hey folks, I am new to the game (obviously) and had a question about the Remodel Card. Simply put, do you have to gain a card after using it or can it be used to just trash an unwanted card and strengthen your deck?

For instance, in a game that we played recently with a random supply deck, the only $2 value card in the supply deck was Chapel. So, after one of the players had played Remodel once or twice it became apparent that all they could do was load their hand with Chapels if trying to get rid of coppers using remodel. So, do you have to gain the card or not?

You're required to gain a card if you use Remodel. (Note that Chapels weren't the only thing you could have gained—you could have gotten an Estate too, or I suppose a Curse or even another Copper. But it's not like getting a lot of those would be any better than getting a lot of Chapels.)

That was the problem, there did not seem to be anything that would strengthen the deck. So, that player ended up with about 4 Chapels that kept coming around.

Thanks for the help!

Rules Questions / Remodel question
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:40:18 pm »
Hey folks, I am new to the game (obviously) and had a question about the Remodel Card. Simply put, do you have to gain a card after using it or can it be used to just trash an unwanted card and strengthen your deck?

For instance, in a game that we played recently with a random supply deck, the only $2 value card in the supply deck was Chapel. So, after one of the players had played Remodel once or twice it became apparent that all they could do was load their hand with Chapels if trying to get rid of coppers using remodel. So, do you have to gain the card or not?


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