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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Funniest conversation about Dominion
« on: October 19, 2012, 02:55:25 pm »
Open Monument/Potion

Good luck with that

Doh, a 4/4 opening would make things a lot easier. Monument/Silver is probably a better opening anyway. You don't want to buy the vineyards that early if you go that route and there's no reason to buy a potion for possession when you can't get $6 + P anyway.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Funniest conversation about Dominion
« on: October 18, 2012, 03:33:32 pm »
Putting aside the fact that your "friend" got exactly what he deserved, is KC/Possession really the dominate strategy on the first board?

I haven't done the simulations but the monument/vineyard approach seems like a good counter. Open Monument/Potion and alternate between farming village and monument. Pick up a second potion around turn 4 and buy a vineyard every time you have < P$6 and a possession when you have >P$6. Try to end the game on 3 piles. Switch out to standard KC/Possession if you see your opponent open with Tournament/Silver as that seems like it would send the game on provinces because you could end it on piles.

General Discussion / Re: Programming
« on: September 19, 2012, 09:51:33 pm »
I'm a developer for a social gaming company called Phoenix Age. We have a (pretty successful) game on the iOS and facebook called Castle Age and I work mainly on the objective c side of things. I only recently started working in objective c as I was previously developing in C# but it's been pretty easy to pick up so far. Since a good chuck of the game is server-side, I end up using php, actionscript and sql almost more than objective c depending on what I'm working on.

We have a lunchtime board game/ccg group and we occasionally break out dominion. I've got the Dark Ages box with me and we plan to give it a run tomorrow.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Where's the official app?
« on: May 11, 2012, 04:12:54 pm »
I was about to ask if there were any other .Net guys around here! :) C# FTW! Though my preference is for Objective-C.

I think loving both Objective-C and C# makes you a special snowflake. I love to develop in C# and it hurts so bad when I have to go do Objective-C. (I develop primary on C# but we port to iOS and that means occasional ObjectiveC)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cache use?
« on: April 11, 2012, 12:35:19 pm »
It's not a bad combination with a trimmed stables deck. Nothing worse than having to discard a silver or gold to your stables to keep the combo going and having a few extra coppers won't hurt you when you can reversibly draw most of your deck.

Doing a couple quick simulations and it looks like Masquerade/HP is dominate on this setup. It beats (unoptimized) chapel/Mountebank, chapel/sea hag, wharf/HP, chapel/wharf/HP, BM + Masquerade. I haven't tried it against any Tactician based play or anything with GMs as I find that's harder to simulate.

I'm sotra surprised that it does better than Wharf/HP/Chapel as I'd expect that to pull ahead in a colony game as Wharf is a better terminal than Masquerade in the absence of cursers. Just goes to show the power of Masquerade I suppose.

For a two player game, I'd be very tempted to just ignore sea hag and mountebank entirely and just run masquerade/hunting party. Open silver/masquerade and pick up another masquerade if you see him buy a sea hag or mountebank. Hunting parties should hit your masquerade most of the time which should be enough to beat chapel + attack. I'd need to simulate this to know for certain but my intuition is that hunting party + masquerade will beat attacks and still pick up 4 colonies before anything fancy with wharf/GM/Tactician gets rolling.

I'd be surprised if Familiar wasn't #1, it's the best card out there for delivering multiple curses to your opponent's deck in 1 turn and you ignore that at your own peril. If you ignore familiar on the board, you have to either be willing to lose the curse war or be able get a head start on the cursers. If you've got an deck that can shrug off curses (Jack, Ambassador, Masquerade), I'd imagine that you could do the first but it's hard to beat familiars in a straight race between cursors. The reason is that the number of curses in your opponent's deck is a product of how quickly you can cycle your deck and familiars don't collide with each other and help cycle your deck.

That doesn't mean I think they're the best attack card ever, I would certainly take young witch and sea hag over them and ignore them completely if IGG was on the table but they're still a guaranteed curser and you can't ignore guaranteed curses on 90% of the boards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Is there a card you always buy?
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:45:40 pm »
I buy king's court and chapel more than I buy silver. In fact, I can rarely see a point in not buying chapel. I'm not as enthusiastic about chapel as I used to be and there are certainly situations where I won't buy it but those situations are rarer than you would think. I've learned to see chapel as an enabler for other strategies rather than a strategy in of itself and there's usually something out there that benefits from chapel.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Kingdom design thread
« on: February 13, 2012, 02:39:07 pm »
Need a bane card for young witch.

My guess is that double young witch is the best on a board of all attacks (with witch replacing a young witch if you get an early $5). Assuming that the bane card isn't something spamable, you'll run out the curses faster than anything but sea hag and unlike sea hag, your young witches will still retain value after the curses are gone. I'd ignore the colonies and try to end the game on provinces as your deck is going to struggle to produce 9+ coins with all the trash that's been added in there.

2011 / Re: Winner of the Kingdom Design Challenge
« on: February 05, 2012, 04:47:06 pm »
It's very interesting to read the comments from the set designers and then review the game to see how it actually played out. I wonder what would have happened in game 8 if one of the players had attempted to go for the mega secret chamber turn that Geronimoo had included in his set.

I'm happy that one of my sets made it into the final 16 though I'm disappointed I didn't get to see how it would have played out.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: THE Dominion Card List(s): $5 cards
« on: February 02, 2012, 05:28:52 pm »
I think minion is overrated. A pure minion strategy is nice, but not so easy to pull off. I don't understand why it's higher than Ghost ship, which is a very strong attack.

I think you're right about minion. The pure minion deck is fun and amazing when you can pull it off but it needs strong enablers (chapel, lighthouse) on the board. It's just too slow otherwise to keep up with standard BM + X play especially if you have no good way to consistently gain minions.

No real surprises here. I'm guessing the real differences will come at the upper end of the list. The only entry that I might disagree with is Cache which I think is a bit underrated. It's better than a gold on your first turn if you open with a 5/2 split and it's a strong supporter to any decks that reduce their average card value below $1.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Amb/Amb or Amb/Silver?
« on: January 16, 2012, 09:33:51 pm »
A 3rd turn Ambassador seems to make double ambassador worse in Ambassador + BM and Ambassador + BV/Wharf.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Amb/Amb or Amb/Silver?
« on: January 16, 2012, 08:38:38 pm »
What about amb/amb when there is a native village, shanty town, village, or hamlet?

Amb/Amb + Shanty Town(s), Native Village(s), Village(s) or Hamlet(s) alone loses badly to Amb/Silver as you might expect. You need something else for the villages to be worthwhile and the only village strategy that I'm confident that the simulator plays well and beats BM + X consistently is Border Village/+Draw. There might be a conspirator chain deck that is better with double ambassador but I can't get the simulator to play it right.

Fishing Village/Wharf/Amb2 also loses to Fishing Village/Wharf/Amb1 60/39 though again this is just me quickly throwing together something in the simulator. A cheaper village isn't enough, it seems that losing out on that early wharf is enough to make Amb/Silver better.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Amb/Amb or Amb/Silver?
« on: January 16, 2012, 07:58:13 pm »
Not sure double ambassador is any better for non big money strategies. Adjusting the simulator to play Boarder Village/Wharf (which easily beats BM), Amb/Silver wins out 53/44 over Amb/Amb. The border village/Wharf combo was chosen arbitrary and there may be better combos but given that double ambassador delays your first 5, I would say that any combo that depends on a 5 cost components isn't going to be a good one for double ambassador.

I'd expect double ambassador to do better with a combo that doesn't depend on 5+ cost cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Amb/Amb or Amb/Silver?
« on: January 16, 2012, 05:12:45 pm »
Amb/Silver + BM beats Amb/Amb + BM 53/43 according to my preliminary simulations.

Adding pawn to the board makes it 52/44 which doesn't seem like much of an improvement.

The problem with the Scout/Great hall combo is not with the scout. The problem is that great halls are not a good card to base a combo around They're good filler in general but they're not going to get you enough money or cards to buy them over other stronger options. Scout/Harem or Scout/Nobles doesn't suffer from the same problems though it takes longer to fill your deck with nobles or harems.

2011 / Re: Schedule and Results, Part II
« on: January 11, 2012, 07:43:42 pm »
I'll wait for the analysis of better players but I'll just say that games #2 and #4 looked like they were very exciting with both players pursuing different strategies.

If sea hag's attack was a weaker version of fortune teller, it certainly would be a bad card.

To put spy's power into perspective, imagine it was an alternate version of fortune teller that gave you your average card value instead of +2$ and the attack only worked ~%50 of the time. Would you spend more to buy it over fortune teller which is already one of the weaker $3?

Really surprised to see spy (my rank #43) winning out over situationally useful cards like bureaucrat (my rank #33), thief (#39) and feast (#27). Buying a spy is almost the same as skipping your buy. You haven't made your deck any weaker by adding a spy but you haven't made your deck any stronger either. In fact, if you have any kind of terminal draw, buying a spy hurts you more than it helps. The attack is at best a weaker bureaucrat that can't be chained and buying a catnip for the sake of buying a catnip is almost always a stupid idea. If it let you look at the top card before drawing it, it might have some use but I honestly can't think of a use for spies when vineyards, conspirators or peddlers aren't on the board.

This seems really harsh.  It may not be a great card, but it gives you a shot at improving your next hand and a shot at hurting your opponents'.  The very real possibility of failing to do any of those things is significant, but not so much that it renders it "almost" useless.  And it can be chained:  it can be chained right up until the first one fails.

Even in the absence of combos, a Spy or two can tip the balance:  note how a Sea Hag discarding your opponent's key opening buy can win the game for you outright.  Why is it strong and swingy when a Sea Hag discards a power card, but weak when a Spy does it?

It may be harsh but I think spy deserves it. The value of a spy to your deck is roughly equilivent to ( the # of dead cards in your deck) * (average card value) assuming that you never buy any terminal card draw which is a major assumption. That means that spy improves your starting deck by less than if you had bought a copper! (not 100% certain on my math but it seems right). You might say that this is stupid, we already know that spy is a bad opener but it becomes more valuable later when your ACV increases. But remember that the ratio of dead cards decreases as you buy better cards so the chance of spy hitting something bad in either yours or your opponent's deck also decreases. The fact that it's a cantrip (not catnip ) that sometimes fails when chained doesn't help it either.

I did overlook spy as part of a kings court/terminal drawer combo which it is indeed worthwhile to buy a few spies. Kings Court is a major game changer though and can make alot of cards better than they could be alone.

Really surprised to see spy (my rank #43) winning out over situationally useful cards like bureaucrat (my rank #33), thief (#39) and feast (#27). Buying a spy is almost the same as skipping your buy. You haven't made your deck any weaker by adding a spy but you haven't made your deck any stronger either. In fact, if you have any kind of terminal draw, buying a spy hurts you more than it helps. The attack is at best a weaker bureaucrat that can't be chained and buying a catnip for the sake of buying a catnip is almost always a stupid idea. If it let you look at the top card before drawing it, it might have some use but I honestly can't think of a use for spies when vineyards, conspirators or peddlers aren't on the board.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Most Skill-Intensive Cards
« on: January 10, 2012, 12:28:06 pm »
Village is the most Skill-Intensive card.

Once you progress past the village idiot stage of the game (buy all the villages and nothing else), knowing when to buy a village is very skill dependent. You have to know the proper ratio of villages to terminal cards, the strength of whatever engine deck you are building and most importantly the strength of alternate strategies on the board. Is Village/Wharf going to to beat big money? Is Village/Wharf going to beat double jack? What happens when you add a witch in there? Village is an enabler and knowing when to buy an enabler demands a good understanding of dominion.

Dominion Articles / Re: Seaside: Treasure Map
« on: January 09, 2012, 06:25:28 pm »
So it takes at least three turns to get 2 Maps, another 2 to hit a reshuffle, and at that point you have to rely on luck to get 2 of your 12 cards together in a hand (and that's assuming you open Treasure Map/nothing). The odds get better if you buy more Maps, but that's time your opponents could be spending building up an engine or just buying those Golds the easy way.  And the probability may not be relevant to you in a game where your opponent cashes in on Turn 5 and you're still floundering on Turn 15. Treasure Map is a notoriously luck-dependent card, and simulators prove that no Treasure Map-only strategy beats Big Money.

Nice article. The only thing I really have to add is that the chances of activating two treasure maps without any enablers is pretty easily to calculate. If you have 2 treasure maps, the chance of drawing them both together on a given shuffle is 1 - (n-5)/(n-1) where n is the number of cards in your deck. This is ~29% on your third shuffle if you keep buying non-treasure map cards and ~36% if you don't buy anything but 2 treasure maps in your first 5 buys.

Also I'm not sold on what you say about using the $12 you get on your treasure map turn for anything but a province. When I'm playing big money, I'm going to start buying provinces when I have >2 golds in my deck and I don't see why that should change for treasure maps. I could make an exception for platinum possibly but 4 golds is a nice chunk of money in your deck so I'd expect to hit $9 again pretty soon.

I'm not really disagreeing with you Jotheonah, there are boards out there that make tunnel a useful card. Warehouse/Tunnel isn't bad or young witch/Tunnel is pretty good but I've seen people open with tunnel when the only discard was horse traders or cellar. Secret chamber also seems like a poor enabler though I haven't run the simulations. The reaction ability of tunnel seems to lure people in even when they have no good way to ensure they draw their tunnels with their discarders. I might try something with tunnel and a sub-optimal discarder if there was nothing else good on the board but I wouldn't play it over a standard BM + good enabler.

I'm also of the opinion that the golem/tunnel combo is overrated though I've lost to it before. You need to spend 4-5 buys on things like potions, golems and tunnels which don't help you at all until the combo comes together just so you can flood your deck with gold while your opponent should be greening.

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