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Other Games / Re: board game suggestions?
« on: May 28, 2015, 08:52:30 pm »
Hopefully I can find multiple games of different types, for variety.   

But in particular something with strategy, specifically where there's not just one or two clearly superior strategies that, once all players have figured that out, there's no point in deviating from it, and the game just becomes luck once you know what everybody is going to do every play session. 

I suppose a game like that would have to have some way of randomizing the start conditions.  Either that or the game conditions change throughout the game randomly.  A bad example would be whether or not you draw an Ace from the deck because that's just luck; a better example would be if a die roll were to change what the red squares do for the next ten turns, so you can't pre-decide your entire strategy.<--just a hypothetical I made up for the sake of example

Other Games / Re: board game suggestions?
« on: May 28, 2015, 08:24:38 pm »
Well, I've got lots of resources now, so I'll get started looking!  Thanks again to everyone, including ConMan and jsh357 for suggesting video reviews and a way to try games out directly.

I don't know what this Treasure Hunt game is; BGG has several games by that name.  If you describe how it works, I could make suggestions based on that too.
Sorry, treasure hunt is actually called Lost Treasure.  It's the one with the scuba picture on the front and it uses an electronic keypad that let's you "search" for gold & silver on the game board.  I wouldn't give it a high score for strategy required but for an older game, they implemented the electronic element really well.  But really I was just trying to name games  that were markedly different from each other to help show my interests in general.

As for the Dungeon, game...I liked the stats based battles and the sense of exploration/adventure.  That probably doesn't narrow things down much. 

Other Games / Re: board game suggestions?
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:58:39 pm »
Are you open to forum based games with no board or cards?
Probably not.  I'm looking for something in the vein of a "games night" game, and not something that takes more than an evening to play.

Other Games / Re: board game suggestions?
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:55:44 pm »
I'm open to anything, including card based games with no board I guess

I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and suggest you check out a game called Dominion.
It's possible that he came in via the page (or one of the other sites), in which case it's quite possible he hasn't heard of Dominion. Although he would then have to scroll past the entire Dominion section of the forum to reach the "Other Board Games" area.
Actually, I simply googled "board games" and looked for a well-visited forum that seemed to be populated with serious gamers.  After about a dozen links I decided on this forum without even looking up what Dominion was...yes, I scrolled right past it to get to the forum that covers all games.  I figured you'd say if you thought Dominion might match my tastes.

Other Games / Re: board game suggestions?
« on: May 27, 2015, 07:51:08 pm »
Thanks all, those were the kind of replies I was looking for.  The problem is, so many games look good, but it's hard to tell without playing them, and I'm trying to avoid trial and error as much as possible. 

Other Games / board game suggestions?
« on: May 26, 2015, 10:34:32 pm »
Short of the occasional trivia game or the typical games you can find on the walmart shelf, I've sort of stopped playing board games as an adult.  But I'm looking to get back into it.  Unfortunately, I don't know much about board games or where is the best place to start looking, and there's so many choices. 

Is there a particular website or other forum that board gamers know is the best for listing the breadth of games out there, reviewing the games, and allowing me to learn how the game is played (so I can decide for myself)?  Maybe I could youtube some gameplay videos eventually, once I've narrowed the choices down a bit.

I'm open to anything, including card based games with no board I guess, but preferably 3+ players and I'm roughly thinking of something like the Dungeon! Fantasy Boardgame that I used to play as a kid and no longer own.  But maybe if I were to play that as an adult I wouldn't find it deep/strategic enough?   Is there anything like that but better?

Other games types I used to like that come to mind are Stratego, Treasure Hunt (though there's not much strategy to it, I liked the high concept), and Axis & Allies (for a while, until it became a bit rote because the best strategy is pretty much the same every time you play it).  But anyway, I'm mostly just looking to be pointed in the right direction.

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