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Messages - WrathOfGlod

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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Courtesan
« on: December 16, 2013, 02:29:55 am »
Looking at this card right now it feels pretty weak in comparison to militia. +1 coin token is slightly worse than +2 coin and the +1 action is less useful because this card doesn't stack well (or draw cards).
I think this card would be significantly more interesting if you got 2 coin tokens only if somebody discarded and 1 otherwise.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Most annoying card interface?
« on: November 10, 2013, 09:21:05 pm »
Its got to be graverobber/rogue + knights. There is no more fun part of Dominion then memorizing what the leftmost inch of each card looks like.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: A win but rating drops?
« on: September 25, 2013, 12:46:22 pm »
What I'm fairly sure is happening (at least some of the time) is that the ratings display page gets scores from two different sources. The game engine which calculates your new score, and some separate database which stores the old score. The score page queries both and displays the difference. The problem is that a race condition is introduced here, where sometimes the two score sources are updated separately. The most common symptom of this bug is the +0 ratings display when the db containing the new score has already been updated, but there are weirder interactions.

This explanation does require extraordinary levels of incompetence by Goko programmers, but  that it sadly makes it more likely to be true.

(I think there are separate bugs where the score is never updated but that might just be that their db is so bad that the updates timeout)

I might be wrong here but Charter (A) seems like it would immediately be one of the 2 or 3 most powerful cards in the game (I think rebuild is still ahead of it).
1. Early on you have cantrip trashing which alone is worth $5 (trashing while keeping a 5 card hand probably makes it equivalent in power to upgrade or junk dealer)
2. Late in the game you have absolutely safe trashing which needs no collision, the reason you can't mass upgrade or junk dealer or rats is that you run out of targets and they become dead cards
3. The self interaction is insane, if a charter turns up a charter then it becomes at least as good as +3 cards +1 action.

I'm fairly sure that winning the charter split would be at least as good as winning the minion split and possibly better.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: June 30, 2013, 03:35:29 pm »
I have to say that pirate ship is the card I  most disagree with in this ranking. On a deck with a strong engine but no other virtual money pirate ship can be a must buy as once you get your engine up you can pin the player relying on treasure cards while simultaneously getting up to 2 province buy potential.

It isn't a strong card, but I would guess on roughly 5-10% of the boards, pirate ship is a solid buy and in around half of those it is a must buy. That is far far higher than secret chamber or harvest and definitely superior to thief.
I think you need to re-examine your math. Do you know how few cards give +buy without any virtual coin? Hamlet, Market Square, worker's village... So you have, Pirate Ship, and One of those, and the rest of your cards also don't provide virtual coin, and they make a strong engine. And otherwise, you aren't getting 2 provinces a turn. Actually, they are probably not getting so many treasures that you could really get 2 treasures a turn anyway. I mean, okay, it can be good if you already have zanily good engines where you are overdrawing your deck and are swimming in actions, but I have to tell you, not only is such a situation rare, but there are lots of other cards that would work in that situation as well. So it's like, Pirate Ship is good there, yes, but it's not so much the pirate ship that's good, it's the everything else which is good.

There exist a not insignificant fraction of boards where you can draw your whole deck and play 3-4 pirate ships a turn after around 12 turns but the +coin is not strong enough to compete with bm otherwise (ie +coin is something like bazaar or treasury). I would guess that pirate ship can crush any money based strategy on those boards even without +buy because it can force a pin well before the 50% VP point. I should clarify that I think pirate ship is virtually never an early buy, instead it has value when bought reactively once the engine has been completed if your opponent has been going for bm.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: WW's Power Rankings
« on: June 30, 2013, 06:36:43 am »
I have to say that pirate ship is the card I  most disagree with in this ranking. On a deck with a strong engine but no other virtual money pirate ship can be a must buy as once you get your engine up you can pin the player relying on treasure cards while simultaneously getting up to 2 province buy potential.

It isn't a strong card, but I would guess on roughly 5-10% of the boards, pirate ship is a solid buy and in around half of those it is a must buy. That is far far higher than secret chamber or harvest and definitely superior to thief.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Provincial: Cool looking Dominion AI
« on: February 22, 2013, 02:53:47 pm »
I was curious whether it was a f.ds member doing this stuff so I checked the forum member map and there is one guy based in Palo Alto: WrathOfGlod (presumably better known by his iso handle Michael Harris). So maybe.. ;-)
Lol, not me. I wish I was this gosu

2012 / Re: Witch Division: Bracket and Results
« on: December 06, 2012, 02:45:51 am »
WrathOfGlod (Michael Harris) 4-1 over Michaelf7
Game 1: Michael Harris 16, Michaelf7 4
On 4-3 Steward Familiar is probably best but at 5-2 we both go for the IGG rush,
He wins the curse split 6-4 but I grab a goons and a courtyard to his province and have a relatively clean win

Game 2: Michael Harris 189, Michaelf7 20
Goons,Chapel where his chapel misses shuffle and I hit 6 early, not much to say

Game 3: Michael Harris 32, Michaelf7 44
His Masquerade-BM is too fast for me as I mess around with labs and bazaars

Game 4: Michael Harris 32, Michaelf7 22
Interesting game, I open fishing village-ht and hit double mountebank while he goes fishing village baron and hits 6 choosing to buy a goons,  I grab a bunch of wishing wells and hit a double goons turn to seal the game

Game 5: Michael Harris 37, Michaelf7 25
He leaves bm unopposed for me and focuses on wharf-bm with some crossroads/bm support, I eventually pull a tactician from the bm and set up a nice little engine where I play all my wharves on my tact turn and so draw my deck on both of the turns.

Thanks to Michaelf7 for the matches

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Mad Scientist
« on: October 14, 2012, 01:23:36 am »
I think the card would be better if it was the following form
Trash this card
Gain a card costing 5 to your hand, you may trash a mad scientist from hand, if you do not discard your hand

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Breaking the no -1 Buy rule
« on: October 08, 2012, 12:38:14 am »
A potential way to use -1 buy is to add an optional secondary penalty.
For instance choose 1: -1 buy or draw 1 fewer card at the end of cleanup

Council Room Feedback / Re: Vineyard goal
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:17:57 pm »

Scout is not as harmful of a card to have in your deck as thief, under the vast majority of circumstances. But the circumstances you want thief in are way more plentiful than those you want scout in, and when you do want one or the other, thief tends to do more for you. Yeah, they're both terrible.
I actually think Pirate Ship is worse 2-player than thief, though both are dreadful.

That's not right at all, in 2p Pirate Ship fills a valuable void on engine boards which are missing the +virtual coin component but have draw,actions, and trashing. It works similarly  to Saboteur which has uses on engines which have everything except +buy.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: a short note on wishing well
« on: June 27, 2012, 12:09:10 pm »
One important rule for wishing is that in the most common case where you have a key card you are searching for you should only wish for it with the last draw.
Example: Let us suppose you have village-wwX2 in hand and are searching for your torturer, you should play the village first and then use the first ww for copper and only the second one for the torturer.
The reason is that if the torturer is within the range of cards that the earlier draws will pick up you will get it anyway so there is no use wishing for it.
The second implication is that wishing well should be played after all other cantrips

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 25, 2012, 09:56:50 pm »
I'd play if we had more than 7 people (finals coming up so i can't mod)

Game Reports / Re: Apoth kills.
« on: June 24, 2012, 02:29:29 pm »
Well appothecary/ambassador and apoth/nv are both elite decks
and this had both

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 23, 2012, 09:53:43 pm »
By the way eHalycon, was your post an attempt to signal?

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 23, 2012, 09:52:45 pm »
So it seems that my moment of idiocy saved the game, when we tell our grandchildren the story of our resistance we will have to change that part of the story.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 21, 2012, 11:19:34 pm »
Do we think Tables is the kind of guy who would give us all RO at the beginning just for the lolz?

Not sure if I should follow this up by jokingly saying yes or being a serious mod...
Shouldn't there be a meme image in this post :0

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 21, 2012, 11:19:02 pm »
I think that TINAS is probably right that the last mission had either no spies or both spies. I know that I am a resistance operative and by TINAS's logic Morgrim is almost certainly not a spy (especially because he could choose his team as he wanted where we had to choose it) that means that Galzria is likely resistance, From my perspective we have to figure out which of TINAS,Robz,eHalycon is a spy.

My current read is that the spies are TINAS and eHalycon mainly because of eHalycon's posts. However Robz hasn't given me much to go on so I'm not so sure.

My main read on eHalycon being a spy:

I completely agree with this logic and would do the same thing in your position. However, I know for sure that a spy is on this team as I am not part of it. Still, I am tempted to vote yes because I think double spy is a very real possibility. In that case we should move quickly before a spy can subtly indicate something like "I'll sabotage, you pass".
That to me is a really scummy post, trying to get a vote to stop a spy from signalling while using the phrase "I'll sabotage, you pass" to me sounds like a total spy move.

Therefore I think that this team seems good, if it doesn't suceed I'll be reasonably certain that TINAS is a spy with my secondary suspicion on Galzria

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Which card is best for you?
« on: June 20, 2012, 11:24:48 pm »
My top 5 cards
1. Menagerie: Love love this card, I buy it 91% of the time compared to 66% average
2. Goons: Don't buy it exceptionally often (93% to 87% average) but am able to control the end game really well with it average 19.6 turns to complete the game whether of not there are colonies compared to a 24 turn average
3 Highway: Surprisingly this is a card I seem to misjudge, I buy the card less than average but have a massive effect with (3.26) and a negative effect without
4.Black Market: Love picking up components to finish the deck
5. Chapel: Buy it more than average but have a higher effect without than effect with (2.5 to 1.9)

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:53:15 pm »
Sorry guys I thought I had sent my vote when I proposed the team, but I forgot

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:52:13 pm »
##I voted yes

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 15, 2012, 12:26:50 pm »
Bad news guys.  Am phone posting, do not have time to say much. Will be gome for at least 24hrs. so I am sending.a pm to Tables with my proposal amd vote if necesaary. sorry again, guys, I am flying to Japan.
Going to Japan to coordinate with your government handlers? xD
(Have fun in Japan, always wanted to visit there)

General Discussion / Re: Do you have wood?
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:53:15 pm »
Peep Show is an amazing show (Mitchell and Webb)
Also Veep is really really funny

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Re: Resistance: The Empire Must Fall
« on: June 14, 2012, 08:10:34 am »
##I propose WrathOfGlod, Robz888,ThisIsNotASmile

Sorry about that

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