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Goko Dominion Online / Re: Isotropish Leaderboard (alternative to Goko Pro)
« on: September 11, 2015, 08:40:41 am » is down atm :/

Sorry folks, I accidentally let the domain name expire.  I tried to renew it this evening, but the name registration service I use keeps encountering an "unknown error."  I'll try contacting their support people tomorrow.

For what it's worth, the server itself is running fine and you can still access it directly at

It's fixed today

Sorry folks, my bad.  Obviously I'm not paying much attention to this.

Please feel free to email or PM me when the system goes down.  I hadn't realized.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: June 06, 2015, 03:09:34 pm »
I've been getting a bug in Salvager lately where the sidebar doesn't show the score even when the vp counter is on and I also can't type anything in the chatbox (or see messages from the other player - the chat box is just empty).  This is only about half the time though. The other half, it works perfectly.

This is Salvager v2.5.4.9 running in Chrome on Linux.  Has anyone else seen a bug like this?

Yes, it's an outstanding issue.  It's a race condition where Goko loads things in an abnormal order and Salvager tries to use a component that isn't there yet.  Salvager is effectively disabled for that game, though you should still be able to use the regular Goko chat box.

For most people it's rare though... half the time is terrible.  I'll look into fixing it.

Can you send me your JavaScript log next time it happens?  Instructions here:

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: May 30, 2015, 05:18:07 pm »
Is down?

It's been down since yesterday evening for me. :(

Back up, and catching up on the logs now.  In the interim, please enjoy the nonsensical "Last game recorded game finished..." message.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Spiffier log search (preview)
« on: May 09, 2015, 10:08:06 pm »
I can't find me :(

It isn't caught up to when you started playing yet.  The parsing is slow.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: May 08, 2015, 06:51:24 pm »
Followed your instructions, saved it as firefox-latest-gokosalvager.xpi, then opened it with Firefox. Seems like the extension is corrupted.

Reading through the discussion, yes thatīs the same problem I am experiencing...
I made sure I followed the same steps as the guy that got it working. Unfortunately, the extension still cannot be installed.  :(

I just tested it successfully on Win7 and Mac.  Whatever problem you're encountering, I don't think it's universal.

I'm happy to try to help further if you give me more information, but please PM me directly rather than continuing in this thread.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: May 08, 2015, 03:56:42 pm »
I canīt really "download" a string of symbols. Do you have a link that will lead to a file instead to a text?
Yea I can see it can be browserīs fault. Just trying to find a fix.

Many thanks for caring enough to reply.

Right-click the link, then click "Save As."  That should save the extension as "firefox-latest-gokosalvager.xpi."  Then find the file and double-click it... I believe that still works for Firefox.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: May 08, 2015, 02:29:18 pm »
I hope this is the correct thread for this...
Trying to install Goko Salvager for Firefox. The link from, though, does not work - when I click it, it leads me to a page full of symbols from top to bottom

(example: PK Echrome/UT ��T��Tux ��PK E chrome/icons/UT ��T��Tux ��PK Echrome/icons/default/UT ��T��Tux ��PKE�gۇO�chrome.manifestUT ��T��Tux ��K��+I�+QPPH���/N�)KLO-R@�U�\\�e�E9�� �E���V��IE��ũE�0%P�^Ei�B��p����y u\PK Econtent/UT ��T��Tux ��PKE�@���content/chatbox.jsUT ��T��Tux ���Xmo�6��_��C%���t�f/ڦ�,K�݀"���Ф )
and thatīs just first two rows, the page has like a hundred pages of this.
Possibly the link is broken?

How can I install the Salvager for Mozilla Firefox? Can anyone help me?

Try downloading the file, then running it manually instead.  Browsers have gotten finicky about third-party extensions.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Spiffier log search (preview)
« on: May 07, 2015, 04:52:21 am »
Avast doesn't let me access the preview.  :'(

It's probably a security certificate thing.  I don't actually own, so I can't get an SSL certificate for it.  Maybe use http instead of https?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Spiffier log search (preview)
« on: May 07, 2015, 04:36:07 am »

Will fix.  I could choose the <img> tag width based on the browser window width, or allow card width as an option.  I assume just using the browser zoom doesn't look good on your display?
Yeah it's not a huge deal and I'll use browser zoom for now.

It means "on," but maybe a depressed button would be more obvious?  I may not get to this, as CSS is obviously not my thing and I'm not really writing for one-time visitors.
CSS is not my thing either, but I think all you need is
Code: [Select]
border-style: inset;
opacity: 0.8;

Nice, that looks better.  Thanks!

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Spiffier log search (preview)
« on: May 07, 2015, 03:48:00 am »
Looks fantastic. I also really appreciate that it searches for all games by default. It was annoying to have to change the settings in order to find games that weren't 2-player Pro games using the old system.

Yeah, it was annoying me too.  I kept not finding my test games.

It's too wide for my 1280x720 screen. (see screenshot)

Will fix.  I could choose the <img> tag width based on the browser window width, or allow card width as an option.  I assume just using the browser zoom doesn't look good on your display?

The drop-down menu stays highlighted brown after I select something.

Will fix.

I'm not sure what the blue tabs mean. Does blue mean on or off?

It means "on," but maybe a depressed button would be more obvious?  I may not get to this, as CSS is obviously not my thing and I'm not really writing for one-time visitors.

List of whiny suggestions:

Allow saving my username in localstorage so when I reload the page it shows my games without having to type anything in.

Will fix.  I'll probably also allow setting the parameters via POST, so you can bookmark the search you want like in the old version.

Right now it saves your last search parameters to localStorage, but it doesn't repeat the search for you, and you'll "lose" those settings if you search for something else.  Your way is better.

Goko Dominion Online / Spiffier log search (preview)
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:45:08 pm »
I'm making a spiffier version of the log search engine.  My goals are to make it:
1. faster
2. less ugly
3. more natural to use
4. smarter about name changes

You can see a preview here.  I'd appreciate any feedback, particularly feature requests or design suggestions.

PS: It only has games through Jan 2014 so far.  The search speed will be erratic until it's caught up.

PPS: I'll be changing and fixing things.  If you encounter a bug, first try a "hard refresh" to make sure you have the latest version.  On Chrome/Firefox that's Ctrl-Shift-R.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:23:26 am »
The Silver pile is empty when all those Trader shenanigans happen. You can double check this by seeing a Trader trashing Silver and gaining nothing the turn before. It looks like when you reveal Trader while the Silver pile is empty, Making Fun logs a "gain Curse" instead of nothing.

Good catch.  I can see why this case hasn't come up until now.

PS: I'm not gonna fix it.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Salvager Bug
« on: May 06, 2015, 04:38:54 am »
When I buy a victory card/curse, and then reveal trader to put it back, Salvager still counts the card as "gained". It causes a disreprency between the actual score and the score salvager is reporting.

Picture attached.

and the link to the log (shows 196 curses as deck contents)
I think this has been mentioned before, and is Goko's fault not Salvager's? (Most stupid information problems seem to be Goko's fault)

It looks like the log itself is wrong.  It's saying that you gained a Curse, not a Silver:

Code: [Select]
Potato-2- - buys Curse
Potato-2- - receives 1 victory point chips
Potato-2- - receives 1 victory point chips
Potato-2- - receives 1 victory point chips
Potato-2- - receives 1 victory point chips
Potato-2- - receives 1 victory point chips
Potato-2- - receives 1 victory point chips
Potato-2- - receives 1 victory point chips
Potato-2- - receives 1 victory point chips
Potato-2- - receives 1 victory point chips
Potato-2- - reveals reaction Trader
Potato-2- - gains Curse

Oddly enough, I can't reproduce the bug.  When I try the same thing, it correctly tells me I gained a Silver.  I even tried it with Goons in play, in case that was somehow related.

Code: [Select]
Andrew Iannaccone - buys Curse
Andrew Iannaccone - receives 1 victory point chips
Andrew Iannaccone - reveals reaction Trader
Andrew Iannaccone - gains Silver

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: April 21, 2015, 03:45:48 am »
How come the app doesn't appear after I install it? Is there another step? I am using chrome. It says installed and "activated" but it doesn't show up under apps or anything.

I'm not clear on what you're looking at.  See the attached screenshots and let me know how yours differ.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Features Thread
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:43:42 pm »
I guess the point I'm trying to get to is, if you can keep Dominion 1.x up until Dominon 2.0 is competitive with Salvager, it would save us a lot of headache. If you're planning on having all the Salvager features implemented at launch, then good for you guys, we'll figure it out I guess.

I do know that it has been discussed, but I do not know what's been decided. I think that having both up initially would solve a lot of problems. I imagine that we will get notice of the rollout plan as we get closer to the release.

Thanks again to everyone.

Pleasepleasepleaseplease discuss making Dominion 2.0 extensible in a way that lets Salvager or something like it keep existing.  You have players who want to help customize the interface, and have demonstrated that they can do it well.  We figured stuff out on our own the first time around, how much more cool stuff could we do if we had a documented platform to start working on?

Exposing the client source code or the server API would be really nice.  However great a job you guys do on the UI, there will be plenty of potential customers who want something more or different, and plenty of other folks who will cheerfully oblige them if you make your platform accessible.

Incidentally, I see some requests for Salvager features in this thread.  Please don't conclude from those requests that people really want Salvager's UI quirks.

People are asking for Automatch or Autokick because they're better than the horror of with Goko's ill-conceived and half-finished UI.  But Automatch and Autokick are crap compared to a seek graph or even a simple seek command and formula-based challenge system like ICC has.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:12:27 pm »
In a thread on why there are really low iso level players, Wandering Winder said that there's a bug in Salvager where if players change their names, displayed iso levels in Salvager don't update. This seems to impact a number of people.

A fix would be great, but in the meantime is there a way to tell how prevalent this is? Should I avoid using iso level filters on my games because a sizable fraction of people actually have higher ratings than is displayed by Salvager?

There's a bug with players who change their names - displayed iso levels in Salvager don't ever update. That could be some of it.

This is tough.  The game logs only have the players' current usernames, not their unique hash id.  MF/Goko also allows a player to adopt an old username that another player abandoned.

So you can have multiple usernames for one player or multiple players for one username.  This creates obvious challenges for Isotropish and Salvager.  A comprehensive fix is hard.  A while back, serakfalcon proposed a partial solution along with other improvements to my database schema.

The "bug" is actually a compromise I made in lieu of an actual solution to the player identification issue.  I now think it was probably the wrong choice, and I'll reconsider the alternatives.  Feel free to PM me or discuss on github if you're interested in the details or in implementing a solution.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 18, 2015, 08:51:06 pm »
Salvager doesn't seem to be recording logs at the moment. "Last recorded game finished 5 hr, 319 min ago. Either the Goko/MF server is down or something is wrong on my end."

Thanks.  Looking into it now...

We're back in business.

The problem was that my code didn't address the possibility of a player scoring more than 32,767 VP.  My database strongly objected to this game.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 18, 2015, 06:58:57 pm »
Salvager doesn't seem to be recording logs at the moment. "Last recorded game finished 5 hr, 319 min ago. Either the Goko/MF server is down or something is wrong on my end."

Thanks.  Looking into it now...

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 14, 2015, 11:46:04 am »
I can't seem to access (website not found, unable to connect etc.) today.

Is it my computer or does anybody else have the same problem?
It's been down since sometime yesterday afternoon/evening

Yes I've noticed that too. What surprises me a bit is that I can still access the gokosalvager database (for the league standings), although maybe they don't get updated anymore.
That also was true the last time I couldn't access the website. Probably Andrew knows more about what's happening?

From ~17 hours ago...

Quote from:
Linode continuously monitors the health of our equipment and we've been alerted to a condition which affects the physical server your Linode is hosted on. Your Linode needs to be migrated to a new server immediately to avoid extended downtime or data loss. Due to the severity of this issue, we decided that an emergency (immediate) migration is more prudent than scheduling maintenance.

First time this has happened.  Usually it's entirely my fault when the site goes down.

Back online and catching up on the log parsing now.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 13, 2015, 02:18:33 pm »
In Chrome, the Salvager log viewer using "https://" started triggering a warning that says "This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources." I don't remember this happening until a few weeks ago. If you click the shield on the right of the address bar and allow it to "Load unsafe scripts" then the everything works fine. Alternatively, if you visit the viewer link at "http://" instead of "https://" then it works as well. Otherwise you just see a message that says "Loading" and no log.

Gotcha.  It looks like the problem is that you've got a secure connection to, but it's fetching the log from the MakingFun server over http.  MakingFun doesn't seem to provide the logs over https.  Maybe they did until 3 weeks ago... I don't know.

My "solution" is to link an http version of the log prettifier.  It should fix your problem (please try it).

It's an ugly fix though and may well cause other people's browsers to object.  If anyone knows of a better solution please let me know.

Yes, I've noticed this, too.  Everything works fine if you just use the http website, but https has those errors.  The main problem is that when you Google-search for "goko salvager" and click the link, Google sends you to the https version.  You have to manually take the s off for the site to work properly (and then bookmark it without the s).

Is there a reason why https is needed for this site?  What kind of sensitive data are we trying to protect?

Because if we can just have the website auto-redirect all https requests to http, problem solved.

There's no reason we need SSL for log search or the leaderboard.  We need it for the WebSocket connections the extension uses and for version updating of the manually-installed versions of the extension.  I can tweak the server setup accordingly.

Edit: Done, I think.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 12, 2015, 07:33:06 pm »
In Chrome, the Salvager log viewer using "https://" started triggering a warning that says "This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources." I don't remember this happening until a few weeks ago. If you click the shield on the right of the address bar and allow it to "Load unsafe scripts" then the everything works fine. Alternatively, if you visit the viewer link at "http://" instead of "https://" then it works as well. Otherwise you just see a message that says "Loading" and no log.

Gotcha.  It looks like the problem is that you've got a secure connection to, but it's fetching the log from the MakingFun server over http.  MakingFun doesn't seem to provide the logs over https.  Maybe they did until 3 weeks ago... I don't know.

My "solution" is to link an http version of the log prettifier.  It should fix your problem (please try it).

It's an ugly fix though and may well cause other people's browsers to object.  If anyone knows of a better solution please let me know.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 12, 2015, 06:30:59 pm »
The viewer for the logs doesn't work anymore for me, is it normal ? (sorry if it has been discussed before)

No, it's working fine for me.  What's the problem specifically?

Isotropish no longer counts bot games. This includes both the "Play Bots" mode and "pro" games played against bots in the multiplayer lobby. They still affect your Goko Pro rating, of course, but Isotropish now ignores them.  This change means your Isotropish rating will jump (or just has).

See this thread for copious discussion of this issue.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: March 05, 2015, 01:16:55 pm »
I checked the server logs.  This was your game with sangatsu, right?

This is a really ugly and long-standing bug.  There's a rare situation where the client can get confused and submit an improperly-formatted seek request.  I was never able to find and fix it, so I added a hack to the server side instead.  In this case, my hack didn't work right and ended up telling sangatsu's client to create a game without #vpon.

I've hacked my hack some more.  That may fix the problem, or it may make your computer explode.

No, it was heyakita. The counter was on against sangatsu today.

Oh.  Well in that case I haven't a clue, but it's nice to know my old hack worked.

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