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Messages - dahve3d

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Game Reports / Re: Transmute/Duke beats Governor
« on: January 13, 2014, 03:06:55 pm »
Great game, very innovative - those interactions with transmute/market square/stonemason are really nice and definitely help out the duke strategy a lot here, I think it seems pretty solid especially since there's not much in the way of trashing or engine cards on this board, so a province strategy is obviously gonna have a tough time sticking it out to the end against you in a long game. Seem like Governor/MS is just about the only other option what with the remodeling golds for provinces down the stretch, but I bet it's pretty close on average.

Help! / FG non-mirror, no trashing
« on: January 11, 2014, 05:59:01 pm »

A pretty interesting board in this game, no trashing to speak of, so I go hard for the Fool's Gold + Stables strategy since it seemed like the most reliable way to get to 8 in a game slowed down by the initial junk... he goes stables as well and I end up winning the split 6-4, I take the greening lead early but then he is able to catch up with some big possessions and overtake me at the end.

1) Is going for procession/fortress worth it in this kind of game where there are clearly critical 5s you want to be stacking up on but it's going to be hard to consistently get them together due to the lack of trashing? I'm leaning toward yes on this board but would be interested in seeing what others think.

2) Is it worth getting possession here? Seems like a pretty big investment when decks aren't going to be that consistent and has the potential to help him as much as you if you happen to hit his bad draws.

3) Do you play this differently if it's a FG mirror as opposed to going for FG alone vs. an opponent who is ignoring them?

Thoughts on the above as well as any other comments always welcome, thanks!

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko....working?
« on: January 08, 2014, 04:32:34 pm »
(like right now.  I bought the final province and the game wont conclude)
Same thing is happening to me as well with the lag especially at end of games, waiting on the game to finish right now after buying out the 3rd pile and its dead frozen...

Game Reports / Re: Goons + all the trappings
« on: January 04, 2014, 05:17:50 pm »
Yeah remake peddler to platinum is pretty fun I wish I had gotten a chance to do it, he got 2 in this game I believe... and point well taken about opening workshop and getting more menageries quickly I remember wishing I had bought more of them early during the game, thanks.

Game Reports / Goons + all the trappings
« on: January 03, 2014, 01:01:18 am »

Supply cards: Loan, Menagerie, Trade Route, Workshop, Herald, Remake, Journeyman, Fairgrounds, Goons, Peddler, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Colony, Platinum

Drew a great board for goons in this game, managed to trash down a bit quicker than my opponent at the beginning with remake and build the goons engine with herald and menagerie... we both start to take off close to the end and are playing chicken with the heralds + peddlers gone and the goons running low... herald + remake makes for some interesting surprises in the endgame but ends up helping me out a fair bit to pick up a 4th goons and play it the same turn to tie the game after he goes off to take a big lead with just 1 goons left... from some tremendous stroke of good luck he draws dead and can't both take the lead and end it, so i go off again next turn for the win. i definitely find these to be some of the hardest endgames to negotiate because of the need to plan ahead for the last-mover advantage... any thoughts would be welcome

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