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Messages - Matt_Arnold

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Patron and "reveal"
« on: December 28, 2018, 11:38:52 am »

Dominion General Discussion / Coffers Poll Question
« on: November 02, 2018, 02:27:35 pm »
Ariel and Baz are A.I.s who play Dominion. For thousands of years they will play with different boards of cards, one board at a time. However, all boards will contain a 7-cost purchase, and Coffers. Ariel always saves every Coffer until they spend them on the 7. Baz always spends all Coffers. They will both buy the 7 as soon as possible. Which option is closest to how often Baz will be the first to get to 7?

The recent article about Coffers left me wondering one detail. If a player intends (whether right or wrong) to make a madcap sprint to buy a high-cost purchase as soon as possible, is saving all their Coffers usually getting them to that price-point slower, on most boards? The article makes it clear that immediately saving Coffers is usually losing the game vs spending them early to strengthen one's deck. But let's put a fine point on it: What about a much earlier race than the one for the overall game? For example, the race to be the first one to start using a Forge, Citadel, or Inheritance?

Hi there, folks! I ran a Dominion tournament at Penguicon for several years, which always had about 28 players. Last year, I skipped a year in order to focus on other work for the convention. Please let me know if you are interested in taking over for 2016. I can send you all of the materials. I will provide the convenient Dominion setup trays, which I make out of vacuum-formed sheet styrene.

Penguicon is a combination of an open source software conference and a science fiction convention, including all nerd interests such as board games, comedy music concerts, molecular gastronomy, science, and much more. It is attended by more than 1337 nerds, and has about 500 events packed into one weekend. Its thirteenth year will be held at the Westin in Southfield, Michigan, USA, from April 29 through May 1, 2016.

You would receive a discounted attendance badge for $25, but don't worry about the cost-- it's on me. As the head of the game track, I can also arrange prize support for you, and Penguicon's special adhesive ribbons for the badges of the contestants, reading "Colony", "Province", "Duchy", and "Estate". I need to set the cutoff for responses at the end of February. Thanks!

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Haunted Woods
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:16:18 pm »
Since there are now Duration-Attacks, I'm curious how to resolve the problem I experienced with a Duration-Attack fan card I designed for the "Online-Only Cards" thread.
Type: Action / Duration / Attack
Cost: $5
While this is in play, all cards cost $1 more.

For in-person play, the problem with this card is that it's too easy to not notice Durations in the areas of other players. If your mistake costed you a missed opportunity, it would be fine. Instead, your mistake advantages you, which is unacceptable. By the time you realize the mistake, no one remembers how to undo the error.
If your opponent discards his hand when he should have top-decked it, and you fail to point this out, should the players just go on and forget about it? This seems like the only way to consider the game state to continue to be legal.

...You saddle up your trusty steed, and head florst.
I just read this to someone over the phone, and she said, "I understand wanting to take your trusty steed, by why bring your Head Florist?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Solving The Big Money Problem
« on: August 17, 2014, 10:08:45 am »
does anyone here actually think the fact that we play BM from time to time is a problem, or why are we discussing this?
The OP does. But yeah, I'm with you.
...and so does every fifth newbie who refuses to play Dominion with me.

There comes a point of expertise, after which we tend to forget that it's possible for any human being to not have that expertise. This thread has been a classic example. We actually saw someone speak as if he expected me to correctly predict the output of a complex system-- as if it were obvious in advance.

Perception matters-- even incorrect perceptions. Not just what you find out after your three hundredth game.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Solving The Big Money Problem
« on: August 07, 2014, 03:24:55 pm »
Does that sound fun to you? What made you think this was a good idea?
Simple. Because I did not predict it would have that effect. I am not so interested in having a conversation about me and my qualities. I'm interested in alternative proposals that you can brainstorm, and I'll keep the conversation focused on the proposals. I appreciate your response, which was highly informative.

Variants and Fan Cards / Solving The Big Money Problem
« on: May 26, 2014, 07:57:05 pm »
I know that the Big Money strategy only predominated when our sets were limited to the cards in the original Dominion box. It's been less powerful since then. But ask yourself: Isn't it still too powerful? Look on Androminion, under "Statistics", and see what the win rate is for Earl, the AI who uses Big Money.

Please post Earl's win rate here. I'll go first. True confessions time: Earl wins 20% of games against me. One in five. I admit that even when I see a set which Big Money will win, I try to challenge myself to beat it. Yes, I could just try to use it and hope to beat Earl. But I would die a little inside.

The Patrick AI plays Big Money plus one card. His win rate against me is 16%. After playing Dominion multiple times per week for years, does this mean I'm a bad player?

Imagine if every game of Dominion started with each player holding twenty victory point chips. Each play of a Silver and Gold costs a victory point chip. A player who has no VP chips may only play a Silver or Gold by gaining a Curse, if there remain any.

What are your ideas for variants that disadvantage Big Money?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: My homemade alternative to Goko
« on: January 09, 2014, 10:20:16 pm »
Would you consider open-sourcing this? We could re-name all the cards, rename coins/actions/buys/etc, change some rules, and have a whole new deck-building game.
I don't know about the rest of you all, but I like Dominion.
That doesn't keep any of us from screwing around with it. Have you seen the fan variants subforum? And I've made three different re-themes all by myself.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: My homemade alternative to Goko
« on: January 09, 2014, 07:32:27 pm »
Would you consider open-sourcing this? We could re-name all the cards, rename coins/actions/buys/etc, change some rules, and have a whole new deck-building game.

Yes, there will be a second round. I've been busy, but also dragging my feet a bit. Compiling results in a spreadsheet is the most tedious part of these contests. Maybe Qvist can sympathize.  :D  I'll try to get the initial results and the next poll up soonish.
Let someone else help you with the tedious part.
Seriously, anyone who says "this is too big a job to do in a timely manner" is failing to delegate. Effective people delegate, delegate, delegate. Thank you for all you do, LastFootnote! You don't have to do it alone. Tons of volunteers would jump at the job.
I appreciate that, guys, but compiling the information to hand off to somebody is just as much work as compiling it to post here. Anyhow, new poll up momentarily. Alchemy and Guilds polls to follow later in the day (I have yet to compile those cards).
Here's how to do it.

1. Create a new f.ds account just for the contest.
    All posts to f.ds will be done from that, rather than from your own account.
    All submissions are made as instant messages to that account.
2. Create a blank Google Spreadsheet where all spreadsheet work will be done.
3. Give access to log in to the f.ds account and the Google spreadsheet to everyone who administrates the contest.

Yes, there will be a second round. I've been busy, but also dragging my feet a bit. Compiling results in a spreadsheet is the most tedious part of these contests. Maybe Qvist can sympathize.  :D  I'll try to get the initial results and the next poll up soonish.
Let someone else help you with the tedious part.
Seriously, anyone who says "this is too big a job to do in a timely manner" is failing to delegate. Effective people delegate, delegate, delegate. Thank you for all you do, LastFootnote! You don't have to do it alone. Tons of volunteers would jump at the job.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: December 12, 2013, 02:05:47 pm »
Nice, but I probably prefer the change to Scout where you add +1 VP (or possibly even +2) and make it an action-victory (I saw this somewhere here): then it has a nice self synergising feature.
That was mine; thanks. Personally even if it were just a Victory card that gives you 0 VP, like Overgrown Estate, or if the card just said "Victory cards or Scouts", I would still like this change.
$5 Action - Victory
Trash a Treasure card from your hand. Gain a Treasure card costing up to $3 more; put it into your hand.
Worth 1 VP (or possibly even 2)
Fixed that for you:
$5 Action - Victory
Victory cards or Scouts. Trash a Treasure card from your hand, or reveal a hand with no Treasure. Gain a Treasure card costing up to $3 more; put it into your hand.
Worth 0 VP (or possibly even 1 or 2)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Revised versions of published cards
« on: December 12, 2013, 01:27:11 pm »
Nice, but I probably prefer the change to Scout where you add +1 VP (or possibly even +2) and make it an action-victory (I saw this somewhere here): then it has a nice self synergising feature.
That was mine; thanks. Personally even if it were just a Victory card that gives you 0 VP, like Overgrown Estate, or if the card just said "Victory cards or Scouts", I would still like this change.

Long time after the deadline has past. Does anyone know what happened to LastFootNote ?
He's probably just busy. It seemed to me like this contest was overwhelming him.
Perhaps it would be valuable to make a new account specifically for the contest, and get a collaborator so that two different people can see the private messages and put them out there.

Simulation / Re: Dominion Fan Card Simulator - Still in progress
« on: October 13, 2013, 12:16:12 pm »
You're amazing. Granted, I love Python, and WarFreak2 is right, but I have to admit InForm 7 has a place in my heart. May I have your source code?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Solving the Good Curse Card problem?
« on: September 18, 2013, 12:21:28 pm »
It is possible to meet the challenge of inventing a self-cursing card that works-- at least in a way that satisfies the spirit if not the letter of the challenge. Just give VP chips to all other players. Effectively, this is equivalent to reducing one's own score.
Self-Cursing Equivalent
Type: Action
Cost: $2
Choose two:
+2 Cards.
+2 Actions.
Trash a victory card or lose a VP chip. If you do, +$3.
When you gain this, each other player gains 2 VP chips.
... or what have you.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Online-Only Cards
« on: July 05, 2013, 08:02:30 pm »
Type: Action / Duration / Attack
Cost: $5
While this is in play, all cards cost $1 more.

For in-person play, the problem with this card is that it's too easy to not notice Durations in the areas of other players. If your mistake costed you a missed opportunity, it would be fine. Instead, your mistake advantages you, which is unacceptable. By the time you realize the mistake, no one remembers how to undo the error.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Polymath
« on: June 23, 2013, 07:10:49 pm »
How about this?

Type: Action - Victory - Looter
Play the Ruin on top of the Ruins pile. Trash it. +1 Card.
Worth 1 VP if the Ruins pile is empty.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What would make Scout better?
« on: June 21, 2013, 01:05:06 pm »
I like it, but what if you're thinking too small? The way to buff Transmute is not to give it an on-gain +1 Buy, but to eliminate Herbalist and fuse it with Potion.

Elixir. Cost: $4. Type: Treasure.
"Choose one: Put this or any Treasure from your hand on top of your deck. Or: +1 Potion, +1 Buy.
Setup: Use this supply in place of Potion."

No more mana screw. Now all of Alchemy is fixed, not just Transmute. You're welcome. ;)

Suddenly, Alchemist stacks are permanent (Minion aside).
Oh, it's worse than that, my friend. The name of this card is "Elixir".

The new point of Alchemist, if you have Elixirs, is to be a Lab that brings Elixir into the game so you can "Scheme" your Golds.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What would make Scout better?
« on: June 21, 2013, 12:29:28 pm »
I like it, but what if you're thinking too small? The way to buff Transmute is not to give it an on-gain +1 Buy, but to eliminate Herbalist and fuse it with Potion.

Elixir. Cost: $4. Type: Treasure.
"Choose one: Put this or any Treasure from your hand on top of your deck. Or: +1 Potion, +1 Buy.
Setup: Use this supply in place of Potion."

No more mana screw. Now all of Alchemy is fixed, not just Transmute. You're welcome. ;)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: My Stupider Project: Dominicon
« on: May 26, 2013, 12:25:57 pm »
I would love for there to be a card instruction language, for designing fan cards that would play in an online implementation of a deck-building game.

(A knock-off, of course. It should have none of the cards from Dominion, so that it would not infringe copyright.)

Variants and Fan Cards / House Rule: All Ruins Do The Same Thing
« on: April 30, 2013, 05:50:49 pm »
Ruined Market, Ruined Library, Ruined Village, Abandoned Mine, Survivors
Type: Action, Ruins
Cost: $0
You may trash another Ruin from your hand.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Box Image and Description
« on: April 29, 2013, 10:15:18 am »
The mechanic "when you gain this, for each coin you over-spend, do x effect"
I don't think this had been confirmed before just now to be how the mechanic works. Unless I missed previous clarification.
Well, I didn't playtest them all. Just some. For all I know, the set might also include cards that match the other hypotheses described in this thread. Who can say? Also, for all I know, the cards I saw were changed to a different form of functionality after I saw them. It was years and years ago.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Box Image and Description
« on: April 24, 2013, 11:24:07 am »
I am so relieved. When the cards I play-tested were not in Hinterlands (where they seemed to belong), I worried they had been rejected and we would never see them. The mechanic "when you gain this, for each coin you over-spend, do x effect" is a lot of fun. It's great to finally be able to talk about it. Until the actual cards are published, that's all I can actually say, but still.

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