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Messages - urob

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Dominion League / Re: Standings & Results
« on: September 28, 2014, 03:55:55 pm »
D4: Matildha - urob: 1-5

Help! / Re: Is not buying black market a mistake here?
« on: August 21, 2014, 04:36:59 pm »
The thing about double BM is that even if they collide you can still probably afford a WV, which you want a lot of anyways.

Ok, I see. So that plus the upshot of them not colliding is pretty good.

Help! / Re: Is not buying black market a mistake here?
« on: August 21, 2014, 04:27:44 pm »
Thank you all for your feedback! I agree with the trashing cards and also that adding a second market in turn 3 or 4 might be worthwhile.

About opening double black market (really a subtle point compared to my initial question):

It's okay to reveal Witch and not be able to afford it, at least your opponent didn't see it. You'd rather be taking more shots at the Black Market than your opponent, even if it means some collisions.

Having more shots than my opponent seems to be a valid argument only if we cycled at least once through the whole black market deck, since otherwise the probability of him seeing a power card remains unchanged by the fact that I had seen the deck two instead of one time. So adding a 2nd market in the first two turns as opposed to turn 3/4 seems really only worth it, if that maxes the chance of me actually buying a good card. Since 3 out of 4 of the available trashers (trading post, count, mint) cost $5, I still think that silver/black market might be better than double market.

Help! / Re: Is not buying black market a mistake here?
« on: August 21, 2014, 04:02:35 pm »
Ok, I think I see why black market is a good idea, and probably even better than Monument. But is opening double black market really the best way to maximize getting those good cards? My ranking over having one of those cards in turn 3/4 is something like witch > marauder > jester, rabble, scheme > etc. Three of those cards are $5, so having two black markets increases the chances of seeing them, but on the other hand decreases the chances of actually buying them given that it is impossible if they collide. Is perhaps even silver/black market, and then adding a second black market + monument after a working village good here?

Help! / Is not buying black market a mistake here?
« on: August 21, 2014, 03:44:02 pm »
I just got beaten pretty badly by black market. Here is the kingdom:

Code: [Select]
Beggar, Pawn, Black Market, Philosopher's Stone, Advisor, Monument, Worker's Village, Saboteur, Nobles, Expand
And here is the log:

I didn't go for black market and my opponent did. From what I thought I was pretty unlucky, since his first two plays gave him a Marauder (turn 3) and a witch (turn 7). I don't remember completely what was in the black market deck, but before the game I thought these were the only two key cards in it.

Given that there was no trashing (other than expand), was it a mistake not to go for black market here?

To me a big money-ish Nobles/Working Village Engine seemed best here, which is why I opened Monument/Silver, going primary for Nobles. I didn't think that Black market instead of Monument was worth the point loss, and opening both seemed to be bad in light that I really wanted to get to 6.

Now that I was beaten by my opponent buying black market, I wonder if that was the right choice. Thinking about it, I actually tend to think yes, since the only real cost of black market over silver was the chance of collusion here. The upside on the other hand was the chance of getting a witch, which is pretty big here. Any thoughts?

Dominion League / Re: Season 3 Signups
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:26:56 pm »
time: UTC -2 (central european summer time)

Shouldn't that be UTC+2 ?

Yep, that's right. Thanks for catching this! I'll edit it right away

Dominion League / Re: Season 3 Signups
« on: August 10, 2014, 05:44:45 pm »
Hi, I'd like to join, too:

goko: urob
time: UTC +2 (central european summer time)
preferred level: D

In case it matters, I have all the extensions and all promo but walled village

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