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Messages - RAwaclus

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Unfortunately I can't sign up because everyone else is my smurf.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part III
« on: July 08, 2017, 02:16:39 pm »
Oh hey, anyone live in Louisville Kentucky?

Yeah, someone lives there. Quite a lot of people actually, around 760 000. Hope this helps!

The context is that someone from here would live in Louisville Kentucky.

Given that there are approximately 7,347,000,000 people in this world, 5,244 total members, and 760,000 people in Louisville, what is the statistical probability of a user from F.DS being located within this section of the world?

1 – {Product: i = 0 to 759999 of [(7347000000 – i – 5244) / (7347000000 – i)]}

I think. This is confusing me slightly.

But who is able to use the internet?  And who would have access to Dominion?

It's also worth noting that while there are 5244 users here, there aren't that many people. In fact, there are only Wandering Winder and sudgy.

Actually those are both my smurfs.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Legality of external tools?
« on: July 04, 2017, 03:35:41 am »
More minions.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: Civility Pledge
« on: May 14, 2017, 02:28:56 pm »
Another one of my smurfs.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part III
« on: August 12, 2016, 01:25:23 pm »
It bothers me that your avatar goes from yellow to white except for the R, which is yellow like the As.  I just can't.

Interesting. I've stared at it for a few iterations, and I don't see the white. I wonder if it's a browser thing.

In any case, there was not to be any white in it when I crafted it, so it's not at all intentional.

Of course, now I'm tempted to create one that cycles through six iterations and then on the seventh one have some really odd and quick glitch just so people can wonder if they saw that correctly.

do it.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: M55: Mafia Holiday! - 3 Spots Left!
« on: December 06, 2014, 08:00:07 pm »
I'm totally not IWB either.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Maintenance? MAINTENANCE!?!??!?
« on: November 03, 2014, 12:28:48 pm »

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