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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: February 12, 2024, 05:28:39 pm »
I hope that Jester and Tournament don't get removed. They're two of my favourite cards. (I prefer games with more than two players, in which Jester is stronger and more interesting.)

This applies to a lesser extent to Young Witch, as I find its Bane mechanic really interesting, and Fairgrounds, which fits well with the Cornucopia theme. I rather like the reaction component of Horse Traders even if it isn't a very strong card. And I like Remake even though it's overly powerful. Overall I'm pretty high on Cornucopia.

The obvious cuts would be Harvest (too weak) and Fortune Teller (too tedious, and also weak). Also probably Masterpiece.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Hinterlands 2E Preview 3
« on: June 29, 2022, 05:35:44 pm »
Oh, I just realized that with Trail's reaction, this is the first non-Night card that can be played during the Night phase! Trash it with Bat or Exorcist, and you can use its reaction to play it. Of course, you won't be able to do anything with the +1 Action, and unless you draw another Night card, you won't be able to do anything with that draw, but at least you avoid losing the card that way
Another way you can play a non-Night card during your Night phase is if you gain a card (either costing up to $4, or an Imp) with Devil's Workshop, and play it with something like Innovation.

Also I notice from the Dominion Wiki that the man depicted on Berserker is based on the same person as for Navigator.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Hinterlands 2E Preview 3
« on: June 29, 2022, 04:10:29 am »
I guessed wrong about Develop being removed but glad it stayed as I liked it more than Silk Road, which I found was rarely a good buy, and thought Silk Road was a likely removal too.

With Margrave staying, the addition of Berserker makes for two "discard down to three" attacks in the set. Berserker's gain ability looks like it will be equivalent to Workshop except that it doesn't get more powerful with cards that reduce costs.

Trail looks like the most interesting of the three new cards and continues with the theme of adding new reactions. Its discard effect looks very nice, especially in conjunction with something like Witch's House, and its trashing effect looks even better, and superior even to that of Fortress, also making it a great Trash for Benefit card.

Cauldron is consistent with the other two Treasure-Attack cards in costing $5 and providing $2, with a Buy thrown in unlike the other two. It looks like it will synergise well with gainers as this means fewer Actions need to be bought to curse everyone. It has a nice combination with the gaining of Death Cart.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Hinterlands 2E Preview 2
« on: June 28, 2022, 06:10:02 pm »
What are the last 3cards to go?

Noble Brigand, Margrave, and..?
My guess is Noble Brigand, Ill-Gotten Gains and Develop. I might have said Farmland instead of Develop but based on the 2nd edition Seaside manual it's staying (and presumably strengthened by new errata where its effect applies on-gain, not just on-buy).

Good point in the post about the new curser making it more likely that IGG is being removed. I could see Margrave being removed instead of Develop. I actually like Develop better than Margrave though have been predicting Margrave to stay as it's the stronger card and there's already been discarding (Goons) and top-decking attacks (Ghost Ship) removed recently.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Hinterlands 2E Preview 2
« on: June 28, 2022, 03:46:39 am »
Well I was right about those three cards going (unlike the first preview in terms of Embassy)!

The three new ones all look interesting, especially Souk, which is particularly novel. It reminds me of Poor House in a way. Played from a hand of five cards, it's a perfectly reasonable +$3, 1 Buy, comparing favourably to a card like Galleria from Allies. It would be weaker obviously with big hands, but loves "disappearing money" cards like Festival, and discarding attacks. It would also generally go very well when played with a Throne Room variant. EDIT: And I only belatedly noticed its on-gain effect.

Guard Dog reminds me a bit of Diplomat in that it likes smaller hand sizes and responds to an attack. It's the third "dog" card and they do have a bit in common in that all are blue dogs (ie reactions) that draw two cards and, like Sheep Dog, Guard Dog can be played from hand as a reaction. The dog looks like it might be guarding an army garrison.

Nomads is the first card that I recall that directly provides coins when gained or trashed, so it particularly likes to be gained with a gainer (instead of bought, where the player would normally need a spare buy to make use of the coins), and there seem to be quite a few new gainer cards recently.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Hinterlands 2E Preview 1
« on: June 27, 2022, 09:35:04 pm »
I can't resist speculating (again!) on the remaining six cards that will be removed. I'm thinking they're most likely:

Develop, Duchess, Ill-Gotten Gains, Cache, Nomad Camp and Noble Brigand

I include Nomad Camp because one of the new cards is Nomads, and there's one card I thought might be cut (Farmland) that is included in the suggested sets for the Seaside Second Edition, indicating that it's not being removed.

The first edition includes 8 blank cards. Seaside has 12 blank cards and removed them instead of an actual card, which could happen with Hinterlands too, though it seems unlikely with 26 kingdom cards already and the fact that, for Seaside, the first removed card was the blank. If I had to tip one of the six to keep it would be Develop. It if often considered weak and rather awkward though I quite like it, and can occasionally be good to gain on your deck a 5/3 or 6/4 or occasionally even 7/5.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: 2022 Additional Errata
« on: June 27, 2022, 07:54:37 pm »
Thankyou for these explanations, appreciated.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: 2022 Additional Errata
« on: June 27, 2022, 05:57:24 pm »
I'm puzzled by some of these changes, such as:
  • Hermit being heavily nerfed, as you can no longer exchange it for a Madman if you buy an Event that gains cards, or play a gainer like Horn of Plenty in your Buy phase. Nor can it use the Scheme or Prince trick to both top-deck it and gain a Madman. The only upside is that a Hermit who goes mad returns to the supply instead of being trashed, making it possible to have more of both cards.
  • This also nerfs Exploration significantly for similar reasons.
  • Bonfire being nerfed. This isn't such a big deal as I normally just use it to trash Copper anyway and it's still a good card but the rule change seems unnecessarily.
  • Normally errata in Dominion simplifies cards but this seems to have done the opposite with the presence of "non-Duration actions", which seems unnecessary to really refer to, along with "gain a card you bought", as I cannot see any problem with the original wording, which was the much simpler "buy" and means the same thing.
Prince is also nerfed marginally as it doesn't work with Band of Misfits any more (not that you could anyway without a discount) or the occasional edge case when it works with a Duration like Gear that you can get use out of without using its Duration effect. Modifying this one makes sense as as normally you don't want to set aside Durations with it, as does changing its type as it does function like a Duration and Command.

Many cards have been buffed, such as all the cards whose effect now applies when the card is gained in any way, not just bought, ie Port, Hovel, Basilica, Defiled Shrine, Forum, Plan. I don't have a problem with this, but it's weird that the opposite was done with Hermit/Exploration.

The other big set of cards to be buffed are the discounters, making them all Throne-Room-able, which is fine as it is consistent with Bridge and we'd been told that this was happen. It's not strictly a buff as they can't feasibly be played as Ways any more.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Hinterlands 2E Preview 1
« on: June 27, 2022, 04:23:38 am »
Mandarin was an obvious cut and I won't miss Oracle, which I found a bit tedious, but I'm stunned that Embassy was cut... thought that one was completely safe! That is definitely a card I'll miss.

At least Witch's hut is somewhat similar and interesting.

There seem to be a lot of new workshop variants lately.

Based on the recommended set it means we know the names of all of the new cards, with one exception, as that identified six new cards, only one (wheelwright) of which appears in this list of previews.

I have to say I concur with the poster/s who praised Knights. It's one of my favourite cards from Dark Ages. Unless you count Prizes, this is the first pile where each card is different and I love the variety, I find it a lot of fun.

Band of Misfits is another of my favourite cards from the set, and has even been adjusted to be less confusing. I wasn't aware of problems with this one either (in terms of the new version), especially with an extremely similar card (Overlord) in Empires.

I did accidentally overlook Harvest as being another card in Cornucopia that is considered a dud, in terms of being underpowered.

I'm wondering why Dark Ages needs a second edition. That feels like a solid set with almost no duds. I'm struggling to think of a single card in the set that feels like it needs replacing actually, despite it being a very large set.

Cornucopia feels like a very solid set with the only card that could be potentially considered a dud being Fortune Teller.

The only one in Guilds I can think of that is considered particularly weak is Taxman and I like the art on that card.

I can think of eight cards at most that would be suitable candidates for removal but apparently at least one of them (Farmland) is staying, so I tried to categorise them into tiers depending on how "safe" the existing cards were. I wonder if only eight cards are being removed as although there are already 26 cards in the set, it includes some blank cards, and I recall hearing something about 27 cards in new sets.

Probably going: Mandarin, Duchess, Cache, Noble Brigand, Farmland. Some of these have some interesting effects but are generally considered weak, and Noble Brigand is a bit tedious.

Likely removal: Develop, Ill-Gotten Gains, Silk Road. I'm particularly unsure about Silk Road leaving as no other card gives you points for Victory cards but as a certain number are being removed...

Uncertain: Oracle, Nomad Camp, Inn. I would have expected them to stay but it looks like even if those above are all going, at least one more would need to be removed. Oracle is a bit tedious and the other two have interesting/unique effects even if they aren't that strong.

Probably safe: Margrave, Tunnel, Trader, Cartographer. I do find Margrave an annoying attack but it offers quite a lot and enough similar attacks (Goons, Ghost Ship) have already been removed recently. I've always liked Trader, the additional reaction is an added benefit and Tunnel has a nice reaction too.

Safe: Border Village, Haggler, Crossroads, Scheme, Fool's Gold, Stables, Spice Merchant, Oasis, Jack, Embassy, Highway. I'd be stunned if any of these are removed.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 3
« on: June 02, 2022, 04:28:17 pm »
I notice that Collection is very similar to and compares favourably with Plunder, which costs the same. Collection isn't covered up at the start of the game, offers an extra buy and is only worse if you don't gain any Action cards in the turn after playing Collection.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 3
« on: June 01, 2022, 04:20:57 am »
I'm not going to miss either Royal Seal or Talisman. I'm pretty surprised at Goons being removed but the replacement card is quite a good substitute especially as I was never really fond of the attack part of Goons. I quite like the other replacement cards too.

Glad that Hoard stayed, and approve of the tweaks to it and Quarry.

One thing that puzzles me is that although Prosperity started with the same number of cards as Base Game, Intrigue and Seaside, it has not increased the number of cards in the set by one, remaining at 25 rather than 26. Hence I thought there would only be two more cards removed from this collection, rather than three.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 2
« on: May 31, 2022, 05:10:30 pm »
I don't mind the removal of Trade Route and all and can live without Loan, but I actively liked Venture, as it had a unique mechanic, could chain together and was particularly good in games when Copper was easily trashed. It feels very different from the removal of cards from the first two sets where there were many cards that felt very suitable to be removed as they were generally weak, and even from Seaside where several removed cards were powerful but irritating.

Trade Route was in an Allies suggested set, meaning that cards in that set aren't safe.

Surely Royal Seal will be one of the last two cards removed (assuming that the other "removed" one is a blank). The other one would be Talisman or Hoard, or possibly even Mint.

EDIT: I had Goons listed as a possible removal but then noticed a post from yesterday about the cards that give VP chips staying.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E Preview 1
« on: May 30, 2022, 05:56:29 pm »
Hmm if the Allies rule book about suggested sets of cards does not include removed cards - meaning that Talisman and Mint are staying - then it would seem that the five other cards that will be removed just about have to be Royal Seal, Loan, Venture, Goons and Hoard.

Of the new cards, Charlatan seems particularly powerful being a terminal Gold that effectively gives everyone Coppers and -1 VP, comparing favourably to Mandarin (a terminal Gold with a drawback) and Legionary (a terminal Gold with a conditional powerful attack).

Admittedly Mountebank itself was a very powerful card and Charlatan feels significantly less vicious and more fun than that card.

Magnate looks like it will need larger hand sizes and a source of Buy to do well, otherwise it compares unfavourably to the cheaper Smithy.

I concur that it's nice to see some fairly simple cards.

Rules Questions / Lich + Duration Attacks
« on: May 24, 2022, 07:24:21 pm »
If I play Lich and also play a Duration-Attack such as Swamp Hag, Haunted Woods, Enchantress, Blockade, Gatekeeper or Corsair, presumably the effects will persist until my next actual turn?

E.g. if I play two Liches and one Swamp Hag in the same turn, then all the other players will get three turns each before I have my next turn, assuming that they do not play Lich, but during any of these turns they will continue to gain a Curse whenever they buy a card?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Prosperity 2E
« on: May 23, 2022, 05:45:19 pm »
Unlike Seaside I'm struggling to think of how 8 cards can be axed as while a few cards are weak, most of them still feel quite fun. The only ones that I can think of to be obvious axes are:
  • Contraband - being unable to buy a card is a significant pain
  • Royal Seal - I like the concept but there are plenty of other ways to gain cards on your deck now and it seems overpriced
  • Trade Route - Extremely weak compared to Forager. Even if it gave you +1 action like Forager does, it would generally still be worse than that card other than kingdoms that include decent Action-Victory or Treasure-Victory cards.

Perhaps Counting House too, which is admittedly weak but has a cool effect. Also possibly Mountebank as it's just not fun to pick up that much junk, and Seaside axed similarly vicious attacks like Ambassador, Sea Hag and Ghost Ship.

As to other candidates for axing:
  • Loan - not a great card but it has an original concept and there's not a lot wrong with it. Occasionally it can even be useful for deck cycling.
  • Talisman - not my favourite card but there aren't many cards that get you duplicates and gets a lot stronger if there is a cost-reducer in the kingdom - and these seem to be becoming more common.
  • Venture - similar to Loan in some ways and again I wouldn't like it to go as it is fairly original and can be quite good if you can get rid of Copper.
  • Hoard - again, this feels too original to get rid of and a neat way of gaining lots of Gold.
  • Goons - arguably overpowered and the attack is annoying, but quite a popular card and a cool concept of gaining Victory cards. Granted, it could be modified.

Surely not King's Court, which is overly-powerful but fun, or Forge, which is one of the few ways to trash one's entire hand. Or Mint, which can be a nice way of getting rid of lots of Coppers early.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2E Preview 3
« on: May 23, 2022, 05:31:03 pm »
I'm fairly happy with the cards that got cut as I found most of them rather tedious and disruptive - surprising there were so many like that in Seaside as it's an expansion that I particularly like. Whereas the ones that were unexpectedly retained (such as Lookout, Merchant Ship, Treasure Map), I like more. The only one that I'll really miss is Pirate Ship, as I favour games with more than two players where it appears to be more effective. Explorer was ok too but it's one I could live without.

Of the new cards:
  • Sea Witch seems almost strictly better than the already-strong Witch, giving the same benefits on the current turn plus an extra benefit on the next turn equivalent to Dungeon's duration effect, with the only downside being that it can miss reshuffles.
  • Monkey feels like an Enchantress without the attack and can even be worse if for some reason your RHO doesn't gain a card at all. Granted, it is liable to be better later in the game, though even +3 cards next turn doesn't seem particularly powerful, given that Smithy reliably gives you those 3 cards immediately and only costs $1 more. I do like the concept of it too.
  • Sea Chart seems very weak. Given that there will usually be nothing but other non-terminal actions in play when you play it, it feel like you will get the extra card less than you will with either Vagrant or Patrician, yet it costs more! It also feels worse than Wishing Well, which costs the same and is considered weak. I still like the concept of this card. If it were priced at $2 it wouldn't feel so bad.
  • More generally, some of the new cards feel a bit complicated but I like how they have some original features not found in existing cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Seaside 2E Preview 1
« on: May 16, 2022, 04:30:51 pm »
It seems to me that if someone Blockades Curse and you gain a Curse with Trader in hand, you could exchange each Curse for Silver and end up with all the Silver - though you would then still have to gain all of the curses.

Dominion Articles / Re: Tunnel - (Feedback please) -- UPDATED NOV 9
« on: November 01, 2021, 05:56:34 pm »
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned Dungeon, which compared to Warehouse draws and discards an extra card in total and on the second turn you get 5 cards instead of 4 to discard from, and the fact that it's spread over two turns means you are much more likely to have Tunnel in your hand during that time.

Rules Questions / Messenger bought when it is not your turn
« on: October 26, 2021, 06:39:07 pm »
Just checking - if your somehow end up buying Messenger when it is not your turn, it would (usually) be your first buy in the turn and therefore you would select a card for yourself and all other players to gain?

I realise that this is an edge case but it could happen if you react to an Attack with Caravan Guard, choose to play it as Way of the Mouse when Way of the Mouse is Black Market (or Vassal when Black Market is on top of your deck), and one of the three revealed cards is Messenger.

Rules Questions / Gaining then exchanging with nearly empty piles
« on: August 11, 2021, 02:20:02 am »
Say I buy Conquest (Gain 2 Silvers) and there is only one Silver in the Supply, so normally I could only gain one card, but Changeling is also in the supply. In that case, is it possible to exchange the (first) gained Silver for a Changeling (putting it back in the supply) and then still gain the (second) Silver after that? I would have thought it would be but it always pays to check.

Presumably in that case I would also get 2 VP for gaining silver twice by doing so (plus 1 for any Silver gained earlier in the turn).

Rules Questions / Re: What happens if you Mastermind a Tactician?
« on: August 02, 2021, 04:34:14 pm »
For completeness's sake I might as well add that this could also happen if one of the cards you discarded was Village Green, as you have the option to play that card and choose to draw the +1 card (and get +2 actions) immediately.

Rules Questions / Re: Timing of Ball
« on: July 18, 2021, 05:34:49 pm »
Thanks for the response!

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