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Innovation General Discussion / Re: Cities! :O
« on: September 10, 2013, 10:50:08 am »
How about this: When I endorse a dogma, I use it ONCE, as a FREE action, and then cannot use it again that turn. For example, I can endorse Fermenting, which activates it ONCE, and then take two more actions, neither of which are endorsements or Fermenting-activation. (Similarily, if the first thing I do in a turn is make a basic Fermenting action, I can't then endorse Fermenting).  Conceptually, your city has taken over the production of that dogma, giving you, the emperor, freedom to turn to other matters. They'd sort of be the "planeswalker" cards of this game. In fact, it would be cool if you could have two different cities each endorsing two different dogmas, and then still having two actions left.. although they'd probably just be drawing or melding, since you've already "locked out" four of your five stacks.


Or as a radically different idea, endorsement could be: "Tuck or meld a card from your hand whose featured icon matches an icon of the city. Execute the dogma of that card." Anything to stop the double-spam.

I do kind of like the idea of "available endorsement actions == # of top cities".  It trades action flexibility for the ability to pump up icons / hand.  But that definitely needs to combine with something other than standard actions; using it tuck cards or draw more cities seems okay, but getting to dogma 5 times then take two more actions seem silly.  What if endorsement action were a choice between "draw a city of the same age" or "return a card with shared color/icons to double the icon values of this city for this turn"?

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Cities! :O
« on: September 07, 2013, 08:59:51 pm »
I liked the Attack cards' flavor, though I agree there were some balance issues.  I don't like the flavor of the new icon domination achieves.  What I think would be fun to try: (1) Attack cards mostly the same as originally implemented (tweaking conditions some), (2) using the attack card claims it as an achievement and removes it to that player's achievement pile (so the achievement one would also need to be adjusted).  Perhaps there could be a mechanic to return them into play akin to the Figures one, though obviously it would have to be more complex than just melding a city color (maybe later meeting the conditions to use that attack, and then sacrificing a city of the appropriate color to reactivate it / remove it from other players achievements to your board).

I also liked that the City action was constrained to happen before other actions (made for nice hand management considerations), though the extra dogma seemed a bit overkill.  Maybe instead allow activating the special icons (+'s, arrows), but on the pile tucked into.  Or perhaps something like doubling the icons on that City for that turn.

Lastly, the draw mechanic still seems meh.  Why not the same sort of constraint as Echoes (just with secondary precedence, or precedence set at the beginning of the game by the order of the stacks)?  Alternately - allow the option to spend the extra city action to draw a city, which would make that usable every turn at least, and would definitely limit some of the complexity creep.

Innovation General Discussion / Re: Bug in Nobel and translation
« on: August 29, 2013, 02:05:22 am »
I experienced a distinct on-win bug (claiming War), so it's possibly not particular to Nobel.

Innovation Articles / Re: Echoes Strategy Guide: Age 4
« on: August 09, 2013, 11:58:09 am »
One note re Kobukson, it is a *monster* tucked under other cards.  When you're still stuck in a few lefts early game and an opponent has gotten something right (and there are plenty of ways to do so by 4, or even up via Expansion in Figures), you can claw back icon advantage from opponents (and its even fine shared), and later once red is up, you can knock out their favorite icons / echoes with ease (though obviously not as fun when shared).

I agree that it's castle destruction is pretty lackluster relative to Engineering / Katana / Gunpowder, but I hate seeing an opponent meld Kobukson even if I have no top castles.

Innovation General Discussion / FiS Variant Request
« on: July 20, 2013, 12:57:02 pm »
I often play the following variant w/ Figures:

Each player also starts with a 1 Figure in play (randomly drawn, obviously).  Starting player determined by the lowest letter on any of their top cards.

Initial meld still required, so you can get the short straw if your figure and hand are all the same color, but that's not particularly different than other crap starting hands.

I like it is an extension of the 1 base, 1 echo change with echoes, and relative to the "story" of a game, its basically a "founder".

Innovation General Discussion / Re: FiS bug report
« on: July 19, 2013, 08:04:01 pm »
Melding Amina Sukhera [red 4] does not cause the "on meld" trigger.

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