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Messages - kevinb9n

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I never compared it to trashing an Estate for no benefit, but that is a perfect comparison.

Well, it's not quite *perfect.*  Usually, your main alternative to bishoping that province was to bishop something else, like a copper, that would have got you 1 point anyway.  When that's the case, you really sacrificed *two* points for this move.

Yep, it was another $2 indeed.

I do often undervalue Sea Hag to my peril, it's true.  I can't seem to understand *why* it's as powerful as it seems to be.  I guess it's the combination of cursing *and* gimping their next hand, but...

I lost badly, of course.

Anything I should have done differently, or is this just "sometimes you get the bear..."?

Council Room Feedback / Doesn't councilroom have world records somewhere?
« on: January 08, 2012, 01:31:38 pm »
e.g. highest scoring game, most points in a turn, fewest turns in a naturally-concluding game, etc.?  I was just wondering after my friend had a 283-point turn.

Dominion Isotropic / Mountebank/Trader interaction
« on: October 13, 2011, 07:15:54 pm »
Just FYI in the off chance it's helpful....

The Trader implementation has, of course, the strange property that after you reveal it to take a silver instead of X, you can then reveal it *again* to take silver instead of the *silver*, etc.

The problem with that is just that it trains the player to click "Reveal", "Done"; just like we're trained to click "Moat", "Done" whenever we want to Moat something.

So I just got Mountebanked and I ended up accepting the copper when I could have gotten a silver instead. :-)

And in the game log, it doesn't explain which card the silver you got was gained in place of; it just says that you are about to get a curse and a copper, then it says that you got a silver "instead", but doesn't say instead of what.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Am I reading this board correctly?
« on: September 05, 2011, 01:04:49 pm »
chesskidnate, I'm the amateur here, but I suspect the "early" goons doesn't matter as much as really getting a rip-roaring goons engine cranking for several mega-turns before the game ends.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Am I reading this board correctly?
« on: September 05, 2011, 01:02:24 pm »
Wow. I'm just delighted to find that my inkling that this was a pretty interesting set seems to have been well-founded. Y'all are intense. :-)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Am I reading this board correctly?
« on: August 31, 2011, 02:33:22 pm »
This forum is awesome... thanks everyone, I'm just going to turn all this information over in my mind.

Just when I think I can't love Dominion any more than I already do...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Am I reading this board correctly?
« on: August 31, 2011, 01:04:02 pm »
Hmm. Maybe if I run Gardens and can barely get my deck to 30 I'd actually want the three-pile ending, since the Goons fans wouldn't have time to really start chaining them up. They probably would not be expecting that.

Dominion General Discussion / Am I reading this board correctly?
« on: August 31, 2011, 01:01:46 pm »
6 Goons
5 City
5 Outpost
5 Royal Seal
4 Bishop
4 Gardens
4 Ironworks
4 Moneylender
4 Smithy
2 Secret Chamber
(no Colony/Platinum)

My theory is that this should be a strong Gardens setup in a 2p or 5p game, but too risky in 4p. Here are my thoughts, and I'd love to know where you think I might be going wrong.

First, there's not a lot of trashability, and the Goons threat means there's less incentive to trash anyway. At the same time, the presence of Goons should prevent there being a quick Province ending.  So I think that the game should go on for many turns and decks grow quite large.  So Gardens should be worth a lot, and I believe there will be both a Gardens race and a Cities race.  The hope is that I could either win the Gardens race or tie it but win the Cities race. But to make Cities really powerful I need a few Smithies and I'd certainly want one or two Ironworks before the Gardens race gets rolling.

But there I just mentioned *four* 4-5 cost cards I'd need to hog somehow, so that's seeming difficult.

Then there's Goons. It's my only effective way to get +buys until the end and it's hard to resist the appeal of its coins, tokens AND attack.  So I think everyone will get some.  But then this makes Secret Chambers pretty effective (instead of discard worst two of 5, it's discard worst two of 7 then push SC and one other card to the deck, to be drawn by my City... not too harsh?) and if they all get bought up with those extra Goons buys then I'm dead with 29 cards in my deck.

(That's the problem with 4p that is not as bad in either 2p or 5p.)

I wouldn't bother with Moneylender or Royal Seal at all, and Outpost only if I run out of other cards I need (it is a way to net one extra card after all).

And as for money, I'd be taking free Copper and buying and Ironworksing a number of Silvers, and probably don't need any Gold.

On further reflection, I think this won't work. Someone who focuses on Goons instead and gets their share of Cities will profit from my depleting the Gardens deck by racking up mega-Goons-turns and raking in points WAY faster than I can, but I won't be able to shut them down on Provinces. But if everyone realizes this, then they won't run out the Gardens deck, and so how would I get super-duper-Cities?  Secret Chambers, I guess.

Well, just looking for some constructive feedback on my thought processes here.  It's stuff like this that really cements Dominion as my favorite game of all time!

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