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Messages - tim17

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Flagship/Bridge. No surprise with this one (essentially the same idea as RC/Bridge), but I've had several games now where my opponent didn't notice it, so I figured it was worth a post. The strategy is to buy only flagships (and maybe silver on 3). Once you get 6 of them, you buy a bridge. If you play the bridge with 6 flagships in play and at least 1 copper in hand, you can buy all the provinces. Just make sure you don't accidentally buy any other actions that will trigger the flagships; I don't think trashing or getting any other engine components is worth the time here.

Souk/Gamble is pretty neat. If you have no cards in hand/deck/discard and at least $7, you can gain the entire Souk pile in one turn, and then the Souks are generally at least Golds for your Gamble deck and better if you get any Treasures or disappearing Actions in your hand.

Similarly with Souk/Rush. Though in this case, you don't even need your deck/discard to be empty in order to autopile the Souks, you just need $7 and no cards in hand. Or even if you do have cards in hand but a bit more $, you can use the first Souks you gain to trash the cards in your hand, ensuring that the rest of them all make $7.

merchant guild + stampede

Depends a bit on the board, but the plan goes something like this:

1. Get a merchant guild
2. Buy stampede with merchant guild in play
3. Play the horses to hopefully draw the merchant guild, use the coffers to hopefully buy multiple stampedes. Repeat
4. At some point, get another merchant guild (and a source of +actions to play them both), doubling the coffers you get from the stampedes
5. On the turn before you have enough coffers to empty the provinces, get as much +buy as you need
6. On your last turn, you can finally put more than 5 cards in play, since you don't need to stampede anymore

On some boards, there will be a faster engine, but if not, this combo can pretty much always work. It doesn't need trashing or other draw (and often can't even play them much anyway). All it needs is some source of +actions. Even without that, it can still do some things, but it needs the multiple merchant guilds to really explode.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Best Asymptotic Point Scoring
« on: October 26, 2022, 09:46:15 am »
Question, is an amount of points bounded by f(n,s), where n is turns taken, and s is turns skipped, and f(n, s) increases faster with each increase of n than each increase of s, OK for this challenge, concidering that s can be infinite, and therefore points scored in a turn is infinite?

Correct me if it seems I'm misunderstanding your question, but here is what I will say. Let g(n) be the number of points you have right at the end of your nth non-skipped turn. For any board, if there exists a strategy in which for some n, g(n) - g(n-1) is infinite, then that board is disallowed.

However, if somehow this ruling prevents you from doing something interesting, you are welcome to post that interesting thing anyway.

Lord Rattington had a 5/2 on a chapel board. He bought chapel on the 5 instead of the 2.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Uninteresting Moments in Dominion
« on: October 05, 2021, 07:13:36 am »
At the end of a 15 turn game, Lord Rattington's deck consisted of 7 coppers, 12 silvers, 3 golds, and 3 estates.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Busy Beaver amount of Coin
« on: April 04, 2021, 01:28:25 am »
Was just thinking about this old thread; it seems that the new version of inheritance makes the gaining of an arbitrary number of actions thing not work. Though it's been several expansions since, perhaps something new could help us.

Trying to see how beggar/tower does, I've gained beggar, settlers, displace (obelisk), mastermind, and a bunch of coppers. Lord Voldebot hexes me with war.

Way of the Horse and Villa in the setup
Hand: 4 Merchant Guilds and a Goons
4 Villagers in Villagers Mat

1 – Play the 4 Merchant Guilds
2 – Play Goons
3 – Buy Villa – Gain 1 VP from Goons – Gain 4 Coffers from Merchant Guilds
On gain Villa goes to hand, give + 1 action and returns game to action phase
4 – Play Villa as Way of the Horse – Villa returns to its pile
5 – Play 4 Coffers
Repeat steps 3 to 5 indefinitely for infinite VPs

I think this doesn't work? If you play Villa as Way of the Horse, you don't get the +buy back, so you run out of buys.

Hostelry + Watchtower is pretty nice if you can gain the hostelries mid-turn. Discard all your treasures for horses, topdecking the hostelry and the horses, and then play the watchtower to draw them all.

Lord Rattington's trashing choices leave something to be desired. Final decks:

10 Coppers, an Estate, a Duchy, 10 Goons, 10 Worker's Villages, 6 Chariot Races, 5 Imps, 3 Recruiters and 5 Covens

Lord Rattington:
9 Curses and a Junk Dealer

I had $6 and 2 buys and tried to stonemason for destriers when they cost 4, then realized that the second one would cost 3, so I gained a cavalry instead, drawing a copper, which allowed me to buy 2 more destriers :)

Had a game with a couple nice scepter interactions:

1. Scepter + Delay: Use scepters on draw cards, and then delay any actions you draw (if you have the buys). Gets around a lack of villages quite nicely.

2. Scepter + Kiln: If you've drawn your deck, scepter your kilns to get more scepters/golds/etc and then scepter a draw card to draw and play them.

Groom + Highway has a couple things going for it beyond just cost reduction + extra gains. The horses really help you move through the deck to find more highways and grooms, and then the cantrip effect makes it a lot easier to find/play all your grooms when you go for the megaturn. It's interesting to compare groom to cantrip +buy (e.g. market, seaway) in the context of highway. Groom is worse in that it's a terminal stop card when not greening (though the horse sort of offsets the lack of +card), but better in that you only need 4 of the highways to get provinces.

Wayfarer + Replace interaction is neat. Replace a Wayfarer into a province, and then the curse your opponent gets makes Wayfarer cost 0, so it should be easy to replace it buy another one.

A couple more I came across today:

rats + way of the horse: replace all your junk with horses
sculptor + feodum: Turns out feodum likes nonterminal silver gaining to hand; this one turned out to be a bit stronger than I would have guessed.

Scepter + Cavalry is an interesting way of getting +actions when there are no villages. Play scepters on your nonterminals to get extra actions, and then buy cavalry so that you can actually use them.

Turn 16 - Lord Rattington
L plays a Bandit Camp.
L draws a card.
L gets +2 Actions.
L gains a Spoils.
L plays a Remake.
L trashes a Remake.
L gains a Bandit Camp.
L trashes a Province.
L shuffles their deck.
L draws 5 cards.

Played a Paddock. Was confused why it was giving me +6 actions. Then I realized it was because 6 supply piles were empty.

How did you get 6 empty supply piles?

I KC'ed 6 inventors earlier in the turn.

Played a Paddock. Was confused why it was giving me +6 actions. Then I realized it was because 6 supply piles were empty.

Turn 12 - Lord Voldebot
L plays 2 Silvers, a Gold and 2 Coppers. (+$9)
L buys and gains a Province.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Wine Merchant and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Copper and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d shuffles their deck.
d draws a Copper and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Silver and a Night Watchman.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws an Overgrown Estate and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Copper and a Wine Merchant.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Scepter and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Silver and a Scepter.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Copper and a Wine Merchant.
L gains a Curse.
d discards 9 Black Cats.
L shuffles their deck.
L draws 5 cards.

Was that 4 Black Cats in the starting hand?! There were 9 Black Cats that reacted, and only 5 that were drawn, unless I'm missing something.

Yep, 4 black cats in the starting hand. I had piled the black cats after I got my champion.

Turn 12 - Lord Voldebot
L plays 2 Silvers, a Gold and 2 Coppers. (+$9)
L buys and gains a Province.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Wine Merchant and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Copper and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d shuffles their deck.
d draws a Copper and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Silver and a Night Watchman.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws an Overgrown Estate and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Copper and a Wine Merchant.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Scepter and a Black Cat.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Silver and a Scepter.
L gains a Curse.
d reacts with a Black Cat.
d plays a Black Cat.
d gets +1 Action.
d draws a Copper and a Wine Merchant.
L gains a Curse.
d discards 9 Black Cats.
L shuffles their deck.
L draws 5 cards.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Menagerie
« on: February 28, 2020, 12:02:41 pm »
There is no Menagerie subforum yet! Maybe there won't be one, dunno, but, this would go there if there was one.

Menagerie previews start Monday, and as usual I have a teaser. I like trying different things with the teasers, and well this time the teaser is little bits of text from 10 cards or card-shaped things. See what you can make of them.

"5 or fewer"
"$1 less per"
"a different thing"
"an unused Action"
"either now or"
"hand three times"
"instead, and vice-versa"
"instead of paying"
"province, a duchy"
"they discard their"

I'm 98% sure that all of these are right. The last one was a tip from Jeff Kornberg.

Setup: In games with 5 or fewer players, add dummy players until there are 6 players in the game, and add Messenger to the kingdom.

Menagerie costs $1 less per copy of Dominion: Menagerie you own.

When you gain this, you may instead (for no additional cost) buy a different thing that is card-shaped of equal or lesser printed cost.

+1 Card, +1 Action. If you have an unused Action, discard your hand.

At the start of each of your turns for the rest of the game, +10 cards. Either now or at the start of your next turn, the player to your left gains all the victory cards in the supply.

Compute by hand three times seven. If the answer is prime, gain all the curses from the supply.

When you buy a copper, you may gain a curse instead, and vice-versa.

When you buy this, you may pay $4 for it instead of paying $5 for it.

Compared to province, a duchy is worth 3 fewer points. (This has no effect on gameplay; it is merely a statement taking up valuable space on a card-shaped thing)

they discard their detonator and drop eight bombs on the continent of their choosing, killing everybody on it. Flip them over so you know they're dead.

If we want a bottom 10 list:

1. Any one-shot
2. Diplomat
3. Menagerie
4. Poor House
5. Library
6. Jack of All Trades
7. Cursed Village, Watchtower, Scholar

Also Tactician (though I once attempted to design a board where the optimal strategy involved putting +Card on Tactician)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Semi-Interesting Dominion Moments Thread
« on: September 26, 2019, 04:16:15 pm »
The day before yesterday, after the second shuffle in turn 5, I held the cards in hand I had bought through turns 1 to 4.

Were they 4 stewards?

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