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Messages - Rhodos

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Unique like Jester, in that it can junk your opponents with varying cards depending on what they already have in their deck and discard to it. (At least it was the only officical card that can do it. If I am wrong, please tell me.)

I hope this makes for interesting decisions, especially for your opponent(s).

PS: If you play with more than 2 players and think it matters, the order is as follows: The players discard in play order starting with the player to your left, and then you choose whether they gain copies or not.

I am not sure whether the decisions of the opponents will be interesting. Early on I guess, opponents discard Estates or Coppers instead of their precious Action cards. Late in a game they discard Duchies and Provinces. In between depends largely on the trashing abilities provided by the Kingdom. Without trashing, I would try to green early to have something to discard. With good trashing, I would likely precede as usual and discard junk.

What would this make more interesting is when the opponents can draw a card after they discard one. This would encourage them to discard a mediocre card by having the prospective to draw a better one. Victory card with a high VP value would be still an issue I guess, but that could be addressed as well (e.g. they gain a Curse akin to Jester). The - discard then draw a card - mechanic could also mean that a restriction of 5 or more cards in hand is not necessary. One has to evaluate whether it would be too harsh when a second Raven is played or with other hand-size attacks like Militia on board.

I am not exactly sure what makes this card unique with Jester, i.e. Swindler works in a similar way.

Sorry for the late reply. I did not think about Swindler, but I'd say it is different in that Swindler typically downgrades your opponents cards. Turning a strong 5$ Action into a Duchy can be game winning. Of course, I leave it to scolapasta to judge whether Raven satisfies the conditions for this contest.

I'd say choosing whether to discard Copper or Estate is already not a trivial one (although surely not the deepest one). Also, the turns where you have a valuable VP card in hand are usually only the very last ones. And when you think about buying green earlier, just to discard it to Raven, I'd say that this is an interesting decision as well. Of course, you have the time in between, in which you actually have to decide whether to discard a Peddler (as an example) or get junked.

At least, that are my thoughts. Thanks for your comments, I always appreciate a different perspective on my cards :)


Unique like Jester, in that it can junk your opponents with varying cards depending on what they already have in their deck and discard to it. (At least it was the only officical card that can do it. If I am wrong, please tell me.)

I hope this makes for interesting decisions, especially for your opponent(s).

PS: If you play with more than 2 players and think it matters, the order is as follows: The players discard in play order starting with the player to your left, and then you choose whether they gain copies or not.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #105: Attack with Choices
« on: February 26, 2021, 07:33:08 pm »
Just Wow! The feedback you gave is amazing!

I truely wish, I had submitted a card. I was just like 2 hours late for the party unfortunately...

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #104: Raise the Ceiling
« on: February 11, 2021, 05:29:25 pm »

This needs to specify where the Curse is coming from. Based on context, I assume the Supply?

Good point, thanks. Its from the Supply, I will change it later.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #104: Raise the Ceiling
« on: February 11, 2021, 02:58:53 pm »

The optional effect can be used to hit price points or if you need a buy. You exchange a short term benefit for a long term penalty (basically -1VP), which is not a trivial decision, I guess.

(Somehow the title is not bold, someone knows how that can happen/be fixed?)

EDIT: Changed the wording to be in line with the official wording. Thanks for your comments, Gubump and BBobb! And thanks scolapasta for linking the fix to the title font issue.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 14, 2020, 10:19:26 am »
Updated Submission:

You could put the first "+1 Action" right in front of the "+1 Buy".

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Equipment, Cabinet and Moral
« on: December 07, 2020, 11:05:41 am »
The Equipment cards are a great idea! :) I like how the Equipment and their associated cards interact with each other, while both of them can still be played individually, as gaining the Equipment can be gained without its associated card.

I do not know the Nocturne rules good enough, so I may ask a question: Has every turn in Dominion theoretically a Night Phase? Otherwise, you could set aside junk cards with Observatory and they would stay their until the end of the game, if you choose to not have any Night cards, right?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: If you could make one card an official one...
« on: December 07, 2020, 10:52:14 am »
I don’t see how this is not far, far weaker than Toil. You literally need 3 Action cards or more for this to be potentially better than Toil ... with the emphasis being on potentially as non-terminality and Coins being better in the Buy than the Night phase being two huge pluses for Toil.

I think that the concept is cool, but implemented e.g. as Duration or whatever.

I know, we all like to discuss cards, but...
  • And lastly, I want this to be more of a gallery of cool cards and stories than a place of discussion. So, feel free to make positive and approving comments, but please do not post about how to improve ones card or how 'broken' it may be :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: If you could make one card an official one...
« on: December 06, 2020, 01:59:40 pm »
I vote for alion8me's "Lunar Ritual"

It's deceptively simple, it's something that probably should've been a promo for Nocturne, and it's a great card that should be in a future expansion that features both Night cards and Events.

Oh yeah, I remember that card. It is so simple and interesting! I wonder how this would play out, will probably try it some time. The name and art are great too :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: If you could make one card an official one...
« on: December 05, 2020, 08:30:24 am »
So here is my card: Friar


It actually won a weakly design contest, but that is not the reason it you be the card I would make an official one, if I could. I just started recently to play with the cards I designed, and this one stood out in a way. We (me and a friend) played Friar in a kingdom with Talisman (I put it in purpose), so you could get a bunch of them. Soon, we both had several in our decks and damn, it was so much fun! On a regular basis we to trashed our good cards to it, but the pay-off felt to rewarding. My friend had the decision to whether or not trash his Baker. In the end he decided to do so, not an easy choice, but I think, it was the right one. And it became kind of a meme, that we trashed a Friar to Friar, to take back the Tunic :D
It was only one game, which is of course not much. But that card created interesting decisions and so much fun, that I thought, if I was given the chance to make an official card, it would be this :)

Variants and Fan Cards / If you could make one card an official one...
« on: December 05, 2020, 08:27:36 am »
If you could make one card an official one, which would it be?

If Donald gave you the opportunity, to choose one card that makes it into the set of official cards (say as a promo card), which card would you choose? The idea to ask this question came, as I figured it the answer for myself recently. And so, I was interested about which card you would choose. I know the decision is not an easy one, there are so many great cards in the forum here and you can only choose a single one to make it. But I think it is fun to think about this question :D

So here are the rules:
  • It may be a card or a card-shaped object
  • You can choose one of your own cards or even a card from somebody else
  • It may come with extra stuff, like a mat or a non-Supply pile
  • It may introduce a new mechanic or characteristic, but be aware that it will be the only card with this mechanic then (e.g. Poor House is the only 1 cost Supply card, Maquerade is the only card that lets passes cards around, Black Market...)
  • Tell a little story about that card! Why would that be the one card?
  • And lastly, I want this to be more of a gallery of cool cards and stories than a place of discussion. So, feel free to make positive and approving comments, but please do not post about how to improve ones card or how 'broken' it may be :)

I will start with what my card would be. I hope this will evolve into a nice gallery of cards, people will enjoy to read through :)


With a cube on Academy playing Livery is more or less like playing 3 Peddlers, if you gain a card costing $4 or more. With +buys and multiple Liverys you are quite soon at a point, where you never need to worry about Actions again and wish that the Horse pile would be bigger.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 11, 2020, 12:08:23 pm »

Waterfall - $4 - Victory
1 VP
When you trash this, gain a Waterfall and Exile this.

Looks cool, but I think it should be worth 2 VP.

Thanks for you comment, I thought the same some time after posting it, so here it is now with 2 VP.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 10, 2020, 12:43:58 pm »

Waterfall - $4 - Victory
2 VP
When you trash this, gain a Waterfall and Exile this.

Some kind of a Victory Card Fortress. Of course Fortress is better as a TfB feeder than Waterfall, in fact it is often centralizing with Apprentice, Upgrade and their like. The idea with Waterfall is that it is more narrow, you have to evaluate whether it is good enough for your TfB and you cannot use it forever.

It also has some different characterics: You kind of get 1VP, when you "trash" it (which is limited by the pile) and you can empty a pile with it quite quickly, if that is what you want to do. There may be games where you gain it for that purpose only. And well, you can give your opponent an "untrashable" card with Swindler.

I guess there are more games I won't touch this than games where I do, but nevertheless I think this could make for interesting decisions.

EDIT: It now gives 2 VP instead of 1.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 10, 2020, 07:11:24 am »

I want to be the first one to play "Big Potion" with this on the board :D

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 06, 2020, 04:51:23 pm »
Wuuhuu Runners up. That's great ;D

Thanks mandioca15 and congrats to segura!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 04, 2020, 05:57:56 pm »
Thanks for your answers! I changed the card accordingly, simpler is always better.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 04, 2020, 02:42:17 pm »
Thoughts on the setting aside first instead of immediately returning it? The latter would make it less wordy, which would be nice.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 04, 2020, 02:39:44 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may trash a card from your hand. If you do: +1 Card per $ it costs and return this to the Supply.

Wanted to do a card with optional Exil for benefit for some time. Due to contests theme, it returns to the pile now.

I wanted to do something, that gives you extra draw or actions for returning it, in case you need it. Could be a way to accelerate your early turns or a backup for bad turns. Then I thought of all the matches where one player connects his trasher with the right target and the other does not. (Just think of the difference between trashing an Estate/ a Copper with any TfB like say Salvager). With Rosary this situation is less critical, as a cantrip it replaces itself if not hitting and the one that hits is gone thereafter.

Although it returns itself, I think it can do similiar things to Apprentice. Maybe the only way to draw is to gain Rosary and Gold, and then trash Gold to Rosary. I like when you have to consider these alternative ways to get draw or whatever :D

EDIT: It now returns itself immediately instead of at the Clean-up.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: September 10, 2020, 04:35:33 pm »
Here is my submission:


Somehow I am into Heirlooms lately.

Glade together with its Heirloom Lost Book can provide a pretty fast thining boost early on. However, you have to hit $5 and pass on a 5 cost card in order to do so. Nevertheless, I think it is a strong card and I think it is fine to design strong cards. :)
EDIT: The Heirloom now has a cost and the text on Glade should be correct now. Thanks for the hints!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: August 20, 2020, 03:18:58 pm »
Thanks for judging pubby! And congrats to grrgrrgrr and the runners up, too!

And interesting new contest. I like these 'give existing cards a new tweak' :)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: August 19, 2020, 11:37:45 am »

This looks like fun :)

As a baseline, I would compare it to the on-play effect of market square. But of course there are a lot of things that make Consigner different, and some make it weaker and some stronger, also depending on the situation and the kingdom.
With that in mind, I would drop the price to $3. That seems to fit it's power level better. The other option, and that is the one I would love to see, is to give it +1 Action, making the baseline comparison being Worker's Village. And I really like games, where you have to get your basics like extra actions through non-standard ways (e.g. with Summon)!
(and it would also make playing Consigner with no Actions in Exile less of a pain)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: August 15, 2020, 07:19:31 am »
Here is my entry for this week's contest:


I like to design cards, that change existing strategies or even enable new ones. I always wanted something more that allows for a more Duchy focused strategy and here it is :)

Farmer can allow for huge payload, if you have some Duchies and can provide the draw. Note that you need to have a consistent deck since Duchies are stop cards that do absolutely nothing.

The Plough is there to support that strategy as it makes it easier to buy double Duchy or Duchy plus something. While it does that, it is also interesting enough on its own, even if no one goes for Farmer. It allows earlier greening, as you can buy Province plus more deck control. Or you can go for double Province with just $14 and 1 Buy.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: August 09, 2020, 10:42:29 am »
Hey, it's been a while since I participated in this contest.
I will try to enter more often now. Here is my entry for this week:

At first look, it does not satisfy the contest's conditions. But if you think of it, with the possibility of triple any non-Victory card you like, you can go big pretty fast. Just think of Platinum or King's Court, to name some examples.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: May 20, 2020, 12:44:13 pm »
Small Market & Innkeeper by Rhodos
Small Market is fine. It's a Moat with a buy, sometimes you'd pay $2 for that. (Sometimes I pay $2 for a Moat on a board with no attacks.) The reaction is a nice boost that's distinct from the other on-discard reactions. Innkeeper is cool but it seems like more trouble than it's worth to get and hold onto Accommodations, though I will admit that it synergizes with Small Market nicely-- Small Market's reaction lets you keep up a steady supply of Innkeepers to continue to add Accommodations. Accommodation requires a very high action density to be that useful, but even when it's one-shot, it is two horses, so maybe it's worth going for. But it's gonna get pretty awkward when you run out of Estates and each Innkeeper is one-shot.

Thanks for your feedback and jugding  :)

I both agree and disagree on some parts. First, I guess you misread Small Market, it gives Actions and not Cards. Then I agree on that you probably don't want another Innkeeper after the first one. But I don't see how that makes it weak or bad designwise. There are some cards in the game that are mainly singleton (Marauder, Moneylender, Loan, Trading Post,...) and that's fine. Though there is the option to make Accommodations go to your Exile instead of back onto the pile, to make additional Innkeepers more interesting. I gotta think about that.

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