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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Randomizer App
« on: January 29, 2018, 06:13:05 pm »
Not familiar with Jack of all Dominion, I didn't really research this before I started, I just coded up what I thought would make the game better.    And yeah, no "Undo" feature for slamming the button.  That would be easy enough to add, but that's not really an issue I have, so not something I'd probably add.   Something I have considered though is a tracker and adjuster for previously selected sets.   So if you play a set, it will add more weight in the randomizer to cards you haven't used before, and reduce the odds of seeing a particular card again that you've previously played.   That was something I thought about adding and may add to a future version, I was also thinking of adding a feature to ensure you have cards of different cost ranges.  (Randomly you could wind up with all high cost or all low cost cards...I thought about adding a feature to smooth that out.  But wound up not doing it because I actually kind of like games personally when things like that happen and you need to adjust your strategy accordingly.  (as in numbers of silvers and golds to buy), if I normalize the range of card costs, then I think people will gravitate towards the same money strategies.   meh... I suppose I can make it selectable like my other adjustments.   Anyway nothing like that yet....was just sorta thinking out loud.

One down side is I definitely don't have a cool name for my app like Jack of all Dominion.    I'm jealous.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Randomizer App
« on: January 29, 2018, 05:58:43 pm »
Interesting.   Yeah, it is similar to that.
Not as granular in the setting limits per set.  (I don't have that feature.)
But do have some others.   I've done the Alchemy weighting a bit differently.  I didn't do a "forced set of 3" thing but rather increased the probability of additional Potion cards coming up if one comes up.  (It's not a fixed number, and it's not set based, it's specifically card cost based.  (there are several alchemy cards which don't have potions in the cost, and they need not be treated any differently than any other non-potion cost card.)
I won't say mine is better or worse than this one.  Just different.   It does have some options and features that doesn't have, but that one has some features mine does not.   Same sort of deal though.

So I knew nothing about that, when I wrote mine, it's kind of interesting to me how our designs were "similar" in several ways.   One thing I will say, and maybe I'll make a future version.  Mine is not web based.   It's currently a small app.  (I have a tablet PC that I have other Game apps I've created on it.  And I wrote this app primarily for me, so I did it as an installable app for my tablet.)   Thanks for sharing, it was interesting to look at.

Dominion General Discussion / Randomizer App
« on: January 29, 2018, 04:45:11 pm »
I've written a Randomizer App for Dominion which I believe has advantages over using the standard randomizer deck.

First off there's the obvious stuff:
  • As I own all the expansions and promo cards, and sleeve everything my randomizer deck is around 10 inches tall and hard to shuffle.   The app gives you a quick reasonably random shuffle without having to deal with shuffling that monstrosity between games.
  • My app has a selection section where you can select which expansions, editions, and promo cards you own, and then only makes selections from what you've chosen.
  • If a supply set comes up you don't like, one click and you've got a new set.   You can quickly cycle through sets until one comes up you like without having to reshuffle.

Nice Features
  • As you can select the sets and expansions you own, you can quickly make custom random decks, for example if you only wanted to play Dark Ages and Nocturne together, you could quickly select those two without having to sort through your randomizer deck.
  • A Black Market selector.
  • The Randomizer tells you all the items and stacks you will need for each supply set.   If you need Bats, Ruins, Events, Landmarks, or Zombies or any other side deck you might need, and you are informed at setup time.

Unique Features - So this is where my app get interesting.   I designed the app, so that by default it will use the exact recommended method of determining your supply set and the use of Shelters, and Platinums, and Collonies.
However, I feel like this is one of the weak parts of using a completely random, randomizer deck.  For example consider Attack and Reaction cards.   In a randomly choosen set, the odds of getting both Attack and Reaction cards in the same supply selection is not good.  And getting Reaction cards with no Attack cards is kind of a waste.  And in a randomizer deck if you have several expansions including the Alchemy expansion, you are highly unlikely to get more than one card in a set requiring potions in the cost.   This devalues those cards in a game balancing sort of way.  If you only have one card available with potions in the cost, it's much harder to justify purchasing potion cards as a competitive strategy.   But the cool thing about having a computer do your randomization, is it was pretty easy to add options to add weight to certain selections, like increasing the odds of reaction cards appearing in a the supply if one or more attack cards are in the supply, and also increasing the odds of having multiple Potion cost cards in a supply set as opposed to single occurances.
So I designed selectable options you can use to cusomize the way the randomizer works.    There are about 8 different selections you can make to change things like increasing the odds of reaction cards coming up if attack cards are in the supply also.   And adding a clumping feature for potion cards.   And a few other options.  Each option is selectable, and can be combined with other options.   I think using the options makes Dominion shine a little more than using true random selections.
Anyway, the app is for PC, it's quite small, one executable and one data file.   If you're interested email me and I'll share.

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