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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: May 04, 2017, 05:46:17 pm »
Not that it makes much sense to discuss a topic with a rude guy
That, I think, is painfully obvious.
Feel free to point out where I was as rude to Donald as he was to me.
This is embarrassing.

You know, I have had some similar internet arguments like this years ago where I was obnoxious and wrong, and occasionally to this day I just ask myself: why.
I am happily interested in discussing the numerous forms game complexity. Which is all I actually did here. If some game designer cannot stand that I view "rule complexity", as opposed to rule difficulty, as a nonsensical term, so be it.
Poe's law in full force. Perhaps I'm just oblivious, but I can't tell if this is trolling or not.
Sure, what you is fine but me wanting to stay on topic is trolling. Fair is foul and foul is fair.  ::)

Dominion Articles / Re: Refreshing the Dominion Paradigms
« on: May 04, 2017, 05:30:14 pm »
Hey, he has an education! How dare you question him?
Look, another guy from pre-enlightenment times who is fine with arguments from authority.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: May 04, 2017, 05:28:24 pm »
Not that it makes much sense to discuss a topic with a rude guy
That, I think, is painfully obvious.
Feel free to point out where I was as rude to Donald as he was to me.
This is embarrassing.

You know, I have had some similar internet arguments like this years ago where I was obnoxious and wrong, and occasionally to this day I just ask myself: why.
I am happily interested in discussing the numerous forms game complexity. Which is all I actually did here. If some game designer cannot stand that I view "rule complexity", as opposed to rule difficulty, as a nonsensical term, so be it.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: May 04, 2017, 03:43:36 pm »
Not that it makes much sense to discuss a topic with a rude guy
That, I think, is painfully obvious.
Feel free to point out where I was as rude to Donald as he was to me.

Dominion Articles / Re: Refreshing the Dominion Paradigms
« on: May 04, 2017, 03:32:44 pm »
Some people also play Monopoly.
Some people live above the basement and play boardgames on an actual table, with real people.
Some people also have some education and know that arguments from authority and not arguments.
But some people are beyond good and evil and still living in the Dark Ages.

Do yourself a favour, get some education and learn that arguments from authority are not actual arguments. Or remain an intellectual barbarian.

User was temp banned for this post.

Dominion Articles / Re: Refreshing the Dominion Paradigms
« on: May 04, 2017, 03:01:40 pm »
There is no stuff "somewhere between engine and BM". must have won a bullshit prize somewhere in saner lands.

It has also gotten me into the top 50.
Being the best football player in the world does not imply that you can automatically talk intelligibly about the game and repeating arguments from authority doesn't make them any truer.

Dominion Articles / Re: Refreshing the Dominion Paradigms
« on: May 04, 2017, 02:54:52 pm »
I think what Awaclus is getting at in rejecting the existence of a "hybrid strategy" archetype, is that the Engine archetype and Big Money archetype are fundamentally different from one another, and the guiding principles behind the two archetypes directly interfere with one another and cannot mix efficiently without creating a mess of your deck.  The Big Money archetype seeks to gain money and points, which actively get in the way of the Engine archetype's pursuit of its inter-working components.  To that end at least, I agree with Awaclus: there really isn't such a thing as a "hybrid" archetype.

I suppose I disagree.  At least, I see a wide variety of strategies that simply "Engine" and "Big Money" fail to capture.

Also: the action card density in your deck is not a binary variable, i.e. ample of games consist of a mix of Action cards and Treasure cards in your deck and fail to quality as "engine" or "big money".

Also, some people play Dominion IRL with 3 or 4 players. Building a full engine with only 2-4 villages is not feasible, hence uncategorizable hybrid games emerge.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: May 04, 2017, 02:52:11 pm »
But rule difficulty has nothing to do with complexity.
Other people who speak English use the word "complexity" differently than you do. If you wish to communicate clearly, I recommend being more specific.

And if you don't wish to communicate clearly, I recommend taking the discussion elsewhere.
If you think generally that there complexity is unambiguously defined and specifically that "rule complexity" is the only form of complexity (actually I think that the term rule complexity is utter nonsense as rule difficulty has nothing to do with how complex a game is) you are direly mistaken.
For example Chess is a complex game with simple rules.
I was specific, and distinguished between "strategic complexity" and "rules complexity."

You dropped the adjective, as if I thought that "complexity" did not need more specificity, when in fact I went on to advise you to be specific. Then you suggested that I think there is just one type of "complexity," when in fact I specifically cited two kinds of complexity and did not indicate that two was the limit either.

Your posts! They are not doing much for me. What will your next account be called, anyway? I'm trying to sense a pattern here. Well, probably something short?
I repeat what I said: rule difficulty has nothing to do with any form of complexity. Difficulty and complexity are often not sharply distinguished in such discussions. So much about communicating clearly.

Not that it makes much sense to discuss a topic with a rude guy who accuses me of sucking at English or at using several accounts.

Dominion Articles / Re: Refreshing the Dominion Paradigms
« on: April 26, 2017, 07:33:55 pm »
There is no stuff "somewhere between engine and BM". must have won a bullshit prize somewhere in saner lands.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 26, 2017, 06:18:01 pm »
But rule difficulty has nothing to do with complexity.
Other people who speak English use the word "complexity" differently than you do. If you wish to communicate clearly, I recommend being more specific.

And if you don't wish to communicate clearly, I recommend taking the discussion elsewhere.
If you think generally that there complexity is unambiguously defined and specifically that "rule complexity" is the only form of complexity (actually I think that the term rule complexity is utter nonsense as rule difficulty has nothing to do with how complex a game is) you are direly mistaken.
For example Chess is a complex game with simple rules.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 26, 2017, 11:18:03 am »
...expansion should always strive for complexity and not simplicity.

I disagree with that wholeheartedly.  Expansions should strive for variety.  That's not to say complexity is necessarily a bad thing, but it's not an end unto itself.
Huh? It is fairly easy to come up with a village or trasher variant. Anybody can do that. But if a new village is not more complex than Village it'll probably suck.

I disagree with that wholeheartedly.  Expansions should strive for variety.  That's not to say complexity is necessarily a bad thing, but it's not an end unto itself.
I'll say it: complexity sucks.

Strategic complexity is fine; I'm not talking about that. Perhaps a misunderstanding along those lines is why there's a disparity here. I'm talking about rules complexity.

Ideally you quickly read the cards and then it takes a while to explore the implications. It's great when you play with a card a bunch and still don't have a handle on it. It's awful when your eyes glaze over at all the text; maybe I'll buy some other card and worry about that one later. When you mentally shorthand the card into something that's wrong and it matters. When you aren't sure what's supposed to happen and make a thread in the rules forum.
I don't like rule-messy Dominion cards like Possession. But rule difficulty has nothing to do with complexity. A Euro can be more complex than a wargame in spite of far simpler rules.
What I meant is that stuff that makes the first and fairly non-complex deckbuilder more complex is IMO good. Whether that's stuff like Landmark that makes the road to victory more tricky to evaluate or different starting hands via Shelters and so on doesn't matter. Again, Necro is not a difficult card to understand rule-wise yet the addition of variable starting hands makes the game more complex and thus, IMO, better.

So the goal, then, is variation.  One can add things that create complexity with the goal of generating more variety while striving for simplicity OR one can add complexity for its own sake.  Your comment made it sound like you wanted the latter.  If that's not what you meant (and based on your follow up, it seems like it isn't) then perhaps we don't truly disagree.
Of course complexity for its own sake. A non-complex game would be Tictactoe and that is utterly trivial and solved.

I don't care much for variety per se. Just adding more cards to Dominion doesn't make it complex/better just like adding new Chess pieces doesn't per se improve the game.
But if those cards achieve something new and innovative that changes how the game works, like the aforementioned Shelters and Landmarks, that's a plus in my book.

The best thing is of course complexity out of simplicity like e.g. in the case of Chess or in the case of rule-wise simple Dominion cards that are nonetheless tricky to play with. And of course complexity that arises out of interaction of cards.

Dominion Articles / Re: Refreshing the Dominion Paradigms
« on: April 26, 2017, 04:22:27 am »
Arguments from authority are not arguments.

Yes they are. Moreover, they are perfectly valid arguments as long as the expert quoted is an actual expert on the issue, such as in this case.
Nope. Do yourself a favour, jump into a time machine and get out of the Middle Ages or wherever you are intellectually stuck.

If you are living in the modern world you evaluate arguments independently of who made them. A guy without a PhD in a particular field can nonetheless contribute to it and a Nobel price laureate can talk as much bullshit as self-proclaimed Dominion expert.

That's true. Anyone could make the argument that hybrid strategies are not a thing because Awaclus's experience playing against other top 50 players says so, and it would be a valid argument regardless of who made it.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 26, 2017, 04:13:37 am »
...expansion should always strive for complexity and not simplicity.

I disagree with that wholeheartedly.  Expansions should strive for variety.  That's not to say complexity is necessarily a bad thing, but it's not an end unto itself.
Huh? It is fairly easy to come up with a village or trasher variant. Anybody can do that. But if a new village is not more complex than Village it'll probably suck.

I disagree with that wholeheartedly.  Expansions should strive for variety.  That's not to say complexity is necessarily a bad thing, but it's not an end unto itself.
I'll say it: complexity sucks.

Strategic complexity is fine; I'm not talking about that. Perhaps a misunderstanding along those lines is why there's a disparity here. I'm talking about rules complexity.

Ideally you quickly read the cards and then it takes a while to explore the implications. It's great when you play with a card a bunch and still don't have a handle on it. It's awful when your eyes glaze over at all the text; maybe I'll buy some other card and worry about that one later. When you mentally shorthand the card into something that's wrong and it matters. When you aren't sure what's supposed to happen and make a thread in the rules forum.
I don't like rule-messy Dominion cards like Possession. But rule difficulty has nothing to do with complexity. A Euro can be more complex than a wargame in spite of far simpler rules.
What I meant is that stuff that makes the first and fairly non-complex deckbuilder more complex is IMO good. Whether that's stuff like Landmark that makes the road to victory more tricky to evaluate or different starting hands via Shelters and so on doesn't matter. Again, Necro is not a difficult card to understand rule-wise yet the addition of variable starting hands makes the game more complex and thus, IMO, better.

Dominion Articles / Re: Refreshing the Dominion Paradigms
« on: April 26, 2017, 04:05:58 am »
Arguments from authority are not arguments.

Yes they are. Moreover, they are perfectly valid arguments as long as the expert quoted is an actual expert on the issue, such as in this case.
Nope. Do yourself a favour, jump into a time machine and get out of the Middle Ages or wherever you are intellectually stuck.

If you are living in the modern world you evaluate arguments independently of who made them. A guy without a PhD in a particular field can nonetheless contribute to it and a Nobel price laureate can talk as much bullshit as self-proclaimed Dominion expert.

Dominion Articles / Re: Refreshing the Dominion Paradigms
« on: April 22, 2017, 10:38:00 am »
Always entertaining to see how the dream of a smoothly running engine influences the opinion of so many Dominion players. Many games are precisely as messy as JThorne described.

What's influencing my opinion is the experience I've accumulated in the thousands of games that I've played against other players in the top 50 range. If your game is as messy as JThorne described, you are misplaying it.
Arguments from authority are not arguments. Unless your ideological space is pre-enlightenment.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: April 21, 2017, 09:07:40 pm »
I labored to reduce complexity in Empires and well there it is.

I just want to say that I vastly prefer Empires to Adventures because it feels so much less complex. So, good jorb on that!
While it is mechanically simpler the alternative roads to VPs make it more difficult to evaluate Kingdoms.
Also, please more complexity for Dominion. It is after all a fairly simple game and expansion should always strive for complexity and not simplicity. Folks who want that can stick with base.

Dominion Articles / Re: Refreshing the Dominion Paradigms
« on: April 21, 2017, 08:28:41 pm »
Or what if you buy a few Village/Draw pairs and some cash, but you never draw deck and you start Greening at approximately a Province a turn, or maybe you get lucky once and draw a bunch of golds and a Nomad Camp and sneak in a double-Province. Is that an engine or a money deck? I suspect there's some disagreement here.
That isn't an engine deck or a money deck, it's just a bad deck.
Always entertaining to see how the dream of a smoothly running engine influences the opinion of so many Dominion players. Many games are precisely as messy as JThorne described.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: MJ's Cards
« on: April 21, 2017, 06:20:06 am »
I like both cards. Peter Pan looks strong but then again 3 is expensive for a one-shot terminal Silver. Dwarf Village is nothing fancy but good. I'd also try it as: "+2 Actions. Reveal cards from the top of your deck until you reveal one costing $4 or more.  Put it into your hand, and discard the rest.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: MJ's Cards
« on: April 11, 2017, 05:01:31 am »
Nightingale should use the Lookout wording and is really too similar to Lookout to be interesting.
I wrote this as a variant of Survivor or Sentry, but yes, it is similar to Lookout. Is it too similar? This cannot prevent discarding good cards. This can remove three. Non-mandatory.
Maleficent is an auto-double-opening buy and far too good. Would probably be even too good at 4$ as the on-buy drawback is not that nasty.
Well, this is sometimes true, but sometimes not. When you have $5 on T1, you can double-open 90%, $4, 70%, $3, 60%, topdecking 2 cards. I don't think double-opening is a good idea - after T3, you have 4 cards on deck. You cannot play two Maleficents too often.
You underestimate how strong junkers are. Without the on-buy drawback this card would be too good for 4$ and too weak for 5$ (only due to Mountebank) but it is far closer to a 5$ than a 4$.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Partnership Dominion
« on: April 11, 2017, 04:59:08 am »
Bad co-op idea. Also, if you are 4 guys you wanna play a 4 player game and not Dominion.

I play 4-player Dominion all the time and have tremendous fun doing so. Partner variants could also mitigate some of the things people don't like about 3+ player Dominion. But hey, play what you like.
Well, good luck trying to build an engine with an average of 2.5 villages. Also, junkers are uber-powerful in 4P games.
But hey, play what you like.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Partnership Dominion
« on: April 10, 2017, 01:45:41 pm »
Bad co-op idea. Also, if you are 4 guys you wanna play a 4 player game and not Dominion.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: MJ's Cards
« on: April 10, 2017, 01:44:54 pm »
Nightingale should use the Lookout wording and is really too similar to Lookout to be interesting.
Maleficent is an auto-double-opening buy and far too good. Would probably be even too good at 4$ as the on-buy drawback is not that nasty.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Conquest
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:33:42 pm »
Strategist - Action $5
+3 Cards
Put any number of cards from your hand on top of your deck, and then + $1 per card you put back.
This is very similar to, and also a bit stronger than, LFN's Harbor.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: luser's cards
« on: February 14, 2017, 05:20:11 am »
Wine Press. What period do I check gaining a Gold? This turn? Or from the beginning?
Huh? It's a normal Action, you hand-gain the Gold when you play the card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: luser's cards
« on: February 14, 2017, 01:12:16 am »
Haunted Manor is bad as Mandarin is one of the weakest cards in the game and only worthwhile for the on-gain effect.
A terminal Gold is probably somewhere between a 4 and a 5 and while topdecking one card is OK to nerf a card, topdecking two, self-Ghost-shipping yourself, just hurts yourself and is hardly ever worth the terminal Gold and 1 VP at the end of the game.

The Traveller line is interesting as it starts with a good quasi one-shot that you don't necessarily want early on.
I also like that if you feel that the game might end before you reach the end of the line you can cut it short and transform a card into Distant Lands style VPs.
The actual play effects could be a bit more innovative though. Maid is after all just Duchess. Brewery seems like a simple Scout variant but I like it as it interacts with the other cards in the Traveller line.

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