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Messages - Big Cheesesteak

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Game Reports / Re: 243 Combined Points: That's Kind Of A Lot I'm Thinking
« on: February 23, 2012, 05:00:51 pm »
That is a pretty unusual score.

I lost 87-97 the other day:

which is one of the bigger non-Goons-fueled-blowout combined point totals I've been involved in.

Goons is pretty silly for its ability to rack up big points though. Had that board been played by more experienced players the game most likely would have three-piled on some combination of Goons, City, Fishing Village, and Scheme. Even if the game was played closely the margin of victory would be large as both players would try to hold off on deck bloating cards (i.e. money, victory) in hopes of finishing with an activated City fueled mega turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Etiquette question, and learning options
« on: November 04, 2011, 02:05:14 pm »
1. I'm happy to wait for people to assess the board. I get a little rushed and sloppy myself sometimes, so I could probably stand to do this more. Over time you'll develop a mental checklist of things to look for: Ambassador, Masq/Envoy + BM, curse givers, trashing, draw chains, peddler, gardens, duke/duchy rush, vineyard rush, Goons engine, Minions, hand size reducers, etc. etc. etc. I start to have a bigger problem with people who take an inexplicable, agonizing amount of time after each decision - e.g. between each and every Hamlet discard, before and after each buy, on each reaction. I sometimes wonder if certain people intentionally slow-play to try to rattle their opponents. I usually avoid rematches with such players, though I never say anything to them about it.

2. I play automatch +-20 without Veto mode and just about never refuse a game anymore unless I have a problem with that particular player. I don't play with unranked people because the odds of getting an un-fun match for me are just too high. I don't like to sit there while someone who still doesn't know the cards fumbles about, and I take no satisfaction in winning games against people who have never seen the common combinations in action. I think people in that portion of the curve are better off learning from each other for a while.

3. I think you've grasped about the extent of solitaire mode's usefulness.

4. I think other people have addressed better than I can.

I was the opponent in Epoch's game. The lesson I took away is that Sea Hag / Masquerade was definitely a bad opening in this game, and probably requires too much good luck to work well in general. It might be a worth it with a village available, which this game did not have. I doubt it. This game did have Masquerade / Mint, which is for sure the winning combo:

Things went as badly for me as they could and about as well for Epoch:

Turn 3: Epoch Masquerades, spends 5 coppers to buy a Mint!

So after turn three that's 6 starting cards trashed!

His deck is now Estate x2, Copper x2, Silver, Masquerade, Mint, and he couldn't have failed to get a silver on the next turn.

I didn't manage to play the Sea Hag until turn 7. Epoch bought Platinum on turn 6 with a Mint in deck! Game over.

So it could have been better for me, say I draw Sea Hag + Copper x3 after the first shuffle and throw away his Masquerade. But odds are my own Masquerade is going to cause me problems in the early game, either by colliding, drawing the Sea Hag dead, or taking back the curses handed out by Sea Hag.

It could have taken him a little longer to get to Minting Platinum than it did, but I think Masquerade by itself makes this pretty inevitable.

Dominion Isotropic / Re: Decline of civility on isotropic?
« on: June 29, 2011, 04:14:44 pm »
My isotropic experience has been mostly positive, with a few notable exceptions. I have had a couple of (low ranked) opponents accuse of cheating while in the midst of stomping them. I suppose this was because their understanding of the game hadn't progressed to the point where they would see that deck thinning combined with aggressive buying of draw chain cards and control of the shuffle makes it extremely unlikely that you could _fail_ to draw your deck every turn. If they had been reasonable and stuck around I could have maybe explained this to them, but they rage quit without giving me the opportunity.

I don't mind a little soft whining about luck, but I did have one opponent, who is ranked high enough to know better, tell me my deck sucked and that they knew more about Dominion than I do and that I was getting insanely lucky. That last part might have been true, but last I checked I was still ranked 7 levels higher than that person. So again, fine, point out that I'm getting lucky happens. Try not to be a jerk though.

Every time I get the urge to copy and paste the chat logs to create a wall of shame post, I take a deep breath and remember that everyone has bad days, it's just a game, time to move on.

I do wish there was a private ban button, or the like, so that I could have an easier time keeping track of the few people I want to avoid. Just something that would flag them so I don't get automatched with them, or maybe automatically rejects all game proposals, or even just puts a visual cue next to their name so that I can remember that this person was once a serious jerk to me.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Province on Turn 3
« on: June 29, 2011, 03:51:38 pm »
I'd be curious to see what the isotropic stats are for a turn 3 province buy - with and without Tournament in play.

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