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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: The Dominion online 2017 thread
« on: January 02, 2017, 10:41:55 am »
As far as im aware ctrl+click or somehing similar works on macs, unfortunately theres no way for tablets yet

So I tried every modifier key plus click to no avail. Plus, whatever the approved way is should be documented somewhere.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: The Dominion online 2017 thread
« on: January 02, 2017, 10:39:39 am »
I waited all of 30 seconds to upgrade to the gold package. This is exciting!

Surprisingly to me, although my attempt to upgrade to Gold initially seemed to work, they failed when the online processor tried to hand off to the card company. I have to say, I have never seen anything like this trying to pay online with a credit card from the US before, but I hope this isn't a widespread issue. (Latest version of MacOS with up to date Chrome Browser with an Amazon cc handled by Chase.)

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: The Dominion online 2017 thread
« on: January 02, 2017, 10:34:54 am »
Is there anyway to read the descriptions of the cards in game while playing?


Ah, that works with a mouse. I don't suppose there is anyway with a tablet?

Or with a Mac...I did stumble onto a way to show card text by hovering over cards, but it didn't seem to work consistently.


Mine says it's going to arrive sometime from the 10th to the 15th

So what they say is true: Mine is just really slow.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Empires Previews #4: Landmarks
« on: May 12, 2016, 06:29:06 pm »
Tomb is a Rats buff.

And Rats are notoriously tough to buff. Fur gets in the way.

But now I'm sure more people will take a shine to those nasty little vermin, which probably makes their Creator smile.

Disclaimer: I really like Rats which is not, alas, exactly the same thing as being any good with the card.

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Teasers!
« on: May 09, 2016, 07:19:59 am »
Well I strongly suspect that most of the guests were Redditors since this was posted to /r/dominion. And then somebody made a highly upvoted post on the thread that was just a copy-paste of the DXV so you didn't have to click through to f.ds. Not sure what yo conclude there.

Adam and WW's cult followers, no doubt. This site is the real OG, and they are all heretics.

I'm actually none of those things, good or bad.  If someone accesses Reddit on a phone app (like I do most of the time), following a link to a forum which wasn't designed/optimized for mobile viewing can be slow and difficult to read.  I was just being considerate.  Also, I did quote what I copy-pasted so it was clear that it wasn't my content.  I guess I could have given it a heading like "from" or something.
And then people upvoted it because they like having someone save them effort!

We're pretty low energy in r/dominion. But mobile first is a thing...

Dominion: Empires Previews / Re: Teasers!
« on: May 07, 2016, 04:56:55 pm »
23 members and 39 guests are viewing this topic.

This Donald fellow must be a popular guy.

No kidding. And gaining respect like he's the creator of Dominion or something.

Well I strongly suspect that most of the guests were Redditors since this was posted to /r/dominion. And then somebody made a highly upvoted post on the thread that was just a copy-paste of the DXV so you didn't have to click through to f.ds. Not sure what yo conclude there.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Empires Announced!
« on: May 05, 2016, 11:40:11 pm »
Still, easily solved:

'Each other bastard discards down to 3 cards in that bastard's hand.'

Now you may get some pedants arguing that they aren't bastards so they don't have to discard.  But, really, if they do that, then they're bastards.

I'm not sure there's a valid correlation between pedantry and whether or not your parents were married when you were conceived.

Technically your parents could have been other people. And they probably were, you bastard.  :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion jokes/pick-up lines
« on: March 05, 2016, 07:35:29 pm »
Come on, baby. I will buy an Island for us and trash our old Hovel.

Yeah? What if I want more action than that?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Who's summoning who?
« on: December 10, 2015, 08:33:36 pm »

So I was like "yeah you like the picture of the lady summoning the butterfly? OR WAIT, MAYBE THE BUTTERFLY IS SUMMONING THE LADY

The lady is being summoned by an unseen Mage who is standing stage right (you can see the trail of magic coming into the frame from there) who was cropped out of the picture by a bug introduced into the card by Making Fun. Here, the bug appears to be a colorful moth.

My question is if MF Dominion fails, then what?
What have you got?

Fun fact: I only joined f.ds last January to raise pretty much exactly this question, but the hope then was that everything would be fixed by now. I have to say, then I was expecting the company to fail imminently, so that the rights could potentially be available at very modest cost, and since there was/is a working competing version of at least the underlying game engine that something anyway was possible. Not clear whether any of that is on the table now. It was also clear that there was some need for additional capital, but, again, not very clear how much. Today, same question.

Probably should be a new thread for this if it's worth having a thread at a all.

Had anyone ever bought Harvest?

I think I didn't, at least in the last couple of years.
So I am now having problems finding the game on 'salvager, but I did play a game against an actually strong player where Harvest really was the key thing since it was the only virtual money around and you could never run your engine if you actually had to lug around pretty much any money. I will post the log when I can get to it.

But yeah: it's pretty much a corner case card. Mandarin has many more use cases, which is really saying something.

Develop is criminally underrated. It should not be in the bottom quarter.

So I agree in principle...but in practice, I think almost everybody finds it a very difficult card. I have heard Mic Q stream where he confesses *he* doesn't think he plays the card very well. But if I had been forced to guess, you would have been exactly the person who would find Develop way under-rated, given what I have observed about your style of play (in addition to the quality of play).

No pressure, but anything in particular you can share here?  :)

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: July 26, 2015, 07:43:47 am »
I'm sorry that you were forced to switch to bureaucrat as your only possible comeback means.
Hey! I resemble that remark.  :)

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: July 26, 2015, 07:41:01 am »
Seriously, seriously, why would you choose not to resign here?  I would be gnawing through my cheeks in frustration.
So I have a tendency to hang on in goner situations, maybe to work on my card play or find out if my engine ever really did catch. But even I would be so lunging on the Resign button here:

1zzzzz   plays Alchemist
1zzzzz   draws Curse, Curse
1zzzzz   plays Alchemist
1zzzzz   shuffles deck
1zzzzz   draws Curse, Curse
1zzzzz   draws Alchemist, Estate, Bandit Camp, Copper, Torturer

Okay, so one of these days you do get to play a decent hand, maybe. But at what psychic cost.

I'm unable to start a game tonight...  Are MF updating, has the game crashed, or is there another problem?

I've also noted that the game has doubled in price since last week.
I noticed that as well. I may not buy the online version after all. I could spend that money and sleeve all my IRL cards in premium sleeves.
So if you do...I have to point out that I have been disappointed in the performance of the Mayday premium sleeves. They look tough, but have a significant split failure rate.

Concerning the price of the alleged online version: you know, I would pay that doubled price again (already own it once) if the thing actually worked. I mean, if you count only rated games I have played, these are down to $0.25 each, and, sure, I would totally pay that forever for a quality client. So I am guessing that many would only pay, oh, a nickel ($0.05 US) per game. But that would still cover the cost of all of the things, so far as I could tell. If they had a platform you could play on.

They released new installers for each update.  No clue if the game auto-updates now.  I wouldn't count on it?

Really?  /sigh

Okay; so it looks like the Mac version on offer is still dominion_v2-0-29.dmg, which is the one that sucked hard when I tried it on Friday evening. I tried the application just now, but it is unable to locate opponents for me, even when I specify bots. Is anybody actually able to play the beta now?

Next project: let a computer program make an Online Dominion implementation.

So that computer program would usually be called "a compiler". If the current beta did not involve the use of a compiler, well, that would explain a lot. :)

Yep, I'm getting lag too. Serious, every-move-is-taking-a-full-minute-and-my-computer-is-screaming lag. I'm pretty sure that it's a temporary glitch, because the login lockout was too, but still. Sigh.
Well, it had obviously better be temporary, or else their revenue stream goes to zero. But still: why can't I even play freaking SERF BOT in real time? That should not be touching the server, except for maybe chat, but chat is actually the one thing that works in real time.

I think it's pretty fast, actually. I mean, it's not even nearly as fast as Prismata, but it's faster than the 1.0 version.
Obviously, a bug that needs to be fixed, and likely one that was tickled by a bunch of new, weekend traffic ("Woot! New beta of Dominion out!!"), but still, it was just horrific.
That said, I can't even play Serf Bot without preposterous lag, at least tonight.

Honestly. I am pretty sure that the collected f.ds community has sufficient programming skills to stomp all over what I have seen so far even without using the Isotropic code base. I really do believe that.

I think it's pretty fast, actually. I mean, it's not even nearly as fast as Prismata, but it's faster than the 1.0 version.
So that might have been true at one point, but, tonight, when I tried to play actual human was a disaster. Everything took literally minutes to happen. I don't know why we did it, but I just played a ~75 minute game with Kenny Easwaran...for science...since we were trying to determine whether the excruciating lag was for all things or only some things. Honestly, it got so bad that we were berating each other for playing our Hamlets, since you have to react twice. Also, it was a Fool's Gold board...really painful.

Obviously, a bug that needs to be fixed, and likely one that was tickled by a bunch of new, weekend traffic ("Woot! New beta of Dominion out!!"), but still, it was just horrific.

so, revealing cards one by one, like with Sage, seems very, very slow. Esp compared to Goko.

Same thing with playing Fortune Teller. Slow cycling.
Also Golem is painful to watch cycle through cards, which I guess is consistent. And the weird thing is that other things play at the speed you would expect.

I assume the deck size bug is the the thing that gives you giant cards? Also, my screen resolution setting ended up so that I couldn't see my coin tokens, which is not what you're looking for in a Butcher game...

But...repeat after me...this is a Beta release, and there will be things to fix.

That said, I want to burn the "you can trash this card" fire with fire. And the whirly-wind stuff on cards you can gain...eeuw.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion's Tragic Flaw?
« on: June 10, 2015, 05:46:35 pm »
Does anyone else feel like the percentage of games that are decided by luck before the Turn 4 shuffle or the Turn 7 shuffle is just too high?  I feel like it's a little more than 50% of all games where the players are of reasonably equal skill, and this just seems like a flaw.
So far as I can tell, the single largest luck factor in a single game is just: who goes first? Last word on this that I remember suggested a P1 win rate of about .57 averaged over all games. Even if not quite that high now, it's high enough to be remarkable, and I believe all serious matches require equal number of first player starts.

What I find most interesting about Dominion is that, despite the obvious role that chance plays in shuffle luck *and* the relatively small absolute number of "controversial" or "non-book" decisions per game, good players end up with so much better results than poor players. As best as I can tell, a good part of this is because you end up "owning" some of your mistakes for the rest of the game. So, if I buy a card that really doesn't work well with my deck, once per shuffle I will either be playing a card that I wish were something different, or not playing that card and eating the opportunity cost.

I have a hunch that one "metric" that may well do a pretty good job of separating better from weaker players is the number of turns that a card *could* have been bought, but nothing was bought. Or the number of times a more expensive card could have been bought, but a cheaper card was bought instead. Not that this is an automatic strategy, but somebody who does this probably is really thinking about their deck, and if their thinking is any good at all, they are likely to be a pretty decent player.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cards you hate!
« on: June 07, 2015, 11:14:07 am »
Really? Without Silver, it would be a LOT harder to get up to $5 and $6 cards, and you'd need a lot of Gold to buy Provinces!

Okay, so in the spirit of making this a teachable moment...

Yes, an early Silver (or something that gives you $2) makes it rather easier to get $5 cards, but if you look through the game logs of top players or watch the streams, you will find that, surprisingly often, the Top 100 only buy the one, and they might even trash it or pass it later on after it's served its purpose.

And there are surprisingly many games when top players never buy (or even gain) one at all, and yet these are often games that are over in like 12 or 13 turns. Once you figure out how this works, your rating cannot help but go up a lot.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Scout is bad, not horrible?
« on: June 07, 2015, 12:44:57 am »
All that opponent does demonstrate that sweet Scout/Mystic move. Hell, he or she even gained Scout with University.

And now I retreat again in shame.

Maybe if those 3 Spies had also been Scouts...

Or those five Saboteurs (at one point; I snagged one with one of my Sabs). Honestly, this game was a nightmare.

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