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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Translations
« on: September 07, 2012, 09:05:52 pm »
Also, the German name of Loan is "Lohn", which doesn't mean Loan, but Wage. The publisher stated in the rulebook that they deliberately translated it that way because they thought it was more fitting.
Arg! I have to think about this every time I see Loan on the board. And who believes they did it on purpose? It's definitely the worst translation of a card name in German.

Ill-Gotten Gains: Blutzoll.
I like the term IGG so much. "Blutzoll" has a completly different meaning, the one you already pointed out. But to be honest, I have no idea how to translate it better. As far as i know, a term like ill-gotten gains does not exist in German.

Turns out it's a compound word (which, if you're not aware, happens a hell of a lot in German).
True. German is not a nice language. Very hard to learn, too. The best thing of our language is the possibility to build infinite long compound words.
If you like this, you should have a look on this word: Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarenbartbarbierbierbarbärbel.
The tranlation would be something like "Rhubarb Barbara(name) bar barbarian beard barber beer bar Bärbel(name)". :)

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Two new cards!
« on: August 16, 2012, 11:22:12 am »
I think, it's "Silvers".

EDIT: double-ninja'ed

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Best Designed Card
« on: June 25, 2012, 11:22:50 am »
+1 for Tactician.

And i want to mention Jack, as it is a really great designed defense card without being a reaction. Plus its name exactly describes its effect and the artwork is not bad.

Simulation / Re: Ranking BM+X terminals
« on: May 11, 2012, 08:10:10 pm »
Bureaucrat isn't intended to be a Big Money enabler. Rather, it's very good in an alternate VP rush like Silk Road, Gardens or Dukes. So it's neither underrated, nor overrated, it just needs the right context.
Point taken. I'll keep that in mind the next time I see someone playing Bureaucrat.

As for why we don't see BM-Courtyard more often, probably because the top-decking ability of Courtyard is temptation to go in a less strictly BM direction, since you can carry over extra actions to next turn.
I think you're right. But the data suggests, it would be better to overcome that temptation. (In decks where BM is the dominant strategy.)
On the other hand I'm almost sure I've more than one time bought a Smithy to go for a BM strategy and ignored the Courtyard in the same kingdom. I won't do that again. :D

We see masquerade played a lot with treasures since it nullifies a number of other strategies. In some kingdoms it might help a deck withstanding attacks. In other kingdoms it might disrupt a high quality deck. Jack-of-all-trades often changes a kingdom in the same way.
True. That's why i didn't mention Jack. Masq has this effect in some situations, too. So it was a bad example by me.

Simulation / Re: Ranking BM+X terminals
« on: May 11, 2012, 11:01:43 am »
This is great work. You should think about writing an article for the blog when everything is done.

For me there are two astonishing things on this list:
Courtyard: Of course it is known that Courtyard is a great BM+ card. But i didn't think it is better then Envoy or Masquerade. Why do we see BM+Envoy and BM+Masq so often and never BM+Courtyard?
Bureaucrat: It is known to be a bad card. Since I've been watching WW's Dominion videos I already thought it is underrated, because he buys it more often than I would do. But looking on this list it seems to be even overrated. It's comparable with Moat and worse than everything else.

I think it would be interesting to compare all strategies depending on the starting hands. I would expect $5 cards to be stronger on 5/2 split and $4 cards on 4/3 split. If you have 5/2 it may be better to pick a usually inferior $5 card to start with.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Ridiculous Dominion House Rules
« on: April 26, 2012, 06:43:35 pm »
Once i played with a friend who embargoed important cards. First i was confused. Then i realized he thought the embargo markers would be removed if someone buys a card from that pile and gains the corresponding number of curses.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: News on forthcoming expansions
« on: March 19, 2012, 05:52:19 am »
That's it! With your hint I found more of this leaked Province images.
Seems like there are different pictures on the cards:

I just don't know what this card is trying to tell us:


Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Card Sleeves for Dominion?
« on: March 19, 2012, 05:10:46 am »
The standard Mayday sleeves have worked just fine for me. Some of the sleeves on the cards do need to be replaced from time to time but it's alright.

I use this sleeves and I'm happy with it. Yes, they are quite thin and every time I play, I have to replace two or three. But the cards still fit into the standard Dominion boxes which matters if you don't have a personal storage solution.

A really nice idea to play Adventurer/FG. Never thought of that.
I mostly dislike Adventurer because for $6 I can buy Gold instead which is mostly better than Adventurer. But in a deck with enough FG's you don't want to buy Gold. So why not Adventurer with $6?

EDIT: Played some quick solo test games with FG/Adventurer without trashing. Conclusion is: If you have $6 and the choice to buy another FG or an Adventurer, take the FG. (Should have been clear from the comparison between Gold and Adventurer.)
It may be interesting if the FG's are gone. Or for the megaturn with Chapel and +buy of course.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dominion videos by me!
« on: January 31, 2012, 05:33:51 am »
Great combo. I thought this should work and tried it out once. I horribly failed, so i don't know if i would have played it a second time.
Watching your video i think the key is to buy the two Tacticians first and only as few Tunnels as possible, as you say.
With this information, I will definitely play this strategy again, the next time it is on a board.

Council Room Feedback / Re: New Councilroom feature: optimal card ratios
« on: January 24, 2012, 10:52:44 am »
Interesting feature. Thanks for that.

Compare this:
Village/Smithy - Fazit: Buy approx. 3 Smithies, don't buy Villages. (Which is well known to be correct.)
Village/Torturer - Fazit: Buy 2 or 3 Torturers, then alternate between Village and Torturer. (Which is imho a quite good rule of thumb.)

Nice list. Thanks. I mostly agree with it.
I'm curious about the next two parts of the list.

One thing to correct: Counting House is not Cornucopia but Prosperity

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Promo sales limitations!?
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:48:16 am »
I just saw some blank cards in the new online shop of our German publisher "Hans im Glück".
See here: Blankokarten -
I tested to put more than one into the shopping card, which was possible. Did not buy anything there yet, so i do not know if it really works.
The cards are quite cheap compared to the ones in the BGG store. 0.49 € are about $ 0.62. Of course the shipping costs to other countries are really high.

But this may be a useful general idea. You could also check for blank cards in other countries nearer to you. If they have comparable prices but lower shipping costs, it will be an interesting option. Language does not matter for blank cards. ;)

Of course that's true. My first thought was, it will not happen too often that players buy 5 and 4 Witches. So you can neglect this cases. Then "difference in gains" would be nearly the same as "gains".
But the most frequently case is one player buying one card and the other buying two. That will be counted as +1. I didn't think about that.
This means you are right and i made my conclusions too quickly.

That's true. You can easily see this here.
The first Witch or Mountebank increase your win rate by 0.2, the second only by 0.1. Additional cards even decrease it.
Familiars give you about 0.12 for the first and second and 0.03 for the third. More than three are worse.
Sea Hag and Young Witch are only interesting in single numbers (+0.9 for Sea Hag and +0.6 for YW).

Of course this statistics are based on all games, so a good player may play differently.
Nevertheless i consider this data to be a good basis for designing a strategy. It seems to be clear that buying two Witches or Mountebanks is a successful strategy while buying two Sea Hags is not.
I don't know why it works in the simulations. I have to think about that.

Another question concerning the simulation data is: Are we sure we always want two cursing attacks?
I can imagine some situations, where i would prefer to buy only one attack card. For example if the setup includes an important trasher. I can't play three cards in a thin deck and if it is thin, my only attack can be played often. For me this seems to be better than not to trash and buy two attacks.

Dominion Articles / Re: Dominion 101: The Village
« on: July 14, 2011, 04:59:32 pm »
Three base card combo: village, remodel and moat with village/remodel opening is still one of the strongest strategies in dominion.
Would be interesting to know, how this shall work.

This whole discussion fits perfectly to my experiences from some games i played in the last days. There it was possible to gain villages via ironworks etc on the way. This created a completely new situation. If you are able to concentrate your buys on the other cards and get the villages for free, some of this cases where they are normally unnecassary will change.
But i agree that usually one should think twice before buying a village.

Dominion FAQ / Re: Dominion Lingo Dictionary
« on: July 13, 2011, 02:52:36 pm »
Big Money: The strategy of buying nothing but Treasure and Victory cards.  Beats most beginners; loses to more advanced play.
Envoy-Big-Money/Smithy-Big-Money: Same as Big Money, except with a single Envoy or Smithy added.

I think standard strategies probably warrant their own thread, with more information about each.  What do you think?
I think, you should add them. This are often used terms and i wouldn't expect new players to understand them. Expecially because it is not clear for beginners that strategies like this are even possible.

As you are mentioning "Province Game" and "Colony Game" in your explanation of "Midgame", you should probably explain these terms, too. For a new player, who don't know Prosperity yet, they may be unclear. For example like this:
  • Province Game: A normal game in which the provinces are the most expensive victory cards. No Colonies (from the Prosperity expansion) are in the Supply.
  • Colony Game: A game in which the colonies (from the Prosperity expansion) are in the Supply. Provinces are only the second most expensive victory cards.
(May a native speaker correct this, if necessary. ;))

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