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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Replacement for starting coppers
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:43:53 pm »
This is difficult to parse. It it supposed to be "Set this aside..." if played as an action* and "Worth..." if played as a treasure*?

*Which are not real concepts in the rules, see Crown.

I think a better wording would be something like:

Code: [Select]
If it's your Action phase, set this aside on your Bronze mat. If it's your Buy phase, worth $1 per Bronze on your Bronze mat.
In games using this, when you buy a victory card, trash a card from your Bronze mat.
Setup: Put a Bronze on every player's Bronze mat

In terms of balance, this seems off the chain. Your money increases quadratically; you'll probably end up with 3 Bronzes worth $5 each around turn 5, which is the equivalent of trading all 7 starting copper for 3 platinum. I think you can get $16 on turn 2 (with 2+necropolis/5 opening), which is pretty nuts.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Black Market?
« on: September 11, 2016, 10:31:51 am »
I like the way Donald does the Black Market deck; he just picks an entire expansion and puts 1 of each card from it in the deck.

It lets players know what is in the deck without reading through it card-by-card, makes the deck a reasonable size, and is fairly straight-forward for setup and takedown (not applicable to digital gaming, but still).

Even if it isn't the default option, it would be nice to have that as an option when using Black Market.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: empires: sacrifice
« on: August 10, 2016, 06:52:25 am »
Estates-inherited as foretress and sacrifice together seems like a funny and good idea.

Doesnt the estate forget that it is a fortress when it visits the trash?

I was under the impression that the effect is on trash, not on visiting the trash. But now I am doubting.

From the Wiki:
If an Estate comes into your possession via a means not explicitly described in the Official FAQ, such as being put in your hand after being trashed as a Fortress, it is still "yours", and still has its Inherited properties.

It sounds like it would work.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: empires: forum
« on: August 05, 2016, 09:42:26 am »
Forum is surprisingly good. Sure it costs $5, but it almost guarantees you'll hit at least $5 every time you play it, and cycles and filters your deck at the same time, so the opportunity cost isn't as huge as it seems. On a board without trashing, you'll definitely want some of these.

Solo Challenges / Re: Gain Provinces as many as possible
« on: July 24, 2016, 08:50:56 pm »
If you just want sheer quantity of actions, use the Ruins pile, as it would have 30 in it. It can also give you an extra buy from Ruined Market.

Solo Challenges / Re: Gain Provinces as many as possible
« on: July 24, 2016, 01:00:40 pm »
Do you start with a normal deck?

If so, you have at best 1 copper and a necropolis to kick things off. Which pretty much means Poor House and/or a debt Card (Engineer probably) to gain you something else. How many cards can get you more than they cost with a single play?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Thematic Kingdom Design Contest
« on: May 27, 2016, 02:42:23 pm »
something from adventures? can't think of a last meme

Why not Chapel for "Every turn I'm Shufflin'"

You could also do something similar to City; i.e. if there are at least 2 coins on the Trade Route Mat, +1 card, if there are at least 3, +1 buy and +1 coin.

Overall: why does almost every single event card here have +buy and extra tokens? Is that just what people want out of events?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Today I Learned...
« on: March 23, 2016, 04:06:02 pm »
I'm pretty sure that Develop doesn't topdeck the gained card(s) in Androminion. This is clearly a common misconception.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Adventures Events: Save
« on: March 18, 2016, 11:49:57 am »
So how does this affect openings?

Turn 3/4 into 1/5, or 2/5 into 0/6. Maybe turn 5/2 into 3/3, if you really, really want double ambassador. I don't think there is any value of doing it on a 4/3 opener, as 2/4 seems strictly worse.

Open Silver/Silver and save an Estate to all but guarantee some $5 hands in the next shufffle.

What other ways can you change your opening with Save?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Paintings
« on: March 06, 2016, 09:39:04 am »
Here are some images to make this thread prettier.

Couldn't find just the art of Messenger.

Just knowing that you are the Scout guy, I don't see how I could vote for anything other than Scout.

Gamma - $5
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more. If it is an,
action card, +2 actions
treasure card, +$2
victory card, +2 cards

Ironworks/Remodel hybrid.

You can also use a more conditional variation: "Whenever you gain a card during an opponent's turn" or such.

I feel like Trade is way better than Trading Post.

Not having to add the (event) card into your deck is a pretty big advantage, even if it doesn't reduce the net size of your deck. You typically do not get that many truly effective uses out of Trading Post anyway, so the fact that you have to pay every time you use it isn't that harmful.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Gain-to-Coin Reaction
« on: November 16, 2015, 09:46:09 pm »
I like it, but I think it has some unintended consequences.

With enough coin to buy 1 copy, and enough buys to buy out a pile, you can insta-pile anything (except potion costs). Buy something, trash it to this, then buy the next one. It will make for an unexpectedly quick empty province pile.

You probably need some errata about coins on other player's turns, just in case Embassy or Messenger is on the board (or even Ambassador).

The rats combo is crazy good, and it makes cards like University, Altar, and Ironworks extremely good, and Jack of All Trades even better. It also works very well with Remodel and its ilk, turning it into pure trashing plus bonus coin.

I like the concept, but I think this is a little too powerful. That being said, playtesting will usually give you the best answers.

I misread the question, ended up voting $50 instead of $5.

I think the price should be fairly low, as most people want all of the sets for the "true" dominion experience. With 7 large expansions (counting Guilds + cornucopia as one, excluding alchemy and base set), it puts the whole shebang at about what you'd expect to pay for a game these days.

I'd say that $30-60 for everything is a reasonable price.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Enterprise (Beta)
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:54:51 pm »
Redistrict: Man, the whole point of the wording is to be clear. The "chosen card" is the one you "choose" at the top of the card. I'm not sure how I could make that more clear. The fact that you can gain a card costing $2 more without gaining one costing $1 more is a side-effect of this wording.

The best I can come up with is:

Trash a card from your hand.
Gain a card costing exactly $1 more than it.
You may trash this. If you do, gain a card costing exactly $2 more as well.

Any other wording I can think of; "the chosen card", "the trashed card", or even "it" could potentially erroneously refer to either Redistrict, or the first gained card. I may be overthinking it though, as I did obviously understand how the card was supposed to work.

Auction: All Treasure cards that do something on-play say, "When you play this…" Most that are worth varying amounts say, "Worth…"

Right you are. I am too used to the wording on Action cards.

Committee: "If you did" is necessary to avoid players gaining Provinces (or Colonies in a Colony game) when they have just one kind of card in their deck/discard. If you didn't reveal 2 differently named cards, you don't gain or trash anything.

Oh, OK, I see now. I like the attention to detail you put into your cards, taking edge cases like this into account.

I personally really like Apprentice.

He's non-terminal trashing and drawing, that forces you to make interesting and game-changing decisions.

He can set up mega-turns, or just help you trim your deck. Almost every board benefits from having it in some way, and best of all, despite all these good things, it isn't even overpowered.

Kind of ironic that he comes from the worst set.

Rules Questions / Re: Question about Remodel
« on: May 08, 2014, 09:36:26 am »

Was my take on it. Relatively weak, but lots of fun in an engine. It has some very neat combos with On-Trash cards.

Analyzing any board comes down to a few questions in my mind:

  • What is the greatest source of VP on the board that I can get before the game ends?
  • How can I get it?

The first question is unfortunately slightly complicated, as the length of the game depends on your strategy, and your strategy depends on the length of the game. A prime example is Bishop, who is a source of potentially limitless VP, but ends the game sooner by giving your opponents free trashing. Dukes are another good example, as by not getting provinces, you extend the length of the game, potentially giving you enough time to buy the full compliment of Dukes and Duchies.

Most boards aren't so complicated though, as the answer is usually "Provinces, and maybe Duchies", which is why I think this is such a marginalized issue. Depending on where you're planning on getting your VP from, you should end up building your deck and playing the game differently; which is an important consideration when evaluating a board. If you're building towards Duke/Duchy, your deck will look radically different from someone working towards Provinces.

Colonies, Alt-VP, and VP Tokens (especially Goons) are the other likely candidates for best source of VP, though it depends on what is on the board. Most Alt-VP requires some sort of enabler to become more important than Provinces.

The second question is what everyone else seems to be addressing, so I won't go into detail there, as the other posts do a pretty good job answering it.

TLDR; I think it is important to look at the objective (VP) and work backwards from that, which isn't something I've seen explicitly mentioned in the other posts.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's missing?
« on: April 07, 2014, 12:37:00 pm »
My best guess is that they all need certain actions are on the board to activate their abilities. They are all either reactions, have a reactionary effect (i.e. when trashed), or are useless/worse than silver without other actions in the kingdom (quarry, conspirator).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Idea: Emptor
« on: February 25, 2014, 02:05:42 pm »
I have actually been experimenting with a similar concept.

This is my current take on it:

I find that the +1 action is pretty important; as with Emptor as it is, one Emptor will stop on another, and end your chain (barring villages, which are hard to connect in a heavy copper deck). It doesn't feel right when you are building a deck around such a card to be punished for having too many of them.

As the card currently stands, Squire is probably its best friend; providing action splitting to chain them together, +buys to mass up copper, and with a low enough cost to get 3 of them with every Emptor. Mind you, Fool's Gold is pretty OP with it as well; as it can grab 3 FG, and gives +buy to get more of them. Finally, as RTT mentioned, Highway completely breaks this card. Once you get a little bit of cost reduction in play, it becomes ridiculously strong, potentially drawing most or all of your deck with a single Emptor.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How important is cycling?
« on: February 05, 2014, 11:25:30 am »
I think part of the reason that cycling is not that strong is that all the cycling* cards in Dominion have some overhead; Cellar, Warehouse, and Inn all reduce your overall hand size; Embassy is terminal; and Storehouse has both of these problems. Pearl Diver would qualify, except that it doesn't actually discard anything, just reorder cards.

I playtested a card whose only effect was to replace itself in your hand, and it was surprisingly powerful, even as an opener (4 cost, +1 action, look at top 4 cards, put one in hand and discard the rest).

In some ways, you can think of cycling as pseudo-trashing. Every junk card you can discard for something better per reshuffle is like having one junk card fewer. It isn't a perfect analogy, as things like handsize reduction, and shuffle luck come into play; but cards that work well in trimmed decks are also good in decks with heavy cycling (Conspirator comes to mind).

*Using a magic-esque definition of cycling, of any card that lets you discard undesired cards in exchange for others.

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