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Contest Results

Thanks to everyone participating! You've come up with nice cards, some very chill and some interesting ice breakers!

I will keep my judging as concise as possible. I've playtested each card in 2-3 different kingdoms.

Here are my thoughts:


Tiago's Frozen Lands (not an actual entry)

I've played this card before it's been removed as an entry, so why I might as well share my thoughts about it too:
As said by Jonatan Djurachkovitch, this is a better Duchy. You usually buy Duchies in the late game and that's where Frozen Land's shines and even surpasses them.
The idea of a reverse Distant Lands was very nice!
In general, it's fun to play with, too. But it wouldn't make an official set I suppose.


BryGuys' Ice Smithy

Due to the reaction, they synergize with each other. That's nice, especially when you've run out of actions.
"+4 Cards"-cards aren't easy to balance, but that's where the of Ice Tokens come into play and safe the day.
The card is very good with big money or, of course, if you have enough Villages. Felt almost too good for $3.
It picks up the theme of discarding for benefits and reactions in general.
It's overall nicely balanced, has decent versatility, and most importantly made great (balance) use of ice tokens.
I wholeheartedly agree that the wording "Freeze-2" was and is confusing. Also, everyone seemed to publish their own take on the Ice Token wording.


Tiago's Avalanche

This was good! Even in the early turns, getting rid of 2 Estates for 5 (!) turns was great.
Given enough Buys, it was very decent in the late game, too, locking away your Provinces and thus securing you cleaner hands for the final turns.
As with most Events, it didn't come into action too often. I took it as sign of the card being well balanced.
It cleans up your turns (turns become more fun), helps you recover in scenarios like when you've been Cursed to the northpole and back (as long as you buys it early enough, you still need $4 after all), and this Event was always worth a thought to buy, though never the obvious answer.


grep's Ice House

At first, the wording wasn't clear. "Your card" being understood as "any of your cards", as in "if any ever thaws while this in play this and next turn". I believe this needs the a different wording to work as (possibly) intended. Anyhow, I playtested both versions, once it became apparent that it's not good:

v1 (leaves play on second turn): Felt weird, the "put it into your hand" effect barely triggered, unless you had a lot of Ice Houses. (Maybe you were supposed to build a village of Ice Houses?) With more of these it became fun, once the effect actually hit. So let's talk about...

v2 (see my suggested wording below): This was better. Nice effect. Stow away bad cards to line up with your trasher, stow Actions you couldn't/wouldn't be able to play this turn, or send the surplus Treasure you had into another turn where you'd make better use of it. I'd thus rate this full stars for versatility. Fun was okay, it slowed the game down; having to set aside, place Ice Tokens, remove Ice Tokens from previous cards, and putting cards back into your hand, especially once you got 3 or so going – which was amazing if you had!
The shifting cards around is still okay I suppose. Overall, the card itself felt a bit too slow. After 3 games I felt like a simple "+1 Card" might fix that.

New suggested wording (including +1 Card):
+1 Card

Now and at the start of your next turn: Freeze a card from your hand with 3 Ice Tokens (on this).

Until any remain, when you remove the last Ice Token from a card you have in play, you may put it into your hand.

Note: This opens up interaction with other potential Ice Token effects, like putting Ice Tokens on cards that already have some on them, essentially prolonging Ice Houses effects. I think this "loophole" would make Ice House only more interesting.


segura's Migrants

This was way better than expected. It's a gainer with benefits, thus costing $4. The price seemed nicely balanced with the effect. Gain something strong? Sure, but with a delay. Gain something cheap? Have this compensation.
The card was fun, always gave you choices (Favors? Or strong card? Or just one for $3 now, so it hits my shuffle?), and interacts with the other players.
This is just a nice card, and testing showed that all card prices were viable and balanced. Only gaining Golds with this wasn't the best choice.
At first it looked too wordy/complicated with the $'s. But it's proven easier than expected.
As always with Favors, it heavily depended on the Ally in play. You'd have to play this 3 times and gain 3 almost junks cards, just to activate Allies like Circle of Witches just once. Use 3 actions to play, gain 3 Razes into your deck, just so you can curse everyone once? When you could instead have gotten 3 Golds? Hm.
If you could've gotten Estates + Favor with this, it'd have been nice, especially late-game.

Overall, very good and fun card! If I had to improve it, I'd change the wording, to make it less daunting and the effect nicer:
Gain a non-Victory card costing up to $6.
If it costs $3 or less: +1 Favor.
Otherwise, Freeze it once per $1 it costs more than $3.

More thoughts: Bump it up, have it cost $5, and maybe able to gain Victory cards? Then limited to gaining cards costing up to $5?


fika monster's Snow Golem
Snow golem
5 cost

Choose 1: Freeze the top 3 cards of your deck 2 times; or freeze your hand 2 times.
In games using this, when you remove the last freeze token from a card, if it’s an action or treasure card, play it.
This was plain nice.
First choice: Whatever is frozen has a benefit to you. Junk stays out 2(-3) turns, good cards will be played for free afterwards. It's basically +3 Cards, and then most often +1-2 Actions. Awesome when there isn't much +Action on the board.
Second choice: Freezing a good hand (like Plan) is nice, i.a. as just described, freezing a bad hand is also. Have your pick.
Fun card, versatile card, brings the Night type nicely to the table, and uses Ice Tokens nicely. Well-balanced, too.


emtzalex's Arctic Adventure

Another great and final entry to this contest. Loots are not only priced at $7, but can usually gained for this price tag also. Though hard to calculate (as with official cards), this looks like its fitting the bill. Gain a Loot for $4, if you have too many Actions left in your hand, you make use of them now.
In playtesting, you could spam this whenever you hit $4, of course. But it also set you back substantially, as you only profit in 5-6 turns from it. In that time, others can trash, junk, and advance their deck in other regards.
Not much too say, this is also a nice Event, that's not always the answer. You can gain Loot early, which is awesome. It's still worth buying later, as you might have Action cards left and can make use of them this way. So this Event never seemed redundant!



All entries were awesome and fun to play with. Picking a winner is difficult.

But the ceremony calls for its established routine, thus – considering all criteria for this contest – I give you...

Runner-ups: Tiago's Avalanche, BryGuys' Ice Smithy, emtzalex's Arctic Adventure, fika monster's Snow Golem, grep's Ice House (yes, all of you :D)

Winner: segura's Migrants


And once again, thanks for participating!


24 hour warning


Contest now closed

Expect the results in the next two days.


The two entries are fine, but please mind the wording around the Ice Tokens, so that we have a consistent look and the same understanding of function in all entries. :)

And yes, your mechanic is more than fine, Tiago!

For this contest, we will revisit Gazbag's Ice Token mechanic!

- Instructions can have you set aside a card with tokens on it, using a wording like "freeze [this] with # Ice Tokens"; e.g. "Freeze the top card of your deck with 2 Ice Tokens."
- At the start of your turn, remove 1 Ice Token from each card you own that is frozen with Ice tokens on it.
- Once the last token is removed, the card is put into the players discard pile immediately.

For examples of cards using the mechanic, refer to FCMW 9's post or Gazbag's Fan Expansion Dominion: Ice Age.

The Dominion: Ice Age post was created more than 7 years ago. Since then a lot has happened in Dominion: We've got new expansions, new mechanics, and second edition of cards. We have night cards, next time-effects, Traits, Loots, Rewards, Allies, ... you name it!

What cold magic can Ice Tokens work in these new use cases? Thus this week's challenge:

Design any form of card that uses the Ice Token mechanic and fits into the world of "modern Dominion", ideally using any newer mechanic or effects.

Reminder of expansions since 2017:
  • Nocturne
  • Renaissance
  • Menagerie
  • Allies
  • Plunder
  • Guilds 2E
  • Cornucopia 2E
  • Prosperity 2E
  • Seaside 2E
  • Hinterlands 2E

Rules & Suggestions
- At least one card in your submission must include the Ice Token mechanic.
- Your submission can consist of multiple cards (Horses, non-supply-cards of your own creation, rotating split piles etc. pp.)
- Your submission must include an image of the card(s), at least a mock-up. I prefer to have something visual along the cards name and theme (and of course to see how the text fits on the card).
- Think of the vibe, images, themes (like seafaring, reactions, cold), mechanics (like next time, Loot, Night phase) and other effects introduced with in recent cards.

Submission Info & Judgment Criteria
- Ingenuity in the use of Ice Tokens and recent themes and instructions, fun, balance and versatility; in that order.
- The contest will end in roughly 7 days, I will post a 24h warning.
- If you want to submit a different card, please do so in a new post and mark your old one accordingly, so I know which one to judge.

I hope this challenge will help you cool down during these hot days.  :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 91: Fury Road
« on: May 20, 2024, 09:37:58 am »
Thanks for judging and the win!

Will have the next contest up shortly.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 91: Fury Road
« on: May 13, 2024, 11:18:12 am »


Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: May 01, 2024, 01:59:19 am »

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: April 30, 2024, 03:05:27 pm »

Happy Village
$5 Action

+3 Actions
Move your +1 Card token to an Action supply pile other than the one it was on.

Village's big brother :)

Was tricky to balance with Lost City and crazy combos (also with itself) in mind. Many Actions are no problem for this one, and it favors variety.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: April 28, 2024, 05:43:04 am »

$4 Action - Attack
Return two cards from your hand to the Supply.
If at least one of them costs $3 or more, gain a Loot.
Each other player chooses one of the returned cards and gains a copy of it.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 89: Workers
« on: April 25, 2024, 12:02:07 pm »

Bonus Worker:

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 11, 2024, 11:16:48 am »

Hunting Dog
$4 Action - Reaction
Reveal the top two cards of your deck and put any number of them into your hand.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word “reveal”), you may play it.

Priced at $4 as it synergizing with itself and there are a good amount of instances that cause one to reveal their hand and thus, by accident, this too.

I believe you need to say what happens to the cards you don’t put into your hand. “And discard the rest” is simplest and I like the synergy of this card triggering both “reveal” and “discard” reactions. I believe that works better than “put the rest back in any order” for this particular card.

I also think this is a little on the strong side, though I don’t know how to change it, so it might just be strong. I’m basing this on how easy/often I get cultist chains running— at $4 it’s a lot easier to do so. It might just be good being a stronger $4

You are correct, it's definitely a stronger $4!

I'd be worried for it to be too strong, if it allows to discard by choice too. Happy to get more opinions on this!

In regards to it as-is needing to specify what happens to them: Generally no (e.g. see Piazza and Wishing Well), but as this reveals 2 cards, I believe it should indeed, given all other cards revealing more than one and giving you a choice do tell you what to do with the rest.

I will adjust this in the next version; as I said I'd appreciate further feedback regarding the option to discard the ones not put into hand.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 10, 2024, 10:51:24 am »
Updated v1.1

Hunting Dog
$4 Action - Reaction
Reveal the top two cards of your deck. Put any number of them into your hand and discard the rest.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word “reveal”), you may play it.

Hunting Dog
$4 Action - Reaction
Reveal the top two cards of your deck and put any number of them into your hand.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word “reveal”), you may play it.

Priced at $4 as it synergizing with itself and there are a good amount of instances that cause one to reveal their hand and thus, by accident, this too.

A first submission, but probably not my final entry. Thoughts?

$6 Action
+1 Action
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal 2 Action cards other than Golems or Helpers. Set one of the Actions aside and discard the other cards. Play the set aside card.

Forum Games / Re: - Mafia players wanted
« on: February 12, 2024, 12:11:13 pm »

Though there might be similar action happening on the Discord already.

Nice judging; and it was a fun challenge!

Although the contest has concluded, here are some more cards I had come up with:

Remote Wharf
$6 Action - Reserve - Victory
+2 Cards
Put this on your Tavern mat.
At the start of your turn, you may call this for +2 Cards.
Worth 1VP if on your Tavern mat at the end of the game (otherwise worth 0 VP).
(I like the idea but, oh my, two lines.)

Lost Journeyman
$3 Action
Name a card. Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck and put them in your hand. If at least one of them was the card you named, take Lost in the Woods.

Village Sentry
$4 Action
+1 Action
Turn your Journey token over (it starts face up). Then if it's face down, look at the top 2 cards of your deck and trash and/or discard any of them, putting the rest back in any order. If it's face up, +2 Actions.

Queen's Jester
$6 Action - Attack
Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal a Treasure or Action. Play it twice. You may have each other player gain a copy of it.

The cards from my previous post:

Young Jester
$2 Action - Attack
Each other player reveals the top card of their deck. If it's an Action or Treasure costing $3 or more, they discard it, otherwise they put it back.
You may trash this to gain a copy of one of the discarded cards.

Island Bishop
$6 Action
Put a card from your hand onto your Island mat.
+1 VP per $2 ist costs (round down).

Devil's Cellar
$5 Night
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and discard any number of them. If the number of cards you've discarded is:
5, gain a Loot.
0, gain an Imp.

Exotic Fairgrounds
$3 Victory
Worth 1 VP per 4 differently named cards you have more copies of than any other player (round down).
When you gain or trash this: +1 Villager, +1 Coffers.

Ninja Pirate
$5 Action - Attack - Reaction
At the start of your next turn, gain a Treasure costing up to $6.
If it's not your turn, each other player discards down to 4 cards in hand.
When another player gains a Treasure, you may play this from your hand.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 83: Contractors
« on: February 10, 2024, 03:31:32 pm »
Will the winner be conducting a new contest?

I've shot emtzalex a PM a couple of days ago but not heard back yet, so now I'd say go for it, if you have a challenge :)

In the event that I do end up winning, the runner-up will have to do the judging, as I will be honeymooning for the next two weeks.

Lovely, hope you have a great time!

Here is a bunch and maybe more to come, please consider Devil's Cellar my submission for now :)
Let me know if any of these don't qualify.

It's just a phase(?)
Young Jester
$2 Action - Attack
Each other player reveals the top card of their deck. If it's an Action or Treasure costing $3 or more, they discard it, otherwise they put it back.
You may trash this to gain a copy of one of the discarded cards.

Suddenly trashing Provinces with Bishop is VERY fun.
Island Bishop
$6 Action
Put a card from your hand onto your Island mat.
+1 VP per $2 ist costs (round down).

Know what you want.
Devil's Cellar
$5 Night
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and discard any number of them. If the number of cards you've discarded is:
5, gain a Loot.
0, gain an Imp.

Exotic Fairgrounds
$3 Victory
Worth 1 VP per 4 differently named cards you have more copies of than any other player (round down).
When you gain or trash this: +1 Villager, +1 Coffers.

And in honour of your post title:
Ninja Pirate
$5 Action - Attack - Reaction
At the start of your next turn, gain a Treasure costing up to $6.
If it's not your turn, each other player discards down to 4 cards in hand.
When another player gains a Treasure, you may play this from your hand.

EDIT: Fixed a word, thanks silverspawn!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 83: Contractors
« on: February 04, 2024, 04:35:32 pm »
=≈= RESULTS =≈=

Let's first look at the gainers and the Contractors individually, bundled per entry, then at the Contractors "net effects" side-by-side, and lastly the winners.

Submissions by BryGuy

Way of the Ray

WotRay provides a straight forward and solid strong effect for Actions costing $5 or more. I think "sacrificing" the play of a $5 Action fits very well with the cost precedented by my $6 Event. For cheaper cards, the effect is even nicer and the -$1 a nice touch but potentially not enough to balance it (think Candlemaker giving you -$1 and a Contractor). It makes Contractors easily accessible to every player.
Also, I enjoyed how the mechanics matched here: you can only have one Contractor at a time and only one -$ token at a time.
The wording should probably be "If this costs $3 or less..."

This updated version of the Negotiator functions as a weaker remodel (and sometimes Mine). If you trash Copper (or other low-cost cards) you choose to gain a $3. Essentially only good cards are interesting to trash with the "costing $1 more" option, which is usually going to be subpar, given it's rather slow (that's why Remake does it twice) without topdecking or similar, and you don't have the usually way more valuable step of $2.

Submissions by Cutepelican126

Training Camp

A more flexible village, simple, and significantly more expensive. Its big appeal lies in its ability to easily gain Contractors. Though I believe too easily. Comparing it to my Ally, requiring 4 Favors, this gains you a Contractor right away on its first and every subsequent play, no questions asked (only limited by the rule of having one Contractor at a time).
The "If you do not have a Contractor" is probably redundant, given you can't gain one if you have one already.

I feel like Armorer has a nice power balance, gaining you up to three $4's to the top of your deck for the price of a Villager each. This is it's downside, too, you're required to have a Villager at some point in you turn – otherwise it simply does nothing. So while I'm delighted to see such mean of payment in this Contractor, I believe it to be difficult to balance and play satisfactory. Even with Training Camp as villager-gainer, this is hard to pull of, as you'd need four total plays of it to gain and then sustain this Contractor for their duration.
It's a dead Contractor on a board without +Villagers.
I imagine increasing the cost to gain a Contractor on Training Camp or increasing Training Camp to +2 Villagers could fix this. I don't see an easy solution that fixes all issues in a balanced way but they probably always require Armorer not costing you Villagers to function.
Armorer doesn't follow the provided template standard.

Submissions by Will(ow|iam)


A trait, lovely! If it's attached to a high-cost card, it's an interesting choice – has the Witch run her c(o)urse and is now truly Disposable? Have you snatched the Key already? Can you spare a Herald for a Contractor?
If it's attached to a low-cost pile it's simply amazing – to the degree of the cards being an automatic want. All in all, it will be swingy, depending on the board and pile attached to.

Not much to say here either, it's a free +4 VP over time. It's simple but also equally boring (sadly), maybe leading to somewhat interesting scenarios and battles in the mid to late game when you have to consider between VP and other Contractors' benefits.

Submissions by fika monster


Funeral is a powerful trasher with the downside of trashing itself. $4-cost-cards that trash themselves for a benefit are usually daring and hard to pull of. The biggest issue I see is it slowing down the game a lot: you look for trashing material and their types in three places. Apart from this I like the effect and idea. Though I also wonder if the types on Funeral are counted as well? If so, it's super easy to pull of. With copper and estate, you've got 4 trashed types right away. Buy 3 Funerals and secure yourself 9 turns of Contractors. Them being Nights makes this even easier. Not sure why they got Action and Night as types, I can only assume so they have more types themselves.
But if Funeral's types are not counted, it seems somewhat hard to pull of 4 types. Then it's even more satisfying when you gain your contractor in the mid- to early-game, but then you have to consider if it's worth buying the $4 this late. I guess the trashing is still nice in any cases even early, due to max flexibility.
I believe the card text is missing some "look through you discard pile".

Miracle Medicine
MM is an interesting card that let's you return to your action phase and will allow you to continue your chain of Actions, benefit from other effects or at least allows you to gain another little something (if you you're lucky with your Treasures). Returning two cards from play and getting actions to play them (if you chose Actions) is awesome. Usually your benefit will be either of these: extend your turn and play way more cards; benefit from things like trashing again; gain a low-cost card (think Copper and Silver were your two cards from play in a bad scenario); Curse other players again; or improve your next hand or deck over-all through other card effects. So a bit swingy, depending on the hand you had, but probably very fun and usually very useful. And you do this three turns in a row!
Should probably exclude Durations, otherwise tracking will be a pain.
MM doesn't follow the provided template standard.

Submissions by emtzalex

Urban Planning

A better Warehouse that is a one-shot, with the option to gain you a Contractor when you gain another Urban Planning. It's cheap, well balanced, and it let's you cycle through your deck. But, because it returns to its pile, you have to be considerate of your Buys and if it's really worth it to go for these. Usually, you probably wouldn't – but because of it's Reaction, you now have a reason to spend your Buys on them, maybe a bunch even!
I think the card might work even better and more interesting if it trashed itself instead of returning to its pile. The pile would get more meaning, now reasonably likely run out, and you'd limit an endless cycle and the Contractors this way.

City Planner
City Planner offers flexibility regarding your resources but requires Actions played. Nothing complicated but nonetheless useful, and it doesn't flood you with bonuses. Not much else to say here; it's flexible, it's practical, and it's nicely balanced.

Now, let's look at the Contractors, their net effects and requirements to play properly once more, just as power comparison:

Requires junk in hand.
 +$3, -3 trashed cards from hand, opponents lose 3 cards from hand

Master Mason:
Requires junk in deck.
Discarded/trashed up to 3 upcoming cards, cleaning future hands

Requires junk in hand.
-3 trashed cards from hand, 3 cards gained (+$1 and/or $3)

Requires 3 Villagers (over the course of 3 turns)
3 cards gained topdecked

Requires nothing but turns before the game ends (like any other).

Miracle Medicine:
Requires at least 2 played cards that are still in play, preferably Actions or high-cost cards.
A powerhouse providing your deck with 6 actions, maybe 6 Action plays, and 3 extra (small) Buys; allows for bigger chains

City Planner:
Requires at least one Action played this turn.
+3 actions/cards/$/buy, your best choice for the moment in turn


Honourable Mentions: Miracle Medicine by fika monster, Disposable by Will(ow|iam)

Runner-up: Way of the Ray & Negotiator by BryGuy

Winner: Urban Planning & City Planner by emtzalex

Congrats and thanks to everyone participating!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 83: Contractors
« on: February 03, 2024, 12:07:47 pm »
Contest closed, expect results tomorrow or so!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 83: Contractors
« on: February 02, 2024, 10:21:11 am »
=== 24 hour warning ===

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 83: Contractors
« on: January 27, 2024, 04:19:20 am »
@Mods: Given the small submission time frame I set at first and amount of submissions, what's the way to go here? Is it in order to set back the submission deadline to the end of next week so I can judge after that?

I'll move the submission window back to Saturday 3rd 11am EST / Saturday 3rd 4pm UTC. Updated the original post.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 83: Contractors
« on: January 25, 2024, 02:02:08 am »
@Mods: Given the small submission time frame I set at first and amount of submissions, what's the way to go here? Is it in order to set back the submission deadline to the end of next week so I can judge after that?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 83: Contractors
« on: January 23, 2024, 01:55:20 am »
Could be better; feel free to use that wording if you like.

Regarding the rules, Master Mason and Orthon are supposed to trigger thrice: You gain it, put it into play, does nothing. But per the card's instruction it's played at the start of your turns, so the first activating will be the turn after you gained it. You then remove one of the three markers you have on it. This will happen for the next three turns after you gained it.

Was the info "A contractor stays in play for 3 turns" misleading?

I considered a wording such as setting it aside or "preparing" a Contractor (above your deck) and then you "play" it when it triggers (putting it into play). As per the current ruling the Contractor is considered in play but it's considered being played when its trigger occurs; I believed it to make things easier, but maybe there is still a better way to do it?

Bottom line of the idea: When you gain a Contractor, you put it in front of you, and benefit from it 3 times/rounds/turns. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Fan Card Mechanics Week 83: Contractors
« on: January 22, 2024, 02:57:02 am »
This week's mechanic is Contractors, supporting cards that might affect just you or everyone.

Imagine Contractors as a unique ally you can buy or acquire otherwise that lends its service to you for a limited amount of time, then returns to becoming publicly available for hire again. Thematically, this could be a master of their craft, a demigod like Hercules (the direction I originally came from, hiring cool individuals), or even an object for lease.

  • Contractor is a card type. Each Contractor is unique. They are not in the supply, but laid out visibly for all players.
  • Contractors can be gained when instructed to. When you gain a Contractor, choose one of the currently available Contractors and put it into play in front of you (ideally above your deck) immediately.
  • If you have a Contractor in play already when you would gain another, nothing happens. You can only have one Contractor at a time working for you.
  • Contractors are considered in play immediately when you gain them. Though, for mechanic's sake, to prevent other issues (on-play effects, Moat etc. (see Attack example below)), you're considered "playing" a Contractor each time its effect triggers (to indicate "played", you could move it from above your deck more into your general playing area).
  • Contractors should state only one occasion per turn it (can) trigger. This should be stated at the beginning of the cards instructions, e.g. "The first time you do X: [...]" or "At the start of your turns: [...]" or "During your turn, when you would discard cards from play: [...]".
  • Contractors can affect only you, all players, a game state in general, or other activities or phases. Go wild!
  • When do Contractors return and become available for grabs again? At first, they would wait at the bottom of your deck and then trigger once before you'd shuffle your discard pile into your deck, but that makes gaining them too difficult and unbalanced tactically, as the duration varies each time for each player. Maybe the next time you gained a Victory card during your turn. For now I think it's best to go with the following: A contractor stays in play for 3 turns and plays itself at least once per turn (visualized by putting a marker on it and removing one each play), then leaving at the the end of your turn if it has no markers on it. So they are staying in play and are not discarded at the end of turn, unless they have run their course. Then they return to the public display and are available for grabs again. (This return is ment to trigger no other effects, e.g. "when you discard a card from play").
  • Lastly, for setup, randomly select 1 + a number of Contractors equal to the amount of players, to be available for this game (or more, if you feel like it).

Your challenge: Design a card of any kind or shape that gains you a Contractor, AND design a Contractor (ideally fitting thematically with the gainer). You are very welcome to design more than one Contractor, you decide if any of them are made for fun only and should not be judged (default: I judge your Contract-gainer and all Contractors in your submission post). Provide a mock-up of your card, including an image, I want to see how it looks on a card. Shard of Honor Template link:

Judging criteria:
- balance
- fun (!)
- simplicity (!)
- playability
- theme

Submissions close on Thursday 25th 11pm EST / Friday 26th 4am UTC Saturday 3rd 11am EST / Saturday 3rd 4pm UTC.

Examples of some Contractors, basic gainers, and their power level I had in mind:

*City Guard turned out a bit wordy and might need a different one. It doesn't follow the standard wording of triggering/being active thrice, but the idea would be acceptable for this contest too, as it's supposed to be effective for 3 rounds (3 of your turns and 3 opponent turns, if no extra turns).

Note: I decided against different costs for Contractors, for simplicity's sake. I believe Contractors need no cost-indicator; for all purposes, they simply don't have any. (If you think they should, they can cost $0*.)

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