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Messages - Guy Srinivasan

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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Bonus-Picking Interaction
« on: January 22, 2014, 03:03:23 pm »
There are only 3 choices, list them?

The player to your left chooses one:
You choose either +2 Cards; +2 Actions or +2 Buys; +$2, OR
You choose either +2 Cards; +2 Buys or +2 Actions, +$2, OR
You choose either +2 Cards; +$2 or +2 Actions, +2 Buys

Elixir (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $2P
+1 Card. +1 Action. You may choose an Action card in your hand. Play it twice.

Again doesn't add much, and while it's simple on its own, it's a bit strong compared to Herald. Having read through all cards, it's probably the action-playing card i like the most in the contest, though.

Yeah it's probably stronger than Herald most of the time, but that's not really a concern, is it?  $2P is a lot more expensive than $4.

Maybe i should have compared it to Throne Room. I'm aware that this comparison is not perfect, but putting +1 Card, +1 Action on a terminal 4$ will often be obviously very strong for 2$P, i think.

I won't decide my votes on the price or minor details, anyway (unless cards are unpriceable), so in case i'm mistaken it won't rob anybody of a deserved win.
How is removing +1 Card, +1 Action from a $2P? Apothecary becomes "Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck, putting revealed Coppers and Potions into your hand" which is quite bad. Scrying Pool becomes "Discard a card. Spy attack. Draw as many Actions as you can and then +1 Card." which is almost always very bad for a $4 but can save an Engine with lots of +Actions, lots of Action cards, and poor draw. University doesn't become terminal, but it becomes "+1 Action. Discard a card. You may gain a card costing up to $5" which is Feast plus an action minus a card? Feels like a poor $4 but not terribad. Except that all of these modifications aren't as bad as removing +1 Card since getting +1 Card gets you a random card remaining in your deck but discarding a card loses you the worst card in your hand.

Cost reduction: can cards cost e.g. -$1+P? It's not less than $0...

I voted for 8 cards. Of those, 4 are in the top 8 (and 5 in the top 11).

I voted for these, and here's why:

Overseer - 12 (5.9%)
Types: Action
Cost: $4
Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat. If you put it on the…
Residential District, +1 Card and +2 Actions
Craftsmen's District, +3 Cards
Commercial District, +1 Card, +1 Action, and +$1
Industrial District, gain a card costing up to $4
Logging District, +1 Buy and +$2
If four districts of the mat have a marker, remove all the markers.

Rules Clarification: There is one communal Overseer mat, split into the five districts.
This feels like a great idea. Sure it's a different feel than "standard Dominion" but not too different, and all the choices are so vanilla that it should be easy to conceptualize "do I need a Smithy, Woodcutter, or Workshop right now?". Maybe it's too AP inducing. Maybe it has too much early-player advantage. But above all of that it sounds fun in a new way if the issues are worked out or not actually there.

Prefecture - 9 (4.4%)
Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.
A Lab. But with downside and upside! And if you have Nobles, it's amazing! And it draws itself. Okay, 2 VP may be too much, make it 1 VP I think. But this seems like a pretty simple twist on a staple card. It really feels like it fits Intrigue.

Monastery - 8 (3.9%)
Types: Action
Cost: $4
Gain a card costing up to $6. For each $1 over $4 it costs, each other player may choose one: he trashes a card from his hand; he gains up to 2 Coppers, putting them into his hand; he discards his hand and draws 5 cards.
I love Workshop. This is Workshop but you can choose to get something more expensive at a very painful cost. A simple upgrade over a base set card that I enjoy, with choices for you and your opponents. The only problem is that I'm not sure whether it's ever worth gaining a card that costs $5 or $6... unless of course you're grabbing a Duchy. Which might make it too good?
Nouveau Riche - 8 (3.9%)
Types: Action
Cost: $4
You may discard an Estate. If you do, +3 Cards. You may discard a Duchy. If you do, +$2. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Clarification: It should be clear from the wording here, but you don't choose between these three options. You choose whether or not to do each in order.
I love being rewarded for early greening. Sloggy games are my favorite. This seems to nicely reward me for picking up Duchies and Estates before my opponents, but I'm worried it's too weak. It does nothing without matching up to an Estate or Duchy.

I didn't vote for these, and here's why:

Landlord - 11 (5.4%)
Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.
I didn't like the idea of an expensive card rewarding 3-piling. I'm not entirely certain why, because as I look at Landlord now I kinda like it.
Homestead - 8 (3.9%)
Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal a Victory card. Put that card into your hand and discard the rest.

Worth 1 VP.
A village that draws me junk? Sounds annoying to play with! No thanks. Okay it could be good with Harem, Nobles, and Homestead. I dunno, just not interesting.

Observatory - 8 (3.9%)
Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. If you revealed a Victory card, put all the revealed cards into your hand. Otherwise, discard them.
I almost voted for this. I didn't because I thought it would feel too swingy and be too disappointing when you hit and got... well, not really the promised 3 cards, because one is bad!, and too disappointing when you missed and discarded good cards.
Dungeon - 8 (3.9%)
Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Trash up to 3 cards from your hand.

Worth 1 VP per $ in the cost of the cheapest card in your deck (in Coins).
Way too swingy. It would be really fun the first few times, I think, but then just silly on too many boards. And its above-the-line effect is too often too good to pass up, so its swinginess wouldn't even be avoidable.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Community Card Compendium
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:01:50 am »
Suggestion for additional rule: include 1 or more links to discussion about the card in the post. I read Credit, wondered if T1 or T2 Mint on a 4/3 makes this too silly, but decided to post this rather than search for existing discussion because I'm on mobile. :)

I voted for Recycle but not Observatory.

Recycle is too powerful. As written, it's a slightly-worse Remodel that also has "when you gain this, gain a card that reads 'Lab, then Upgrade, but you can't get rid of Coppers/Curses this way'".

That's too good.

What about "at the start of your cleanup phase, put the gained card on top of your deck"? That makes it Remodel + Upgrade rather than Remodel+Lab+Upgrade. Or is that too big a nerf?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Tokens, Action Tokens, Buy Tokens
« on: July 26, 2013, 07:26:49 pm »
Card tokens would really need to be limited to the start of a phase
Or to "when an effect is not being resolved".
Yeah, just like you can't play an Action card in the middle of an Action card's resolution, you can't spend a Card token in the middle of an Action card's resolution.

I think Coin Tokens have two main effects: they grant an extremely effective +$1 (since you can cash them in when they're worth the most), and they make certain megaturns possible that otherwise aren't. What do the other tokens do?

Action: These become the best marginal +Action, or allow lots of +Action when usually it's hard to get. So they make terminal-draw engines work very smoothly, and they facilitate certain types of megaturns like Bridge and Goons? Sounds less powerful than coin tokens to me. I'd price a cantrip +Action-token at $4. In many engines it would be worth a $5 slot but I don't think it breaks things at $4 and it needs to be more than $3.

Card: Best marginal +Card, or generic megaturn. Cantrip +Card-token must be more than $5 due to Laboratory. $7 is absurd. Price at $6, but won't be bought much except for engines.

Buy: Best marginal +Buy, or used to pile I guess? Cantrip +Buy-token would be best bought exactly once, storing up just enough extra buys to use all the endgame cash for green? Feels fairly weak. I don't see how this would be broken at $3, and it seems like it'd be okay even at $2.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: NoMoreFun's Expansion WIP Thread
« on: July 26, 2013, 01:22:09 pm »
Action - $3
+1 Action
You may play an action card from your hand.
Draw until you have 5 cards in hand.
Capital is not in tail form!

Calling subroutines from cards where the call is not the last thing that card can do this turn introduces lots of tracking... Picture playing Capital, (King's Court, (King's Court x3, (Vault x3), (Capital x3 (Smithy) draw to 5 (Tactician) draw to 5 (Cellar) draw to 5) (Vault x3)) draw to 5.

What about
Action - $3
+1 Action
You may set aside an action card from your hand.
Draw until you have 5 cards in hand.
If you set aside an action card, play it.

Or did you want the recursion trickeries and tracking that comes with it?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Sea Hag Nerf
« on: July 09, 2013, 04:53:59 pm »
At first glance I like it a lot.

Would it be okay to let you also Spy your own deck? Then it's less of a nerf and more of a swinginess fix.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Tips from the pros
« on: June 24, 2013, 07:45:44 pm »
Needs a web page where you can paste in a board and get back the set of quick tips for that board, prefaced by

DON'T: Try to generalize Dominion into a list of do's and don'ts.
DO: Expect arguments to break out when you do.

I disagree. I think it depends on the board.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Preview #1: Baker
« on: June 03, 2013, 11:57:32 pm »
I feel that this card will be a fantastic opening buy (since you are guaranteed 5$) in games with other 5$ power cards or combo cards.  Especially starting with 1st player advantage.  Because it allows you to use/hoard the exact amount of currency you need to get the card you need without overspending.
But you also definitely get 1 fewer power 5$, and it's the worst one: your first.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Theoretical Pricing
« on: March 07, 2013, 06:22:58 pm »
I think it's $4, and that it's very close to a Caravan. The first one you play is really good, and if they had no diminishing returns as you played more of them then Wharfhouse would definitely have to be a $5. Since they have quickly diminishing returns, though, I'd say they're acceptable at $4. The only reason they might not be is if they're just too good in Engines. And they might well be. Playtest, if they keep dominating and enabling killer engines, stick 'em at $5. Otherwise they're a must-grab-one, maybe-two, don't-need-them-after-that sort of card.

Try it at the cheapest price it might work first.

Dominion Articles / Re: Pawn
« on: January 28, 2013, 06:48:04 pm »
I love Pawn/Peddler/X so much. I don't know if it's good, but I love it.

Dominion Articles / Re: Bandit Camp
« on: December 03, 2012, 06:47:07 pm »
I know I'm not the best engine-builder, but the percentage of games where I draw my whole deck is quite low, <10%.  The focus of the article is on these rare situations.  ftl seems to say that BC isn't very good in those "middling" engines which seem to come up *much* more frequently (for me).  Does this mean BC is a niche card?

I don't think he means to imply that, though it's maybe not explicit enough in the article. The thing with Spoils is that it's a delayed +$3. If you can draw your deck every turn, this delay is just until your buy phase, which is perfect. But if you only half-draw your deck then you get $3 some time in the next 2 turns, which is not bad either. The quicker you get through the deck, the better it becomes. But even if it takes a while to get the spoils, it can't be that bad since it's at least a village, which is a very useful card.
It's actually much better in an engine that draws your whole deck. If you can reliably draw your whole deck then you're "wasting" a bunch of +Card, so you get a free +$3. If you can't, then that +$3 still takes up a card, so it's really only worth something like +$3 - the average value of a turn divided by the number of cards you go through in a turn.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Cards which increase prices.
« on: November 28, 2012, 07:53:56 pm »
I've understood your position from the beginning.  However, repeating the same conditional sentence twice doesn't make it change.
Weird, so if you played Gain you'd only gain one Silver?

$5 - Action
If at least one Gain is in play, gain a Silver at the start of your Clean-up phase.
If at least one Gain is in play, gain a Silver at the start of your Clean-up phase.

Would Super Highway decrease card costs by 1 or 2?

Super Highway
$7 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
While this is in play, cards cost $1 less, but not less than $0.
While this is in play and the Copper stack is not empty, cards cost $1 less, but not less than $0.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: House rule for reducing luck factors?
« on: November 26, 2012, 06:59:21 pm »
Luck versus skill, I love that topic. :) I hadn't seen the comparison between chess and tic-tac-toe before, that's quite a nice illustration that chess has luck of the sort that Garfield is talking about. Thanks for the pointer!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Simple things that don't exist yet
« on: October 29, 2012, 07:14:39 pm »
Duke of Estates has some constraints. It can't be good enough to always provoke a rush. It can't be so bad that it's never good. It has to deal with the fact that buying lots of Estates at once is easier than buying lots of any other given Victory card. It has to play differently than Silk Road. So... what might work?

$4 - Action-Victory
Worth 1 VP
Set this on your Estuke mat. You may put exactly 2 Estates from your hand onto your Estuke mat. At the end of the game, this is worth an extra 1 VP for every 2 Estates on your Estuke mat.

It's an alt-VP that kinda encourages an engine, and wants you to buy Estates at some point anyway... probably broken if you can get to an "overdraw your deck with +$8 and 3 Buys" state every turn.

Duke of Estates
$4 - Victory
Worth 1 VP
Worth +1 VP for each Estate above 3 in your deck at the end of the game.
When you would gain this, return an Estate from your hand to the supply. If you do not, trash this instead.

Tempering the ease of Estate-gaining by artificially requiring extra Estate-gaining.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A card you have to keep buying back
« on: October 29, 2012, 01:28:33 pm »
Market Fair
Return this card to the supply
If you do:
+2 Cards
+2 Actions
+2 Buys
When you gain this, put a card from your hand on top of your deck

It's one of the most powerful looking cards in the game, but is it worth paying $2 and slowing yourself down to hold onto it?
I'm going to try my heuristic for evaluating card costs.

Super Market Fair
$7 - Action
Return this card to the supply. If you do,
+4 Cards
+5 Actions
+8 Buys
Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal either 2 cards costing $3 or $4 or a card costing $5; return those 2 cards or that 1 card to the supply and discard the rest.
When you gain this, do this 3 times: Put a card from your hand on top of your deck; if you didn't, gain a Curse into your hand.

I think this is significantly stronger than your average $7-cost card, but not overwhelmingly stronger. So probably a too-strong 4-cost, but not up to 5-cost level? If I'm building an engine and picking up several pieces a turn I will probably pick up a Market Fair or two over the course of a game, whenever the "put a card from your hand on top of your deck" clause is least damaging (or maybe even helpful!). I'd add the "if you didn't" clause to Market Fair, I think, to avoid "I have $8 and 2 Buys and no cards in hand, I'll take double Market Fair thanks bunches!".

Variants and Fan Cards / Formulaic Card Design: part 2
« on: October 26, 2012, 03:58:11 pm »
Formula for translating a card from cost X to cost Y

1. Add "-1 Card, -1 Action" to the card.
1a. If the card is weak for its price, maybe throw in a +$0.2 or so. If strong, maybe a -$0.2.
2. Multiply all effects on the card by C[X,Y].
3. Add "+1 Card, +1 Action" to the card.
4. Tweak the card to make the numbers round, keeping the power level about the same, and keeping the spirit similar to the original.
4a. In particular if the original card granted 0, 1, or 2+ Actions, make the new card grant 0, 1, or 2+ Actions as part of the tweak.

C[3,6] ~= 2.3
C[4,7] ~= 4
C[3,9] ~= 5
C[Y,X] ~= 1/C[X,Y]


1. The empty card is an Action whose printed effect is +1 Card, +1 Action. A card's effects will now refer to the difference in game state after you play that card from the game state after you played the empty card instead. So the effects of a Smithy are +2 Cards, -1 Action.

2. 3-cost and 4-cost cards have roughly equal value, with 4-cost cards generally being a little more powerful but not much. 5-cost cards are significantly more powerful than 4-cost. 6-cost cards are decently more powerful than 5-cost, and 7-cost decently more powerful than 6-cost. 2-cost cards are generally weaker than 3-cost, but may be priced at 2 for availability rather than power level considerations.

3. Card effects can be roughly evaluated in a vacuum. That vacuum will be essentially Big Money. We could use other vacuums and get somewhat different results.

4. Some cards are actually net negative to add to your deck on average (aka in a Big Money vacuum). These will not transform well now, but may transform well with a different vacuum assumption.

$3 - Action
-1 Card

We can make this stronger or weaker by multiplying its effect by some factor. In general +Card on a non-terminal is a bit better than +$, so Silver has a net effect of around +$0.75ish. Gold is around +$1.75ish, so the factor was around x2.3. Definitely more than x2, definitely less than x3. Platinum is around +$3.75ish, or x5. Let's apply a x2.3 multiplier to another 3-cost...

Super Warehouse
$6 - Action
+6 Cards
+1 Action
Discard 7 cards.

This comes out to be basically a somewhat better version of playing two Warehouses in a row, which makes intuitive sense.

Super Chancellor
$6 - Action
You may put your deck into your discard pile.

Multiplying a weak card gives you a weak card. :)

Super Fishing Village
$6 - Action
Put a card from your hand on top of your deck.
+3 Actions
At the start of your next turn, +3 Actions, +$2

Multiplying a very strong card gives you a way-too-strong card. One way of gauging power level might be to apply a transform to a price point far away and see if the resulting card is far under or over powered. For example, let's take a look at a transform from 4-cost to 7-cost and then apply it to Jack. King's Court versus Throne Room?

Throne Room
$4 - Action
-1 Card
+1 Card that is a copy of an Action you totally already have in your hand
Add "+1 Action" to the Action you just drew
There's some chance you're not allowed to play this card.

King's Court
$7 - Action
-1 Card
+2 Cards that are both copies of an Action you totally already have in your hand
Add "+1 Action" to each Action you just drew
There's some chance you're not allowed to play this card.

Getting a new card is good but this card is way better than +1 Card since it's something you bought and thus very likely better than your average card. How much better? Well, maybe your average card has an effect of around -1 Card, +$1.2, but your TR/KC-able cards are on average -1 Card, +$2.2, making drawing a TR/KC-able card worth around 2x +1 Card.

KC: +2 Actions, +2*2-1=+3 Cards, maybe you can't play this
TR: +1 Action, +1*2-1=+1 Card, maybe you can't play this
KC/TR ~= 3.3ish cards / 0.8ish cards = x4

Now let's create a 7-cost card out of an average 4 and see if it's reasonable, then if it is, let's create a 7-cost card out of a strong 4 like Jack and confirm that it's unreasonably strong.

Super Farming Village
$7 - Action
+3 Cards
+5 Actions
Discard 2 cards

That's quite strong... but maybe reasonable for a 7-cost.

Super Jack of All Trades
$7 - Action
Gain 4 Silvers
Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck, you may discard any of them and put the rest back in any order
Draw up to 6 cards in hand
You may trash up to 4 cards from your hand that are not Treasures

This shows a weakness in multiplying things by 4... I had to kind of fudge bits to end up with a sensical card, like canceling some -Cards and -Actions with some "draw up to 5 again and again", and discounting the value of trashing up to 4 non-Treasure cards. Also, if multiplying "gain a Silver" by 4 turned into something slightly worse than "gain 2 Golds" rather than turning into "gain 4 Silvers" then SJoAT would work quite well in a Colony game... as is, it probably doesn't so much. It feels weaker than I expected... but in reality my valuation of it probably suffers from the same thing our initial valuation of Jack suffered from, and SJoAT is super-strong. :D Hmm, Trusty Steed comparison? Oh. This is way better than Trusty Steed. Yep, strong.

For funsies, let's divide Province by 5ish. We should get a weak 3, since Platinum divided by 5 gives us an average 3.

Cruddy Province
$3 - Action-Victory
+0.8 Cards
+1 Action
Worth 1.2 VPs

Hey look, Great Hall. Maybe by downgrading a unique high-cost card we can get a unique low-cost card. Hoard divided by 2.3?

Cruddy Hoard
$3 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
Discard a card.
When you buy a Victory card this turn, gain a Silver.

Not bad! Translating fractional effects was hard on this one, though... I basically equated (+$0.1, -half the difficulty of buying a Victory rather than just any card as a trigger) to (+0.45 Cards, discard a card). Probably similar but not quite formulaic... this is strictly better than Oasis, but Oasis is a bit weak, so maybe this is still a $3. Plus I kind of made up 1.75ish/0.75ish = 2.3x to get the multiplier, so maybe it needs to be closer to 2.5x to get from 3-cost to 6-cost.

Maybe also we can price cards by noticing that some multiple of the effects gives something similar to an existing card? Let's check the Mini-Set winners? Thanksgiving... Trash, gain two cards costing up to a total of 7, putting them on your deck. Sounds like Feast.

$? - Action
-1 Card
-1 Action
Trash this.
Gain a card costing up to 5.
Gain a card costing up to 7 minus the cost of the card you just gained.
Put those two cards on your deck.

$4 - Action
-1 Card
-1 Action
Trash this.
Gain a card costing up to 5.

So Thanksgiving gives you a possibly much better card (up to twice as good!) and a poor card, with the option to gain two engine pieces instead or something, and gives you half an additional play of those cards, ish. Thanksgiving makes you trash twice as much goodness as Feast. It doesn't make you lose twice as many cards or actions. It sounds like it's around 2 times as good as Feast. It's clearly not 3+ times as good, but it's clearly much better than exactly as good, so that puts it squarely at $5. (Where it already was.)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Nyarlathotep card playtest
« on: October 26, 2012, 02:21:17 pm »
Right, I was assuming that if you're not sad about "winning" Nyarlathotep, the card design failed.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Nyarlathotep card playtest
« on: October 26, 2012, 01:56:27 pm »
The reason the card doesn't work is because if I am trying to win, I do not care how well you are doing, I care how well you are doing in comparison to me. If my choice is to make you and me lose compared to other players in the game, I will reject that choice. If the choice comes around to me and I find that making it is actually helping me win, then the card's design has failed. So in no cases where the card's design has succeeded do I ever make the choice to gain the card.

How do we counter this? One way is to only play with people who aren't trying to win, which actually describes many groups who like Lovecraft-themed games... they're after the experience, not the puzzle. I don't like that solution because I am not one of those people, but it may work for you. :) Another way is to add a non-deterministic part... try this?

$5 - Action
After discussion, each other player puts a card from his hand face down in front of him without showing anyone what the card is, then everyone turns it face up simultaneously and returns it to his hand. Whoever revealed the highest valued card, ties broken in turn order, gains this card and gains two Curses in hand and you gain a Treasure costing up to thrice the number of players revealing lower valued cards, unless everyone tied, in which case you gain a Gold and put Nyarlathotep in your hand.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Experiments in formulaic card design
« on: October 24, 2012, 11:23:30 pm »
The level 2 city example, thought through, shows that cards which are better than +1 Card, +1 Action more than a cantrip will become better, not worse, after your transform. As multiplication of effects goes, I am more of a fan of something like the following:

1. Subtract a cantrip.
2. Multiply the result by a factor. Like x2 to make a 5-cost out of a 4-cost.
3. Add a cantrip back in.
4. Add or subtract actions to make the resulting card have the same number of +Actions as the original, and subtract or add a bit of value to compensate.

Super Scout
$5 - Action
+1 Action
Discard a random card.
Inspect 8 cards.

Super Treasure Map
$5 - Action
You may discard 2 cards at random. If you discarded a Super Treasure Map this way, gain 9 Gold, putting them on top of your deck. If you did, you may trash all Super Treasure Maps in play and in your discard pile.
You may trash this card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Experiments in formulaic card design
« on: October 24, 2012, 11:09:07 pm »
Kirian, I don't think your downgraded Festival is right.

It looks odd, but I think the logic is that Festival isn't a $5 cantrip, so to de-cantrip it, you need to discard a card and lose an action.  Then you double everything - the one action goes back to 2, the discard goes up to 2, and the other bonuses are doubled.

"discard a card" isn't equal-and-opposite to "+1 card" though. If it were, Warehouse would be useless!. I'd say discarding TWO cards negates the advantage of a +card. In which case his Crappy Festival should discard a total of FOUR. Ironically, I think that's balanced. A $4 that gives such crazy benefits should outright nuke your hand.
During your cleanup, draw 1 less card? Discard a random card from your hand? Both closer to an opposite of +1 Card than discard a card, IMO.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Better understanding duration cards
« on: October 08, 2012, 04:44:53 pm »
Here are two other ways to think about Duration cards. Neither takes into account missing the reshuffle, but they're both useful to build intuition IMO.

Wharf: This turn you trade an Action for a Card and a Buy. Next turn you get 2 Cards and a Buy for free.
Wharf: When you buy this, add the following two cards to your deck.
a) +2 Cards, +1 Buy.
b) +3 Cards, +1 Action, +1 Buy.

Fishing Village: This turn you trade a Card for an Action and $1. Next turn you get an Action and $1 for free.
Fishing Village: When you buy this, add the following two cards to your deck.
a) +2 Actions, +$1.
b) +1 Card, +2 Actions, +$1

Merchant Ship: This turn you trade a Card and an Action for $2. Next turn you get $2 for free.
Merchant Ship: When you buy this, add the following two cards to your deck.
a) +$2
b) +1 Card, +1 Action, +$2

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card That Name! -- Episode 1: Assassin
« on: September 28, 2012, 01:49:53 pm »
Targeted trasher with bribes...

$5 - Action-Attack
+2 Cards
Reveal an Action card from your hand. If you do, each opponent reveals cards from the top of his deck until he reveals a copy of that card or a Treasure costing at least as much as it, then trashes the copy or discards the Treasure (wording?), then discards the revealed cards.

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