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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 28, 2018, 12:23:22 am »
Hi all! This is my first post! I made an account just for this! Yay Cards!

This pile is split 5/5 (Not trying to rock the boat, here)

The Writ of Credit is a silver that lets you trash for benefit, but it also gains (and punishes) debt. It's a little scary to consider buying on its own, but if you get ahold of the Margin Trader, it could help you get that debt back under control and even turn a nice little profit, plus it gives you an extra buy so you can use the profit right away. It's also a sort-of trasher, but you'll want to save it more for a sweet ending move rather than to thin out your deck... and the coffer bomb could backfire if you're not trading on margin ;)

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