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Poor House: (...) Conflicts with Trader

It doesn't. It conflicts only with big hands, that contain treasure and decks with a lack of actions. If you reveal less than three treasure cards, it is at least a terminal Silver. Not so bad for 1$.

General Discussion / Re: Dominion Cards that put songs in your mind
« on: July 29, 2012, 12:04:13 pm »
I go with Bone Thugs'n Harmony for the Crossroad.

I don't know the artist of this one but it goes something along the lines of:
All together now (together) all together now (together) all together nohow (together) in Nomad Camp (together)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Limericks!
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:46:04 am »
I'm not a native speaker, so no limericks from me. Just props for your work. I liked Ghost ship the most.

Other Games / Re: MTG
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:05:48 am »
I quit playing Magic, when I began playing Dominion. It's for some reasons that have already been mentioned here. Dominion is much cheaper, doesn´t take so much time (Metagameanalyzing, acquiring cards and stuff like that) and my wife loves Dominion and hates Magic.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Isotropic Moments of 2011
« on: December 13, 2011, 07:24:01 am »

Trash Platinum to draw more copper? Yes, I will. (turn 14)

I didn't play this game perfectly but my opponent admitted, he was impressed by the way I play coppersmiths.

Dominion Articles / Re: Combo: Apothecary/Stables
« on: November 30, 2011, 05:18:31 am »
I found stables to be quite useful with counting house.
You discard the copper to draw through your deck, then put it back into hand with the counting house. In the game yesterday I played against Mountebank and I used cellars to get through the deck and find my keycards.

Rules Questions / Re: Minion, Tunnel and Reactions
« on: November 20, 2011, 08:08:55 am »
Let's assume, that my opponent plays a Minion and makes me discard a Tunnel, which I reveal to gain a Gold.
In my newly drawn 4 cards I have a Watchtower and a Trader.

Here are the questions:

Can I reveal the Trader to gain a Silver instead?
Can I reveal the Watchtower to trash the Silver?
You can't use the Watchtower or Trader there. You finish resolving Tunnel before you draw your new hand, so for any reactions in your new hand, it's too late.

When you discard cards from your hand, you pick the order to discard them, which matters (albeit not very much) because the top card of your discard pile is revealed. However you discard them all, then check for reactions. So if you had to discard a reaction, you no longer have it in hand to trigger off of the discard. This only applies if multiple cards are discarded to the same uh effect. You discard them all at once. This is in line with the main rulebook's ruling that you don't have to show all of the cards to the other players when you discard to Cellar - just the one that ends up on top.

However if you play Hamlet and discard Tunnel for +1 Action, that would resolve before you decided whether or not to discard a card for +1 Buy.

I guess this means, that I can't react to the "Gain a Gold" Part, as I have no cards in hand, when it happens. Is that correct?

Rules Questions / Minion, Tunnel and Reactions
« on: November 19, 2011, 07:18:41 am »
Let's assume, that my opponent plays a Minion and makes me discard a Tunnel, which I reveal to gain a Gold.
In my newly drawn 4 cards I have a Watchtower and a Trader.

Here are the questions:

Can I reveal the Trader to gain a Silver instead?
Can I reveal the Watchtower to trash the Silver?

I know it makes no sense to do this. I just want to make sure that I understand the timing.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How to play seaside with cards
« on: September 17, 2011, 07:17:58 am »
I play duration cards by turning them 90 degrees when I first play them down.  At the start of the next turn, I turn them upright, and gain the benefits they provide.  At the end of any turn, I clean up all the cards that are not turned.  This doesn't have any technical benefit over the method given in the rules of having two rows of actions, but I find that I frequently don't have enough table space for two separate rows of action cards.
I do exactly the same, but I play them upside down.

Dominion Articles / Request: Transmute
« on: August 20, 2011, 10:17:16 am »
Is there a Transmute Strategy, that tries to three-pile Transmute, Duchies and, say, Estate or Great Hall?
Is there another Transmute Strategy?

Other Games / Re: 7 Wonders??
« on: August 16, 2011, 12:53:32 pm »
I like the game a lot, though I still dont get behind the strategy.

It's fun to play and in the end someone wins and nobody knows why. At least in my experience.

There are some articles about strategy at and you can play it online at

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Any Gossip About Fall 2011 Expansion?
« on: August 11, 2011, 07:32:46 am »
Drawing cards in the buy phase does not make any sense to me (or am I missing something apart from Black Market?).
In fact I could imaging cards that give you virtual money or +buys, when you buy them. But they would have to be really bad when you draw them.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: is bureaucrat underestimate?
« on: August 06, 2011, 11:14:15 am »
Sure, Bureaucrat is one of the weaker cards.

So what does it do?
1. The Attack: If it hits, your opponent has effectively only 4 cards in two consecutive turns. This might slow down his trashing. One less card also means a smaller chance to hit double Minion or to activate Conspirators.
2. The Gain-Silver-Ability: You use up your Action to gain a Silver. There are better ways to spend your one free action. However this means, that you don't have to buy that Silver. You can spend your money on something else.
Then it even puts the Silver on your draw pile. You can use it in your next turn. You don't have to wait until your next reshuffle.
Then it also spams your deck with useful, but somewhat mediocre cards (Silver). Sometimes this is good (Gardens, Dukes). Most of the time it isn't.

So I would say, that Bureaucrat is weak, but it's not as weak as people think.

Rules Questions / Re: Black Market with cards requiring Setup
« on: July 31, 2011, 10:38:34 am »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, the official rules say, that the black market deck consists of all cards that are not in the supply.

I like the way it is done on isotropic. Picking 25 cards and revealing them to all players is something you can also do with cardboard.

Should Black Market gain some sort of errata or at least some practical advice on how to put together the black market deck?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Thought exercise: nerfs and buffs
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:43:49 pm »
Crazy Adventurer idea for leaving it at $6: "If you reveal no treasure other than Copper, +$1."

This would make the first Adventurer strictly better than Gold. In the late game Adventurer is often very likely to create more than 3$, be it through trashing coppers or just spamming Silver, Gold and Platinum. It also cycles through curses and green which makes it a good card in gardens-, dukes- and vineyard-decks.

The fact, that it costs 6$ means, that you have to compare it with Gold. There is some skill involved in deciding which one is better

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Pearl Diver
« on: July 10, 2011, 04:05:42 pm »
Defending Pearl Diver:
1. There are cards like Outlook, that benefit from knowledge of the top card of your deck.
2. Moving a good card from the bottom to the top may prevent it from missing a reshuffle.

I haven't read the game log, but I stumbled here.
Buying Coppers with Goons is a great idea... in the endgame. 
This might be true in other kingdoms. In this case here I would refuse to buy coppers unless it is my very last turn.
Instead I would fill my deck with loads of Goons, Native Villages and some Wharves. Trying to get a hand where I can play 4-6 Goons in one turn and end the game on piles.

Game Reports / Re: Bureaucrat Success!
« on: June 19, 2011, 06:28:35 am »
Yeah, but what about a spamming strategy?
If you can trash, you build a small deck with good cards, that gets shuffled a lot.
If you can't trash, you build medium sized deck with filter cards like warehouse or cellar to cycle faster and to get past your crap.

But I was thinking about a strategy that doesnt care about deck size or shuffling. If the average quality of your deck is high enough, those aspects shouldn't be an issue. Even going green doesnt hurt such a deck as much.

It dont know if it's viable, but it could work.

Game Reports / Re: Bureaucrat Success!
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:06:11 am »
okay, I know that small decks are usually better.
But then I saw this game where one player spammed coppers with talismans and against mountebanks to return them to his hand with counting house (you remember?)
Are there possibly situations, where spamming is a viable option? Bureaucrat into Duchy-Rush comes to mind. What do you think?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Pirate Ship in 3+ player games.
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:00:04 am »
@donald x.
My heart made a little jump when I read your name. It's great to have you here.

Game Reports / Re: Mint Fail
« on: June 18, 2011, 09:55:37 am »
I once opened Mint/Chapel when I was new to the interface (misreading Mint for Mine). Not realizing what was going on I even kept trashing Estates and coppers with chapel until I drew less than 5 Cards.
Once I realized that this was not a Mine, but a Mint, I bought some Coppers, then Silvers and a Salvager to win the game.
I think Chapel/Mint is possibly not as bad as it seems.

If I'm playing with non-competitive people, I'll go for funky decks.  No need to unleash the fury of KC-Goons-Masq; why not take the opportunity to try out Counting House - Golem, or Coppersmith - Counting House, Duchy/Duke, Bureaucrat into Duchy rush, or any of a number of other hardly-feasible but wacky combos.

If anyone challenges your status, sure, by all means, lay down the fist of the heavens, but otherwise you can take the opportunity to learn some new decks while you're goofing around.

That's some good advice. Maybe then my wife will start playing with me again...

Dominion Articles / Re: Combo: Native Village & Bridge
« on: June 18, 2011, 07:10:27 am »
I like this combo a lot and played it a few times.
As this combo relies heavily on having a lot of bridges, it gets completely wrecked by swindler and saboteur. Could you simulate that geronimoo?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Duke Analysis?
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:47:08 am »
Duchies and Dukes clog up your deck. You definitely want something like bureaucrat, Ironworks or Workshop to gain some free silvers + some way to filter through your green cards like Warehous, Cellar, Adventurer, Farming Village...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Beginner Game Flow + Strategy
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:19:24 am »
I think the most important thing to learn is:
Coppers and Estates suck. Try your best to get rid of them. If you can't, find a way to filter through them.

Some Base game combos:
Chapel+3 Laboratories: Trash everything but 2 Golds and 1 Silver. Buy a Province each turn
Festivals+Library: Decrease your hand size with Festivals, then draw a lot of cards with Library. Add Cellar to find combopieces and filter through your non-combo-cards. Moneylender helps too.
3 Workshops+Gardens: Start with 2 Workshops, then add a third asap. Rush Gardens, then Estates, then Workshops.

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