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Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Streaming annotated Dominion
« on: January 18, 2012, 04:22:01 am »
Here's a nice little fix for the text problem. Someone on reddit mentioned that you can just zoom in on the text size on your browser before recording. I think that would work.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Level 6s pulling 4 provinces in 13 turns
« on: January 17, 2012, 07:50:46 pm »
Lol, I was pretty recently Level 0 too. Maybe in the last few weeks I began reading DS and I'm OK now.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: News on forthcoming expansions
« on: January 15, 2012, 01:51:12 pm »
Ooooh, main kingdom cards, I like. I'm assuming there will be VP cards with art, not just treasure? Looking forward to it. :)

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: My first video!
« on: January 14, 2012, 07:18:21 pm »
I liked the video, but I'm with the others on how quiet this is. You were steady throughout the video and clear, which I liked, and the annotations were great so I could try to figure something out myself. But yeah, I thought this was a great effort.

Other Games / Re: 7 Wonders??
« on: January 13, 2012, 04:08:34 am »
7 Wonders has one major flaw: you're drafting the cards, but not actually playing them so there's no real 'fun'. In Dominion/Magic when you buy/draft a card you think "man, this is going to be cool", then when you play the card you're like "man, this IS cool!". The second part is missing in 7 Wonders.
In a way, I agree, because it would be really interesting to be able to draft to build a deck, like in Magic, just because the strategical option gets expanded and it adds an extra level.
But at the same time, I would argue that 7 Wonders' gameplay is elegant and simple. It boils down to three things you can do in your turn, much like the ABC concept in Dominion. Play, Wonder, orTrash. You can play it to use it yourself and maybe give your neighbors benefits. Wonder it to get additional benefits and hatedraft, or Trash it for additional income/hatedrafting. Instead of adding many complicated steps, it boils the essence of card drafting down, and makes it the entire game. Now, you could argue that it might not be for everyone, but I really like the interactions between players in card drafting, and I find a really elegant way for the designers to concentrate on it.

Other Games / Re: 7 Wonders??
« on: January 13, 2012, 03:29:51 am »
I love this game. I love everything about the mechanic of card drafting, the beautiful art of the cards, and the wonderful theme. 7 Wonders is probably my favorite game of all time.

I would disagree with the fact that it is "just" passing cards around the table three times. Because,i n the process of passing those cards around the table, you compete with your neighbors in a spectacular fashion, trying to build up your empire of cards and resources to trump your opponent and deny him from success.

With each passing of a hand, you have to make a multitude of meaningful decisions, from deciding whether or not to pass your opponent a military card to finish his army, to deciding whether to start investing in scientific discoveries or civilian structures. Every little decision, from deciding who to pass your hard earned coins to for resources, from when to activate your second wonder stage, influences your opponents and creates a unique experience.
It tickles my inner architect/designer the same way Dominion would; in Dominion, I build my deck to be as smooth as possible so I can grab more points more consistently than my opponent, and in 7 Wonders, I build up my empire in the first and second ages to be a catapult to massive points in the third.

But that's not to say I don't think 7 Wonders has any flaws. There is some luck that might really screw you over, but the amount of luck isn't overwhelming and can sometimes be beaten with strategy and analysis. I find it similar to Dominion in this regard, with the shuffle luck and such. It is also true that after many plays, the game begins to lose its luster, its ingenuity, and its freshness, because it seems to become repetitive. I found the feeling similar to how I felt after playing the Dominion base set a lot of times, because there are only so many useful combinations and new strategies you can come up with, after which you crave more.
But as with Dominion, I found that expansions helped greatly in this regard. 7 Wonders: Leaders adds an extra phase to the game, with which you draft leaders, giving you many more options and combos like how Dominion: Intrigue or Seaside gave you more options or combinations. And 7 Wonders: Cities looks to add even more!

Anyways, I think saying that 7 Wonders is a game with no depth is simply untrue. Through my plays and interactions with my friends, I see a lot of thinking, a lot of socializing and strategizing about the best path to go. It might not be as clear cut as Dominion with a lot of its strategies and analysis, but it's definitely there, and I think it's unfair that some people would be so quick to dismiss it.

General Discussion / Re: Who lives in NYC?
« on: January 12, 2012, 01:33:45 am »
I live in New York City!
I'm a college student, so a shitload of free time whenever I'm home, so yeah.

Since discovering board games like a year ago, I've mingled with a bunch of different board game groups in NYC, mostly through, because of my insatiable urge to play board games and lack of enough friends that play. Anyways, I'll talk about my experiences.

First and foremost, there's the huge NYC Board Games and Card Games meetup group, which has a ton of people. There are biweekly meetups that regularly hit up to 40 people, and other smaller weekly ones and such. A lot of older board gamers, but a group of diverse people. Theor best meetup in terms of location is their TriBeca Whole Foods one because of its amazing venue. The cafeteria is well lighted and has plenty of space. It might be strange to play in public, but still, safety in numbers, LOL. There are meetups at a Murray Hill Cosi, Kings Games in Brooklyn, Citigroup Plaza on Lexington, and a private small basement club in Chelsea. Anyways, there are a lot of gatherings and nice people, so it's fun. It's a bit awkward at times just because there are different people, but overall a smooth experience if you want to join.

Next is a smaller group of NYC Tabletop Games. It usually meets at the Citigroup Plaza at Lexington as well, but at the same time as a hoard of Magic players on Monday. The group has a lot of younger people, mid twenties and thirties, and they play a bunch of card games and stuff. Less on the eurogames and harder games though. I've been there once and they were cool people.

The NYC meetup group also has a small frequent meetup for board gamers. I haven't gone yet, but it seems to usually consist of 5-10~ people and gathers at someone's apartment. It shares the same demographics as Reddit, which are, again, college aged gamers. It's in Brooklyn and also usually plays Dominion and more of the newer lighter games.

For the Queens people, fear not, you aren't excluded. Your borough has its own damn meetup group. However, as I haven't gone, (fuck queens), I can't testify as to its audience and attendance, but some members also frequent the NYC Boardgames meetups so they seem to share similar audiences.

And most recently, there's a new Thursday weekly meetup at a FLGS in Williamsburg named the Twenty Sided Store. I've gone to the one weekly night they offered and it was great, so I plan on visiting again. They have a store copy of Dominion (no expansions) but sell all of them. Also seemed to be mostly younger board gamers. It's also a big M:TG hub, iirc.

And there are scattered other meetups that I haven't noticed, either because they're private or small or far away. There's supposed to be a weekly meetup at The Brooklyn Strategist, but I haven't gone since I discovered it because it seems a bit pricy. And there's a Settlers Meetup group and a Monopoly Meetup group that I haven't checked because I'm not very into those games. But to each their own!

Anyways, that's pretty much my experience in the last two years in New York. I haven't noticed that many different attitudes, but I'm not very attentive to these things, sooo. But yeah, plenty of board gaming in New York, which I love.

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