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The victory "worth" needs a dividing line between it and the other two parts.

Stacking the attack in two-player games probably wouldn't be too bad, but in multiplayer it would get nasty quickly. More importantly, I don't see why this needs to be a treasure other than for the novelty factor. Why not just make it an action?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Quick sanity check:
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:44:29 am »

I'm not sure I understand the point of the card...

Enabling Trash for Benefit, much like Rats. The +Cards and slight cost reduction on expensive actions is there so that it does something on boards where that isn't a thing (it also comboes extremely well with Prince, but that's neither here nor there). No, it's not going to be worth buying every time, but that's intentional. Not every card has to be a Rebuild.

If that's your intent, then the card really needs to be changed. Except for corner-cases like Farmland, to TfB with a bonus you need a hand with
  • Obelisk
  • A Village
  • A TfB card
  • A cheap action to trash

This seems...unlikely to happen often. *If* that's primarily what you're after here, I'd change the top half of the card to either: be a cantrip rather than straight draw, to drop the need for a village; or let it trash things itself.

£4 Action - +1 Card/+1 Action. While this is in play, Action cards cost £4. This cost cannot be modified further.


£4 Action - When you play this, Action cards cost £4 for the rest of the turn. This cost cannot be modified further. You may trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing exactly the same.

I changed the cost-setting to an on-play effect for that case as I'm a little unsure on how the timing rules would affect the second part otherwise - would it be in play when an on-play trashing happens?

I'm not sure I like either, though. The first makes Potions irrelevant except for Vineyards, Philosopher's Stones, and Alchemists as every other Potion card would prefer an Obelisk. The second is just a more complicated version of "trash an action card, gain an action card" with some random-seeming side-effects. I'm not being mean here, but I suspect that Obelisk is going to end up in your "Failures and Mediocrities" thread at some point down the line.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Failures and Mediocrities
« on: August 15, 2015, 09:45:17 pm »

$3 Action
+$2. While this is in play, you may buy any number of cards from the Trash.
In games using this, when the first Province is gained, each player sets aside 10 cards that they own, trashes the rest, and discards the set-aside cards.

Rulebook clarification: cards you own include those you have in play, in hand, in your deck, in your discard pile, on any mats, and cards that you have set aside by other means such as Haven, Gear, or Save. Tokens are not cards, and remain where they are.

Ok, I get the idea of a one-off reset, and how it plays into buying cards from the Trash, but the execution here is weird and bug-filled. How about this:

$3 Action

+$2. Put an Action card from the Supply into the Trash. You may buy an additional card from the Trash this turn.
In games using this, when a player buys a card, he takes a Doom token. When a player has exactly 10 Doom tokens, he sets aside 10 cards that he owns, trashes the rest, and discards the set-aside cards.

This makes the reset come at more or less a preset time, while allowing for a little playing around to set up the deck for the right moment. I think the "Buying from the trash" needs to be limited in number to avoid the infinite scenarios you pointed out yourself, but the card needs to make buying from the trash worthwhile even outside of the reset-trashed cards, which are going to be the worst in the game. The number of Doom tokens before the reset can be tinkered with for balance, but it seems more workable.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Greed (beta)
« on: June 14, 2015, 04:24:01 pm »
Having tried out quite a few of these, most are pretty fun and change the game in interesting ways - especially Countess and Tanner. Historian is a great Library variant.

The only issue my group has run into is with War Flag. Specifically, the rare interaction between itself and Swindler (or Saboteur) when there are also duration cards around. Turning someone's Laboratory into a Duchy is already pretty nice; being able to trash a Hireling or Wharf on top of that when they gain the replacement card turns already player-annoying cards into table-flippers.

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