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Messages - Piemaster

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Limericks!
« on: April 17, 2014, 02:13:53 am »
I have fond memories of the song, I just didn't really understand it's relevance to Dominion or France.  I guess I'm missing something.

there have been a couple kickstarters for it, including at least one non-exclusive license:

that hobby lobby case seems to be the heart of a lot of solutions for it.

Why is it when people do a kickstarter this they have to make a super-quality amazing thing that you'll want to leave to your grandchildren that costs $150, rather than just an adequate, functional piece that does the job for $50?  I don't really want to buy a storage case that costs the same as the actual game plus all the expansions I own :(

Hobby lobby looks interesting.  I wonder if you can get it in the UK.  *Wanders off to look*

I know this has been requested many times on this forum.  And I also read on BGG somewhere that it was being considered.  Now that all the sets are out, but while there are plenty of people still playing the game, I wonder if anyone has picked up this gauntlet an ran with it.  I would love to have something that stored all my Dominion cards in a way that everything was easy to find like it is in the boxes, but taking up less space.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Donald X on Rebuild
« on: December 13, 2013, 03:23:08 am »
What would happen if you simply removed the clunky 'name a card' thing?  Would that make it completely unplayable?

Cant believe that nobody has mentioned Horn of Plenty yet.  I really didn't get this card for a long time, and knowing when you can use it to set up a truly spectacular megaturn is difficult.  But if you can do it, it's amazing.

But Horn of Plenty is not at all difficult to play, it's just difficult to know if/when to buy.  That's the distinction the OP was trying to make.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: August 15, 2013, 04:32:40 am »
They can rely on their own Masqs to pass and trash junk. You can only rely on their Masqs to pass junk. It doesn't end well.

Oh yes, I totally agree with that 100%.  Sorry, I only just realised that you ninja'd me with your previous post, if I had read that first I would have responded differently.  In a 4 player game (or 3 or 2 player as a matter of face) if your opponents are playing Masq and you aren't then it's quite likely you will lose.  But this isn't because it junks your deck, but because it is a great card that in 90+% of boards you ignore to your severe detriment.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:57:01 am »
The reason is, they are always initiating a chain of passing stuff to you, and you aren't. So while a lot of the junk does get trashed, whatever doesn't get trashed pools in your deck. I have watched this happen multiple times.

It just doesn't work like that (well, unless you're talking about extreme edge cases involving discard attacks and/or pins of course).  They play Masquerade, you pass an Estate, get passed another Estate.  Then you pass that Estate and get passed a Copper.  Then you pass that Copper and get another Estate and so on, and so on.  The amount of junk in your deck never actually increases.  All that happens is that your opponents' decks all get thinner and meaner and yours doesn't.  So yes, you do end up with 'all the junk' but all the junk is no more junk than you started with.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:33:40 am »
[I may have a chronic inability to rate Masq fairly though, since I played a lot of 3 and 4 player with friends IRL, and Intrigue is the first set I owned, meaning lots of multiplayer Masq, and Masq is really, really essential in 3 and 4 player, unless you want all 9 or 12 Estates for some reason.

That really isn't true at all.  Masq isn't a junking card, it's a trashing card.  If you're not playing with it and your opponents are, then for every trash card you gain you get to give one away as well.  In fact it's highly likely you would end up with less than your starting 3 Estates because the other players would all be trashing them and would eventually start passing you Copper instead.

Not saying Masq isn't great, of course, but you seem to have a very strange idea as to why.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: August 09, 2013, 04:01:34 am »
I'll do that sometimes, right before the game is over...

I don't have an issue with that.  It's the people who do it just because you had a good turn or they had a bad one or something but then don't resign they play on hoping to turn it around.  Either the game is over or it isn't.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: August 08, 2013, 01:38:22 am »
I my experience, both of these cards are filler that don't do a great deal most of the time, and can sub in for a village at a stretch, which isn't great but for $2 is just fine.  The difference is that there are far more boards that turn Hamlet into something so much more than there are with Squire.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: July 26, 2013, 02:27:49 am »
I think the Leo meme may have jumped the shark now.  They're all starting to look the same.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite vanilla card?
« on: July 25, 2013, 05:34:59 am »
I voted Lab, because it's the first card you tend to encounter that makes you realise how fun it is to play a bunch of cards in one turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: July 23, 2013, 01:18:42 am »
I think by the weird wording "the best village for engines which you can buy, at least to have" he means independent of cost. Which I think is relatively uncontroversial.
This is what I mean, yes. Obviously I think WM is a better card - it hasn't shown up yet....

What about Border Village?  Or do you mean strictly what the village does once it's in your deck?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: July 22, 2013, 02:46:35 pm »
A better was to phrase the same concept might be that coin tokens have diminishing returns, whereas VPs do not.  Simultaneously, coins decrease in value as the game progresses whereas VPs do not.  The value of both also depends on the board.  VPs decrease in value when there is a strong source of alt VP on the board.  Coins decrease in value when there is no +Buy on the board.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Least Ignorable Card
« on: July 21, 2013, 03:34:28 pm »
If i'm not forgetting anything, there are only around 3 handsize reducers that leave you with 3 cards (Militia, Goons, Mercanary)

There's also Margrave.

And Ghost Ship. To a least extent, Cutpurse. And Torturer as well, although if your opponent is playing Masq, you probably have it too, and then Torturer is not such a great idea.

I find Torturer to be frequently ignoreable.  In fact, on any Kingdom without a village I tend to ignore it by default, only buying it if I have a compelling reason to. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: July 16, 2013, 04:31:01 pm »
If excited to find out what the 'poster child average' card is at 103 :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Saboteur
« on: July 16, 2013, 07:37:07 am »
As a starting point, I always consider Saboteur to be a terminal silver, only instead of adding that value to your deck it removes it from your opponents deck.  Obviously $5 for a terminal silver is godawful, so then I look beyond that to work out the conditions required for Saboteur to be more than a terminal silver, such as:

1.  The value of removing a card from their deck is greater than simply removing $2-$3 of value.  This is likely in cases where a pile will be brought out and winning the split is key to making their deck operate, such as with Minion, Grand Market, Hunting Party, City or maybe Alchemist.  Once that card is gone it can't be replaced.

2.  Where there are no other terminals of note, so it can be treated like a non-terminal silver.  Obviously a non-terminal silver for $5 is still not great, but it is not so terrible if one of the other factors are also in play.

3.  You can use it in a way that you couldn't use silver.  An obvious example is a deck where you can get the benefit from Sabo earlier in the turn where don't want to have to keep silver in your hand until the end.  Minion or 'draw to x' cards are an example.

4.  You can decimate their deck faster than they can rebuild it, for example if you can KC a Sabo every turn, which might give you a more certain victory than if you used KC on a different terminal as it leaves them with no deck to mount a comeback or get lucky draws.

Doesn't really mount to very much, but there are times when I have used it to good effect.

There are plenty of times that you want a second terminal in on the second reshuffle.  However, in most cases, the fact it missed the first reshuffle shouldn't be a relevant factor in your decision making.  Either your deck will benefit from the second (Sea Hag) or it won't.  Don't send good money after bad.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion - What Happens Next?
« on: July 15, 2013, 05:55:19 am »
This is a DISCRETE poll; Only creator and admins can see votes.

Could you please reverse this? In general I like to see who voted what, and this doesn't look like a particularly sensitive issue where you might want to keep such things a secret.

Yes, I selected that option by accident, but now it won't let me reverse it.  Sorry, I'm a bit newb at polls

Dominion General Discussion / Dominion - What Happens Next?
« on: July 15, 2013, 02:45:31 am »
For a long time, Donald has been consistent in his message that Guilds is the last expansion planned for Dominion.  However he has stated that he might be open to making more expansions in the future if RGG requested it.

This thread/poll is to find out what you, the players, think will actually happen.  Will we get any more expansions?  If so, how many and how often?  What does the future hold for the game?

Note, I am specifically talking about the physical version of the game, not online.

Well if the base set had no +Actions then it would basically be a big money game right?  I can't see that holding my interest for very long.  The game might almost be described as being broken.

+Buy is nice to have, but I don't think it would have totally killed the game by not having it in base.  Could have waited for the first expansion.

With no +$, some cards would be a lot more difficult to balance and there just wouldn't be enough variables to keep the cards interesting I don't think.

No +Cards would make the game much worse I think, once again turning it into a Big Money game.  Without extra cards, extra actions and buys would also be far less meaningful.

I don't think the game would suffer too much from having no attacks, after all I have played some excellent games where there have been no attacks in the kingdom.  But I think it would make the game far harder to get into and it would probably feel quite boring for beginners.

No trashing would probably make the least difference to the base game and could probably have been saved for an expansion without any serious detrimental effects.

So, in short:

Would be a loss, but the game would ultimately be okay

Game would work, but would be far worse and probably forgotten by now

Game would be bad/broken

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Ranking the Expansions
« on: July 09, 2013, 09:41:55 am »
Quote from: Piemaster
There are some rather bland ones I dislike though, such as Duchess, Inn and Farmland and the mechanics in there don't excite me all that much.
Bland ? I would say subtle.
Duchess is a $2 card, and those cards are not game-changer, obviously. But I think duchess is a particularly interesting one, I think.
Farmland is another really interesting card, that 2VP potential lead changes the dynamic of the game.
And Inn is wonderful for tactical engine plays...

You're right, there's nothing wrong with these cards.  I don't think there is really a bad card in the game, so it's all relative really.  Hinterlands just contains some of the cards that interest me least.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Ranking the Expansions
« on: July 09, 2013, 05:07:39 am »
Here is my list.  Just going to deal in proper sets/expansions, not getting into promos and stuff.

9. Base - I loved it at the time, but it really looks dated now.  Too many really bad and uninteresting cards.  Still, it does a job and does it well.

8. Alchemy - I don't dislike Alchemy as much as some people, but it does seem a bit out of sync with the rest of the game somehow.  I don't like the idea of having to 'doctor' my sets and kingdoms to accommodate the clunky potion mechanic, even though I do like a lot of the cards.

7. Guilds - I haven't played enough Guilds to give an accurate assessment yet, but it seems I am not as enthralled as most people.  It has some nice mechanics in it, but due to the small size of the set they are not really fleshed out very well.  It would have been better to make this a larger expansion I think.

6. Hinterlands - Pretty good, I guess, I like a lot of the cards in Hinterlands.  There are some rather bland ones I dislike though, such as Duchess, Inn and Farmland and the mechanics in there don't excite me all that much.  This could have traded with Guilds and been the smaller set.

5. Intrigue - I like Intrigue quite a lot and thought it was the perfect follow-up to the original.  The cards are a lot more interesting than base and many of them are still favourites of mine.

4. Dark Ages - Dark Ages is a kind of crazy madness that I enjoy playing with a lot.  I don't think I would want to play a Kingdom of pure DA, but sprinkled in amongst other expansions it works well and facilitates some very interesting interactions.

3. Prosperity - I'm not as high on Prosperity as most people, but it does contain some iconic and wickedly fun cards (such as Kings Court, Goons and Grand Market) even if the Colony/Platinum thing doesn't add as much to the game as I hoped.

2. Cornucopia - I love Cornucopia!  It panders to a playing style that I really like and encourages you to use cards that you habitually ignore.It has some very powerful cards, and I don't hate Tournament as much as most people.  Only falls down due to being only 13 cards

1. Seaside - The traditional favourite.  I like the duration cards and many of the cards in here are truly iconic ones.  Plus this is the only set where I feel the theme strongly comes through in the cards.  It was a close-run thing between this and Cornucopia, but in the end I gave the nod to the larger and more fully-explored set.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: July 08, 2013, 05:27:53 am »
Count is one of those cards that feels like it should be very good, but as yet I haven't really got it to work very well.  Might be that I suck with it, or it might be that it's not as good as it looks or (more likely) a combination of both.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Ranking the Expansions
« on: July 07, 2013, 12:01:09 pm »
You just listed four cards out of 26 that are right at the top, compared to:
Hamlet is the #2 $2 card
Menagerie is around #4-5 on the $3's
Remake, Tournament, Young Witch are the #3-5 $4 cards
Hunting Party is about #4-5 on the $5's

That's 6 cards out of 13 that are right at the top of their price brackets. Almost every expansion has some top level cards, some middling cards, and some low cards. Cornucopia just happens to have way too many top level cards. Even including the other three cards you named, it's 7/26, or barely over a quarter of the cards, in the top quarter of cards. Without that, it's 4/26 in the top 10%, which is a little high, but not really significantly so.

It also helps that cards like Wharf and Ambassador are fun and powerful, while cards like Tournament and Hunting Party are the extremely boring kind of powerful. And I don't know if you've played Hunting Party in real life, let me tell you, the whole digging for cards is not fun.

In addition to the ones I mentioned, Ghost Ship, Tactician, Salvager and Warehouse are also in the top 25%

If you think that Seaside cards are more fun, then that's a perfectly valid reason to rank it higher.  Just seemed weird that you ranked Cornucopia dead last solely because of it's power then don't even mention it for Seaside.

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