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Messages - Brightgalrs

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I'm scum because I don't want to hammer myself?
Huh? You just said your voting for me because you don't what to be exiled. I have some news for you, you could've also not voted at all. We could've no-exiled. Your just backpedalling now that the deed is done, hedging basically.

vote was purely self-preservation

Swowl wishes Bright would of voted Fang with him instead of doing literally the one and only thing an actual town player should never do....
Nah, writing on the walls, etc. I'm basically a sitting red herring, you guys need to move on and be suspicious of other people.

So then if your fortress is all town
What? Dude, why is this an assumption?

Anyway, since the Fortress is clearly compromised, let me reveal this. The Fortress seems to have some sort of HP system. It was (synonym for strong) yesterday but (synonym for swaying) today. It says this clearly in the QT message from Joth, related to Swowl's night kill and it being deflected. But what if this hitpoint loss only happens if there is scum in the fortress. Didn't seriously consider that until now, but there you go, have some suspicion.

I'm a good dwarf.

Jimmmmm (7): Swowl, EFHW, mathdude, WestCoastDidds, scolapasta, Galzria, Awaclus
WestCoastDidds (5): pubby, faust, Brightgalrs, infangthief, Jimmmmm
Look at this, day 1's final vote count. Everyone (minus fang) who voted for Didds is dead and a good dwarf.

Now I'm confused. Did Bright just hammer himself? Does that mean the fortress may also protect him from Exile?
What on earth made you assume that?

Since it's twilight, I'll say that the language Joth uses in the Fortress's QT makes it really really really clear that I'm not scum. He says, paraphrasing, that bad dwarves being in the fortress makes the fortress less effective. So, what, there's been a bad dwarf in the fortress from day 1? Think! Didds has read this language, it should've been obvious to them that I'm not scum. There's been at least three messages like this, one at the start of each day. There's no way they haven't read one of them

Anyway, I won't fight this exile too hard. The Fortress continues existing after I die, so Gal or whoever can keep it going.
And I "meant" to die last night anyway.

Infact, let's just do this:
Vote: Brightgalrs

Post #771, it's quite long, but there are a couple of places in it where you seem to be seriously considering that your protection might have come from elsewhere.
Uh, no?
Quote the bits that make you think that. I'll wait.

I'm gonna bring this up because even I completely forgot about it until now, but remember on Day 1 when EFHW had that weird extra vote. What was that all about? Couldn't have been Awaclus's hate thing.

Also there was that norse thing from the beginning of, I think, yesterday. Is that related to Galzria's role? norse mythology, and all that.

Bright, is the mention of fortress attacked in your QT indicative of fortress protection or its it possible you could have been saved by doctor? If it's possible it's a doctor, I'll vote Didds.
I assume you mean the Fortress QT, as that's the only place mentioning an attack. And that message from joth definitely says, paraphrasing, that the Fortress itself was the thing that resisted the attack.

Alright, I'll vote Didds. Reasons: 1) Oddness of what wasn't said day 1, which I've explained (maybe poorly) on day 1, go read my posts from then. 2) Two protection roles in a somewhat small game, and essentially with a townie vigilante. Points to mafia doctor. 3) Pubby, who ended up being town, being suspicious of Didds. Might as well use his insight now, even if it's a little late.

Vote: WestCoastDidds

That should be 4 votes on Didds if fang's vote count is correct. ie. it's one more to exile.

I'm not sure I agree with the passing-on-information-is-scum is scummy thing. Being in two neighborhoods, it seems like Didds might have thought of themself as a messenger. Still probably should've said what they were doing though. However, my suspicions from Day 1, which clearly I dropped for Day 2 with the whole pubby thing, might still hold. So maybe I could be persuaded to vote on that principle.

I doctored Awaclus last night, which I also told the qt. If someone tracked me, they know it, too.
Also did I miss when Didds claimed they were a literal doctor in this thread, besides the above post? It's the not first slip-up I've noticed so far, because  I never actually said my neighborhood was a "Fortress" yesterday, I think pubby accidentally called it that in one of his posts.

I was about to propose a mass roleclaim here, since we apparently have so much protection to go around., but isn't that strange? An entire neighborhood that protects from kills, and a doctor? Since we essentially have a townie vigilante, Didds as a mafia doctor does seem like something.

I just realized I haven't claimed my role yet. I'm Urist McMafiaPlayer. Urist is a Dwarf Fortress archetypical character, if your wondering.

There's not much too weigh in on concerning the "Fortress". Everything Joth has been reporting in the QT (which Didds and Galz can/have explained) is basically what I was told or more.

There is something interesting about the wording of my role though, it says, paraphrasing, that the fortress only helps against the mafia. I'm probably reading too much into it, since the wording also doesn't explicitly say we have night chat, but that could point to 1) the protection not working against townie kills, which would be worrying, see below, and 2) there is no third party that can kill.

I'm inclined to believe 2), which or me clears Galz (who would be most suspicious) as being a serial killer or whatever.

Reading into 1) a little more, it means either I didn't die last night for some other reason, or that Galz is scum, ie. the kill "technically" originates from him, and that fulfills the requirements for Fortress protection from a kill. I don't know what to believe there.

Moving on, there's the "fact" that it's bad if Bad Dwarfs get into the Fortress. But see, the flavor/logic there would be the bad dwarf could let scum into the fortress, letting them kill, ie. removing the Fortress's protection. But that flavor/logic doesn't work if it's a Townie kill. So if you live and die by the flavor, you once again might consider that I survived Swowl's kill for some other reason and also still be suspicious of Galz and Didds.

Anyway, I'm travelling, I'll post again tomorrow.

Well that's kinda funny. And here I was hoping to die last night so I wouldn't have to die of embarrassment for being wrong about pubby.

Ok, thanks for answering. By the way, is Bright the only one who can decide whether or not to expand the fortress?

Galzria and Didds are both people pubby said (in the QT) he suspected as being scum. Awaclus was on that list too. Since I'm pretty sure pubby was trying to manipulate me, I've basically done the opposite of what he wants.

So pubby shared his scum reads with you in the neighbourhood. Did you share your scum reads with him too?
Yeah sorta, with the whole day chat/night chat thing with Didds yesterday. I laid that out in the QT before posting here.

The neighborhood has two more spots so I've invited Galzria and WestCoastDidds to confirm all this. Sorry, but I have to act fast since pubby himself can invite anyone he chooses, and as I said, there's limited spots.
Have you thought carefully about who you're inviting to your neighbourhood, or are these just two random names you came up with quickly so you can act fast?

@Brightgalrs, I'd like an answer to this please.
Galzria and Didds are both people pubby said (in the QT) he suspected as being scum. Awaclus was on that list too. Since I'm pretty sure pubby was trying to manipulate me, I've basically done the opposite of what he wants.

I'm gonna place my vote on pubby now.
Vote: Pubby
Careful, he takes one less vote to exile.

Ok maybe not "now", as they clearly accepted their invitations some time ago.

WestCoastDidds and Galzria are now in the neighborhood.

that it's a good thing if scum thinks our neighborhood only has day chat, because it makes us less threatening. It's such a stupid argument
This was in response to you wanting me to explain the day-chat/night-chat mix-up publicly. I didn't see the benefit to doing so, thus my comment.
Yeah, I know, but you remember that used that Day vote/Night vote mix up to justify your vote on Didds. Clearing that up should've been important to a Good Dwarf, even if it casts some suspicion on you. Yet, you tried to back away from doing your duty and that's where my suspicion comes from!

I'm pretty sure pubby is scum.

Our neighborhood actually does have night chat, it was originally a mistake I made, but pubby obviously went with it. But here's the thing, after learning that it was a mistake, basically during yesterday's twilight, he says in the QT, paraphrasing, that it's a good thing if scum thinks our neighborhood only has day chat, because it makes us less threatening. It's such a stupid argument, I have to conclude he was trying to convince me of that so it wouldn't look strange when he avoids admitting the error.

He also suggested that we expand the neighborhood by adding faust. This points to faust being scum as well (with pubby suggesting we invite them so no one else can read the QT which is pretty incriminating).

His roleclaim (which he claimed in QT) is also not what I would expect from pubby and was pretty vague.

The whole pubby being "hated" thing has nothing to do with this, but is pretty convenient.

As for my role, I started in a neighborhood with no one in it and a cap at 2. Then each night I can choose to expand the cap by 2 or not. I (and anyone in the neighborhood) invites people during the day. You can either accept or reject the invite. And being in the neighborhood has some benefit which hasn't exactly been figured out yet.

The neighborhood has two more spots so I've invited Galzria and WestCoastDidds to confirm all this. Sorry, but I have to act fast since pubby himself can invite anyone he chooses, and as I said, there's limited spots.

I’m not following that logic at all.
That's alright.

And yes, neighbourhoods have different restrictions. In BM. Big deal? I don't get what the issue is.
It didn't use to be a big deal, but became one when no one acknowledged it as even a small deal.

So why are you voting Didds and not Pubby?

I would’ve been much more suspect if they were claimed to be the same mechanic. The fact that they’re different probably wasn’t talked about because it’s a complete null fact.
I think I've explained myself pretty well. I don't care (anymore? even when I did it was a "huh, that's kinda funky") about this game having two neighborhoods. I'm purely voting for a meta-reason, ie. no one jumped on Didds for their neighborhood having a different mechanic than pubby's. Yes, no one jumped on pubby either, but remember that he was reacting to Didds's partial claim.

And yes, neighbourhoods have different restrictions. In BM. Big deal? I don't get what the issue is.
It didn't use to be a big deal, but became one when no one acknowledged it as even a small deal.

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