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Messages - Elyv

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Help! / Re: I dont get why I keep losing to this stuff
« on: January 20, 2012, 03:08:33 am »
In addition to what jonts26 said, I think Salvager should be great on this board since you can salvage cheaper stuff to help you get fast grand markets, and later on you can salvage peddlers for a ton of money. Also it provides a tiny bit of deckthinning, which is always nice in cantrip-based decks like his.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: (New?) Turn 3 Province!
« on: January 17, 2012, 11:06:34 am »
Unless you open Platinum/Platinum

Wow. Was that a giant bug or was there some otehr shenanigans going on?

We start talking about it most of the way down the first page; basically he was cheating.

Help! / Re: Crushed!
« on: January 16, 2012, 07:11:58 pm »
I'm not really a huge fan of the mass council rooms, especially since the only ways to gain actions are your one university, and the only way to break even is apprentice/golem into apprentice. I get the synergy with possession, but that's a lot of moving parts that you don't really have a good way of putting together.
Did not see that Possession-synergy, but I think that it cuts both ways. If they possess you they can boost their own next hand with the Council Rooms. I think you're better off making your deck less appealing to Possession strategies.
Well, if you expect to be able to play a possession every turn, that could actually be bad for your opponent. They play, say, 2 council rooms on your turn, go up to 7 cards, then you play one and a possession and you suddenly get to possess an 8 card hand.

It seems like a pretty fragile synergy though, and I don't think decks on this board can consistently play possession without university/apprentice, so I don't think it's worth it here.

Help! / Re: Crushed!
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:22:01 pm »
I'm not really a huge fan of the mass council rooms, especially since the only ways to gain actions are your one university, and the only way to break even is apprentice/golem into apprentice. I get the synergy with possession, but that's a lot of moving parts that you don't really have a good way of putting together.

I think I would probably go for a university/apprentice draw engine(bad as that seems against possession), using the extra actions from university to play a couple of possessions/Goons/potentially margrave or golem(if you can find the potions for this in between buying universities and possessions). Not confident that's right, though.

Help! / Re: Was I a victim of BM?
« on: January 15, 2012, 12:52:06 am »
Governor can make games go really fast; if both players go for a governor-based deck, there probably won't be time for messing around with grand markets or scrying pools, since the game can easily be over by turn 12.

Also yeah, opening with TR is going to be very rarely correct.

Silk Road seems way too low. Also as a quick note, in my experience you don't have to rush them if there's another green kingdom card.

Edit: Silk Road is at 28 and Gardens is at least 16? Seems hard to believe that's the right ranking to me.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Perfect shuffling?
« on: January 11, 2012, 03:58:12 pm »
I imagine some variant of KC/Goons/Masquerade is dominant on a lot of boards as well.

Help! / Re: Fool's Gold/Remake or Remodel
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:52:48 pm »
So normally I hate remodel, but being able to remodel estates or coppers into FGs instead of remaking them into nothing or silvers seems better for remodel.

Were there any 3 or 4 costing cards(other than remodel/remake) worth noting?

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Crazy Openings
« on: January 09, 2012, 06:42:28 pm »
If you're just blatently cheating, why don't you just buy colonies from the get go? I can't think of a strategy that would beat someone buying a colony every turn starting turn one.

I'm pretty sure Puzzle 1 would beat it.
Well, that requires perfect shuffle luck.

Watchtower basically does a bunch of things reasonably well. It's one of the best defenses against anything but deck inspection attacks(and all of those suck anyway except swindler, which watchtower is still okay against), you can build a reasonable engine around it, and every now and then it does a royal seal impression. I really like watchtower, it's one of my favorite cards; I probably would've liked it a little higher on the list, even.

Dominion Articles / Re: Updating the Top 5 lists
« on: January 06, 2012, 05:36:25 pm »
A good heuristic I think is to ask yourself "if card X had a one-way embargo on it that only affected me and not my opponent, how much would I rage?". Rank them in order of decreasing rage.

Right, but the interesting thing is how this effect differs card to card. I almost always buy a tactician if it's available, and two any time double-tactician is plausible (and often when it isn't!). But I think even in a six-player game it would be rare to see the Tactician pile emptied. Minion I also buy frequently, but a single Tactician is way better. But if you don't buy any and let your opponent get ten, that's just asking to lose. So how do we compare the cards?  Does the embargo heuristic work? Because a single curse wouldn't stop me from buying a Tactician, but it sure would stop a minion strategy in its tracks. So based on "relative rage" Minion seems stronger, when I think the opposite is true.
I think you should not be so objective while raging comparing how much it actually harms you, just rage about how unfair it is that there is a card you really want to buy where you have to gain a Curse and your opponent does not.
If there is a one-way embargo on the chapel, I'm probably not going to be more than somewhat annoyed; I doubt it's much more harmful than drawing the chapel on turn 5. I think tlloyd is right, the one-way embargo doesn't work well for things that you don't want many of.

Game Reports / Re: Victory by Develop?!?
« on: January 06, 2012, 02:48:46 pm »
I've been crushed a couple of times by an early workshop on a board with multiple engine components costing 4 or less. It's something that I've been meaning to do more, but I keep forgetting when it does actually come up.

I've also seen Workshop only for grabbing caravans, not sure if that's good though.

One time I had to open I had to open Remake/ because there were no 2s or 5s I wanted to open with on the table.

I did not win that game.

Edit: Apparently that happened twice, actually.

Rules Questions / Re: rules for Shanty town
« on: January 03, 2012, 08:51:29 pm »
Hello, I'm very confused about how Shanty town works.

Let's say I have four Coppers and a Shanty town. I play Shanty town and, as I have no action cards, I draw two cards. 1) Can I play them if they are action cards?
Yes, Shanty Town always gives +2 actions.

Let's say I have two Coppers, a Shanty town and two action cards. I play Shanty town and it allows me to play the other two action cards and I play them. 2) Do I draw two cards afterwards?
No, since Shanty Town only draws you cards if you have no actions when you play it. Having none later in the turn is irrelevant.

Let's say I have three Coppers, a Shanty town and an action card. I play Shanty town and it allows me to play the other action card. I play it. 3) Do I draw two cards afterwards? 4) Can I play another action card if the cards I draw are action cards?
No and Yes, for the reasons stated above.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Feature Request: Timer
« on: January 03, 2012, 06:09:10 pm »
Just tab out while he's taking his turn, the game will ping you when you need to do something. I do that quite a bit, sometimes even if the other guy isn't doing a megaturn.

You can't King's Court an Embargo...  just saying.
You can. Just like Feast.

I see.  I re-read the rules for Base and Intrigue.  Somehow this doesn't seem entirely consistent with other mechanics in the game...
It's because Feast and Embargo don't say "if you do", the way a card like trading post or mining village does. If feast said "Trash this, if you do gain a card that cost 5 or less", it wouldn't work with KC.

Pearl Diver also gets marginally better with lookout. In general, though, I see Pearl Diver as a card to grab with $2 if you have no terminal card draw, or with $3 if you have no terminal card draw and don't want silver in your deck and there isn't any other cheap, spammable card. I don't think it ever really shines, though.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Mulligans in Dominion?
« on: December 28, 2011, 11:35:15 am »
That's a rather shallow way of thinking about mulligans because the only similarity to Minion is in its discard effect. The strength of Minion lies in its ability to both generate money and cycle, letting you get to the other minions for more money. A mulligan won't generate money and will cycle much less than minions will.

Another strength of the Minion is that you can play nonterminals before discarding your hand. If you draw four Festivals and a Minion, you can get $8 off the bat before "mulliganing" and getting four new cards. If you draw a hand of four Festivals and choose to mulligan (for some strange reason), you get four new cards and no additional money. So, yeah, comparing the mulligan concept with the Minion card doesn't really work.

I remember mulligans in my Magic days, but there was no diminishing returns. If the first hand had no source of mana (the equivalent of treasure in Dominion), then you could reshuffle and draw a new opening hand. There were no further mulligans. If you couldn't get land in the second attempt, then your deck just sucks. *grin*  Granted, that was more than a decade ago, so things may have changed now.
The mulligan rules changed quite a while ago. Now you can mulligan any number of times for whatever reason you want, but each time you draw one less card than you did the previous time.

Dominion Articles / Re: Combo: King's Court/Scheme
« on: December 24, 2011, 06:19:17 am »
There's the hilarious King's Court - Scheme - Posession - Chapel mirror match, where both players trash all their money because each player plays more with their opponent's deck their own, and the game ends in a stalemate with both players refusing to buy cards.
This must be why theory never plays prosperity games. lol.
I don't get it. theory DOES play prosperity games....
Presumably, by prosperity he meant Alchemy.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Isotropic Moments of 2011
« on: December 24, 2011, 04:14:07 am »
That was pretty embarassing, yeah. In my (very weak) defense, it was the first time I'd ever tried to set up the pin, but I still felt like a complete idiot.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Province / Colony Games
« on: December 23, 2011, 04:29:58 pm »
I think NinjaBus getting a bunch of Worker's Villages was actually really clever; it means all he needs to do to get a province is forge two 4s.

Also as greatexpectations mentioned, NinjaBus is good, so losing to him is not a convincing argument.

Dominion Articles / Re: Updating the Top 5 lists
« on: December 22, 2011, 08:49:07 pm »
Watchtower is ridiculously low on that list, imo. Warehouse too, probably. Masquerade is insane, of course, and way too low.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Crazy Openings
« on: December 22, 2011, 04:53:57 pm »
A list of things against the rules in that log:

Code: [Select]
--- bdhcompany's turn 1 ---
bdhcompany plays 3 Coppers.
bdhcompany buys a Platinum.

--- bdhcompany's turn 2 ---
bdhcompany plays 4 Coppers.
bdhcompany buys a Platinum.

--- bdhcompany's turn 4 ---
bdhcompany plays 4 Coppers.
bdhcompany buys a Platinum.

--- bdhcompany's turn 5 ---
bdhcompany plays 3 Coppers and a Platinum.
bdhcompany buys a Platinum.

--- bdhcompany's turn 7 ---
bdhcompany plays 2 Coppers, a Platinum, and a Gold.
bdhcompany buys a Colony.

--- bdhcompany's turn 10 ---
bdhcompany plays a Copper and a Platinum.
bdhcompany buys a Colony.

--- bdhcompany's turn 12 ---
bdhcompany plays 4 Coppers and a Platinum.
bdhcompany buys a Colony.

--- bdhcompany's turn 18 ---
bdhcompany plays 2 Coppers, a Platinum, and a Gold.
bdhcompany buys a Colony.

--- bdhcompany's turn 19 ---
bdhcompany plays 2 Platinums.
bdhcompany buys a Colony.

Not that anything else actually makes sense either.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Crazy Openings
« on: December 22, 2011, 04:00:01 pm »
How does a game where someone opens platinum/platinum, even assuming they don't cheat the rest of the game, last 36 turns?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Woodcutter vs Nomad Camp
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:00:48 pm »
When you're building some sort of complicated combo deck and need a buy, but don't want it in your starting hand on the next turn.

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